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This module is designed to provide participants of Test of English for Academics

(TOEFA) program theories and practices of listening, reading, and structure and written
expressions that are usually presented in Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL).
Therefore, most of the materials in this module are compiled from a number of TOEFL
books as listed in the references of this module. This is done in order that the program
could equip the participants with the ability to handle such a standardized test as
TOEFL. Accordingly, this module has also limited scope of use. It is only used for
TOEFA participants who are the first year students of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
Bandung. This module is neither to be reproduced, nor published commercially for
public readers.

Bandung, April 2018

The Language Center

i Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung

STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................................................ 1
1. Kalimat dengan Satu Klausa ................................................................................................................ 1
a) Subjek dan Predikat ......................................................................................................................... 1
A. Kata Benda (Nouns) ............................................................................................................................ 2
1. Bentuk Kata Benda ........................................................................................................................ 2
2. Gender.............................................................................................................................................. 5
3. Singular and Plural Nouns (Kata Benda Tunggal dan Jamak) ................................................. 7
Pronoun................................................................................................................................................ 8
1. Personal Pronouns (Kata Ganti Orang) ...................................................................................... 8
2. Interrogative Pronouns (Wh-word) ............................................................................................. 9
3. Demonstrative Pronouns ........................................................................................................ ....10
4. Indefinite Pronouns ..................................................................................................................... 11
B. Kata Kerja sebagai Predikat dalam kalimat..................................................................................... 13
1.Tipe Kata Kerja............................................................................................................................. 13
2. Fungsi Kata Kerja ...................................................................................................................... 17
3. Posisi Kata Kerja ........................................................................................................................ 17
b) Tense 18
1. Simple Present .................................................................................................................... 20
2. Present Continuos ............................................................................................................. 21
3. Present Perfect Tense ........................................................................................................ 22
4. Present Perfect Continuos Tense .................................................................................... 23
5. Simple Past Tense .............................................................................................................. 24
6. Past Continuous Tense ..................................................................................................... 25
7. Past Perfect Tense ............................................................................................................. 27
8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense ........................................................................................ 28
9. Simple Future Tense .......................................................................................................... 28
10. Future Continuous Tense ................................................................................................. 30
11. Future Perfect Tense ......................................................................................................... 31
12. Future Perfect ContinuousTense .................................................................................... 32
13. Past Future Tense .............................................................................................................. 32
14. Past Future Continuous Tense ....................................................................................... 33
15. Past Future Ferfect Tense................................................................................................. 34
16. Past Future Ferfect Continuous Tense ........................................................................... 34
PASSIVE VOICE ................................................................................................................................... 35
Exercise 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 44
Exercise 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 57
Exercise 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 60
Exercise 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 64
C. Kalimat Majemuk (Lebih dari Satu Klausa).................................................................................... 45
NOUN CLAUSE .................................................................................................................................... 45
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES ....................................................................................................................... 49
ADVERBIAL CLAUSES ...................................................................................................................... 51
REDUCED CLAUSES ......................................................................................................................... 57
D. WRITTEN EXPRESSION ............................................................................................................. 65
1. Hubungan Subjek dan Kata Kerja ............................................................................................ 65

ii Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
2. Bentuk dan Fungsi Kata Kerja .................................................................................................. 67
3. Posisi Kata Kerja ......................................................................................................................... 67
4. Format Kata Kerja (Verb Tense) .............................................................................................. 68
5. Parallel Structure ......................................................................................................................... 71
7. Comparatives and Superlatives ................................................................................................. 75
a. Comparison in Adjective ............................................................................................. 75
b. Comparison in Adverbs............................................................................................... 77
c. Passive Voice................................................................................................................. 79
d. Noun .............................................................................................................................. 83
e. Articles ........................................................................................................................... 84
f. Pronoun ........................................................................................................................ 85
g. Adjective & Adverb ..................................................................................................... 86
Sentences-Verbs ...................................................................................................................................... 87
Sentences-Auxiliary Verbs ..................................................................................................................... 91
Sentences-Nouns ..................................................................................................................................... 94
Sentences-Pronouns................................................................................................................................ 97
Sentences-Modifiers(kalimat-penjelas makna) .................................................................................. 100
Sentences-Comparatives(kalimat perbandingan) .............................................................................. 103
Sentences-Connectors(kalimat dan penghubung) ............................................................................ 106
Sentences-Sentences and Clauses (kalimat dan clauses (anak kalimat)) ........................................ 109
Sentences-Point of View (kalimat dan gagasan kalimat).................................................................. 112
Sentences-Agreement ........................................................................................................................... 115
Sentences-Introductory Verbal Modifiers ......................................................................................... 118
Sentences-Parallel Structure ................................................................................................................. 121
Sentences-Redundancy ......................................................................................................................... 124
Sentences-Word Choice ....................................................................................................................... 127
Sentences-Comprehensive Structures ................................................................................................ 130
STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION MINITES ....................................................... 135
WRITTEN EXPRESSION ................................................................................................................ 138
STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION .......................................................................... 142
WRITTEN EXPRESSION ................................................................................................................ 145

iii Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
(Struktur Kalimat dan Ungkapan Tertulis)

The Structure and Written Expression merupakan sesi kedua dalam TOEFA (Test of
English for Academics). Tes ini diselenggarakan setelah sesi Listening Comprehension

Info Umum:
 Dalam mengerjakan sesi ini, peserta tes akan diberi waktu selama 25 menit.
 Structure and Written Expression terdiri atas 40 soal, yaitu:
- 15 soal Structure, peserta tes harus memilih opsi jawaban yang tepat untuk
melengkapi kalimat pada setiap soal.
- 25 soal Written Expression, peserta harus menganalisa dan memilih bagian
kalimat yang kurang tepat.
Kemampuan yang diujikan dalam sesi ini, antara lain:
- Soal Structure menguji materi-materi yang berhubungan dengan subjek dan
predikat, appositives, participle, konjungsi, reduced sentence, serta bentuk inversi.
- Soal Written Expression menguji materi-materi yang berhubungan dengan
hubungan subjek dan kata kerja, bentuk dan fungsi kata kerja, parallel structure,
comparatives dan superlatives, passive, voice, kata benda, artikel, kata ganti, kata
sifat dan kata keterangan, serta kata depan.

1. Kalimat dengan Satu Klausa
a) Subjek dan Predikat
Sebuah kalimat sekurangnya memiliki sebuah subjek dan predikat, demikian halnya
dengan kalimat bahasa Inggris. Untuk kalimat tunggal, yaitu sebuah kalimat dimana
dalam kalimat tersebut hanya terdapat satu subjek dan predikat. Umumnya, yang
diujikan dalam latihan TOEFA adalah kesesuaian antara subjek dan predikat
tersebut. Soal semacam ini sebenarnya sangat sederhana, namun seringkali
mengecoh. Perhatikan tabel kesesuaian antara subjek dengan kata bantu serta kata
kerja berikut:

1 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Subjek To be To have Kata Kerja
+ (V-ing/V-3) + (V-3) (Present)
I Have/had + V-3 V1
+ (V-ing/V-3)
she Has/had + V-3 V1 + -s/-es
+ (V-ing/V-3)
you Have/had + V-3 V1
+ (V-ing/V-3)

Ingatlah bahwa subjek dapat berupa kata benda, kata ganti, maupun frase yang
menggantikan kata benda.

A. Kata Benda (Nouns)

Kata benda atau kata yang dibendakan merupakan salah satu bagian penting dari kalimat.
Hubungannya dengan kata kerja adalah untuk membantu dalam pembentukan inti
kalimat yang esensi bagi setiap kalimat sempurna. Kata benda digunakan untuk
penyebutan nama orang, tempat, dan benda-benda di sekitar kita.

1. Bentuk Kata Benda

a. Proper Nouns (kata benda nama diri)
Proper nouns adalah kata yang berarti nama orang, negara, atau nama apa saja yang
penulisannya dimulai dengan huruf kapital. Secara terperinci kata benda ini meliputi
a) Nama orang (personal names): Mr. John, Ann, Michael, dan sebagainya. b) Nama
bagian geografis, seperti Negara, kota, sungai, gunung, dan sebagainya: Indonesia, New
York, Nil, Himalaya. c) Nama kewarga negaraan dan agama: an American, Moslem,
Christianity, dan sebagainya. d) Nama hari libur/bersejarah: Easter, Thanksgiving Day,
Father Day, Maulid Nabi Day, dan sebagainya. e) Nama waktu: Saturday, June, dan
sebagainya. f) Kata yang digunakan untuk personafikasi: Nature, Liberty, dan
sebagainya. Adapun kata benda lain di luar kata benda tadi diklasifikasikan sebagai
kata benda umum (common nouns).

b. Concrete and Abstract Nouns (kata benda kongkrit dan abstrak)

Kata benda kongkrit adalah kata yang menyatakan sesuatu (benda) yang dapat
dirasakan dan diamati.

Flower, girl, table, book, dan sebagainya.

2 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Sedangkan kata benda abstrak adalah kata yang menyatakan kualitas, keadaan, atau aksi
yang bentuknya tidak bisa dilihat dan diraba oleh panca indra dan keberadaannya hanya
dapat dirasakan.
Joy, beauty, justice, charity, beauty, fear, courage dan sebagainya.

Kata benda abstrak dapat dibentuk dari kata kerja (verb) atau kata sifat (adjective) dengan
penambahan akhiran seperti; ...ment, ...ion, ...ation, ...cation, ...ition, ...ance, ...ence, ...y,
...t, ...ness, dan ada juga yang berubah form-nya seperti; believe – belief, prove – proof, live –
life, defend – difense, receive – receipt, descend – descent, advise - advice. Namun demikian kata
benda yang berasal dari kata kerja ada juga yang tidak berubah, jadi artinya persis seperti
kata kerja yang dirubahnya. Adapun kata benda yang dibentuk dari kata sifat dalam
perubahannya ada yang beraturan seperti; happy – happiness, dan ada yang tidak beraturan
seperti; hot – heat. Dalam pembuatan kata benda ini ada juga yang diambil dari kata benda
umum dengan menambahkan akhiran seperti: ...ism, ...hood, dan ...ship seperti; hero –
heroism, brother – brotherhood, friend - friendship.
Verb Abstract Nouns
argue (v) argument
agree (v) agreement
act (v) action
connect (v) connection
consider (v) consideration
repeat (v) repeatition
apply (v) application
admit (v) admitance
differ (v) difference
injure (v) injury
discover (v) discovery
fly (v) flight
contain (v) content
help (v) help
hope (v) hope
Adjective Abstract Nouns
happy (adj) happiness
sad (adj) sadness
hot (adj) heat
true (adj) truth

3 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Noun Abstract Nouns
despot (n) despotism
hero (n) heroism
brother (n) brotherhood
child (n) childhood
champion (n) championship
fellow (n) fellowship

c. Countable and Uncountable Nouns (kata benda yang dapat dan tidak dapat dihitung)
Kata benda yang dapat dihitung biasanya dapat dibuat bentuk jamaknya dengan
menambahkan “s” atau “es” (one girl - two girls, one box – two boxes) dan biasanya
diawali dengan artikel. Sedangkan kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung tidak mempunyai
bentuk jamak dan tidak diawali dengan artikel “a atau an”. Kebanyakan dari kata benda
yang tidak dapat dihitung adalah benda keseluruhan yang dibentuk dari bagian-bagian
lain atau partikel-partikel dan elemen-elemen yang berbeda atau sama dan juga benda-
benda yang dalam satu-nya mempunyai satuan yang banyak.
chair, girl, boy, friend, school, etc. (countable)
furniture, water, sugar, coffee, ink, etc. (uncountable)

d. Collective Nouns (kata benda kolektif)

Kata benda kolektif adalah kata benda yang menyatakan kelompok dari sekumpulan
orang, binatang, atau benda yang dihitung sebagai satu kesatuan.
audience, committee, class, crew, group, government, majority, etc.

Dalam Bahasa Inggris America, kata benda kolektif bila berfungsi sebagai subjek selalu
dianggap sebagai kata benda tunggal (singular). Dengan demikian kata kerja (Verb) yang
mengikutinya selalu dalam bentuk tunggal. Tetapi apabila meng-gambarkan individu dari
kelompok itu maka dihitung jamak (plural). Dan verb yang mengikutinya dalam bentuk
The committee has decided to make some recommendations.
The committee have disagreed among themselves.

Kata benda kolektif yang dalam satu-nya termasuk kategori kata benda yang dapat
dihitung termasuk dalam kelompok countable noun. Oleh karena itu, dapat digunakan
dalam bentuk jamak.

4 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
e. Noun Compounds (kata benda gabungan/majemuk)
Kata benda gabungan/majemuk adalah kata yang digabungkan dari dua kata atau lebih,
yang diambil baik dari gabungan dua kata benda atau gabungan kata benda dengan
bagian bahasa (part of speech) lainnya. Komposisinya adalah sebagai berikut: a) noun +
noun; bathroom, English book, department store, etc. b) possesive noun + noun; artist's model,
traveler's checks, etc. c) adjective + noun; blackbird, common sense, blue print, etc. d) verb +
noun; pickpocket, flashlight, dance team, etc. e) noun + verb; handshake, garbage dump, lifeguard,
etc. f) gerund + noun; dining room, punching bag, wearing apparel, etc. g) noun + gerund;
fortune telling, house cleaning, water skiing, etc. h) preposition + noun; overalls, by-way, downpour,
etc. i) verb + preposition-adverb; breakdown, makeup, grown-up, etc. j) noun +
prepositional phrase; son-in-law, editor-in-chief, etc.

2. Gender
Gender adalah pengklasifikasian kata benda yang berdasarkan sex-nya yang kemudian
dibagi menjadi masculine, feminine, dan neuter (laki-laki, perempuan, atau tidak diketahui
jenis kelaminnya). Dalam pengklasifikasian tersebut, terdapat empat jenis kelamin:

a. Masculine Gender
Masculine gender adalah nama yang berkarakter laki-laki. Kata ganti (pronoun) yang
digunakan adalah he untuk tunggal dan they untuk jamak.
My father is a farmer. He is very handsome.
My uncle is going to visit me tomorrow. He will be a techer next week.
My father and My uncle are farmers. They are very delligent.

b. Feminine Gender
Feminine gender adalah nama yang berkarakter perempuan. Kata ganti (pronoun) yang
digunakan adalah she untuk tunggal dan they untuk jamak.
That pretty girl is Aisyah. She is a student.
My mother sends me the letter. She wants me to visit her sister.
My sister and my mother stay in Jakarta. They are very busy today.

c. Common Gender
Common gender adalah nama benda hidup yang dalam keadaannya bisa laki-laki atau
perempuan. Kata ganti (pronoun) yang digunakan bisa he/she untuk tunggal dan they
untuk jamak.

5 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
My parent went to Yogyakarta. He/She will stays there for a moment.
The teacher wrote the lesson on the blackboard. He/she is a clever teacher.

d. Neuter Gender
Neuter gender adalah nama benda mati yang bukan laki-laki dan bukan juga perempuan.
Gender ini bisa di gunakan juga untuk sesuatu yang belum jelas, binatang atau bahkan bayi
yang kita belum mengetahui jenis kelaminnya. Kata ganti (pronoun) yang digunakan adalah
it untuk tunggal dan they untuk jamak.
My aunt got a baby. It is very funy.
I bought a beautiful house in the town. It is very beautifull.
This is John's shirt. It is very expensive.
Kata ship dan cars atau kendaraan lainnya bisa menggunakan he atau she ketika dianggap
sesuatu yang agung. Contoh: Titanic is a very great ship, she is very beautifull.

Ada beberapa kata benda yang memiliki format yang sama untuk maskulin dan
femininnya. Dan ada juga beberapa kata benda yang bentuk maskulin dan femininnya
berbeda, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan orang dan binatang ternak atau binatang liar,
boy, girl husband, wife
bachelor, spinster man, women
bridegroom, bride nephew, niece
gentleman, lady son, daughter
uncle, aunt widower, widow
duke, duchess earl, countess
king, queen lord, lady
prince, princess actor, actress
conductor, conductress heir, heiress
hero, heroine host, hostess
manager, manageress steward, stewardess
waiter, waitress salesman, saleswomen
bull, cow cock, hen
dog, bitch duck, druke
gander, goose lion, lioness
ram, ewe stag, doe
stallion, mare tiger, tigress

6 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
3. Singular and Plural Nouns (Kata Benda Tunggal dan Jamak)
Singular adalah kata benda tunggal, sedangkan plural adalah kata benda jamak yang
berbentuk hitungan dua atau lebih. Dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris kedua hal tersebut
perlu diperhatikan, karena ketika kata benda tersebut (singular dan plural) berada pada
posisi subjek akan berpengaruh terhadap penggunaan predikat (verb) baik verb yang
berbentuk to be (linking verb) maupun full verb atau ordinary verb.
This book is interesting.
There are many books in the library.
Mr. Bill and Mrs. Ann move to Bandung.
Mr. Ali wants me to give his magazine back today.

Dalam hal pembentukan kata benda jamak, pada umumnya hanya dengan menambahkan
“s” pada akhir katanya.
book-books, friend-friends, school-schools, dan sebagainya.

Akan tetapi karena huruf yang ada pada akhir kata itu bervariasi, pembentukan kata
benda jamak ini mempunyai beberapa ketentuan sebagai berikut:
a. Jika kata bendanya berakhiran -s, -x, -sh, dan -ch, maka bentuk jamaknya
adalah dengan menambahkan -es, Contoh: glass-glasses, box-boxes, brush-
brushes, bench-benches, dan sebagainya.
b. Jika kata bendanya berakhiran y, maka dalam pembentukan jamaknya terdapat
dua kemungkinan, yaitu; jika y didahului oleh huruf vokal, maka bentuk
jamaknya hanya dengan menambahkan -s saja. Tetapi jika y didahului oleh
huruf konsonan, maka bentuk jamaknya adalah dengan menambahkan -ies dan
hurup “y” nya luluh (dihilangkan), Contoh: duty-duties, fly-flies, cry-cries, boy-
boys, key-keys, day-days, dan sebagainya.
c. Jika kata bendanya berakhiran -f atau -fe, maka bentuk jamaknya adalah dengan
merubah huruf f dan fe menjadi -ves, Contoh: thief-thieves, loaf-loaves, self-
selves, wife-wives, life-lives, dan sebagainya. Dan kata bendanya yang berakhiran
-f atau -fe hanya dengan menambahkan -s saja, Contoh: neef-neefs, chief-chiefs,
cliff-cliffs, safe-safes, strife-strifes, fife-fifes, dan sebagainya.
d. Jika kata bendanya berakhiran –o, maka dalam pembentukan jamaknya terdapat
dua kemungkinan, yaitu; jika o didahului oleh huruf vokal dan kata bendanya
diambil dari bahasa asing, maka bentuk jamaknya hanya dengan menambahkan -
s saja. Tetapi jika o didahului oleh huruf konsonan, maka bentuk jamaknya
dengan cara menambahkan -es, Contoh: radio-radios, video-videos, photo-photos,
hero-heroes, potato-potatoes, tomato-tomatoes, dan sebgainya.
e. Ada beberapa kata benda yang bentuk jamaknya hanya dengan merubah huruf
tengah atau akhirnya saja, Contoh: man-men, foot-feet, louse-lice, goose-geese,
mouse-mice, dan sebagainya.

7 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
f. Ada beberapa kata benda yang bentuk jamknya hanya dengan menambahkan
huruf -en/-ren di akhirnya, Contoh: ox-oxen, child-children.
g. Beberapa kata yang diambil dari bahasa asing untuk bentuk jamaknya memakai
bentuk jamak dari bahasa asalnya, Contoh: criterion-criteria, phenomenon-
phenomena, datum-data, curriculum-curricula, thesis-theses, syllabi-syllabuses,
formula-formulae/ formulas, dan sebagainya.
h. Beberapa kata benda yang bentuk jamaknya sama dengan bentuk tunggalnya,
Contoh: deer, fish, sheep, mackerel, salmon, dan sebagainya.
i. Ada juga beberapa kata benda yang tidak memiliki bentuk tunggalnya, Contoh:
arms, fellows, news, annals, means, deegs, goods, pincers, thanks, virtuals, longs, dan

Selain kata benda yang menjadi subjek, kata ganti benda (Pronoun) juga bisa menjadi
subjek, Berikut penjelasanya secara detail.

