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Presented as Partial Requirements

For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
To the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Sintuwu Maroso University

NPM : 91711402112036




A. Background of the research

Education is the most important part and a top priority in a country.

Education continues to be developed so that the result of an education can

contribute to the development of a country. Education is a forum guiding and

teaching students so as to produce quality and quality students. To get

maximum results in education, especially in the teaching and learning process,

educators must be able to work professionally in teaching students. The

process of teaching and learning activities as a core activity in education, so it

requires sufficient preparation in order to minimize obstacles in the process of

learning activities. There are many things that must be considered by teacher

so they can achieve the expected learning objectives.

In teaching and learning activities the use of media and learning methods

is very important learning media is an important supporting tool for the

learning process carried out by the teacher. The learning media used by the

teacher are very influential on students understanding in receiving the material

being taught. Especially in teaching English, the process of transferring

knowledge by teachers to students is very influential, teacher must be able

make students understand English lessons, in the role of the teacher must be
able to choose and use a good learning media, so that subject matter can be

understood and interest by student. Learning process can be said to be achieve

if students are able to understand the subject matter, and students appear active

in responding to the material provided by the teacher.

There are many types of learning media that can be used by teachers to

deliver subject matter, teacher must be able to choose suitable media can be

used and meet the needs of students. Teacher must also know the benefits that

will be obtained when using the learning media. Teacher must also be able to

use the learning media that has been selected because if the use of the selected

and use media is not appropriate, it will be spend time in the teaching and

learning process and the learning objectives cannot be achieved.

This study aims to determine the types and benefits of learning media used

by teacher and how to used the learning media in teaching English at SMA

Negeri 1 Lage. This study used direct observation and interviews to English

teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Lage.

B. Research Formulation

Based on the background that has been discussed previously, there is a

problem formula namely:

1. What Kinds of learning media and the benefit.

2. How to use the learning media.

C. Objective of the Research

Based on problem formulation, this particular study aimed at

finding out:

1. The kinds of learning media and the benefit on learning media in

teaching English.

2. The use of learning media in teaching English

D. Significances of the Research

1. This research is expected to provide information to teachers and schools

about learning media used by teachers in teaching English

2. For future researchers as a reference for developing this research on

learning media.

E. Scope of the Research

This research is focused on learning media and the benefit on

learning media, and how to use learning media in learning English process at

SMA Negeri 1 Lage.

F. Definition of Terms

1. Learning media is a tool used by teachers to deliver subject matter

to students.

2. Learning media is a tool stimulate students to study.

3. Learning media is a form of tool used by teachers to support the

learning process.


A. Review of Related Studies

Some of the previous studies that will be used as supporting information

in the research related to using learning media in teaching English. The

following are some of the previous studies :

First, based on research by Fajar Wirawan (2020) under title “A Study on

the Teaching Media Used by the English Teacher at SMP Muhammadiyah 2

Malang”. The teacher uses media to encourage students motivation because it

is one of important parts of success in learning process. Moreover, use of

teaching media helps the teacher to connect learners with events that are

culturally relevant in order to achieve the teaching and learning goal.

Furthermore, the design of this research is qualitative, the researchers data

collection using instruments, namely : observation, interviews, and

documentation. Based on the research, the researcher found that the teacher

utilized mobile phone, laptop, internet, digital projector, Microsoft power

point, book, poster, real object, speaker active, video, and YouTube as the

teaching media used in teaching English. Through learning media, it is

obtained the strength that makes students active and focused in learning

process, but researchers also find weakness from using media, is the

difficulties experienced by teachers in attracting students attention.

Another study, the researcher Putu Yogi Agustina p., Nyoman

Karina Wedhanti, S.Pd., M.Pd. ., Kadek Sonia Piscayanti, S.Pd., M.Pd.