Menurut definisi tradisional, pronouns dapat diartikan sebuah kata yang menggantikan kata
benda. Ahli bahasa moderen menyatakan bahwa pronouns adalah bagian dari kata benda
yang tidak dapat digabung dengan akhiran (suffix). Jadi, posisi dan fungsinya dalam
kalimat sama seperti kata benda. Dengan kata lain, pronouns adalah sebuah kata yang
dapat mengasumsikan fungsi dari kata benda dan digunakan pada tempat kata benda.
Adapun kata ganti (pronoun) yang biasa menempati tempat subjek dapat diklasifikasikan
sebagai berikut:

1. Personal Pronouns (Kata Ganti Orang)

Personal pronouns adalah sebuah kata yang berarti pengganti orang yang sedang bebicara
kesatu (first personal pronoun), orang yang sedang diajak bicara kedua (second personal
pronoun), dan orang atau benda yang dibicarakan ketiga (third personal pronoun). Adapun
perincian dan klasifikasinya adalah sebagai berikut:

Plural (jamak) Male/
Subject Object Subject Object
Person speaking/speaker
I* Me we** Us m/f
(orang kesatu)
Person spoken to (orang
You You you You m/f
he Him m
Person or thing being
she Her they them f
spoken of (orang ketiga)
it*** It m/f
* ditulis dengan huruf kapital
** orang kesatu dan kedua dua orang atau lebih

8 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
*** untuk benda mati atau hidup yang belum dikatahui jenis kelaminnya
A student walked into the room. She/he was looking for the teacher.
Some students walked into the room. They were looking for the teacher.
Perlu diperhatikan dalam penggunaan it dan they ketika digunakan untuk menggantikan
collective nouns. Ketika collective noun menunjukkan (yang dimaksud) kesatuan yang utuh,
maka kata gantinya menggunakan it/its. Namun ketika collective noun menunjukkan (yang
dimaksud) bagian dari kesatuan, maka kata gantinya menggunakan they/them/their.
My family is large. It is composed of nine members.
My family is loving and supportive. They are always ready to help me.
Untuk collective noun yang menunjukkan bagian dari kesatuan, kata kerjanya boleh
berbentuk tunggal atau jamak. Contoh: My family is atau are loving and supportive. Dalam hal
ini American English sering memakai kata kerja tunggal, sedangkan British English lebih
sering memakai kata kerja jamak khususnya setelah kata government dan public.
The government is planning many changes. (American)
The government are planning many changes. (British)
The public tries to make a great movement.
The public try to make a great movement.

2. Interrogative Pronouns atau sering juga disebut question words (Wh-word)

Interrogative pronouns adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk bertanya baik pertanyaan
langsung atau tidak langsung.
Direct question – Who answered the phone?
Indirect question – He asked who had answered the phone.
Dalam bahasa Inggris ada tiga kata ganti interrogative yang masing-masing mempunyai
fungsi tersendiri, yaitu: Who (orang), What (benda mati), dan Which (orang/benda
mati). Dan untuk kata ganti who mempunyai dua bentuk yang berbeda ketika dalam
pilihan menggantikan kata benda pada fungsi kata posisi objek dan kepunyaan; whom
dan whose. Dari ketiga kata ganti interrogative tersebut ada juga yang memiliki makna
yang umum seperti; whoever, whatever, dan whichever. Khusus untuk kata ganti
interrogative what bisa digunakan juga untuk menyatakan seruan/kekaguman seperti ;
What a beautiful day., What a pretty girl., What a lovely place.

9 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
3. Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menunjuk seseorang atau sesuatu
atau lebih dikenal dalam Bahasa Indonesia dengan "kata penunjuk". Pada umumnya kata
ganti penunjuk yang digunakan adalah this untuk bentuk tunggal bentuk jamaknya
these, that untuk bentuk tunggal bentuk jamaknya those. This mempunyai pengertian
menunjuk kepada seseorang/sesuatu yang dekat atau sedang digenggam. Sedangkan that
menunjuk kepada seseorang/sesuatu yang jauh. Pemisahan ruang ini berkaitan dengan
membedakan antara here dan there-This table (over here) is prettier than that one (over there).
This is Mr. Hartono.
That is a beautiful car.
These are magazines.
Those are students.

Demonstrative pronouns bisa digunakan juga untuk menunjuk sesuatu yang baru saja
diucapkan dan terkadang juga digunakan untuk menunjuk suatu bahagian pernyataan
He told his wife he had just received an increase in his salary. This pleased her very much.
I must tell you this. I can no longer afford to go out to expensive restaurants for dinner.

Selain kata penunjuk this/that baik dalam bentuk tunggal maupun dalam bentuk
jamaknya, kata such dan so juga bisa juga berfungsi sebagai demostrative pronouns.
His teacher was pleased with his composition and she told him so (=this/that).
Mr. Anton would like to buy a Balleno or a BMW, but such (=those) cars are very expensive.

Kata demonstrative pronoun lain yang biasa digunakan adalah Such a yang biasanya
disimpan sebelum kata benda tunggal yang dapat dihitung (singular countable noun). Jika
prase as mengikuti kata benda yang menggunakan such, maka kata such dapat
diletakkan sebelum atau sesudah kata benda.
Such a man.
Such a book.
Such men as these are dangerous. atau Men such as these are dangerous.

Perlu diperhatikan bahwa ketika demonstrative pronoun ini diikuti kata benda yang
ditunjuknya, maka fungsi demonstrative pronoun berubah menjadi demonstrative

10 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
This book is red.
That pen is long.
These books are red.
Those pens are long.

Pronoun + verb Possesive Pronouns

you're = you are your
they're their
hi's = he is his
it's = it is its

4. Indefinite Pronouns
Indefinite pronouns adalah kata ganti yang rujukannya tidak kepada orang atau benda
tertentu, artinya yang dirujuk oleh kata ganti ini tidak diketahui (siapa saja atau apa saja).
Kesemua kata ganti ini bentuknya tunggal dan digunakan tanpa kata benda yang
mendahului (noun antecedent). Tetapi dalam bahasa informal (sehari-hari) sering digunakan
kata ganti orang jamak (plural personal pronoun/they) untuk merujuk kepada kata ganti
tersebut. Indefinite pronouns ini bisa dibentuk dengan gabungan dua kata, yaitu:

-body -one -thing

some- somebody someone something
any- anybody anyone anything
no- nobody no one nothing
every- everybody everyone everything

Somebody left his book on the desk. (formal)
Everyone has his or her own ideas. (formal)
Somebody left their book on the desk. (informal)
Everyone has their own ideas. (informal)

Bentuk kata ganti yang digabung dengan no- pada umumnya menunjukkan kalimat itu
negative dan lebih tepat daripada menggunakan any- atau every- + negative verb.
Nobody is permitted to enter. lebih baik dari Anybody is not permitted to enter.

Tetapi bagaimanapun juga, bisa saja untuk menggunakan kata ganti any- kata negasinya
(not) dipindah ke depan dengan arti yang khusus. hanya orang tertentu yang
diperbolehkan masuk.

11 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Not anybody is permitted to enter.
(Artinya hanya orang tertentu yang diperbolehkan masuk).
Kata ganti yang digabung dengan -thing terkadang dianggap sebagai benda daripada
sebagai kata ganti.
Perubahan untuk orang (person) ini terdiri dari: a) first/second/third (personal pronoun), b)
fungsi (case); subject/object/possesive, c) jumlah (number); singular/plural, dan d) jenis kelamin
(gender); masculine/feminine/neuter. Untuk reflexive pronouns perubahannya sama, dengan
menam-bahkan -self/-selves.
__________ has just Has just been repaired merupakan predikat dari
been repaired. kalimat. Maka kalimat tersebut belum memiliki subjek.
Has digunakan oleh subjek tunggal maka jawaban yang
(A) This morning tepat adalah the machine.
(B) As he tried
(C) The machine You should mark your answer sheet:
(D) Cars

At the very the very important moment merupakan frase kata benda,
important moment tetapi bukan subjek melainkan objek dari preposisi at.
__________ Sementara delivered merupakan kata kerja maka kalimat
delivered his apology tersebut masih membutuhkan subjek, yaitu he.
to the audience.
You should mark your answer sheet:
(A) Has
(B) It A B C D
(C) Later
(D) He

B. Kata Kerja sebagai Predikat dalam kalimat

Verb (kata kerja) merupakan tata bahasa yang paling komplek (beragam). Penyusunannya
berpariasi dan pariasi ini bisa merubah bentuk kalimat menjadi bentuk pernyataan,
pertanyaan, perintah, dan seruan. Seperti halnya kata benda, kata kerja (verb) memiliki
ciri-ciri grammatical untuk orang dan jumlah yang harus memiliki kecocokan dengan

12 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
1. Tipe Kata Kerja
Tipe kata kerja yang dijelaskan disini adalah tipe perbedaan menurut bentuknya. Sebab
tipe-tipe ini, bila digunakan dalam kalimat bisa saling melengkapi satu sama lainnya, pada
dasarnya kata kerja bisa memiliki beberapa tipe.
a. Predicating verb dan Linking verb
Predicating verb merupakan kata yang utama (terpenting) dalam predikat yang
menggambarkan keadaan tentang subjek. Kata yang menjadi predikat (predicator)
secara tradisional disebut kata kerja yang menunjukkan "perbuatan" (babies cry; she
wrote a letter). Termasuk di dalamnya juga kata kerja yang tidak menunjukkankan
perbuatan (non-action verbs) dan yang bukan linking verb seperti: I remember him; She
needs more money).

Linking verb adalah sebuah kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai predikat dari kalimat
yang belum lengkap. Namun pada hakikatnya linking verb itu hanya membantu atau
menghubungkan predikat yang mengikutinya. Kata yang biasa digunakan setelah
llinking verb biasanya adalah kata sifat (adjective) atau kata benda (noun), Contoh: The
girl is pretty; She is a pretty girl. Kata keterangan keadaan (adverb of manner) yang
berakhiran -ly tidak digunakan setelah linking verb. Yang biasa berfungsi sebagai
Linking verb adalah: appear, be, become, get (become), look, remain, seem. Kata
kerja lain yang berfungsi sebagai linking verb adalah kata kerja yang menunjukkan
presepsi (verbs of preception), yaitu: feel, taste, smeel, sound. Contoh: The milk tastes
sour., The rose smells sweet. Namun kata kerja perception ini bisa juga menjadi verbs of
action seperti; He is testing the soup now.

Untuk linking verb be (is, am, are/was, were) tidak hanya diikuti oleh kata benda
dan kata sifat saja, tetapi dapat diikuti pula dengan tipe pelengkap lainnya, seperti
dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini:

Types of compliments Examples

Adjective He is handsome.
Noun He is a handsome boy.
Adverb The man is here. (biasanya keterangan tempat)
Prepositional phrase Mary is in the house. (Beberapa prase
preposisi setelah be adalah idiom: We are of
the same opinion; that is out of the
Noun clause These are what we want.
Infinitive phrase The problem is to find the right house.
Gerund phrase The problem is finding the right house.

13 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Kemudian untuk membedakan antara be dan linking verb serta predicating verb yang
lainnya, selain pelengkap yang mengikutinya, dibedakan juga dalam pembentukan
pola kalimat negative dan interrogative-nya. Dalam bentuk kalimat negative be hanya
menambahkan not, sedangkan linking verbs dan predicating verbs yang lainnya harus
memakai kata bantu do, does, dan did, shall/will/should/would,
has/have/had + not.
I am a teacher. – I am not a teacher.
He is a doctor. – He is not a doctor.
They feel hungry. – They don't feel hungry.
He seems honest. – He doesn’t seem honest. dan seterusnya.

Dalam kalimat interrogative be tinggal dipindahkan ke posisi subjek (diletakkan

sebelum subjek), Contoh: are you a teacher, is she a student, etc. Sedangkan untuk
linking verb dan predicating verb digunakan tambahan kata bantu do, does, dan did.
I am a teacher. – Am I a teacher?
He is a doctor. – Is he a doctor?
They feel hungry. – Do they feel hungry?
He seems honest. – Does he seem honest? dan seterusnya.

b. Transitive dan Intransitive Verb

Kata kerja transitif (transitive verb) adalah kata kerja yang memiliki objek, sedangkan
kata kerja intransitif (intransitive verb) adalah kata kerja yang tidak memiliki objek. Kata
kerja transitif bisa dirubah dari active voice menjadi passive voice, sementara kata kerja
intransitif tidak bisa dirubah ke passive voice. Dan semua linking verb termasuk kepada
kata kerja intransitif.
He is reading a book. (transitive)
He is walking in the park. (intransitive)

Ada beberapa kata kerja transitif yang bisa diikuti oleh objek lebih dari satu, sehingga
dalam Bahasa Inggris, dikenal dengan istilah objek langsung (direct object), objek tidak
langsung (indirect object), dan pelengkap objek (objective complement/atri-butor).
He gave his wife a present. (indirect object dan direct object)
They elected Mr. Smith president. (objective complement/atributor)

14 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Ada beberapa kata kerja yang bisa digunakan baik transitif maupun intransitif, dan
ada beberapa kata kerja yang hanya transitif (harus diikuti oleh objek, seperti: Have,
like, need, dan remember.
He was writing a leter. (transitive)
He was writing in the library. (intransitive)
I have a new car. (transitive)
She remembers you. (transitive)

Bagi beberapa kata kerja intransitif yang bisa digunakan menjadi kata kerja transitif,
pada umumnya dalam kalimat causative sense, misalnya: He always walks his dog at night.
(=causes his dog to walk)
Beberapa kata kerja intransitif yang memiliki bentuk berbeda bila digunakan sebagai
kata kerja transitif, sebagaimana yang ada pada tabel berikut:

Intransitive Transitive Example

lie lay The book is lying on the table
He laid the book on the table
rise raise The sun rises in the east
The student raised his hand
sit set Please sit down
She set the chair in the corner

Beberapa kata kerja transitif bisa digunakan sebagai kata kerja intransitif bila
digunakan untuk mengekspresikan gagasan pasif (passive idea) yang subjeknya diambil
dari kata benda mati.
The books sold out (=were sold out) in a week.
The bread baked (=was baked) too long.
Such houses rent (=are rented) easily.

c. Reflexive Verbs
Reflexive verb adalah kata kerja yang membutuhkan kata yang merupakan gabungan
kata dengan -self (reflexive pronoun) sebagai objeknya seperti; express oneself, wash
oneself, pride oneself, avail oneself. Tetapi ada juga beberapa kata kerja reflexive pronoun
yang bisa digunakan baik dengan objek reflexive pronoun maupun tidak, misalnya: He
washed (himself) and dressed (himself) quickly. Contoh lain dari reflexive verb yang
digunakan tanpa menggunakan reflexive pronoun dan diikuti oleh objek yang tidak
merujuk kepada subjek, adalah: She washed the child and then dressed him quickly

15 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
d. Auxiliary atau Lexical Verbs
Dua kata atau lebih bisa digabungkan menjadi sebuah prase kata kerja yang berfungsi
menjadi kata kerja penuh (full verb)/predikat. Bagian pertama adalah auxiliary (atau
auxiliaries), dan yang kedua adalah lexical verb (will be arriving). Lexical verb
merupakan inti dari isi semantik (makna). Sementar auxiliary verb berperan sebagai
kata bantu lexical verb yang menambahkan: 1) elemen struktur yang memberi beda
pada tenses, voice, mood, dan aspect, atau dalam tanda sebagai kalimat interrogative dan
negative, Contoh: He goes to Bandung (adalah simple present) sementara He will go to
Bandung (menjadi present future), 2) memberi tambahan makna seperti ability,
possibility, atau necessity (modal auxiliary), Contoh: He goes to Bandung menjadi He can go
to Bandung (yang mempunyai tambahan makna “ability”).
Beberapa kata kerja yang digunakan sebagai auxiliaries bisa juga berdiri sendiri seperti;
be, have, do yang dapat menyatakan orang dan jumlah, Contoh: I am a student, I do
it myself, I have a book. Sementara yang lainnya berfungsi khusus sebagai auxiliary dan
harus digunakan dengan lexical verb, seperti: shall, will, can, must, may, should,
would, could, dan might, Contoh: You must go there now, You may go there now.

Beberapa contoh Auxiliaries digabungkan dengan lexical verbs dapat dilihat dalam tabel
sebagai berikut:

Form and Auxiliaries Lexical verb Verb Phrase

Simple (unchanged) modal* open shall open
-ing form be** open is opening
-ed form be open was opened
no auxiliaries - open opens/opened
one auxiliary be/modal open is opening/shall
two auxiliaries modal + be open shall be
three auxiliaries modal + be + be open have been being
modal + modal + be open shall have been
four auxilaries modal + modal + be + be open shall have been
being opened

16 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Verb phrase paling banyak memiliki empat auxiliaries/pre modifier. *shall, will, can, may,
must, ought to, should, would, could, might, had better, be able to, be going
to, be supposed to, be to, have to, have got to, used to. **am, is, are.

e. Finite dan Non-Finite Verbs

Bentuk kata kerja finite dan Non-Finite ditentukan oleh fungsi kata yang dimilikinya di
dalam sebuah kalimat. Finite verb adalah sebuah kata kerja lexical dengan atau tanpa
auxiliaries yang berperan sebagai full verb di dalam predikat, Contoh: You make a kite.
Sedangkan Non-Finite verb adalah bentuk kata kerja tidak lengkap yang fungsinya lebih
sebagai part of speech dibanding sebagai kata kerja asli. Non-finite verb ini terdiri dari:
infinitive forms (to + simple form dari kata kerja) dan participle-ing atau -ed forms. Jadi,
dalam kalimat The boy talking to the teacher is my brother, talking adalah sebuah participle
yang digunakan sebagai kata sifat untuk menjelaskan kata boy. Dalam kalimat He
likes talking to the teacher, talking adalah sebuah kata benda (gerund) yang digunakan
sebagai objek dari kata likes.

2. Fungsi Kata Kerja

Fungsi kata kerja merupakan inti dalam sebuah kalimat yang menjelaskan keadaan
(action) dari sebuah subjek untuk menjadi predikat dari subjek. Sebagaimana telah
dibicarakan, kata kerja bisa menjadi sebuah pokok grammar yang fungsinya hanya
sebagai penghubung (linkage) seperti; I am a doctor dan He looks handsome today. Bisa juga
menjadi kata yang mempredikati (menjelasskan) bagian inti pada kalimat. Contoh: Mr.
Amir went to Bandung. Bila diperinci dalam bentuk fungsi kata, maka Mr. Amir sebagai
subjek dan went/V2 sebagai predikat.

3. Posisi Kata Kerja

Kata kerja biasanya disimpan setelah subjek dan sebelum objek atau pelengkap. Namun
ada juga kata kerja muncul sebelum subjek, dan ini biasanya ada dalam kalimat bertanya
(question), dan dalam kalimat-kalimat atau klausa-klausa yang dimulai dengan tipe-tipe
kata keterangan (adverb) negatif tertentu.
He uses a pen to write.
Does he use a pen to write.
Not only does he use a pen but also use a pencil to write.

17 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
The director of the The director of the company adalah sebuah frase kata kata
company benda yang berfungsi sebagai subjek. Inti dari frase
__________ on the tersebut adalah the director. Subjek tersebut belum
phone when she memiliki predikat maka pilihan jawaban yang tepat
came to his office. adalah yang berupa bentuk predikat, yaitu was talking.

(A) He is talking You should mark your answer sheet:

(B) Was talking
(C) He always A B C D
(D) Talking with
Kadang kala dalam soal jenis ini, predikat sudah ada dalam soal, namun bentuknya
belum lengkap sehingga peserta tes harus memilih pilihan jawaban yang dapat
melengkapi predikat tersebut.
The president Kalimat ini sudah memiliki subjek, yaitu: the president
_________ sehingga jawaban yang mengandung kata ganti he tidak
delivering his speech mungkin benar. Setelah menemukan subjek maka
at 9 o’clock pastikan bahwa kalimat tersebut memiliki predikat.
tomorrow. Delivering merupakan bagian dari predikat, namun belum
lengkap maka kita hanya membutuhkan pelengkap untuk
(A) He is predikat tersebut, yaitu will be.
(B) Will be
(C) is planning You should mark your answer sheet:
(D) He finally

Kemampuan yang diperlukan dalam soal semacam ini adalah kemampuan untuk
menganalisa subjek dan predikat. Ingatlah bahwa predikat selalu memliki unsur kata kerja
atau kata bantu, sementara subjek selalu berupa kata benda (noun), frase kata benda, kata
ganti (pronoun), maupun pengganti kata benda seperti Gerund yang berupa Verb-ing.
Namun, Anda harus berhati-hati karena jenis kata benda tersebut bisa berfungsi sebagai
objek preposisi dan hal ini sering mengecoh dalam soal.

b) Tense
Verb tenses (pola kata kerja) dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat 32 pola verbal dan nominal,
belum termasuk pola kalimat pasif. Secara keseluruhan tenses ini dapat digambarkan
dalam tabel sebagai berikut:

18 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Kalimat Verba (Verbal Sentence) yang terdiri dari 16 tenses

Past Present Past Future Future

Simple s + V2 s + V1 s+ s + will/shall
would/should + V1
+ V1
Continuos s + to be s + to be s+ s + will/shall
(was/were) (am/is/are) + would/should + be + V4
+ V4 V4 + be + V4
Perfect s + had + s + have/has s+ s + will/shall
V3 + V3 would/should + have + V3
+ have + V3
Perfect s + had + s + have/has s+ s + will/shall
Continuos been + V4 + been + V4 would/should + have + been
+ have + been + V4
+ V4

Dalam bahasa Inggris sebetulnya tidak ada istilah V1, V2, V3, V4. Tetapi untuk
mempermudah pembelajaran, maka digunakanlah istilah tersebut. Hakikatnya adalah
sebagai berikut: V1 (present form), V2 (past form), V3 (present participle form), dan V4 (past
participle form) yang telah digambarkan dalam perubahan pola kata kerja berdasarkan
waktu (verb tenses). Setiap form di atas adalah untuk kata kerja intransitif (yang tidak
memiliki objek). Adapun untuk kata kerja transitif setelah kata kerja tinggal
menambahkan objek.

Kalimat Nomina (Nominal Sentence) yang terdiri dari 16 tenses

Past Present Past Future Future

Simple s + to be + s + to be + s+ s + will/shall
N/Adj/Adv. N/Adj/Adv. would/should + be +
+ be + N/Adj/Adv.
Continuos s + to be + s + to be + s+ s + will/shall
being + being + would/should + be + being
N/Adj/Adv. N/Adj/Adv. + be + being + N/Adj/Adv.
+ N/Adj/Adv.
Perfect s + had + been s + have/has s+ s + will/shall
+ N/Adj/Adv. + been + would/should + have + been
N/Adj/Adv. + have + been + N/Adj/Adv.
+ N/Adj/Adv.

19 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Perfect s + had + been s + have/has s+ s + will/shall
Continuos + being + + been + would/should + have + been
N/Adj/Adv. being + + have + been + being +
N/Adj/Adv. + being + N/Adj/Adv.

Berbeda dengan kalimat verba, pada kalimat nomina yang menjadi predikat adalah to be.
Sehingga pada pola kalimat continuos ada dua to be yang berbeda fungsinya, yaitu to be
sebagai ciri kalimat nomina adalah yang pertama. Sedangkan to be yang kedua adalah
menunjukkan continuos.

1. Simple Present
Form: S + V1 (kalimat verba) S + to be (am/is/are) + N/Adj./Adv. (kalimat nomina)
(+) I go to school every day. (v)
(-) I don't go to school every day.
(?) Do I/you go to school every day?
(-?) Don’t I/you go to school everyday?
(+) I am a teacher. (n)
(-) I am not a teacher.
(?) am I/are you a teacher?
(-?) aren’t I/you a teacher?

a. Makna
Secara umum simple present mengungkapkan kejadian-kejadian atau situasi yang terjadi
berulang-ulang, biasa terjadi, dan kebiasaan. Semuanya terjadi sekarang, di waktu yang
telah lalu, atau mungkin akan terjadi di waktu yang akan datang.

b. Kegunaan
- Simple present mengungkapkan sesuatu benar di waktu lalu, sekarang, dan waktu
yang akan datang. Ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan pernyataan umum atau
kebenaran umum.
Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
Most animals kill only for food.
The world is round.

20 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
- Simple present digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kebiasaan.
I study English every night.
My classes begin at nine.
He always eats a sandwich for lunch.

c. Terdapat beberapa kata kerja tertentu yang tidak bisa digunakan dalam bentuk
continuos. Dengan demikian kata tersebut dalam simple present tense bisa
menunjukkan kejadian yang sedang terjadi ketika pembicara sedang melakukan
I have only a dollar right now.
I don't recognize that man.
He needs a pen right now.

d. Custom atau kebiasaan di suatu negara, masyarakat atau kelompok tertentu. Contoh:
The English drink tea in the afternoon.

2. Present Continuos
Form: S + to be (am/is/are) + V4 (-ing) (kalimat verba) S + to be (am/is/are) +
being + N/Adj./Adv. (kalimat nomina)

(+) He is sleeping right now. (v)
(-) He isn't sleeping right now.
(?) Is he sleeping right now?
(-?) Isn’t he sleeping right now?
(+) Mr. Joko is being a doctor. (n)
(-) Mr. Joko isn't being a doctor.
(?) Is Mr. Joko being a doctor?
(-?) Isn’t Mr. Joko being a doctor?

a. Makna
Present continuos tense mengungkapkan sebuah kejadian yang sedang berlangsung
selama waktu tertentu. Tenses ini menunjukkan kejadian yang dimulai sebelum
pembicaraan, masih berlangsung, dan berlanjut setelah waktu dan kegiatan lain. Namun
dalam bentuk nomina, continuos form tidak berarti sedang tetapi berpura-pura menjadi …

b. Kegunaan
- Mengungkapkan kegiatan yang terjadi ketika pembicaraan sedang berlangsung.
Kegiatannya dimulai sebelum pembicaraan, berlangsung ketika pembicaraan, dan
mungkin akan selesai pada waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.

21 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
John is sleeping right now.
I need an umbrella because it is raining.
John and Mary are talking on the phone.

- Mengungkapkan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung tetapi tidak terjadi ketika

pembicaraan. Durasi waktunya bisa seharian, seminggu, sebulan, setahun, dan
I am taking five courses this semester.
John is trying to improve this work habits.
She is writing another book this year.

- Mengungkapkan rencana yang pasti akan dilakukan.

I am meeting Peter tonight.
Are you doing anything tomorrow afternoon? – Yes, I am playing tennis with Ann.
Tono is camping on next Saturday.

Waktunya harus disebutkan agar tidak tertukar maknanya antara continuos dengan
future, kecuali untuk kata come dan go dapat tidak dibarengi dengan waktunya.

3. Present Perfect Tense

Form: S + have/has + V3 (kalimat verba) S + have/has + been + N/Adj./Adv.
(kalimat nomina)
(+) He has gone to Jakarta just now. (v)
(-) He hasn't gone to Jakarta just now.
(?) Has he gone to Jakarta just now?
(+) They have been clever. (n)
(-) They haven't been clever.
(?) Have they been clever?

a. Makna
Mengungkapkan kejadian yang terjadi sebelum waktu dan kejadian yang lain tanpa
mengungkapkan kapan waktunya tidak perlu.

22 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
b. Kegunaan
- Present Perfect mengungkapkan kejadian yang pernah terjadi atau tidak pernah
terjadi sekalipun sebelum saat berbicara pada waktu yang tidak pasti di masa
yang lalu.
They have moved into a new apartment.
Have you ever visited Mexico?
I have already seen that movie.
I have never seen snow.
- Mengungkapkan kejadian yang berulang-ulang sebelum waktu sekarang.
We have had four tests so far this semester.
I have written may wife a letter every other day for the last two weeks.
I have met many people since I came here in June.
I have flown on an airplane many times.
- Ketika digunakan bersama for dan since, present perfect mengungkapkan situasi
yang dimulai pada waktu lalu dan masih berlangsung di waktu sekarang.
I have been here since seven o'clock.
We have been here for two weeks.
I have had this same pair of shoes for three years.
I have liked cowboy movies ever since I was a child.
I have known him for many years.
Perbedaan penggunaan for dan since; since+a particular time dan for+a duration of time.

4. Present Perfect Continuos Tense

Form: S + have/has + been + V4 (V-ing) (kalimat verba) S + have/has + been +
being + N/Adj./Adv. (kalimat nomina)
(+) I have been studying for two hours. (v)
(-) I haven't been studying for two hours.
(?) Have I been studying for two hours?
(+) She has been being a teacher since this morning. (n)
(-) She hasn't been being a teacher since this morning.
(?) Has she been being a teacher since this morning?

23 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
a. Makna
Mengungkapkan kejadian atau lama kejadian yang sedang terjadi dari dulu sampai
sekarang dan lebih menekankan pada durasi kegiatan dengan kata how long, since, dan

b. Kegunaan
- Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan, ataupun peristiwa
yang dimulai pada waktu lampau dan masih berlangsung hingga saat ini waktu
sekarang maupun baru saja selesai.
I have been living in Surabaya since 1981.
She has been reading this story book for a week.
We have been waiting you in your home for two days.
- Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan, ataupun peristiwa
yang dilakukan berulang-ulang kali hingga saat ini dan sebagai kegiatan yang
I have been studying English since 1971.
She has been working at this office for ten years.
They have been smoking for two years.

5. Simple Past Tense

Form: S + V2 (kalimat verbal) S + to be (was/were) + N/Adj./Adv. (kalimat omina)
(+) Mr. Yulianto visited me. (v)
(-) Mr. Yulianto didn't visite me.
(?) Did Mr. Yulianto visite me?
(+) He was a farmer. (n)
(-) He wasn't a farmer.
(?) Was he a farmer?

a. Makna
Mengungkapkan kejadian yang sudah terjadi pada waktu trtentu yang dimulai dan
berakhir pada waktu lampau.
b. Kegunaan
- Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan, ataupun peristiwa di
waktu lampau dan waktu tertentu serta sudah selesai dilakukan atau terjadi.

24 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
He borrowed my motorcycle last week.
We made the kite five days ago.
Harry came at Andy's hause yesterdy afternoon.
- Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan, ataupun peristiwa
yang biasa dilakukan (tejadi) di waktu lampau dan tidak dilakukan di waktu sekarang.
We always went to school by school bus.
Elly never came to her aunt's house.
Nani always sent the letter to her friend.
- Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan, ataupun peristiwa
yang dilakukan di waktu lampau dengan jelas walaupun waktunya tidak ditentukan
tetapi kegiatannya memang sudah dilakukan.
They sent a present to their parent in Kisaran.
I waited for you two hours in your house.
He went to look for a job in Surabaya.
- Jika sebuah kalimat memiliki when dan pada kedua clause-nya memakai pola past,
maka kejadian pada when clause lebih awal terjadi.
I stood under a tree when it began to rain.
When she heard a strange noise, she got up to investigate.
When I dropped my cup, the coffee spilled on my lap.
- Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pengandaian, dalam if clause.
If I were a rich man, I would help you.
If you came to here house what would you do.
If they visited Ali, they would have to meet them.

6. Past Continuous Tense

Form: S + to be (was/were) + V4 (V-ing) (kalimat verba) S + to be (was/were) +
being + N/Adj./Adv. (kalimat nomina)
(+) I was sleeping this morning. (v)
(-) I wasn't sleeping this morning.
(?) Was I sleeping this morning.
(+) They were being here. (n)
(-) They weren't being here.
(?) Were they being here?

25 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
a. Makna
Past continuos tense mengungkapkan sebuah kejadian yang sedang berlangsung
selama waktu tertentu. Tenses ini menunjukkan kejadian yang dimulai sebelum
pembicaraan, masih berlangsung, dan berlanjut setelah waktu dan kegiatan lain.

b. Kegunaan
- Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan, ataupun peristiwa yang
terjadi (dilakukan) pada waktu yang lampau, dengan kata lain maknanya hampir sama
dengan simple past.
I was reading newspaper yesterday.
Were you going to school yesterday morning ?
Emmy was buying a good book last week.

- Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan, ataupun peristiwa yang

terjadi (dilakukan) bersamaan di waktu lampau.
He was studying while I was coming to his house yesterday.
They were working while their father was calling them lask week.
Tina was cooking while her sister was helping her yesterday.

- Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan dua pekerjaan, perbuatan, ataupun peristiwa yang

terjadi (dilakukan) hampir bersamaan, yang satu lebih awal terjadi dan msih
berlangsung ketika yang lain terjadi di waktu lampau.
We were going to school when you came to my house yesterday morning.
I was buying a hat when they called me last night.
Ita was studying Biology when her father came last week.

- Dipergunakan untuk menunjukan suatu keadaan (perubahan) yang terjadi secara

The sun was going down in the west.
Tina was growing up.
The price of the things was getting up.
The day was getting dark.

7. Past Perfect Tense

26 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Form: S + had + V3 (kalimat verba) /S + had + been + N/Adj./Adv. (kalimat

(+) I had writen a letter to my mother. (v)
(-) I hadn't writen a letter for my mother.
(?) Had I writen a letter for my mother?
(-?) Hadn’t I written a letter for my mother?
(+) Mr. Smith had been in the library. (n)
(-) Mr. Smith hadn't been in the library.
(?) Had Mr. Smith been in the library?
(-?) Hadn’t Mr. Smith been in the library?

a. Makna
Mengungkapkan kejadian yang terjadi sebelum waktu dan kejadian yang lain di waktu
lampau tanpa mengungkapkan kapan waktunya dan tidak perlu.
b. Kegunaan
- Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan pekerjaan, perbuatan, ataupun peristiwa yang telah
selesai terjadi sebelum waktu dan kejadian lain pada waktu lampau.
My parents had already eaten by the time I got home.
Until yesterday, I had never heard about it.
The thief simply walked in. Someone had forgotten to lock the door.

- Jika before dan after digunakan dalam pola kalimat ini, maka pola past perfect sering
tidak digunakan karena hubungan waktunya sudah jelas dan maknanya sama. Untuk
penggantinya digunakan pola simple past.
Sam had left before we got there. – Sam left before we got there.
After the guests had left, I went to bed. – After the guests left, I went to bed.

- Dipergunakan dalam kalimat berita (indirect speech).

Hadi said that his father had gone to London.
Fika said that she had finished her study.
Tika said that Tina had bought a new motorcycle.

27 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Form: S + had + been + V4 (V-ing) (kalimat verba) S + had + been + being +
N/Adj./Adv. (kalimat nomina)

(+) I had been coming here since ten-ten. (v)
(-) I hadn't been coming here since ten-ten.
(?) Had you been coming here since ten-ten?
(+) Ahmad had been being in the mosque for two hours. (n)
(-) Ahmad hadn't been being in the mosque for two hours.
(?) Had Ahmad been being in the mosque for two hours?

a. Makna
Mengungkapkan kejadian yang sedang terjadi sebelum sampai kepada waktu yang
lain atau kejadian lain, mengungkapkan durasi kejadian pertama pada waktu lampau.
b. Kegunaan
- Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan, ataupun peristiwa yang
terjadi sebelum kejadian lain yang terus-menerus pada waktu lampau.
The police had been looking for the criminal for two years before they caught him.
The patient had been waiting in the emergency room for almost an hour before a doctor finally
treated her.
He finally came at six o'clock. I had been waiting for him since four-thirty.
- Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan, ataupun peristiwa yang
sedang terjadi (berlangsung) berselang dengan waktu atau kejadian yang lainnya dan
terjadi pada waktu lampau.
When Judy got home, her hair was still wet because she had been swimming.
Her eyes were red because she had been crying.

9. Simple Future Tense

Form: S + shall/will + V1 (kalimat verba) S + shall/will + be + N/Adj./Adv.
(kalimat nomina)
(+) Susan will visit her uncle tomorrow. (v)
(-) Susan won't visit her uncle tomorrow.
(?) Will Susan visit her uncle toorrow?

28 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
(+) I shall be an artist next Saturday. (n)
(-) I shall not be an artist next Saturday.
(?) Shall I be an artist next Saturday?

a. Makna
Mengungkapkan kejadian yang akan terjadi.
b. Kegunaan
- Dalam penggunaan simple future dapat menggunakan be going to. Baik shall/will
dan be going to memiliki makna yang sama. Pada situasi tertentu shall/will dan be
going to digunakan secara terpisah dalam pengertian pada situasi tersebuat hanya
shall/will yang dapat digunakan dan begitu juga dengan be going to.
- Untuk mengepresikan sebuah prediksi baik shall/will atau be going to dapat
digunakan. Artinya ketika pembicara atau penulis membuat sebuah prediksi
(pernyataan tentang sesuatu dan mengira akan benar dan akan terjadi diwaktu yang
akan datang).
According to the weather report, it will be clody tomorrow.
(According to the weather report, it is going to be clody tomorrow).
Be careful! you will hurt yourself!
(Watch out! You are going to hurt yourself).
- Untuk mengepresikan sebuah rencana prioritas hanya be going to yang digunakan.
Artinya ketika pembicara mengepresikan sebuah rencana prioritas (sesuatu yang
pembicara benar-benar akan melaksanakan diwaktu yang akan datang karena
sebelumnya telah direncanakan).
Why did you buy this paint?
I am going to paint my bedroom tomorrow.
I talked to Bob yesterday. He is tired of taking the bus to work. He is going to buy car. That is
what he told me.
- Untuk mengepresikan kesediaan atau kesanggupan hanya shall atau will yang
digunakan, artinya pembicara tidak memprediksikan atau merencanakan untuk
mengerjakan sesuatu.
The phone is ringing.
I shall get it.
I don't understand this problem.
Ask your teacher about it. She will help you.
Penggunaan shall dengan I dan we banyak dipakai oleh British English, sedangkan
American English umumnya memakai will (sama dengan pronuon lainnya).

29 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
- Untuk mengekspresikan kejadian atau ide keakanan (yang akan terjadi) bisa juga
dengan memakai pola simple present atau simple progressive. Simple present
digunakan untuk mengekspresikan keakanan (future time) pada kalimat yang berkaitan
dengan rencana yang pasti atau jadwal dan kalimatnya pun biasanya disertai dengan
kata yang menunjukkan keakanan (future time words).
The museum opens at ten tomorrow morning.
Classes begin next week.
John's plane arrives at 6:05 p.m. next Monday.
Hanya ada beberapa kata yang digunakan, yaitu: open, close, begin, end, start,
finish, arrive, leave, come, return.
- Simple progressive bisa digunakan untuk mengekspresikan keakanan (future time)
ketika ide dari kalimat berkaitan dengan sebuah rencana atau niat yang pasti. Makna
keakanan pada kalimat yang menggunakan pola simple progressive diindikasikan
dengan kata yang menunjukkan keakanan (future time words) dalam kalimat atau
konteknya saja.
My wife has an appoitment with a doctor. She is seing Dr. North next Tuesday.
Sam has already made his plans. He is leaving at noon tomorrow.

10. Future Continuous Tense

From: S + Shall/will + be + V4 (V-ing) (kalimat verba) S + Shall/will + be + being
+ N/Adj./Adv. (kalimat nomina)

(+) My father will be reading a news paper at noon. (v)
(-) My father won't be reading a news paper at noon.
(?) Will My father be reading a news paper at noon?
(+) I shall be being an artist next Saturday. (n)
(-) I shall not be being an artist next Saturday.
(?) Shall I be being an artist next Saturday?

a. Makna
Mengungkapkan sebuah kejadian yang sedang berlangsung selama waktu tertentu di
masa yang akan datang. Tenses ini menunjukkan kejadian yang dimulai sebelum
sebelum waktu tertentu dan masih berlangsung, dan berlanjut setelah waktu dan
kegiatan lain di waktu yang akan datang.
b. Kegunaan
- Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan ataupun peristiwa yang
akan terjadi terus menerus pada waktu yang akan datang.

30 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
I shall begin to study at seven, and you will come at eight. I promise I shall be studying when
you come.
Right now I am sitting in class. At this same time tomorrow, I shall be sitting in class.
Yang menggunakan be going to; Don't call me at nine bcause I shan't be home. I am
going to be coming soon.

- Terkadang antara simple future dan simple future progressive sedikit perbedaannya
bahkan sama, khususnya ketika keakanan itu akan terjadi pada waktu yang tidak pasti
di waktu yang akan datang.
Don't get impatient. She will be coming soon.
Don't get impatient. She will come soon.

11. Future Perfect Tense

From: S + shall/will + have + V3 (kalimat verba) S + shall/will + have + been +
N/Adj./Adv.(kalimat nomin).

(+) I shall already have eaten when they arrive. (v)
(-) I shan't already have eaten when they arrive.
(?) Will I already have eaten when they arrive?
(-?) Won’t I already have eaten when they arrive?
(+) She will have been here when you leave. (n)
(-) She won't have been here when you leave.
(?) Will she have been here when you leave?
(-?) Won’t she have been here when you leave?

a. Makna
Mengungkapkan kejadian yang terjadi sebelum waktu dan kejadian yang lain tanpa
mengungkapkan kapan waktunya tidak perlu di waktu yang akan datang.
b. Kegunaan
- Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan ataupun peristiwa yang
akan terjadi dan selsai sebelum waktu dan kejadian yang lainya di waktu yag akan

I shall graduate in june. I shall see you in july By the next time I see you, I shall have
I shall have finished my home work by the time I go out on a date tonight.
31 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
12. Future Perfect ContinuousTense
Form: S + shall/will + have + been + V4 (V-ing) (kalimat verba) S + shall/will +
have + been + being + N/Adj./Adv. (kalimat nomina)
(+) Munir will have been studying for two hour by the time you arrive at ten o’clock
tomorrow (v)
(-) Munir won't have been studying for two hour by the time you arrive.
(?) Will Munir have been studying for two hour by the time you arrive?
(+) She will have been being here for two hour by the time you leave at eleven tomorrow (n)
(-) She won't have been being here for two hour by the time you leave.
(?) Will she have been being here for two hour by the time you leave?

a. Makna
Mengungkapkan kejadian yang sedang terjadi sebelum sampai kepada waktu yang
lain atau kejadian lain, mengungkapkan durasi kejadian pertama di waktu yang akan
b. Kegunaan
- Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan, ataupun peristiwa yang
akan terus terjadi (duration) pada waktu yang akan datang.
I shall go to bed at ten p.m. He will get home at midnight. At midnight I shall be sleeping. I shall
have been sleeping for two hours by the time he gets home.
- Terkadang future perfect dan future perfect progressive maknanya sama.
When Professor Jones retires next month, he will have taught for 45 years.
When Professor Jones retires next month, he will have been teaching for 45 years.