(2017). With the title is “The Use of Media in English Language Teaching at

SMA (SLUA) Saraswati 1 Denpasar. This research to know the kinds of

media, how to used media, the benefits and the weakness of using media, and

reason using media in teaching English. The research design of this study is

descriptive qualitative. Collecting data by using observation sheet and

interview guide. From the research, it was found that there were twelve media

used by the teacher, namely :assignments, whiteboards, worksheet, exercise

books, pictures, videos, projectors, laptop, internet, smartphones, songs, and

PowerPoint. In using the media, the teacher can more easily explain the

material and students understand the lesson more easily. There are also

weaknesses, is if the use of media in an inappropriate way will spend time

using the media.

Furthermore, “The Use of Instructional Media to Improve Students

Motivation in Learning English” was complied by Urip Tanggoro (2015)

media can help teacher to attract students attention, develop student interest in

learning climate and promote acceptance (idea). The teacher must prepare

RPP, Syllabus, teaching materials for learning, language assessment, and etc.

teacher must design a more creative and innovative learning strategy and

choose suitable media for learning.

Based on three related studies above, every related research has results

about the use of learning media in teaching English, and can be used as a
reference for researchers to develop this research. Several techniques were

found as thoughts is : observation, interviews, and documentation. Data

collection techniques used by previous researchers had a positive impact

because they had the same method as this study. For additional results from

previous research, this research will develop the use of learning media in

teaching English.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Learning Media

Learning media is a tool used by teachers to deliver subject matter

to students. The following are the opinions of the expected who support

the above opinion is (Gafur, 1979: 5) One of the functions the main

learning media is as a teaching aid which contributes to the climate,

conditions, and learning environment arranged created by teacher.

According to Hamalik (1986), the use of media in learning can generate

new desires and interest. Increase motivation and stimulation and even

learning activities affect psychologically to students. According to Kemp

& Dayton (1985: 28), learning media can fulfill three main functions if

that medium used for individuals, groups, or groups a large number of

listeners, namely: (a) motivating increase or action, (b) presenting

information, and (c) giving instructions.

2. Benefit of learning media

The benefit using learning media is that it easier for teacher to

deliver the subject matter and through the learning media used by teacher.

The following are the opinions of the expected who support the

above opinion is :

Sudjana & Rivai (1992) argues the benefits of learning media in

the students learning process, between other :

1. learning will attract the attention of students so can foster

motivation to learn.

2. the meaning of the learning material will be clearer so that it can

easier for students to understand and make it possible master and achieve

learning objectives.

3. teaching methods will be more varied, not merely verbal

communication through speech by the teacher, so that student do not get

bored and teachers do not run out of energy, especially if the teacher

teaches every class hour.

4. students can do more learning activities because not only

listening to teacher descriptions, but also activities other such as observing,

doing, demonstrating, role and others.

3. criteria and selecting and using media

According to Drs. Muhammad Ramli, M.pd (2012) there are some

criteria in selecting and using media during the teaching and learning

process :
1. its accuracy with the learning objectives: means Learning media is

selected on the basis of learning objectives which have been set.

2. support for the content of learning materials: means material lessons that

are facts, principles, concepts, and generalization is in need of more media


3. ease of obtaining media; means media necessary easy to obtain, at least

easy to make by the teacher at the time of teaching.

4. teacher skills using it; whatever the type the necessary media, the main

requirement is that the teacher can use it in the learning process.

5. learning media can be effective and efficient in use when organized


6. the use of multimedia teaching will be beneficial and facilitate student

learning and stimulate passion for student learning.

4. Types and classification Learning Media

According to (Djarmah in…….) types of learning media classified in to

three, namely :

1. Auditive Media, namely : media that rely on ability sound only, such as

radio, cassette recorders.