13. Past Future Tense

Form: S + should/would + V1 (kalimat verba) S + should/would + be +
N/Adj./Adv. (kalimat nomina)

(+) Susan would visit her uncle when her father was reading yesterday. (v)
(-) Susan woun't visit her uncle when her father was reading yesterday.
(?) Would Susan visit her uncle when her father was reading yesterday?
(+) I should be an artist when I was being graduated from senior high school. (n)
(-) I shan’t be an artist when I was being graduated from senior high school.
(?) Should I be an artist when I was being graduated from senior high school?

a. Makna
Mengungkapkan kejadian yang akan terjadi pada waktu lampau.

32 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
b. Kegunaan
- Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan ataupun peristiwa yang
akan terjadi pada waktu yang lampau.
I should send the latter to fika last week.
They would come to my house but they went to bali the day before.
Susi would cook in my house yesterday.
- Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan ataupun peristiwa
seandainya terjadi pada saat ini, sesungguhnya bahwa kejadian itu tidak mungkin
terjadi pada saat ini.
If I were a king I would punish you.
You would meet her yesterday afternoon, if it wasn’t rain.
If he knew your house he would come to you.

14. Past Future Continuous Tense

From: S + Should/would + be + V4 (V-ing) (kalimat verba) S + Should/would + be
+ being + N/Adj./Adv. (kalimat nomina)

(+) My father would be reading a news paper when I knocked the door. (v)
(-) My father wouldn't be reading a news paper when I knocked the door.
(?) Would My father be reading a news paper when I knocked the door?
(+) I should be being an artist when I was eighteen. (n)
(-) I shouldn’t be being an artist when I was eighteen.
(?) Should I be being an artist when I was eighteen?

a. Makna
Mengungkapkan sebuah kejadian yang sedang berlangsung selama waktu tertentu.
Tenses ini menunjukkan kejadian yang dimulai sebelum pembicaraan, masih
berlangsung, dan berlanjut setelah waktu dan kegiatan lain di waktu lampau.

b. Kegunaan.
Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan, ataupun peristiwa yang
akan sedang berlangsung (terjadi) pada waktu yang lampau dan yang biasa
dipergunakan di dalam Indirect Speech.
My father said that he would be going to Medan next week.
They said that they would be Fishing on Sunday.
You said that we should be going to Jakarta next month.
33 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
15. Past Future Ferfect Tense
From: S + should/would + have + V3 (kalimat verba) S + should/would + have +
been + N/Adj./Adv.(kalimat nomin).
(+) I should already have eaten when they arrive. (v)
(-) I shouldn't already have eaten when they arrive.
(?) Should I already have eaten when they arrive?
(+) She would have been here when you leave. (n)
(-) She wouldn't have been here when you leave.
(?) Would she have been here when you leave?

a. Makna
Mengungkapkan kejadian yang terjadi sebelum waktu dan kejadian yang lain tanpa
mengungkapkan kapan waktunya di waktu lampau.

b. Kegunaan
Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan, ataupun peristiwa yang
akan berlangsung (terjadi) pada waktu lampau dan biasa digunakan sebagai
If I had worked hard I should have had much money last time.
If he had come to my house he would have met Fika on last Sunday.
If I had had much money, I should have helped the poorman.

16. Past Future Ferfect Continuous Tense

Form: S + should/would + have + been + V4 (V-ing) (kalimat verba) S +
should/would + have + been + being + N/Adj./Adv. (kalimat nomina)

(+) Munir would have been studying for two hour by the time you arrive. (v)
(-) Munir wouldn't have been studying for two hour by the time you arrive.
(?) Would Munir have been studying for two hour by the time you arrive?
(+) She would have been being here for two hour by the time you leave. (n)
(-) She wouldn't have been being here for two hour by the time you leave.
(?) Would she have been being here for two hour by the time you leave?

34 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
a. Makna
Mengungkapkan kejadian yang sedang terjadi sebelum sampai kepada waktu yang
lain atau kejadian lain, mengungkapkan durasi kejadian pertama di waktu lampau.

b. Kegunaan
Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan, ataupun peristiwa yang
akan terus terjadi (duration) pada waktu lampau.
I should have been working here for five years by last june.
They would have been marrying for ten years by the end of this year.

Form: be + past participle (V3)

a. Mary helps the boy
b. The boy is helped by mary

Pada kalimat passive objek dalam kata kerja kalimat aktif menjadi subjek dalam kata kerja
kalimat passive: "the boy" pada contoh poin a) menjadi subjek tetapi dalam kata kerja
kalimat passive pada contoh poin b) the boy menjadi objek dari preposisi by. Contoh poin
a dan b maknanya sama. Hanya kata kerja transitif (kata kerja yang diikuti oleh objek)
yang digunakan dalam kalimat pasif.
Perubahan pola kata kerja (predicate) kalimat active dengan kalimat passive dapat dilihat
pada tabel berikut:

Tense/Verb Form Active Voice Passive Voice

Simple present help is helped
Present progressive is helping is being helped
Simple past helped was helped
Past progressive was helping was being helped
Present perfect have helped have been helped
Past perfect had helped had been helped
Future will help will be helped
Conditional would help would be helped
Perfect conditional would have helped would have been helped
Present infinitive to help to be helped
Perfect infinitive to have helped to have been helped
Present participle/gerund helping being helped

Catatan: Untuk tenses yang lainnya jarang digunakan dalam pola passive voice.

35 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
1. Penggunaan Passive Voice
Biasanya kalimat passive digunakan tanpa by. Pola kalimat ini lebih sering digunakan
ketika si pelaku/yang melakukan pekerjaan (subject) tidak diketahui atau tidak perlu
untuk diketahui. By digunakan ketika betul-betul perlu untuk mengetahui
pelaku/yang melakukan pekerjaan. Jika pembicara atau penulis mengetahui
pelaku/yang melakukan pekerjaan, biasanya menggunakan kalimat active. Tetapi jika
pembicara atau penulis ingin memberikan perhatian kepada subjek kalimat, maka
dalam kalimat passive menggunakan by.
Rice is grown in India.
Our house was built in 1890.
This olive oil was imported from Spain.
Life on the Missisippi was writen by Mark Twain.
My aunt made this rug. (active)
This rug was made by my aunt.
That rug was made by my mother.

2. Indirect Object sebagai Subjek Kalimat Passive

Baik indirect object (IO) maupun direct object (DO), keduanya bisa menjadi subjek pada
kalimat passive tanpa merubah makna. Tetapi ketika direct object menjadi subjek,
biasanya sebelum indirect object diawali dengan kata to.
Someone gave Mrs. Lee an award. (active)
Mrs. Lee was given an award. (passive)
Someone gave an award to Mrs. Lee. (active)
An award was given to Mrs. Lee. (passive)
Catatan: Mrs. Lee = IO dan an award = DO. British English biasanya menghilangkan
to, An award was given Mrs. Lee.

3. Stative Passive
Stative passive adalah pola kalimat passive yang menyatakan lebih kepada keberadaan
daripada aksinya, sehingga umumnya maknanya ter- dengan tidak menggunakan by
dan sama halnya seperti kata sifat, yaitu menjelaskan subjek. Untuk lebih jelasnya
dapat dilihat pada contoh berikut:
I locked the door five minutes ago. (active)
The door was locked by me five minutes ago. (passive/action)
Now the door is locked. (passive/state)

Ann broke the window. (active)

The window was broken by Ann. (passive/action)
Now the window is broken. (passive/state)

36 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Kalimat stative passive sering diikuti oleh preposisi selain by.
I am interested in Chinese art.
He is satisfied with his job.
Ann is married to Alex.

Pola kalimat passive juga digunakan untuk idiom dan untuk kalimat-kalimat tersebut
tidak memiliki kalimat active-nya.
I don't know where I am. I am lost.
I can't find my purse. It is gone.
I am finished with my work.
I am done with my work.

c) Appositives
Appositive adalah kata benda atau frase kata benda yang muncul setelah atau sebelum
kata benda lain, dimana kata benda tersebut mengandung arti yang sama sehingga pada
dasarnya fungsi appositive hanyalah sebagai penjelas kata atau penambah informasai.
Perlu diketahui bahwa kalimat appositive tidak mengandung unsur kata kerja atau
predikat karena kalimat appositive hanyalah brsifat penambah informasi atau penjelasan
dari kata benda yang sebelumnya. Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut:
Miss Grace, the girl singing on the stage near my house, is my friend’s sister.
The girl singing on the stage near my house, sebenarnya hanya menjelaskan Miss Grace.

Maka, frase tersebut merupakan kalimat appositive dari subjek kalimat tersebut yaitu Miss
Grace. Kalimat tersebut akan tetap bermakna dan bisa dimengerti oleh orang yang diajak
bicara dengan tanpa adanya appositive tersebut Seperti: Miss Grace is my friend’s sister.

d) Appositive Noun dan Adjective Phrases

Apositive phrase bisa juga disebut sebagai sebuah perubahan bentuk dari adjective
clause. Apositive phrase terdiri dari pelengkap atau complement yang disimpan setelsh
relative pronoun yang “be” nya dihilangkan, ditingkat yang lebih dalam, appositive
phrase, seperti adjective clause bisa diambil dari kalimat simple dengan sebuah linking
verb. Pelengkap atau complement yang ada setelah “be” menjadi grammatical center
dalam appositive phrase. Berikut ini contoh soal appositive phrase:

a predicate noun He has asked Mr. Wilson, (who is) a prominent

lawyer, to represent him in court.
a predicate adjective The professor, (who was) unware that many of his
an adverb (or adverbial students were asleep, kept right on lecturing.

37 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
expression) The gentleman (who is) over there by the door is
our accountant.
a prepositional phrase Mr. Harris, (who was) in a hurry to get home,
took a taxi from the airport.
a predicate noun He has asked Mr. Wilson, (who is) prominent
lawyer, to represent him in court.
a predicate adjective The professor, (who was) unaware that many of
his students were asleep, kept right on lecturing.
an adverb (or adverbibal The gentelment (who is) over there by the door is
expression) our accountant.
a prepositional phrase Mr. Harris, (who was) in a hurry to get home,
took a taxi from thte airport.

Kesamaan appositive phrase dengan participial Phrases.

Appositive phrases dan participial phrases keduanya mewakili bagian predikat dari
sebuah simple sentence. Oleh karenannya “be” yang ada dalam participial phrase
bisa dihilangkan, tapi bukan yang main verb-nya tapi yang auxulary verb dari main verb
yang ada.
Appositive phrase The guests, (who were) angry at their hosts’ rude
behavior, left without saying good-by.
Participial phrase The guests, (who were) angred by their hosts’ rude
behavior, left without saying good-by. (omission of a
form of be with a passive verb).
The guests, (who were) becoming angry at their
hosts’ rude behavior, left without saying good-by.
(omission of a form of be with a progressive verb)

Subject dalam appositive phrase

Beberapa kata benda ataupun kata ganti dalam berbagai kalimat lain bisa berfungsi
sebagai subject dari appositive phrase. Berikut contohnya:

subject of verb Colonel Williams, a tough and able leader, was respected
by all his men
Her hair-long, thick, dazzlingly blond-immediately
attracted hi aattentnion.
complement On officer who is respected by all his men is Collonel
(predicate noun) Williams, a tough and able leader.
Her chief asset is her hair-long, thick, dazzlingly blond

38 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
object of verb All his men respect Collonel Williams, a tough and able
One immediately notices her hair-long, thick, dazzlingly
object of preposition The order to advance was given by Collonel Williams, a
though and able leader.
He was immediately attracted by her hair-long, thick
dazzlingly blond.
Adjectival Modifiers dari appositive Noun
before the noun:
New York, a very large and bussy city, has always fascinated me.

after the noun:

Adjective clause New York, a city which has eight million people,
has always fascinated me.
Participial phrase New York, a city housing eight million people, has
always fascinated me.
Prepositional phrase New York, a city of eight million people, has always
fascinated me.
Modifiers dari Appositive Adjetives
Adverbial modifiers His mother, seriously ill, had to be taken to the hospital at
The girl, too restless to sit still, asked if she could go
outside to play. (This appositive phrase can also be
rephrased as an adverbial clause modifier-so restless that
the couldn’t sit still)
Their son, intelligent enough to get into any university,
decided to go into the army instead.
“Complelments” of The man, aware that he had made a mistake, tried to
appositife adjectives that correct it.
Infinitive phrase The man, eager to correct his mistake, said he would
send a revised bill.
Prepositional phrase The man, aware of his mistake, tried to correct it.

Beberapa kemungkinan arti dari Appositive Phrases

Appositive phrases sering menunjukan arti sebagai cause of contrast, terutama kalau
berada di posisi awal

39 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Cause A rich man, he could by anything he desired.
Curious about their new neighbors, the Johnsons
went to visit the at the first opportunity.
Contrast Concession: An enemy of strong powers for the federal
government, Jefferson nevertheless pushed these
powers to the utmost when he purchased the
Louisiana Territory.
Time: The desert, by day a blazing inferno, was blessedly
cool at night.
Once calm-tempered and considerate of others,
he became eccentric and self-cenetered in his old
Place: A tyrant in the office, at home he was kind and

Contoh soal:
__________ ,Steve, Steve bukan merupakan subjek melainkan appositive maka
called me twice but I kalimat pada soal tersebut masih membutuhkan subjek.
was not in. Subjek yang mungkin dijelaskan oleh Steve adalah my
(A) Because he
(B) Later You should mark your answer sheet:
(C) This morning
(D) My brother A B C D

e) Participal Phrases dalam reduced form

Subject dari participal phrases sebagai pengganti kalimat dalam reduced form baik
reduced –ing form (V-ing) atau reduced form– ed (V3) biasanya terdiri dari kata benda
(noun) atau kata ganti benda (pronoun). Reduced form dari bentuk ing-form biasanya
bermakna “active voice”, dan dalam bentuk V3 biasanya bermaknakan “passive voice”.
Bentuk ini sering muncul dalam bentuk soal TOEFA dan sering mengecoh para tester
dalam menjawab soalnya.
Contoh :
Anyone applying to that school must take a difficult entrance examination.
Berikut gambaran makna dari Reduced form baik Ing- form maupun V3

Active Voice Passive Voice

Progressive Proggressive
General offering (present offered (past being
form participle) participle)

40 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Perfect having offered having been
form offering having been
Bila digabung dengan induk kalimat, Reduced form dari participle Ing-form dapat
menunjukan arti sebagai berikut:
Present time The man addressing the audience now is a famous
Past Time The trapped miners, hoping to be rescued soon, told
stories to keep up their morale.
Future time A person traveling in foreign countries will need to take
the required documents.
Kebanyakan dari participal phrases mempunyai fungsi adjective. Ketika berfungsi sebagai
adjective, pharticipal phrase ini bisa berartikan restrictive atau defining dan non-
restrictive atau non-defining
Restrictive Students arriving late will not be permitted to enter the
lecture hall. (Arriving late limits the reference of students.)
Nonrestrictive Henry, arriving late, was not permitted to enter the lecture
(Arriving late does not limit the reference of Henry.)

Participle phrase setelah “have”

a. Dengan present participle :
He had his wife’s portrait hanging in his office.
They may have starvation facing them.
I will not have (meaning allow) anyone smoking cigars in my living room.

b. Dengan past participle :

They had a large sum of money allocated to them for the project.
You’ll have your jewelry stolen if you don’t putl it in a safe place. (informal)
We will not have (meaning allow) him made fun of.

c. Sering punya pengertian “cause to be” :

He had his wife’s portrait hung in his office.
They’ll have you arrested if you don’t pay your taxes.
Please have these dresses cleaned.

41 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Contoh soal:
The man Predikat dari kalimat tersebut sudah ada, yaitu is sehingga
__________ beside kalimat tersebut sudah tidak memerlukan predikat lagi.
the car is my father. Sementara bentuk subjek The man __________ beside the
car memerlukan active participle, yaitu standing.
(A) he is standing
(B) is standing You should mark your answer sheet:
(C) standing
(D) stood A B C D

Perhatikan pula contoh berikut:


The money Predikat dari kalimat tersebut sudah ada, yaitu has
__________ given been finished sehingga kalimat tersebut sudah tidak
by my mother last memerlukan predikat lagi. Sementara bentuk subjek
night has been The money __________ given by my mother last night
finished. secara gramatikal sudah lengkap. Maka, kita hanya
perlu menambahkan adverb yang tidak mengubah
(A) It has makna gramatikal, yaitu just.
(B) was
(C) has been You should mark your answer sheet:
(D) just

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks below using the correct answers!
1. Many dictionaries _____ on the table.
(A) are (C) has
(B) is (D) was

2. _____ are the earliest and most powerful source of racial attitudes the earliest and
most powerful source of attitudes.
(A) A mother (C) the sibling
(B) Parents (D) that

3. Linguistic _____ the study of language.

(A) were (C) are
(B) was (D) is

42 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
4. The pace of life in a city, for example, _____ a big part of its unique atmosphere for
ten years.
(A) have (C) is
(B) were (D) get

5. There _____ also big differences in pace between individuals, even individuals
within the same culture living in the same.
(A) is (C) gives
(B) are (D) is giving

6. Researchers want to get an accurate idea about why individuals _____ different ideas
about time and pace of life.
(A) have (C) is
(B) has (D) are

7. Everyone _____ his or her own sense of time urgency.

(A) has (C) choose
(B) have (D) get

8. There _____ nothing good or bad about an individual’s pace of life.

(A) is (C) were
(B) are (D) will

9. Each of us simply _____ to the beat of his or her own drum.

(A) march (C) have march
(B) marches (D) have marched

10. They both _____ how to think outside the box and create success after success.
(A) finds (C) knows
(B) look for (D) know

11. General Electric is most famous for its electric applicances, and GE also _____ jet
engines, electric motors, and much more.
(A) is (C) make
(B) are (D) makes

12. One of Comstock’s innovations _____ the dreaming workshop.

(A) was (C) have
(B) were (D) are

13. His way of thinking _____ to create big profits for his own company and the
companies that pay him for his ideas.
(A) continue (C) continuing
(B) continues (D) have continued

43 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
14. Their headsets, thanks to Vossoughi, _____ now a huge success with customers of
all ages.
(A) is (C) be
(B) was (D) are

15. Every year Business magazine _____ a list of the top a hundred brands that _____
sold around the world.
(A) make – are (C) makes – are
(B) make – is (D) makes – is

16. Companies with some of the most popular international brands _____ new
costumers and increasing their profits with a simple idea.
(A) is finding (C) are finding
(B) is found (D) are found

17. Companies _____ the brand to fit the local area.

(A) does not change (C) is not change
(B) do not change (D) are not change

18. Which brands _____ the most successful around the world?
(A) is (C) do
(B) are (D) does

19. The team says that this unhealthy interest in celebrities _____ by the increase in the
amount of entertainment news in the mass media, both in print and broadcast
(A) is caused (C) has caused
(B) are caused (D) have caused

20. The researchers learned that about a third of the population in the United States
_____ into the last category.
(A) fit (C) fits
(B) have fitted (D) is fitted

44 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
C. Kalimat Majemuk (Lebih dari Satu Klausa)
a) Konjungsi
Kalimat majemuk terdiri atas dua klausa atau lebih yang dihubungkan oleh
konjungsi atau kata hubung. Kata penghubung dalam kalimat majemuk ini sering
muncul dalam soal-soal ujian TOEFA.
Contoh soal:


I have to submit my Kalimat tersebut terdiri atas dua klausa yang berlawanan.
paper this afternoon, Untuk menggabungkan kedua klausa tersebut diperlukan
_____ I haven’t kata penghubung. Kata penghubung yang tepat untuk
finished even the menyatakan makna berlawanan atau adversative adalah
first chapter. yet.

(A) And You should mark your answer sheet:

(B) They
(C) Yet A B C D
(D) Moreover

Contoh di atas merupakan contoh untuk kalimat majemuk setara, dimana kedua
klausa memiliki kedudukan yang sama. Lain halnya dengan kalimat majemuk
bertingkat yang memiliki dua klausa yang tidak setara kedudukannya. Kalimat
majemuk bertingkat terdiri atas induk kalimat dan anak kalimat. Anak kalimat
tersebut bisa berupa noun clause, adjective clause, maupun adverb clause.

Bentuk bentuk dan fungsi dari “Noun Clauses”
Noun clauses bisa diklasifikasikan berdasarkan bentuk-bentuk kalimatnya, artinya dari
bentuk kalimat apa noun clause itu disusun apa “statements, questions, requests,
exclamations”. Berikut ini beberapa ilustrasi dari noun clause yang berbasis pada empat
bntuk kalimat tersebut, dengan conto-contoh penggunaanya.

Noun Clause Introductory Function of

Derived From: Conjunction Clause
1. a statement Coffee that subject That offee grows in Brazil is
grows in Brazil. well known to all.
subject It is well known that coffee
after it grows in Brazil.
subjective My understanding is that
complement coffee grows in Brazil.

45 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
object of I know that coffee grows in
verb Brazil.
appositive His belief that coffee grows in
Brazil is correct.

2. a question whether subject Whether (or not) he gets the

a. expecting yes (or not) money doesn’t concern me.
or no answer also if
Will he get the subjective The question is whether he
money? complement will get the money.
b. interrogative who; object of Do you know whether (or if)
word what; verb he will get the money?
question How which; object of We were concerned about
will he get the when; preposition whether he would get the
money? where; money.
why; subject How he gets the money is
how; his own affair.
subjective The question is how he will
complement get the money.
object of I don’t know how he will get
verb the money.
object of We were concerned about how
preposition he would get the money.

3. a request That object He suggested that I write the

Write the letter of verb letter soon.
4. an exclamation what; object I hadn’t realized what a pretty
What a pretty girl how of verb girl she was.
she is. object of We talked about what a pretty
preposition girl she was.
Bentuk lain dari that clause yang berikut ini adalah that clause yang muncul setelah “it”
sebagai introductory dengan pola kalimat sebagai berikut: it + an adverbial + a that
It was Under these circumstantes That he did it
Not without trepidation
To sace them from destruction
When he was a lad

46 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Sebuah preposition yang mendahului introductory word ada yang termasuk dalam
kelompok adjective clause da nada juga yang masuk dalam noun clause, berikut
The woman to whom he has He gives money to whoever needs
been giving money is a poor it. (The noun clause begins with
relative of his. (The adjective clause whoever. The entire clause is the
begins with to, which forms a object of to. Which may not be
prepositional phrase with whom moved. Also, the –ever forms appear
within the adjective clause. To may with noun clauses only.)
be moved to the end of the
adjective clause)
That noun clause pada umumnya muncul menjadi object kata kerja yang kata kerja
itu mempunyi subject manusia. Kata kerja itu biasanya digunakan dalam indirect speech
dan kata kerja yang mengungkapkan mental activity (aktifitas mental)

Verbs of Indirect Speech

admit declare Promise
(dis)agree deny relate
allege explain remark
announce foretell remind
argue hint report
assert inform say
assure insist state
aver maintain swear
boast notify teach
claim persuade tell
complain pray threaten
confess predict warn
convince proclaim

Verbs of Mental Activity

Ascertain grant Question
assume guess realize
believe hear recall
calculate hold (an opinion) reckon
care (often in negative hope recollect
or interrogative) imagine reflect
conceive indicate regret
conclude know rejoice
consider judge remember

47 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
convince learn reveal
decide mean see
discover mind (often in show
doubt negative suppose
dream or interrogative) surmise
expect notice think
fancy perceive trust
feel presume understand
find out pretend wish
forget prove

Setelah kata kerja yang mempunyai dua object, noun clause mungkin berfungsi sebagai
salah satu dari dua object itu atau bisa juga keduanya. Berikut contohnya:
Indirect Object Direct Object
Give the man what is in this envelope.
Give whoever comes to the door the money in this envelope.
Give whoever comes to the door what is in this envelope.
Direct object Objective complement
I consider what you have said a great insult.
He named his cat whatever came to his mind

Penggunaan Who dan Whoever

Penggunaan dari kata ganti who dalam noun clause itu jarang digunakan diabanding
whoever. Pronoun who jarang mncul dalam dalam noun clause sebagai subject.
Who sebagai fungsi object dalam noun clause pada umumnya muncul setelah kata kerja
indirect speech atau mental activity. Berikut contohnya:

who Please tell me who is in charge here.

(=the person that) I don’t know whom the is referring to.
It’s a question of who would be willing to do it.

whoever Whoever broke the window must pay for it.

(=any person that) He will employ whoever is willing to work hard.
He tells the same story to whomever he meets
Give this to one of the boys, whoever comes to the door

Penggunaan What dan Whatever

48 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Introductory what atau whatever bisa muncul dalam noun clause dalam berbagai
fungsinya. Penambahan kata ever dalam what dengan tujuan generalisasi.
Berikut contohnya:

what only What the insolent child needs is a good spanking.

(=the thing that) He told us what he had done.
He gave us what we asked for.
After what he has done, he doesn’t deserve any pity.
We are shocked at what has happened.
The full story of what really happened will never be
what (=the thing
that) or What(ever) you need will be supplied.
whatever What(ever) is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
(=any thing that) Take what(ever) you want.
Throw away what(ever) is left over.
He always makes fun of what(ever) she says.

Bentuk-bentuk Adjective Clauses
Adjective clause bisa diklasifikasikan menurut kata yang mendahuluinya yang dijelaskan
oleh adjective clause itu sendiri. Berikut rincianya:

(1) relative Introductory word functioning as:

a person who (whom or Subject—He paid the money to the man who
whose) (or that) had done the work.
or that Object of verb—He paid the man whom (or
that) he had hired
Object of preposition—He paid the man from
whom he had borrowed the money.
Possessive adjective—This is the girl whose
picture you saw.
a thing which Subject—Here is a book which (or that)
or describes animals.
that Object of verb—The cair which (or that) he
broke is being repaired.
Object of preposition—She was wearing to coat
for which she hahd paid $2,000.
(2) relative

49 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
a time when This is the year when the Olympic Games are
a place where held.
a reason why Here is the house where I live.
Give me one good reason why you did that.

Penggunakan koma (,) dengan adjective clause, diklasifikasikan sebagai berikut:

Do Not Use Commas
Use Commas (Nonrestrictive Clauses)
(Restrictive Clauses)
1. When the antecedent is restricted in itself 1. When the antecedent is restricted
by the adjective clause:
Antecedent a Many people congratulated Many people congratulated the
proper noun William Faulkner, who man who had just won the
had just won the Nobel Nobel Prize for literature.
Prize for literature.
Antecedent one The boy’s mother, who A mother who loves her son
of a kind loves him very much, has very much will make many
made many sacrifices for sacrifices for his happiness.
his happiness.
His aunt, who lives in His aunt who lives in
California, came to visit California came to visit him
him recently. (The recently. (He has more than
adjective clause does not one aunt. The adjective clause
single out one aunt from designates which one is meant.)
other. He may have only
one aunt.)
Antecedent Late in the evening they Coffee which has b een boiling
identified by the sent out for some coffee. for a long time will taste rancid.
preceding The coffee, which had
context been boiling for a long
time, tasted rancid.
2. When the antecedent refers to all of a class 2. When the antecedent is limited by
thte adjective clause to some of a
The chairs, which were in The chairs which were in bad
bad condition, were sent condition were sent out to be
out to be repaired and repaired and refinished. (Some
refinished. (All the chairs chairs were in bad condition;
were in bad condition.) the others were not.)

50 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Beberapa kemungkinan makna dari Adjective Clauses

1. Cause The man who had stolen the money was sought by the police.
2. Time The day when he could leave parison finally arrived.
3. Place There’s the hhouse where I used to live.
4. Contrast Our teacher, who is very strict with us in class, is very kind to
us outside class.

Jenis-jenis Adverbial Clauses
Adverbial clauses biasa dikelompokan sesuai dengan arti conjunction yang
diperkenalkannya. Dalam penjelasan berikutnya, setiap jenis adverbial clauses akan
dijelaskan secara lebih menyeluruh. Penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang penggunaan khusus
yang berhubungan denga setiap jenis klausa akan dipelajari dalam bab verb (penggunaan
tenses), auxiliary, adverbs (intensifier), dan conjunctions (subordinate).
Clause of Time

when(ever) You may begin when(ever) you are ready.

while While he was walking home, he saw an accident.
since They have become very shobbish since they moved into
their expensive apartment.
before Shut all the windows before you go out.
after After she finished dinner, she went right to bed.
until Until Mr. Smith got a promotion in our company, I had
never noticed him.
till We’ll do nothing further in the matter till we hear from you.
As he was walking in the park, he noticed a very pretty girl.
as I’ll go to the post office as soon as I wrap this package.
as soon as You may keep my book as long as you need it.
as long as Now (that) the time has arrived for his vacation, he doesn’t
now (that) want to leave.
Once she makes up her mind, she never changes it.
Correlatives of Time
when) . . . then When (or after) all the day’s chores were done and the
after) children had been put to bed, then she sat down with
her husband to plan their summer vacation.
no sooner . . . than No sooner had he finished one task than he was asked

51 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
to do another one.
He had no sooner finished one task than he was asked
to do another one.
(When, which is often used here in place of than,
is not acceptable to all grammarians.)
scarcely (or hardly) . . Scarcely had the words escaped from his lips when he
. when realized he had committed a blunder.
The words had scarcely from his lips when he realized
he had committed a blunder.
(Before may be interchangeable with when in such sentences. Than, which is
often used here in place of when, is not acceptable to all grammarians.)

Pola Khusus Verb Pada Time Clauses

Time Verb in Main Verb in Time Sentence
Expressed Clause Clause
Future Future tense (or Present tense He will go (or is going) straight
future equivalent) home after he closes his store.

or He will go (or is going)

Future tense (or Present Perfect Straight home after he has
future equivalent) tense closed his store.
We will have finished all the
Future Perfect Present tense adverbial clauses by the time
tense the semester ends.

or We will have finished all the

Future Perfect Present Perfect adverbial clauses by the time
tense tense the semester has ended.
(emphasis on one future time before another)
Past Past Progressive Simple Past She was ironing when the
tense tense telephone rang.

or The telephone rang while she

Simple Past tense Past was ironing
(one past action in progress interrupted by another past action)

52 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Past Progressive Past I was watching (or watched)
tense (or Simple Progressive television while my wife was
Past tense) tense (or preparing (or prepared)
Simple Past dinner.
(two past continuous actions going on simultaneously)
Past Perfect tense Simple Past I had just dozed off when the
tense telephone rang.
(one past action completed just before another past action)

Adjective Clauses
while While Robert is friendly with everyone, his brother makes
very few friends.
where Where the former governor had tried to get the cooperation
of the local chiefs, the new governor aroused their hostility
by his disregard for their opinions.
whereas Soccer is a popular spectator sport in England, whereas in
the United States it is football that attracts large audiences.
when He claims to be a member of the royal family when in fact
his family were immigrants.

Clauses of Cause
because They had to move because their building was to be torn
since Since he couldn’t take his wife with him, he decided not to
go to the conference.
as As he was in a hurry, he hailed the nearest cab.
now (that) Now (that) he’s inherited his father’s money, he doesn’t have
to work any more.
whereas (for arguments, decrees, preambles, resolutions)
(formal) Whereas a number of the conditions in the contract have not
been met, our company has decided to cancel the contract.
Inasmuch as e every effort is being made to improve the
inasmuch as financial condition of this company, the term of the loan will
(formal) be extended.
As long as it’s raining. I won’t go out tonight.
as (or so) long as His application for the job aws rejected on the ground that
on the ground(s) he had falsified some of the information.

53 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Clauses of Result
so . . . that
so + adjective + that She is so emotional that every little thing upsets
so + adverb + that She behaved so emotionally that we knew
something terrible had upset her.
such (a) . . . that
such a + singular countable This is such an ugly chair that I am going to give it
noun away.
such + plural countable noun These are such ugly chairs that I am going to give
them away.
such + noncountable noun This is such ugly furniture that I am going to give
it away.
so (that) They spent their vacation at the seashore, so (that)
when they came home they were quite tan.

Clauses of Condition
if If I see him, I’ll invite him to our party tomorrow.
If it doesn’t rain, we’ll go to the beach tomorrow.
even if Even if I had know about the meeting I couldn’t have
unless Unless it rains, we’ll go to the beach tomorrow.
(=if . . . not)
in the event (that) In the event (that) the performance is called off. I’ll let
or in event that you know at once.
in case In case a robbery occurs in the hotel, the management
must be notified at once.
provided (that) We will be glad to go with you to the theater tonight
or providing (that) provided (that) we can get a baby-sitter.
on condition (that) The company will agree to arbitration on condition (that)
(formal) the strike is called off at once.
as (or so) long as As (or so) long as someone was willing to treat her, she
would go to the movies.
if only She would forgive her husband everything, if only he
would go to the movies.
suppose (that) Suppose (that) your house burns down. Do you have
or supposing (that) enough insurance to cover such a loss?
whether . . . or Whether she is at home or whether she visits others, she

54 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
(whether) always has her knitting with her.
Contoh noun clause, adjective clause dan adverbial clause dalam soal TOEFA:
- That he cries is unbelievable (anak kalimat berupa noun clause sebagai subjek).
- I don’t know what happens (anak kalimat berupa noun clause sebagai objek).
- The man whom she loves is a banker (anak kalimat berupa adjective clause sebagai
penjelas the man).
- I come to the party because they send me an invitation (anak kalimat berupa
adverb clause yang menunjukkan keterangan sebab)
Contoh soal:
The apartment Yang dijelaskan dalam kalimat tersebut adalah subjek,
_____ visited is very yaitu the apartment. Maka, untuk melengkapi kalimat
large and beautiful. tersebut dibutuhkan penghubung untuk adjective clause.
Jawaban yang tepat adalah which we.
(A) Since
(B) because You should mark your answer sheet:
(C) which we
(D) yet A B C D

Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks below using the correct answers!
1. A lifelong smoker and drinker had been on a life support system in a Sao Paulo
hospital _____ Thursday.
(A) because (C) while
(B) as (D) since

2. Manchester United suffered a big injury blow on Saturday _____ goal poacher Javier
Hernandez sustained an ankle injury that will sideline him for up to four weeks.
(A) when (C) for
(B) so (D) still

3. That marked the end of his brave challenge, _____ he failed to win another point.
(A) for (C) still
(B) though (D) yet

4. The price extended last week’s 7.5 percent rally, the best performance _____ the
week ended on Oct. 28.
(A) since (C) though
(B) although (D) otherwise

55 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
5. We believe the steady rise will still be seen next year _____ the economic crisis.
(A) for (C) so
(B) despite (D) still
6. Tourism should be further developed _____ it is an engine for economic growth
and one of the most important industries in terms of creating jobs.
(A) when (C) because
(B) because of (D) while
7. Next summer, _____ passengers will be able to travel in Russian Mir submersibles
that can withstand the crushing pressures of deep waters.
(A) as (C) although
(B) however (D) though
8. _____ still in high school, she did many research papers on the shipwreck.
(A) because (C) while
(B) as (D) since
9. _____ it was made from U.S. processors and was soon surpassed by a Japanese
machine, it was still indisputable evidence that the Chinese had achieved world class
computing design.
(A) because (C) though
(B) since (D) as

10. _____ schools try to sort out confusing claims about the benefits of using
technology in the classroom, and the companies ponder the profits from big
education contracts, Khan Academy may seem like just another product vying for
(A) yet (C) though
(B) still (D) as

11. _____ pervasive is gang violence in the area that school uniforms have been
mandated as a safeguard against the display of gang colors.
(A) therefore (C) while
(B) whereas (D) so

12. The measures outlined on Sunday would allow the goal to be met _____ a forecast
that GPD would contract by 0.4 – 0.5 percent in 2012.
(A) so (C) in spite of
(B) despite (D) though
Dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris, salah satu klausa dalam kalimat majemuk dapat mengalami
pengurangan atau reduksi. Kalimat yang mengalami reduksi (reduce sentence) ini bisa

56 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
berupa adjective clause maupun adverb clause. Reduksi pada adjective clause dapat dilakukan
dengan menggunakan active participle maupun passive participle. Perhatikan contoh berikut:
- The girl, who is wearing a red dress, is very beautiful dapat direduksi menjadi the girl
wearing a red dress is very beautiful. Kalimat tersebut bisa berbentuk: wearing a red
dress, the girl is very beautiful
- The alteration, which is announced by the government, is now widely known by public dapat
direduksi menjadi The alteration announced by the government is now widely known by
public. Kalimat tersebut bisa berbentuk: Announced by the government, the alteration is
now widely known by public.

Contoh soal:
_____ a research on Subjek dari kalimat tersebut adalah the lecturer, sedangkan
Biology project, the klausa pertama hanya merupakan penjelas yang berupa
lecturer asks one of adjective clause. Maka, agar bentuk adjective claluse tersebut
his student to help lengkap, kita hanya perlu menambahkan active participle,
him yaitu doing.

(A) Who did You should mark your answer sheet:

(B) He did
(C) Doing A B C D
(D) Does

Perhatikan pula contoh berikut ini:

_____ by my wife, Klausa pertama merupakan adjective clause, sementara
the spaghetti is very subjek dari kalimat utama tersebut adalah the spaghetti
delicious. yang tidak mungkin melakukan tindakan aktif. Maka,
untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut diperlukan passive
(A) Cooked participle, yaitu cooked.
(B) She cooked
(C) Cooking You should mark your answer sheet:
(D) It cooks

Sementara itu, reduksi pada adverb caluse dapat dilakukan dengan cara sebagai berikut:
- Menghilangkan subjek dan to be untuk kalimat nominal.

57 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Contoh: when you are ready, you can contact me dapat direduksi menjadi: when
ready, you can contact me.
- Menghilangkan subjek dan mengganti verb menjadi bentuk verb-ing untuk kalimat
Contoh: Because she knows the truth, she starts to be angry dapat direduksi
menjadi: because knowing the truth, she starts to be angry.

Contoh soal:
When _____, she Afraid merupakan kata sifat yang dapat menbentuk
walks more quickly. kalimat nominal. Untuk mereduksinya, kita hanya perlu
menghilangkan to be. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah
(A) the fierce dog afraid of the dog.
(B) afraid of the dog
(C) is the dog You should mark your answer sheet:
(D) is the dog

Exercise 3
Fill in the blanks below using the correct answers!
1. _____ your notes in columns is one good way to clearly show the difference
between main ideas and supporting details.
(A) organizing (C) organizes
(B) organize (D) organization

2. According to research by the magazine advertising age, the average consumer _____ to
about three thousand advertising message a day.
(A) expose (C) exposed
(B) exposing (D) is exposed

3. _____ near the center of the city, the market is easy to access.
(A) it locating (C) locating
(B) located (D) which location

4. Violent crime _____ in the United States is recent years, but the overall crime rate is
still alarmingly high.
(A) drop (C) has dropped
(B) dropping (D) have dropped

5. In Biology, a cell is defined as the smallest unit of life _____ all the components
required for independent existence.

58 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
(A) contains (C) it contains
(B) is contained (D) containing

6. _____ her work, she went sleep.

(A) she doing (C) after she
(B) does she after (D) after doing

7. Interested in developing tourism in Indonesia, _____.

(A) the government cooperates with related education centers
(B) there is cooperation between the government and related education centers
(C) the establishment of cooperation between government and related education
centers has been realized
(D) cooperation between government and related education centers has been

8. _____, she manages to finish two big bowls of soup.

(A) since was (C) to be hungry
(B) since hungry (D) was she hungry

9. _____ by the sudden noise, the baby woke up and cried.

(A) startled (C) to be startling
(B) in startled (D) startling

10. A few days after the interview, I received a letter _____ me a job.
(A) has offered (C) offering
(B) offered (D) it was offering

11. _____ by mountain, the city has a cool climate.

(A) be surrounded (C) surrounding
(B) surrounded (D) having surrounded

12. Completed in 1980, G Hall is the oldest building now _____ in our campus.
(A) it stands (C) stood
(B) has stood (D) standing

13. They young man _____ by this institute are all university graduates.
(A) employ (C) employing
(B) employed (D) be employe

59 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
b) Inversi
Bentuk susun balik
Bentuk susun balik yang sering kita jumpai adalah susun balik yang terjadi pada kalimat
interrogative yang berada dalam kalimat Tanya yang lain atau embedded question.

Perhatikan contoh soal berikut:

The teacher asked Why merupakan question word, namun klausa
her why _____ late. pertanyaannya tersebut tidak berdiri sendiri, melainkan
berada dalam kalimat lain atau disebut dengan embedded
(A) Did she come question. Maka susunan pertanyaan yang diawali oleh why
(B) She did tersebut berubah menjadi subject + verb +
(C) Did come object/complement. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah
(D) She came she came.

You should mark your answer sheet:


Bentuk negatif
Seperti telah diketahui pada bab sebelumnya, Neither merupakan penanda negative yang
berasal dari not + either. Maka kalimat I am not either dapat diinversi menjadi neither am I.
Jadi, jika negative expression muncul di sebelum subjek dan to be, susunan Subject + to be
tersebut diinversi menjadi to be + Subject. Dan jika negative expression muncul sebelum
subjek dan verb maka susunan subject + verb diinversi menjadi do/does/did/ + S +
Selain neither, beberapa kata lain yang memiliki makna negative, antara lain: nor, never,
scarcely, rarely, only, hardly, barely, dan seldom. Penyusunan balik bisa juga dilakukan dengan
menggunakan kata-kata tersebut, misalnya:
- I am never really angry to him Never am I really angry to him.
- They seldom visit my house seldom do they visit my house

60 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Contoh soal:
Hardly on weekend Kalimat tersebut diawali oleh negative expression, yaitu
_____ all day long. hardly sehingga dibutuhkan bentuk inversi. Bentuk
inversi yang tepat adalah do/does/did + S + V1 yaitu
(A) Does Denny stay does denny stay at home.
at home
(B) Denny does at You should mark your answer sheet:
(C) At home does stays A B C D
(D) Stay does Denny
at home

Inversi atau susun balik juga bisa terjadi pada conditional sentence tipe II dengan if clause
mengandung to be were dan conditional sentence tipe III.