2. visual media is a medium that only relies on sense of sight because it only

displays still images such as film frames, photographs, pictures, or


3. audiovisual media is media that has elements sound and pictures

elements. This type of media has better


C. Thinking Framework


English Teacher

Learning Media in Teaching



A. Type and Design of the Research

This research was the descriptive qualitative research design. The

research design to descriptive and analysis of condition of the problem. This

research needed to get more information from the subject about the used learning

media in teaching English at SMA Negeri 1 Lage. Qualitative research, as stated

by Creswell (2014) refers to “an approach for exploring and understanding the

meaning individuals or groups ascribe to social or human problem”.

B. Role of Researcher

The role of the researcher is as a data collector for the observations that

have been made and then make conclusions from researched.

C. Location of the Research

The research was conducted to collect data related to the focus of the

research. In this research, the research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Lage,

Tagolu, Lage Kabupaten Poso, Central Sulawesi.

D. Source of the Data

The data were obtained from the English teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Lage.

E. Procedure of Data Collection

1. Observation

The observation that researcher was direct observation to the research

subject. This the researcher has observe and take notes the data who related the

kinds of learning media, the benefits of media and the using media in teaching

English by teacher.

2. Interview

An interview was a conversation between two or more people. In this

research, researcher has interview participants who are English teacher at SMA

Negeri 1 Lage. Interview with the teacher also aims to find out the kinds of

learning media, the benefits of media and the using media in teaching English.

Researcher using a semi-structured interview guidelines; the questions will be

oriented towards learning media used by teacher in teaching English. In addition,

the interview sheet was validated by the validator.

F. Techniques of Data Analysis

The data analysis only focuses on aim of this research. According Miles

and Huberman (1994:10-11), they divided the process of analysis into three

phases, consisting of Data Reduction, Data Displays, and Conclusion

Drawing/Verification. Step follow :

`1. Data Reductions

This reduction stage is the initial stage in data analysis which is done

with the aim to facilitate researchers in understand the data that has been obtained.

Data reduction is a method used by researchers, namely to summarize selecting

the main things so that the data is clearer and more detailed and makes it easier for

researchers to collect further data.

2. Data Display

Data display is the process of compiling information that has been

obtained systematically to obtain conclusions as findings in data presentation

research aimed at making it easier for researchers to see the overall picture in


3. Conclusion Drawing / Verification

This conclusion drawing after the analysis activity data that takes place in

the field and after completion in the field. In addition, this conclusion must be

based on data analysis. Whether it comes from field notes, observations,

documentation etc. obtained from the results of research in the field.

G. Research Stages and Validity

1. Research stages

According to Dr. Endang S. Sedyaningsih Mamahit (2006) in Asep

Suryana (2007:5) the stage of qualitative research include :

a. Determine the problem.

b. Do a literature study.

c. Location assignment.

d. Preliminary studies.

e. Determination of data collection methods; observation, interview,

document focus discussion.

f. Analyze data during the study.

g. Data analysis after, validation and reliability

h. Results; stories, personal, bold descriptions, narrative, can be helped by

frequency tables

2. Validity

According to Saifuddin Azwar (2014) validity refers to the accuracy of a test or

scale in carrying out its measurement function

H. Research Schedule

As for the research schedule taken as follow :

1) January – February is preparation of chapter 1-3.

2) March is a proposal seminar.

3) April – May is the process of doing research activities.

4) June is a research result seminar


Creswell, J. W. (2014). A concise introduction to mixed methods research. SAGE


Sudjana, Rivai.(1992). “Manfaat Media Penagjaran”. Bandung: PT. Tarsito


Azwar, Saifuddin (2014). Metode Penelitian. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Wirawan, F. (2020). A Study on The Teaching Media used by The English

Teacher at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Malang. Jurnal Ilmiah Profesi Pendidikan,

5(2), 89-95.

Suryana .2007. Tahap-tahapan Penelitian Kualitatif Mata Kuliah Analisis Data

Kualitatif, Bandung: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

Pratama and friends. The Use of Media in Teaching English Language at SMA

(SLUA) Saraswati 1 Denpasar. Universitas Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Singaraja,

Indonesia. Accessed on

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