- If I were his wife, I would be very happy were I his wife, I would be very happy.
- If you had been there, she could have changed her mind had you been there, she could
have changed her mind.

Contoh Soal:
He would have Kalimat tersebut membutuhkan bentuk inversi conditional
fulfilled the daily sentence. Maka, bentuk yang sesuai adalah yang memiliki
needs of his family susunan had + Subject + V3. Jadi jawaban yang paling
_____ harder. tepat adalah had he worked.

(A) If worked You should mark your answer sheet:

(B) Had he worked
(C) He worked A B C D
(D) His work had

61 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Selain bentuk-bentuk di atas, susunan balik juga bisa terjadi pada bentuk perbandingan.
Perhatikan contoh kalimat perbandingan berikut ini:
- They can afford to buy more expensive house than us.
- They can afford to buy more expensive house than we do.
- They can afford to buy more expensive house than do we (inversi).
Ketiga bentuk susunan pada contoh di atas bisa digunakan, namun bentuk inversi sering
muncul dalam soal structure pada TOEFA.
Contoh Soal:
Daniel has earned Kalimat tersebut membutuhkan bentuk inversi comparison.
more money than Maka, bentuk yang sesuai adalah yang memiliki susunan
_____ any other have + Subject. Any other boys of his age merupakan
boys of his age. subjek dari klausa setelah then. Jadi, jawaban yang paling
tepat adalah have.
(A) Have
(B) They have You should mark your answer sheet:
(C) Have they
(D) Them A B C D

Exercise 4
Fill in the blanks below using the correct answers!
1. I don’t know _____ Lake head University is.
(A) where (C) if
(B) when (D) whether

2. I’m not sure _____ Calcuta is capital city of India.

(A) where (C) if
(B) when (D) what

3. _____ that you would come, I would have prepared a room for you.
(A) had I known (C) I had
(B) I had known (D) If I had

4. _____diligent, you would achieve the highest score.

(A) were (C) if you
(B) you were (D) were you

62 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
5. I don’t know _____.
(A) is red meat healthy for you
(B) red mead healthy for you is
(C) whether red meat is healthy for you
(D) red meat is whether healthy for you

6. Do you remember _____ ?

(A) when did we meet (C) when we did meet
(B) when we meet was (D) when we met

7. Do you know _____ ?

(A) why can’t I found a new job (C) why I can’t find a new job
(B) why can’t find a new job (D) why I can’t found a new job

8. I’m sorry. I can’t tell you _____.

(A) why the moon is so bright (C) is the moon so bright
(B) why the moon so bright is (D) the moon so bright is

9. Never in my childhood _____ buy any dolls.

(A) my parents (C) did my parents
(B) they did (D) my parents did

10. I don’t know _____.

(A) are you married (C) if you are married
(B) you are married (D) if are you married

11. Do you understand _____.

(A) what the lecture says (C) the lecture says
(B) what says the lecturer (D) say the lecturer

12. Only in my dream _____ my favorite football players.

(A) can I meet (C) they can
(B) I can (D) meet me

13. Can you show me _____ ?

(A) which is the important connection
(B) which one the important connection is
(C) which the connection important is
(D) which is the connection important

14. Please tell me _____.

(A) why does Shan Jie hope her international experience will help her
(B) why San Jie hopes her international experience will help her
(C) shy Shan Jie hope her international experience will help her is
(D) why Shan Jie hopes her international experience help her will

63 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
15. Please tell me _____.
(A) why he is angry (C) why he angry is
(B) why is he angry (D) why he angry

16. I really don’t know _____.

(A) if you love her is (C) if you love her
(B) if you love her do (D) if do you love her

17. Please tell me when _____.

(A) did the representatives from the Shino-UK Internship Program came to speak
at our university
(B) did the representative from the Shino-UK internship Program come to speak at
our university
(C) representative from the Shino-UK Internship Program came to speak at our
university is
(D) representatives from the Shino-UK Internship Program came to speak at our

18. I’m don’t really sure whether _____.

(A) do our students have a reputation for working hard
(B) our students have a reputation for working hard is
(C) our students have a reputation for working hard are
(D) our students have a reputation for working hard

64 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
1. Hubungan Subjek dan Kata Kerja
Kesesuaian antara subjek dan predikat tidak hanya diujikan dalam tes structure, tetapi
juga dalam written expression. Namun, di sini peserta tes harus mampu menganalisis
dan menemukan kesalahan dalam susunan tersebut.

a. Predikat setelah objek preposisi

Objek preposisi biasanya digunakan dalam noun phrase untuk mengecoh
perhatian para peserta tes dimana objek tersebut tampak seperti noun head.
Perhatikan contoh berikut: the people of the town were glad to know that the bridge
will be renovated
Inti dari subjek tersebut adalah the people¸sementara the town adalah objek
preposisi of yang hanya berfungsi sebagai penjelas. Karena itu to be yang
digunakan adalah were (karena people adalah plural noun). Kesalahan sering terjadi
karena peserta tes mengira bahwa subjek kalimat adalah the town sehingga
cenderung menggunakan was sebagai to be.

The participants of the Subjek dari kalimat tersebut adalah participants (plural
A noun) sehingga kata bantu yang dipakai seharusnya have
Discussi0n has already bukan has. Maka, kesalahan dalam kalimat tersebut
B adalah has.
been in room.
C D You should mark your answer sheet:


b. Predikat setelah expression of quantity

Jika expression of quantity seperti all, most, some, half dalam subjek diikuti oleh
preposisi dan objek preposisi maka yang perlu diperhatikan untuk menentukan
predikat adalah objek preposisi tersebut. Perhatikan contoh berikut:
- Half of the cake has been finished (single cake).
- Half of the cake have been finished (plural cake).
- Half of the juice has been finished (uncountable).

65 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Contoh soal:
All of the teacher are Are digunakan bila objek preposisi setelah expression of
A quantity berupa plural noun. Maka, teacher seharusnya
invited to attend the berupa plural noun, yaitu teacher.
annual meeting next You should mark your answer sheet:
week. A B C D

c. Predikat dalam bentuk inversi

Dalam bentuk inversi, bentuk predikat tetap mengikuti subjek. Namun dalam
bentuk inversi atau susun balik, subjek bisa berada di belakang to be atau kata
bantu lainnya.
Contoh: Never in my life am I happy to see you suffering.
Kata bantu am mengikuti subjek yang terletak dibelakangnya, yaitu I.
Only in the morning Kalimat yang diawali only ini membutuhkan bentuk
A B susunan balik. Kata bantu does sudah tepat, akan tetapi
does my grandfather verb setelah subjek drank seharusnya berupa verb1.
drank coffee. You should mark your answer sheet:

Exercise 5
Identify which structure in every sentence is not correct.
1. Academic studies, social life, part-time or full-time jobs, and relationships is often
more important than sleep.
2. Most importantly of students, sleep deprivation make studying and learning more

3. Seldom in the morning did I woke up early when I was a child.


66 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
4. Some students works a part-time job to help pay for college expenses.

5. Silicon Valley was a commonly used nickname for the southern part of the San
Francisco Bay Area in California.

6. There is major universities – a key factor in the spread of new ideas and in training

7. This area has a high concentration of computer – related companies that makes and
use silicon chips.

8. They take them to many different places, where they meets many strange and
wonderful people, animals, or creatures.

9. This shows that for many modern buildings, including the towering skyscraper, from
do not follow function.

10. Some architects today are more interested in designing buildings to catch our
attention than to tell people what going on inside.

2. Bentuk dan Fungsi Kata Kerja

Fungsi kata kerja merupakan inti dalam sebuah kalimat yang menjelaskan keadaan
(action) dari sebuah subjek untuk menjadi predikat dari subjek. Sebagaimana telah
dibicarakan, kata kerja bisa menjadi sebuah pokok grammar yang fungsinya hanya
sebagai penghubung (linkage) seperti; I am a doctor dan He looks handsome today. Bisa
juga menjadi kata yang mempredikati (menjelasskan) bagian inti pada kalimat.
Mr. Amir went to Bandung. Bila diperinci dalam bentuk fungsi kata, maka Mr. Amir
sebagai subjek dan went/V2 sebagai predikat.

3. Posisi Kata Kerja

Kata kerja biasanya disimpan setelah subjek dan sebelum objek atau pelengkap.
Namun ada juga kata kerja muncul sebelum subjek, dan ini biasanya ada dalam

67 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
kalimat bertanya (question), dan dalam kalimat-kalimat atau klausa-klausa yang dimulai
dengan tipe-tipe kata keterangan (adverb) negatif tertentu.
He uses a pen to write.
Does he use a pen to write.
Not only does he use a pen but also use a pencil to write.
4. Format Kata Kerja (Verb Tense)
Bentuk-bentuk kata kerja biasanya dibicarakan dalam hubungannya dengan tenses.
Gambaran bentuk kata kerja (verb forms) akan berubah menurut perubahan waktu
(time-nya). Perbedaan tenses akan mengakibatkan perubahan kata kerja (verb forms).
Namun perubahan ini pun akan berbeda-beda tergantung bentuk kata kerjanya.
Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut pada poin ini hanya akan dibahas aturan-aturan
perubahan verb endings, pola-pola kalimat affirmative/positif, negative, dan interrogative.
Dan juga penggunaan kata bantunya (auxiliary), karena untuk pembahasan pola tenses
dan sebagian auxiliary (modal) dibahas secara khusus dan terpisah. Berikut ini akan
digambarkan perubahan akhiran kata kerja menurut tenses secara global sebagai
Tenses Auxiliary Lexical Verb
present Tanpa auxiliaries atau open, opens
dengan sufix –s/
Past tanpa auxiliary.
dengan suffix “ed” opened
present am, is, are opening, being opened, opened
past was, were
present have, has opened, been opening, been opened
past had
present do, does open
past did
present shall
past should
present will
past would
present can open, be opening, be opened, have opened,
past could been opening, have been opened
present may
past might
present must
past had to
Untuk verb kecocokan dengan subject-nya akan diuraikan pada pola kalimat
positive, negative, dan interrogative.

68 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Perubahan akhiran kata kerja itu sangat berpariasi tergantung kepada bentuk kata
kerja itu sendiri. Oleh karena dalam Bahasa Inggris prubahan kata kerja
diklasifikasikan menjadi dua, yaitu regular verb (kata kerja beraturan) dan irregular verb
(kata kerja tidak beraturan). Tetapi sebelum membicarakan kedua perubahan
tersebut ada hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam menambahkan akhiran -s, -ed,
dan -ing sebagai berikut:
-s 1. Setelah bunyi akhiran -s, -z, -ch, -sh, -x, maka ditambahkan -es (passes,
buzzes, catches, pushes, mixes).
2. Setelah -y yang diawali dengan konsonan, y dirubah menjadi i selanjutnya
ditambahkan -es (carry-carries, try-tries, cry-cries), tetapi -y yang diawali
dengan vokal tinggal menambahkan -s (buys, plays)
-ed 1. Setelah -y yang diawali dengan konsonan, y dirubah menjadi i dan
selanjutnya tambahkan -ed (carry-carried, try-tried, cry-cried), tetapi y yang
diawali dengan vokal tinggal menambahkan -ed (played, enjoyed)
2. Setelah konsonan tunggal yang diawali dengan vokal tunggal yang
pelafalannya ditekan, konsonan akhir didobelkan sebelum -ed (stop-
stopped, permit-permitted), tetapi yang tidak ada penekanan pelafalan
konsonan akhir tidak didobelkan (offer-offered, rain-rained)
3. Setelah akhiran -e hanya menambahkan -d (changed, argued, agreed)
-ing 1. Setelah akhiran -e yang tidak dilafalkan, e dihilangkan (changing, arguing),
tetapi -e yang dilafalkan tinggal menambahkan -ing (agreeing, seeing)
dengan catatan e tidak dihilangkan jika dibutuhkan untuk menghindari
perubahan dalam pelafalan (singeing), atau -e didahului oleh vokal
2. Setelah konsonan tunggal yang diawali dengan vokal tunggal yang
pelafalannya ditekan, konsonan akhir didobelkan sebelum -ing (stop-
stopping, permit-permitting), tetapi yang tidak ada penekanan pelafalan
konsonan akhir tidak didobelkan (offer-offering, rain-raning)
3. Akhiran ie pada kata satu suku kata dirubah menjadi y (lie-lying, die-dying,

a. Bentuk kata kerja (setelah have, be, dan modal)

Telah diketahui dari bab sebelumnya bahwa bentuk have diikuti oleh verb3,
bentuk be diikuti oleh verb-ing, sedangkan modal diikuti oleh verb1. Selain bentuk-
bentuk tersebut, bentuk-bentuk kata kerja sesuai tenses juga perlu dipahami.

69 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
The government must Modal Must harus diikuti oleh verb1, yaitu focus.
focused more on the You should mark your answer sheet:
economy problems in the A B C D

b. Fungsi kata kerja

Dalam hal ini peserta tes diharapkan dapat menganalisis perbedaan past dan
present tense, penggunaan kata bantu have dan had, serta modal will dan would.
In 1940, the Census Kalimat ini merupakan kalimat past tense sehingga kata
Bureau begin to collect kerja begin seharusnya dalam bentuk kedua, yaitu began.
data on individual You should mark your answer sheet:
incomes. A B C D

Exercise 6
Identify which segment in each sentence is not correct.
1. The recipe for this drink is changed suit local tastes.

2. In response to varying needs, Nissan, for example, sell in 75 different markets, but
has eight different chassis design.

3. The best policy, as far as most multi-national companies are concerned, is to

adapted their product to a particular market.

4. Communication can instantaneous to any part of the world and trade barriers
are breaking down.
70 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
5. The final consideration when planning to enter a global market, rather than
assuming the product will suited all markets, is to take cultural differences into

6. The world is teeming with people who has found that to be the case whether they
have passed examination or not.

7. Even when you are struggle to find enough questions to answer, you will find that
many have some kinds of link or association with your course content.

8. It isn’t irrational to fear that you haven’t revised or understand enough of the subject
you have studied to pass a course.

9. It may be that you will need some luck in the choice of questions that appears in the
exam paper.

10. Although such changes will undoubtedly be expensive, I still feel that it would a
good idea to spend money on developing these prisons.

5. Parallel Structure
Parallel structure, dalam soal written expression pada TOEFA, umumnya menguji
kemampuan dalam menggunakan konjungsi atau kata hubung dan preposisi atau
kata depan. Seringkali, kata hubung berupa paired conjunction atau kata hubung yang
Parallel Conjunction
Ketika coordinate conjunctions digunakan, aturannya adalah bahwa setiap item
yang tergabung akan memiliki pola gramatikal yang sama. Kesalahan parallelism
muncul terjadi ketika struktur gramatikal yang berbeda dalam penggunaannya
disamakan untuk fungsi gramtikal yang sama. Kesalahan parallelism biasanya terjadi
pada fungsi noun atau adjective.
Nominal function
Faulty parallelism I’m reading about the origin of the violin and how it
developed through the ages.
Corrected to I’m reading about the origin and development of
the violin.

71 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Faulty parallelism Swimming in the lake and to walk through the
woods are his favorite pastimes.
Correted to: Swimming in the lake and walking through the
woods are his favorite pastimes.
Or To swim in the lake and to walk through the woods
are his favorite pastimes.
Adjectival function
Faulty parallelism Mary is tall, with blond hair, and who has blue eyes.
corrected to Mary is tal, blond, and blue-eyed.

Beberapa kata selain coordinate conjunctin juga membutuhkan parallel

construction. Kata-kata berikut memiliki force of dan not

Not It was his personality, not his talent, that helped him advance
than He was more pleased than annoyed at her remark.
rather than A highly cooperative scientist rather than a brilliant one is required
for this project.

Parallelisme yang logis dibutuhkan bahkan dalam independent clauses yang

tergabung secara sama.
Clause not logically Mr. Jones is our neighbor and he has a large house.
parallel The title of this book is Moby Dick and it is a story about a
Parallel Correlative Conjunctions
Ketika and, or, but bergabung menjadi elemen-elemen yang sama, item pertama
dapat diikuti oleh conjunction, seperti, paired conjunctions, called correlative
conjunctions, tersedia untuk memperkuat hubungan.
both—and Both Helen and I will go to the party.
She is both beautiful and intelligent.
They enjoy both going on a vacation and coming back home.
Gifts were distributed to (both) rich and poor alike (or as well).

not noly—but (also) Not only the women but (also) the men loved this strange
little man.
Not only did he give everyone gifts but he (also) invited
them to a dinner party.

either—or Either Sally or Evelyn can drive you home.

She will either pay for the ring or return it.

72 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
neither—no Neither money nor power has made him arrogant.
She is neither beautiful nor intelligent.

She is not only a beautiful Not only adalah konjungsi yang berpasangan dengan but also
A B sehingga but pada opsi jawaban C pada soal tersebut salah.
girl but a smart student.
C D You should mark your answer sheet:


Selain bentuk-bentuk soal konjungsi seperti di atas, seringkali diujikan pula soal yang
berkaitan dengan analisa kesalahan-kesalahan dalam pembentukan kalimat yang
menggunakan kombinasi preposisi, baik dengan kata kerja maupun dengan kata sifat.



The decision that I take Depend selalu diikuti preposisi on.
depends to my parents. You should mark your answer sheet:

73 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Exercise 7
Identify which segment in each sentence is not correct.
1. Eleven people were killed where their houses were crushed by a collapsing section
of wall bordering their housing complex in Makassar.

2. Because dairy an important part of maintaining a balanced diet and one that offers
considerable benefits for overall health.

3. Although I am not really interested to football, I always accompany my father to

watch the matches.

4. The local government had allocated US$ 11 million to rebuild the bridge, although
the remaining funds required for reconstruction would come from the
central government.

5. Student in their class rely for dictionary to find the meanings of difficult terms.

6. Because of writing is a process of figuring out what you think about a subject, it can
be useful to try out hour ideas on other people.

7. As your explore your subject and identify question you would like to investigate, you
will begin to see possible ways to focus your material.

8. Don’t worry about the exact wording because of your main point may change as you
refine your ideas.

9. The job concern for the maintenance of the company equipments.


10. Whatever, a formal outline may be useful later in the writing process, after you have
written a rough draft, especially if your subject matter is complex.

74 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
6. Comparatives and Superlatives
Degree of comparison adalah untuk mengungkapkan pernyataan dalam perbandingan
dengan memodifikasi kata sifat (adjecttive) untuk kata benda dan memodifikasi kata
keterangan (adverb) untuk kata kerja. Dalam degree of comparison ini ada 3 tingkatan,
yaitu: tingkatan pertama sama (positive degree), tingkatan kedua lebih (comparative degree),
dan tingkatan ketiga paling (superlative degree).
a. Comparison in Adjective
1. Possitive degree
Satu suku kata, Contoh:
as tall as……………
not so(as) tall as……. untuk menyangkal
Tiga suku kata, Contoh:
as beutiful as
not so (as) beautiful a)
He is as tall as my father
My sister is as tall as your sister

She is as beautifull as Madona

He is not so ( as) young as my brother
She is not so (as) beautifull as my sister

2. Comparative degree
Satu suku kata, Contoh:
taller than
less tall than(untuk menyangka)
Tiga suku kata, Contoh:
more beutiful than
less beautiful than

You are taller than me
They are younger than us
He is more handsome than Ali
She is more beautifull than Siti
You are less tall than me
She is less beautifull than her

75 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
3. Superlative degree
Satu suku kata, Contoh:
The tallest
The least tall (untuk menyangka)
Tiga suku kata, Contoh:
The most beutiful
The least beautiful (untuk menyangka)

Semeru mountain is the tallest one in Indonesia
You are the least tall one in this class
He is the most handsome in my class
She is the least beautifull girl here

Untuk adjective yang dua suku kata boleh menggunakan pola yang satu suku kata atau
yang tiga suku kata tergantung keumumannya. Untuk lebih jelasnya perhatikan table
berikut ini:
dua suku kata yang dua suku kata yang dua suku kata yang boleh
mengikuti pola “er” mengikuti pola mengikuti pola “er” “est” dan
dan “est” “more” dan “most” “more” “most”
1. Kata sifat yang bera- 1. Kata sifat yang 1. Kata sifat yang berakhiran:
khiran “y ” dan berakhiran “er”, Contoh:
didahului konsonan, imbuhan seperti; clever–cleverer/more clever
Contoh: …ous, …ish, tender–tenderer/more tender
pretty – prettier/iest …ful, …ing, bitter–bitterer/more bitter
dirty – dirtier/iest …ed, etc. Contoh: “ow”, Contoh:
noisy – noisier/iest famous– narrow–narrower/more
happy - happier/iest more/most famous narrow
useful–more/most shallow–shallower/more
useful shallow
childish– mellow–mellower/more
more/most childish mellow
more/most inte-

2. Kata sifat yang bera- 2. Kata sifat yang 2. Kata sifat lain seperti yang

76 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
khiran: bera-khiran: stress di first syllable, Contoh:
“ple”, Contoh: “ct”, Contoh: pleasant – pleasanter/est
simple – simpler/est exact – more/most cruel – crueler/est
“ble”, Contoh: exact stupid – stupider/est
noble – nobler/est “nt”, Contoh: quiet – quieter/est
humble – humbler/est recent – common – commoner/est
“tle”, Contoh: more/most recent Yang stress di second syllable,
subtle – subtler/est urgent – Contoh:
“dle”, Contoh: more/most urgent polite – politer/est
idle – idler/est “st”, Contoh: profound – profounder/est
honest – remot – remoter/est
more/most honest obscure – obscurer/est
scure – scurer/est
sincer – sincerer/est

Akan tetapi dalam perubahan suffix kata sifat ada juga yang tidak beraturan irregular
comparison sebagai berikut:

Positive comparative superlative

Good Better best
bad worse worst
far farther farthest
further furthest
little less least
much more most
old older oldest
elder eldest

Catatan: farther – farthest digunakan untuk jarak sedangkan further – furthest digunakan
untuk jarak dan lanjutan perkataan. older – oldest digunakan untuk umum sedangkan elder
– eldest digunakan untuk hubungan keluarga.

You are better than me
They get more than us
This book the worst one in this library
Your thought is further than me

77 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
b. Comparison in Adverbs
Antara adjective dan adverb dalam pembentukannya hampir sama. Perbedaannya jika
dalam adjective terdapat tiga kelompok bentukan, yaitu: satu suku kata, dua suku kata,
dan tiga suku kata, sementara dalam adverb hanya ada dua kelompok, yaitu: satu suku
kata dan dua suku kata.
Satu suku kata
a. Positive degree
as hard as
as fast as
b. Comparative degree
c. Superlative degree

Dua suku kata yang memakai aturan “ly” menggunakan more/most.

as slowly as
more/most slowly
Bentuk irregular-nya adalah well – better – best.

You study as hard as my father
They work harder than us
We run as slow as my mother
They run more slowly than me
I runThe most slowly one here

Kemampuan analisis yang diharapkan dalam soal yang berhubungan dengan comparataives
dan superlatives, umumnya berkaitan dengan aturan perubahan bentuk adjectives serta
penggunaan than dan the. Selain itu, peserta tes diharapkan paham tentang penggunaan
comparatives dan superlatives dimana comparatives digunakan untuk membandingkan dua hal,
sementara superlatives digunakan untuk membandingkan tiga hal atau lebih.

78 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
His team is the better Untuk membandingkan lebih dari dua hal, digunakan
A B C bentuk superlatives sehingga better kurang tepat dan
football team in this season. harus diganti dengan best agar kalimat tersebut benar.
You should mark your answer sheet:


Exercise 8
Identify which segment in each sentence is not correct.
1. Children have a strong curiosity. The more you forbid, the most they are interested.

2. It is better for you to study as to play the game all the time.

3. According to him, watching a football game is as interesting than playing basketball.


4. Two natural fibers are wool and cotton; silk, the third natural fiber, is most
expensive of the three.

5. The more I think about philosophy the least I understand it.


c. Passive Voice
Form: be + past participle (V3)

a. Mary helps the boy
b. The boy is helped by mary
Pada kalimat passive objek dalam kata kerja kalimat aktif menjadi subjek dalam kata kerja
kalimat passive: "the boy" pada contoh poin a) menjadi subjek tetapi dalam kata kerja
kalimat passive pada contoh poin b) the boy menjadi objek dari preposisi by. Contoh poin
a dan b maknanya sama. Hanya kata kerja transitif (kata kerja yang diikuti oleh objek)
yang digunakan dalam kalimat pasif.
Perubahan pola kata kerja (predicate) kalimat active dengan kalimat passive dapat dilihat
pada tabel berikut:

79 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Tense/Verb Form Active Voice Passive Voice
Simple present help is helped
Present progressive is helping is being helped
Simple past helped was helped
Past progressive was helping was being helped
Present perfect have helped have been helped
Past perfect had helped had been helped
Future will help will be helped
Conditional would help would be helped
Perfect conditional would have helped would have been helped
Present infinitive to help to be helped
Perfect infinitive to have helped to have been helped
Present participle/gerund helping being helped

Catatan: Untuk tenses yang lainnya jarang digunakan dalam pola passive voice.

4. Penggunaan Passive Voice

Biasanya kalimat passive digunakan tanpa by. Pola kalimat ini lebih sering digunakan
ketika si pelaku/yang melakukan pekerjaan (subject) tidak diketahui atau tidak perlu
untuk diketahui. By digunakan ketika betul-betul perlu untuk mengetahui
pelaku/yang melakukan pekerjaan. Jika pembicara atau penulis mengetahui
pelaku/yang melakukan pekerjaan, biasanya menggunakan kalimat active. Tetapi jika
pembicara atau penulis ingin memberikan perhatian kepada subjek kalimat, maka
dalam kalimat passive menggunakan by.
Rice is grown in India.
Our house was built in 1890.
This olive oil was imported from Spain.
Life on the Missisippi was writen by Mark Twain.
My aunt made this rug. (active)
This rug was made by my aunt.
That rug was made by my mother.

5. Indirect Object sebagai Subjek Kalimat Passive

80 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Baik indirect object (IO) maupun direct object (DO), keduanya bisa menjadi subjek pada
kalimat passive tanpa merubah makna. Tetapi ketika direct object menjadi subjek,
biasanya sebelum indirect object diawali dengan kata to.
Someone gave Mrs. Lee an award. (active)
Mrs. Lee was given an award. (passive)
Someone gave an award to Mrs. Lee. (active)
An award was given to Mrs. Lee. (passive)
Catatan: Mrs. Lee = IO dan an award = DO. British English biasanya menghilangkan
to, An award was given Mrs. Lee.

6. Stative Passive
Stative passive adalah pola kalimat passive yang menyatakan lebih kepada keberadaan
daripada aksinya, sehingga umumnya maknanya ter- dengan tidak menggunakan by
dan sama halnya seperti kata sifat, yaitu menjelaskan subjek. Untuk lebih jelasnya
dapat dilihat pada contoh berikut:
I locked the door five minutes ago. (active)
The door was locked by me five minutes ago. (passive/action)
Now the door is locked. (passive/state)
Ann broke the window. (active)
The window was broken by Ann. (passive/action)
Now the window is broken. (passive/state)
Kalimat stative passive sering diikuti oleh preposisi selain by, Contoh:
I am interested in Chinese art.
He is satisfied with his job.
Ann is married to Alex.

Pola kalimat passive juga digunakan untuk idiom dan untuk kalimat-kalimat tersebut
tidak memiliki kalimat active-nya.
I don't know where I am. I am lost.
I can't find my purse. It is gone.
I am finished with my work.
I am done with my work.

Seperti yang telah dibahas sebelumnya, dasar predikat pada kalimat pasif adalah be +
Verb3. Selain itu, perlu diingat bahwa kata benda bukan orang (noun-person noun) tidak
mungkin melakukan tindakan aktif. Perhatikan bentuk contoh soal berikut:

81 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Black workers relative Subjek kalimat tersebut adalah Black workers relative incomes
incomes were also increasing yang tidak mungkin melakukan tindakan aktif sehingga
A B predikatnya harus berupa be + Verb3 sehingga increasing
because of some general tidak tepat dalam kalimat tersebut dan harus diganti
C dengan increased.
D You should mark your answer sheet:


Exercise 9
Identify which segment in each sentence is not correct.
1. The amazon valley is extremely important to the ecology of the earth because forty
percent of the world’s oxygen is producing there.
2. The proposal was being discussing when I called the office this morning.
3. It is a rule than only students bringing their identity card are admit to enter
the examination room.

4. Based on the recent successful harvest, farmers conclude the plants helped to grow
better by fertilizers.

5. The thief were arrested by the police at his victim’s house last night.

6. Referring to your application, we would like to invite you for an English Language
Test that will held on 13 Augustus.

7. The Laboratory assigned by the company to conduct the medical check-up for
its employers.

82 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
8. It is stated in the work agreement that the take home pay will including the basic
salary and the Service Charge.

9. The program was formally start in January 2011 by a group of 13 prominent

leaders in America who now comprise the Boar of Founders.

10. The Project Assistant will well positioned to provide support roles for exciting
programs around developing and launching entrepreneurship incubators, business
accelerators, and business plan competitions.

d. Noun
Berdasarkan aturan-aturan tertentu, kata benda dibedakan menjadi bagian-bagian seperti
yang telah dibahas dalam bab sebelumnya. Dalam TOEFA, peserta diharapkan
memahami perbedaan dan penggunaan bentuk singular noun dan plural noun termasuk
bentuk plural noun yang tidak beraturan. Countable noun dan Uncountable noun, serta
membedakan kata benda yang berupa person dan thing. (lihat penjelasan Noun di
penjelasaan subjek dan predikat)

Professor Gates has edited Kata several diikuti oleh pural noun sehingga
A B seharusnya diikuti oleh anthologies.
several influential anthology.
C D You should mark your answer sheet:


Exercise 10
Identify which segment in each sentence is not correct.
1. These are just a few of the many norms that every member of the society are
expected to follow.

83 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
2. As an economic system, capitalism depend on individual initiative.

3. Tropical weather cause certain molds and fungi to multiply very rapidly.

4. Producing fine painting require skill and creativity.


5. I like playing billiards. Billiards are an interesting game.


6. In the next poetry-reading contest, each of the contestants are expected to be more
critical and more accurate in pronunciation.

7. The financial reports states that the petty cash has been used for reimbursing
transportation costs and upgrading computers.

8. The hardest thing most mountaineers are facing during their climbing expedition are
that they have difficulty breathing due to the lack of oxygen in the air.

9. The director of human resources are interviewing applicants.


10. Prevention of epidemics are better than cure.


e. Articles
Penggunaan kata sandang atau article tidak dapat dipisahkan. Maka selain menguji
pemahaman mengenal perbedaan the, a, dan an, soal TOEFA juga menguji
kesesuaian antara noun dengan article yang disandangnya.
Contoh soal:
He wants to tell me an An tidak tepat diikuti kata unique karena huruf pertama kata
A B unique tersebut dilafalkan sebagai konsonan.
unique story about his trip
C You should mark your answer sheet:
last week.

84 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Exercise 11
Identify which segment in each sentence is not correct.
1. The concert was a most amazing performance I have ever seen.

2. How many calories are there in an kilogram of potatoes.


3. The rich family has a very gold old watch.


4. One of my cousin has an unique umbrella.


5. A storm which happened last week has destroyed the farms.


f. Pronoun
Peserta tes harus mampu membedakan bentuk dan fungsi jenis-jenis pronoun, serta
harus mampu menganalisis noun nama yang ditunjukkan oleh pronoun tersebut dalam
sebuah kalimat.

The students will make a Pronoun dalam kalimat tersebut menunjuk pada the students
A (plural noun) sehingga pronoun yang tepat bukan him,
lot of mistakes if the teacher melainkan them.
does not assist him. You should mark your answer sheet:

Exercise 12
1. Because their own a lot of money, they do not hesitate to spend much money on

2. Dev Anand was a great artist which entertained generations of cinema lovers over
five decades.

85 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
3. His 2007 memoirs, titled ‘Romancing With Life’ underlined his belief in making
films who were socially relevant.

4. The risk-prone areas include businesses in the mining, plantation, communications

and construction sectors where are located in remote regions in Indonesia.

5. People whom remove dairy products from their diets may have difficulty meeting
their daily calcium requirements.

g. Adjective & Adverb

Soal-soal yang berhubungan dengan adjectives dan adverbs juga mungkin muncul dalam
ujian TOEFA, baik berkaitan dengan dasar-dasar pemahaman maupun letak dalam
kalimat. Karena itu, perbedaan antara verb, adjective, dan adverb harus benar-benar
dipahami. Permasalahan yang sering diharidkan dalam soal adalah pertukaran bentuk
kata. Misalnya, she dresses beautiful merupakan kalimat yang salah karena beautiful
merupakan adjective yang tidak dapat digunakan untuk menerangkan verb ‘dresses’. Verb
tersebut seharusnya diterangkan oleh adverb ‘beautifully’.

Exercise 13
1. Now, Sidikalang coffee production has considerable been declined.

2. All the guests admired the beautiful decorated hall where the bride and bridegroom
were seated.

3. The two forest locations proposed have most been utilized by the farmers for
coffee plantations.

4. She special appreciates her exposure to British culture after spending so much time
with other Chinese at university.

5. They are currently select 20 students and 12 graduates from China to receive this
on the job training for up to six months.

86 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
6. Sean has very analytically mind; he will be a good scientists.

7. The children seemed to be comfortably when watching the program.


8. The doctor gained immediately recognition for his great discovery.


9. The manager thinks that Grace is a very reliability secretary because she always does
her work well.

10. Shane and Stephen are brothers, but they look very differently.

87 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung

Pada beberapa kalimat dalam TOEFA bagian structure, anda diharapkan memiliki
kemampuan untuk mengidentifikasi “kata kerja” dalam sebuah kalimat. Dalam bahasa
Inggris, “kata kerja” bisa terdiri dari satu kata (verb) atau kelompok kata (verb phrase)
yang mengekpresikan action (tindakan) atau keadaan (state). Kata kerja dalam sebuah
kalimat bisa berupa “kata kerja transitive” atau “intransitive”, dan ini tergantung pada
kebutuhan kalimatnya. Apabila dalam kalimat itu mempunyai object, maka yang
dibutuhkannya adalah kata kerja transitive dan apabila tidak mempunyai object maka kata
kerja yang dibutuhkan dalam kalimat itu adalah kata kerja intransitive. Ada juga kalimat
yang predikatnya tidak berupa suatu “action”, yaitu kalimat yang disebut dengan kalimat
nomina (nominal sentence). Dalam kalimat yang seperti ini, yang dibutuhkan bukanlah
kata kerja yang berupa action, tapi yang dibutuhkan itu adalah sebuah linking verb yang
setelah linking verb ini ada sebuah complement. Complement tersebut bisa berupa noun,
pronoun, adjective, adverb dan bisa juga ing-forms atau infinitives. Berikut ini latihannya,
dan anda diminta untuk memilih dan menentukan kata kerja atau ungkapan kata kerja
dari kalimat-kalimt berikut ini.

1. Almost everyone fails _____ the driver's test on the first try.
(A) passing (C) to pas
(B) to have passed (D) in passing

2. When the silkworm gets through to lay its eggs, it dies.


3. If endangered species _____ saved, rain forests must be protected.

(A) are to be (C) can be
(B) be (D) will be

4. The average spoken sentence in conversational English takes 2.5 seconds _____.
(A) for to complete (C) to complete
(B) completing (D) by completing

5. Only twenty years ago, most doctors agreed _____ truthful with their terminally ill
patients, a trend that has reversed itself in modem medical practice.
(A) don’t to be (C) we shouldn’t been
(B) not to be (D) no to been

6. William Torrey Harris was one of the first educators interested _____ a logical
progression of topics in the school curriculum.
(A) in establishing (C) establishing
(B) for establishing (D) to establish

88 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
7. North American Indian tribes used sign language _____ with tribes that spoke a
different language or dialect.
(A) to communicating (C) to communicate
(B) for communicate (D) for communicated

8. Art tends to be _____ more after the death of the artist, but most literary works
tend to decrease in value when the writer dies.
(A) price (C) worth
(B) worthy (D) value

9. Adult eagles let their offspring _____ nests near their original nesting area.
(A) build (C) building
(B) builds (D) to build

10. A barometer is a device with a sealed metal chamber designed to reading the
changes in the pressure of air in the atmosphere.

11. If a person does not have an attorney, the court ______ one.
(A) will appoint (C) would appoint
(B) appointed (D) appointing

12. Since lightning was probably significant in the formation of life, understanding it
might help us to understanding life itself.

13. Iowa _____ of flat-topped hills erected by the ancient Mound Builder people as
temples and burial sites.
(A) with a larger number (C) having a large number
(B) has a large number (D) a large number

14. If the oxygen supply in the atmosphere was not replenished by plants, it would soon
be exhausted.

15. _____ the eight Ivy League schools are among the most prestigious colleges in the
United States.
(A) It is generally accepted that (C) Accepting that it is
(B) That it is accepted (D) That is accepted

16. The Girl Scouts, which was found by Juliette Gordon Low in 1912, has grown to a
current membership of more than three million girls.

89 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
17. To relieve pain caused by severe bums, prevent infection, and treat for shock,
_____ immediate steps.
(A) taking (C) taken
(B) to take (D) take

18. If gasoline vapor _____ with air, combustion will occur.

(A) mixed (C) mixes
(B) had mixed (D) mixture

19. Vermont, commonly known as the Green Mountain State, refused _____ until
(A) to join the Union (C) the joining of the Union
(B) joining the Union (D) join the Union

20. Air constricted between the vocal chords makes them _____, producing sounds.
(A) to vibrate (C) vibrate
(B) vibrate (D) the vibration

90 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Sentences-Auxiliary Verbs

Dalam beberapa kalimat di dalam TOEFA di bagian “structure”, anda di pinta untuk
memilih dan menentukan “auxiliary verb” yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dari kalimat.
Auxilary verb adalah sebuah kata yang menyertai kata kerja (verb) dan bisa merubah arti
dari sebuah kalimat atau juga membedakan dalam bentuk waktunya. Auxilary verb bisa
berupa BE, HAVE, atau a modal yang biasa disebut sebagai modal auxilary. Berikut ini
adalah contoh-contoh soal yang anda diminta untuk menentukan kata kerja bantu
(auxiley vrb yang mana yang benar-benar cocok dn sesuai dengan kentek yang ada:

1. On the average, a healthy heart _____ to pump five tablespoons of blood with
every beat.
(A) must (C) can
(B) ought (D) should
2. It is generally believed that Thomas Jefferson was the one who had researched and
wrote the Declaration of Independence during the months prior to its signing
in July 1776.
3. In general, by the second year of production, the price of a new piece of technology
_____ significantly.
(A) will decreased (C) will have decreased
(B) has decreased (D) will has decreased
4. Although some higher structures have been build in New York City, none
characterizes the skyline better than the Empire State Building.
5. Research in genetics and DNA having had a profound influence on the direction of
treatment for a large number of diseases.
6. Bones composed chiefly of calcium, phosphorous, and a fibrous substance known
as collagen.
7. A cure for juvenile diabetes _____ until more funds are allocated to basic research.
(A) won’t develop (C) don’t develop
(B) aren’t developing (D) won’t be develop
8. During the past decade, twenty million college graduates spended more then fifty
billion dollars in ten-year student loans.

91 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
9. Civil engineers had better _____ steel supports in concrete structures built on
unstable geophysical sites.
(A) include (C) inclusion
(B) including (D) included

10. There is no limit to the diversity to be finding in the cultures of people throughout
the world.

11. The cones of pine trees _____ two or three years to reach maturity.
(A) to take (C) may take
(B) taking (D) takes

12. The government requires that a census taken every ten years so that accurate
statistics may be compiled.

13. It is important that cancer is diagnosed and treated as early as possible in order
to assure a successful cure.

14. Although the scientific community had hoped that the field of transplantation
_____, the shortage of organ donors has curtailed research.
(A) progress (C) would progress
(B) had progressed (D) progressing

15. Before railroad lines were extended from Missouri to New Mexico, millions of
dollars in trade was used to be carried over the Santa Fe Trail by wheeled wagons.

16. Based on a decline in vehicular deaths during the past decade, seat belts, air bags,
baby seats, and other safety features in newer automobiles must be save lives.

17. The gold used in jewelry is not strong enough unless it be alloyed.

18. Even without strong wings, the ostrich has survived because it _____ at high speeds
to escape predators.
(A) to run (C) running
(B) can run (D) run

92 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
19. General damage that been caused by aphids or pollution is sometimes known as

20. Fred Astaire is said to had been the most popular dancer of his time, but he was
also a talented actor, singer, and choreographer.

93 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung

Dalam beberapa kalimat di dalam TOEFA di bagian “structure”, anda diminta untuk
memilih dan menentukan sebuah “kata benda” yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dari
kalimat tersebut. Kata benda bisa berupa nama seseorang, nama sebuah benda dan juga
sebuah idea. Klasifikasi yang sangat mendasar dalam bahasa Inggris adalah klasifikasi
antara countable noun dan uncountable noun. Countable noun adalah noun yang bisa
dibuatkan jamaknya dengan cara menambahkan “s” dan atau “es”, atau dengan cara yang
irregular. Uncountable nouns adalah nouns yang tidak bisa dibutkan jamaknya dengan
cara penambahan “s” atau “es” seperti dalam countable noun. Berikut ini adalah contoh-
contoh soal yang anda diminta untuk menentukan kata benda (noun) yang mana yang
benar-benar cocok dan sesuai dengan kontek yang ada:

1. The understanding electricity depends on a knowledge of atoms and the subatomic

particles of which they are composed.
2. The U.S. Postal Service delivers more mails in one day than Federal Express does in
one year.
3. The two main _____ are permanent magnets and electromagnets.
(A) kinds of magnets (C) kind magnets
(B) kind of magnets (D) kinds magnets
4. When water is frozen, it becomes _____.
(A) ice (C) the ice
(B) ices (D) an ice
5. _____ can live to be more than fifteen years old.
(A) That it is dogs (C) Dogs that
(B) That dogs (D) Dogs
6. One of the most distinctive plant found in the desert is the Saguaro cactus.
7. In the fall, most trees lose _____ which have, by then, turned from green to gold
and orange.
(A) their leaf (C) the leaf
(B) their leaves (D) the leafs
8. Doctors have concluded that in addition to regular exercise, a diet rich in _____ is
good for the heart.
(A) fruits and vegetable (C) the fruits and vegetables
(B) a fruit and vegetable (D) fruit and vegetables

9. A thunder usually follows lightning by five seconds for every mile between the flash
and the observer.

94 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
10. Canada stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, and covers _____
of almost four million square miles.
(A) a area (C) the area
(B) an area (D) area

11. During the early nineteenth century, _____ were hunted for their pelts.
(A) a beaver (C) the beaver
(B) beavers (D) that beavers

12. The stories of Dr. Seuss have been enjoyed by millions of childrens.

13. Collections of the simple and functional Shaker furniture can be seen in museum
throughout the United States.

14. The decathlon is a two-day athletic competition which consists of ten types track
and field events.

15. _____ designs on a wall, also called graffiti, has become associated with gang activity
in many neighborhoods.
(A) Spraying of (C) Spray the
(B) The spraying of (D) Sprays

16. _____ by the author John Grisham are frequently on the best seller list.
(A) The novel (C) A novel
(B) Novels (D) Some novel

17. _____ have made communication faster and easier through the use of e-mail and
the Internet is widely recognized.
(A) It is that computers (C) Computers that
(B) That it is computers (D) That computers

18. Provide pensions for retired persons is the primary function of the social security

19. New equipments for medical diagnosis have made many formerly unpleasant
procedures quite painless.

20. Termites can do _____ to the wood in homes before they are detected.
(A) an extensive damage (C) the extensive damage
(B) extensive damages (D) extensive damage

95 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung

Dalam beberapa kalimat di dalam TOEFA di bagian “structure”, anda di pinta untuk
memilih dan menentukan sebuah “kata ganti benda” yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dari
kalimat tersebut. Kata ganti benda (pronoun) bisa berupa kata ganti nama seseorang,
nama sebuah benda dan juga sebuah idea. Sebuah pronoun adalah sebuah kata yang
digunakan untuk menggantikan seseorang atau sebuah benda atau juga idea tertentua
yang digunakan untuk menghindari pengulangan-pengulangan dari sebuah kata.
Pronoun (kata ganti) bisa singular atau plural, masculine atau feminine, atau neuter. Ada
juga yang dalam bentuk first (pertama), second (kedua), atau third (ketiga) sesuai dengan
kata apa yang digantikannya. Sebuah pronoun bisa digunakan sebagai subject dari sebuah
kalimat atau sebuah clause (anak kalimat), object dari sebuah kata kerja, atu preposition
(kata depan). Berikut ini adalah contoh-contoh soal yang anda diminta untuk
menentukan kata ganti benda (pronoun) yang mana yang benar-benar cocok dan sesuai
dengan kontek yang ada:

1. The crime rate has begun to decline in New York City due to efforts on the part of
both government and private citizens to curb _____.
(A) them (C) its
(B) him (D) it

2. Sloths spend most of its time hanging upside down from trees and feeding on leaves
and fruit.

3. When the European settlers came in the seventeenth century, the newcomers began
a systematic effort to push the Native Americans into the wilderness and to take
their land from their.

4. Seals can _____ because they have a thick layer of blubber under their fur.
(A) keep them warm (C) they keep warm
(B) keep themselves warm (D) keep their warm

5. After Dr. Werner Arber discovered restriction enzymes, Drs. Daniel Nathan,
Hamilton Smith, and him were awarded the Nobel Prize for their research in that

6. There are not many people which adapt to a new culture without feeling some
disorientation at first.
96 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
7. In order for people who speak different languages to engage in trade _____, they
often develop a simplified language called pidgin.
(A) with each the other (C) with each another
(B) with each to the other (D) with each other

8. Those of us who have a family history of heart disease should make yearly
appointments with their doctors.
9. Domestic cats often show loyalty to their owners by leaving freshly killed prey such
as birds for _____ to find.
(A) they (C) them
(B) he (D) their

10. The United States and Canada have many trade agreements that benefit _____.
(A) one the other (C) other one
(B) other (D) each other

11. George Herman Ruth, which was better known as Babe Ruth, began his baseball
career in 1914 with the Baltimore Orioles.
12. The constellation Orion is easily recognized by _____ three vertical stars.
(A) your (C) their
(B) its (D) her

13. The first full-length animated movie, Snow White, was produced by Walt Disney
whom creative genius also inspired such animated classics as Bambi and Cinderella.
14. Wolves, which are known to travel in packs, both provide for and defend _____
through group cooperation.
(A) himself (C) itself
(B) themselves (D) theirselves

15. Although orchids give the appearance of being very fragile, they are actually very
hardy plants _____ indoors during the winter months.
(A) which may be grown (C) who may be grow
(B) what may grow (D) where may be growing

16. Hyperactivity in children may result from _____ some food additives.
(A) their eating (C) to eat
(B) they eat (D) them eating

97 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
17. In advanced stages of anorexia, the patient is unable to feed themself.

18. It is documented that Custer led his troops into a ravine near the Little Big Horn,
where a huge army of Sioux Indians was waiting for they.

19. The sea horse is unique among fish because the female deposits their eggs in a
pouch that the male carries until the small sea horses are hatched.

20. Hawkeye was a character _____ James Fenimore Cooper created for The Last of the
(A) who (C) which
(B) whom (D) whose

98 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
(kalimat-penjelas makna)

Dalam beberapa kalimat di dalam TOEFA (di bagian “structure”), anda diminta untuk
memilih dan menentukan sebuah modifier (kata penjelas) yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan
dari kalimat tersebut. Modifier bisa berupa adverb atau adverbial phrase yang
menambah informasi dari kata kerja (verb), adjective atau kata kerja lainya. sebuah
adjectival phrase yang menjelaskan atau menggambarkan sebuah kata benda atau
bentuk ing-form, kata ganti nama seseorang (pronoun), nama sebuah benda dan juga
sebuah idea. Dalam Adjective tidak perlu ada perubahan bentuk ketika disandingkan
dengan kata benda yang di modified atau dijelaskan oleh adjective. Namun ada beberapa
adjective yang digunakan hanya dengan kata benda countable saja dan ada juga yang
hanya bisa digunakan atau disandingkan dengan kata benda uncountable saja. Berikut
contoh-contoh latihannya. Dan anda diminta untuk memilih yang salahnya.

1. The data on the winter migration patterns of the monarch butterfly is very _____.
(A) interested (C) interesting
(B) interest (D) of interest
2. There are more potatoes cultivated than any the other vegetable crop worldwide.
3. Marian Anderson, recognized both in the U.S. and in Europe as a real great vocalist,
was the first black singer to appear with the Metropolitan Opera Company.
4. The New England states have had _____ serious earthquakes since the Ice Age.
(A) none (C) not
(B) not any (D) no
5. _____ orangutans live alone.
(A) Near all (C) The all
(B) Almost all (D) The most all
6. Some hybrid flowers retain the fragrant scent of the nonhybrid, and _____ are bred
without fragrance.
(A) another (C) some other
(B) the other (D) others
7. At the core of a star, temperatures and pressures are so great as particles collide and
connect in a process called fusion.

8. The Cartwheel Galaxy is 500 million light year away from Earth.

99 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
9. According to a recent survey, _____ doctors do not have a personal physician.
(A) a large amount of (C) a large number of
(B) large amount of (D) large number of

10. Because none of food is as nutritious for a baby as its mother's milk, many women
are returning to the practice of breast feeding.

11. John F. Kennedy was the youngest president of the United States, and _____ to be
(A) the fourth (C) four
(B) fourth (D) the four

12. Euthanasia, the practice of assisting the death of a person suffering from an
incurable disease, is such a controversial issue as it is illegal in most countries.

13. _____ in the world export diamonds.

(A) Only little nations (C) Only a little nations
(B) Only few nations (D) Only a few nations

14. Uranus is just _____ to be seen on a clear night with the naked eye.
(A) bright enough (C) as enough bright
(B) enough brightly (D) bright as enough

15. The conversations on the TOEFA will be spoken just one time; therefore, you must
listen very careful in order to understand what the speakers have said.

16. Gold, silver, and copper coins are often alloyed with harder metals to make them
hard as enough to withstand wear.

17. _____ like McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken have used franchising to
extend their sales internationally.
(A) Chain’s restaurants (C) Chain restaurant
(B) Chains restaurants (D) Chain restaurants

18. Thirty-six years after his first flight, at the age of 77, John Glenn proved that he was
not _____ to return to his role as an astronaut.
(A) so old (C) oldest
(B) too old (D) very older

100 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
19. _____ that is known as Art Deco culminated in the exhibits and expositions at the
World's Fair in 1939.
(A) The art (C) An art
(B) Arts (D) Artist

20. The brightest body in the constellation Hydra, Alphard is only _____.
(A) a second-magnitude (C) a star of the magnitude second
(B) a magnitude second star (D) a second magnitudes star

101 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
(Kalimat perbandingan)

Dalam beberapa kalimat di dalam TOEFA (di bagian “structure”), anda diminta untuk
memilih dan menentukan sebuah perbandingan (comparative) yang sesuai dengan
kebutuhan kalimat, atau sesuai dengan kontek kalimatnya. Sebuah comparative bisa
dalam bentuk sebuah kata (word) atau ungkapan (phrase) yang mengekpresikan
kesamaan atau perbedaan. Sebuah comparative bisa juga dari kata yang berakhiran “er”
atau “est” yang mengekpresikan tingkatan perbandingan dalam adjective atau adverb.
Berikut latihan dari comparative dan anda diminta untuk menentukan yang salahnya.

1. Tuition at an American university runs _____ twenty thousand dollars a semester.

(A) so high as (C) as high as
(B) as high to (D) as high than

2. Alligators are about the same color than crocodiles, although the adults may be
slightly darker with broader heads and blunter noses.

3. Laser discs provide images of best quality than those of either television signals or
video tapes.

4. The cost of a thirty-second commercial on a network television station is _____ for

most businesses.
(A) so much (C) very much
(B) much (D) much too much

5. The New York City subway system is the most longest

underground railroad operating in the world.

6. School children in the same grade in American schools are usually the same old as
their classmates.

7. The seed heads of teasel plants raise the nap on coarse tweed cloth _____ than do
the machine tools invented to replace them.
(A) more efficiently (C) more efficient
(B) efficiently (D) most efficient

102 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
8. Benjamin Franklin was the editor of the larger newspaper in the colonies, a
diplomatic representative to France and later to England, and the inventor of many
useful devices.

9. The standard for cleanliness in the area where a microchip is manufactured is same
that of an operating room in a hospital.

10. The North American robin is only _____ the European and African robins.
(A) half big (C) half as big as
(B) as big half (D) big by half

11. Mountain bikes differ ordinary bicycles in that they have ten or more gears, a
more rugged frame, and wider treads on the tires.
12. As a rule, the more rapid the heart rate, faster the pulse.

13. In U.S. law, a misdemeanor is a crime that 17. The North's abundance of industry
and is _____ a felony, and usually carries a commercial wealth proved to be a
greater term of imprisonment of le s than one year for most offenses.
(A) lessen than (C) less than severe
(B) less severe than (D) severely lesser

14. Although both are mammals, the early 18. The Woodstock Music and Art Fair of
1969 stages of development on the part of captured the essence of the
counterculture placentals differ from _____.
(A) marsupials (C) those of marsupials
(B) that of marsupials (D) those marsupials

15. Eli Whitney's cotton gin enabled the cotton 19. Alike her friend and fellow
impressionist producers of the early nineteenth century to increase their production
by times artist, Edgar Degas, Mary Cassatt used the amount produced prior to the
(A) more fifty (C) more than fifty
(B) more as fifty (D) most than fifty

16. _____ 250,000 species of fossils have 20. A dancer, while always graceful and been
discovered in both organized, precise in her movements, trains scientific searches
and by sheer accident.
(A) As much as (C) As many
(B) As many as (D) Many as

103 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
17. The North's abundance of industry and is a felony, and usually carries a commercial
wealth proved to be a greater advantage _____ in determining the outcome of the
Civil War.
(A) than originally thought (C) as originally thought
(B) than originally thought (D) originally thought

18. The Woodstock Music and Art Fair of 1969 captured the essence of the
counterculture movement of the 1960s _____.
(A) most than any of other events (C) than any other events
(B) best than any other event (D) better than any other event

19. Alike her friend and fellow impressionist artist, Edgar Degas, Mary Cassatt used
brush strokes and colors in new and different ways.

20. A dancer, while always graceful and precise in her movements, trains _____ any
other athlete.
(A) as strenuously (C) as strenuously as
(B) more strenuously as (D) as strenuously that

104 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
(Kalimat dan penghubung)

Dalam beberapa kalimat di dalam TOEFA (di bagian “structure”), anda diminta untuk
memilih dan menentukan penghubung atau connector yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan
kalimat atau kontek dari kalimatnya. Connector adalah kata yang mengekpresikan
hubungan atau realasionship antara kata, phrase (ungkapan), dan clausa (anak kalimat)
yang digabungkannya. Hubungan antar kalimat bisa berupa sebab (cause), akibat (result),
kontradiksi (contradiction), Subtitusi (subtitusion), tambahan informasi (aditio), harapan
(expectation), contoh (example), dan tujuan (purpose). Berikut latihannya dan anda
diminta untuk mencari hal yang salahnya.

1. It is not clear how much students learn _____ television classes without supervision
and monitoring.
(A) for watching (C) by watch
(B) from watching (D) to watch
2. In spite of the fact that 85 percent of all societies allow the men to take more than
one wife, most prefer monogamy _____ polygamy.
(A) than (C) for
(B) to (D) that
3. Some metals such gold, silver, copper, and tin occur naturally, and are easy to work.
4. Stained glass becomes even more beautiful when it _____ because the corrosion
diffuses light.
(A) will age (C) are aging
(B) ages (D) aged
5. All of the senses _____ smell must pass through intermediate gateways to be
processed before they are registered in the brain.
(A) until (C) to
(B) but (D) for
6. Because the expense of traditional fuels and the concern that they might run out,
many countries have been investigating alternative sources of power.
7. The lights and appliances in most homes use alternating current _____.
(A) instead direct current (C) that instead direct current
(B) instead of direct current (D) for direct current instead
8. Only seventeen on one hundred business calls get through to the correct person on
the first attempt.

105 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
9. More murders are reported _____ December in the United States than during any
other month.
(A) on (C) at
(B) in (D) for

10. The tendency to develop cancer, even in high-risk individuals, can be decreased
_____ the amount of fruit and vegetables in the diet.
(A) to increase (C) for increasing
(B) for increase (D) by increasing

11. The concept of lift in aerodynamics refers to the relationship among the increased
speed of air over the top of a wing and the higher pressure of the slower air
12. If one of the participants in a conversation wonders _____, no real communication
has taken place.
(A) what said the other person (C) what did the other person say
(B) what the other person said (D) what was the other person saying

13. A prism is used to refract light so as it spreads out in a continuous spectrum

of colors.
14. Nuclear power plants are still supported by the society of Professional Engineers
in spite unfortunate accidents like the one at Three Mile Island.

15. Neptune is an extremely cold planet, and _____.

(A) so does Uranus (C) so is Uranus
(B) so has Uranus (D) so Uranus

16. Deserts are often formed _____ they are cut off from rain-bearing winds by the
surrounding mountain ranges.
(A) because (C) so
(B) in spite of (D) due to

17. There are many beautifully preserved historic buildings _____.

(A) in Beacon Street in Boston (C) on Beacon Street in Boston
(B) in Beacon Street at Boston (D) at Beacon Street at Boston

106 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
18. _____ the original document, the U.S. Constitution contains ten amendments called
the Bill of Rights.
(A) Beside (C) In addition
(B) Besides (D) Also

19. National parks include not only the most scenic places in the nation but places
distinguished for their historic or scientific interest.

20. Cooking oil made from com does not become saturated when heated, and _____.
(A) neither oil made from soy (C) neither does oil made from soy
(B) oil made from soy does either (D) oil made from soy either

107 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Sentences-Sentences and Clauses
(Kalimat dan clauses (anak kalimat)

Dalam beberapa kalimat di dalam TOEFA (di bagian “structure”), anda diminta untuk
memilih dan menentukan mana induk kalimat (main clause atau independent clause) dan
mana adak kalimat (subordinate clause atau dependent clause) dalam sebuah pernyataan
atau tulisan. Berikut ini latihannya dan anda diminta untuk menentukan mana yang
salahnya dari beberapa pertanyaan berikut ini.

1. Some ancient units such as the day, the foot, and the pound, _____ today.
(A) are still in use (C) which are in use still
(B) that are still in use (D) still in use

2. Paper money _____ by the Continental Congress in order to finance the American
(A) which was issued (C) issued
(B) was issuing (D) was issued

3. The plastic arts, mainly sculpture and ceramics, that are produced
by modeling or molding the materials into interesting shapes.

4. The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) _____ by high school students as a requirement
for admission to many colleges.
(A) which is taken (C) taken
(B) is taken (D) is taking

5. Ocean currents that help transfer heat from the equator to the poles, thereby
creating a more balanced global environment.

6. Camp David _____ the official country home of the U.S. presidents.
(A) that is (C) it is
(B) that it is (D) is

7. Gas and dust that stream away from a comet forming one or more tails
that may extend for millions of miles.

108 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
8. The Northwest Ordinances which regulated the sale and settlement of land between
the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River, territories still occupied
by American Indian nations.
9. _____ considered strong and reliable, and is favored by investors who are interested
in security.
(A) That blue chip stock (C) It is blue chip stock
(B) Blue chip stock (D) Which is blue chip stock

10. Most botanists have observed _____ a period of dormancy, even when conditions
may be favorable for growth.
(A) that seed exhibiting (C) seeds that exhibiting
(B) that seed exhibit (D) seed that they exhibit

11. La Guardia Airport in New York City _____ for Fiorello La Guardia, one of New
York's most popular mayors.
(A) which is named (C) which named
(B) named (D) is named

12. In a meritocracy, intelligence and ability _____ more than social position or wealth.
(A) which value (C) valuing
(B) that are valued (D) are valued

13. The larva of the boll weevil, which it feeds on the immature pods of the
cotton plant, often destroying an entire crop.

14. Of all the lawsuits in the world, _____ in U.S. courts.

(A) filed 95 percent of them (C) that filed are 95 percent of them
(B) 95 percent of them are filed (D) which of them 95 percent are

15. "Chicago" is a poem _____ in praise of one of the busiest industrial centers in the
(A) which by Carl Sandburg (C) was written by Carl Sandburg
(B) which was written by Carl Sandburg (D) Carl Sandburg who wrote it

16. _____ are kept as pets in almost every country in the world.
(A) Cats and dogs which (C) Cats and dogs
(B) Which cats and dogs (D) That cats and dogs

109 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
17. By studying the fossils of pollen, which extremely resistant to decay, researchers
can gain useful information about the vegetation of the past.

18. The PTA _____ parents and teachers who support the school by fund-raising and
other activities.
(A) it is a group of (C) which group of
(B) that is a group of (D) is a group of

19. The attribution of human characteristics to animals or inanimate objects appears in

the mythologies of many cultures is a literary device called anthropomorphism.

20. The jet stream _____ usually occurs at about thirty-five to sixty degrees latitude.
(A) a narrow band of wind that (C) a narrow band of wind
(B) is a narrow band of wind that (D) it is a narrow band of wind that

110 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Sentences-Point of View
(Kalimat dan gagasan kalimat)

Dalam beberapa kalimat di dalam TOEFA (di bagian “structure”), anda diminta untuk
memilih dan menentukan kesalahan gagasan dalam sebuah kalimat. Gagasan atau point
of view dalah sebuah hubungan antara kata kerja “verb” dalam main idea (gagasan
utama) dari sebuah kalimat atau dari kata kerja dalam kalimat dan adverb dengan time
yang mengintarinya. Berikut latihannya dan anda diminta untuk menentukan mana yang

1. Although there are approximately 120 intensive language institutes in the United
States in 1970, there are more than four times as many now.

2. Cartographers cannot make an accurate map because the political situation in many
areas changes so rapidly that they were not able to draw the boundaries correctly.

3. Although Emily Dickinson publishes only three of her verses before she died, today
there are more than one thousand of her poems printed in many important

4. Dew usually disappeared by seven o'clock in the morning when the sun comes up.

5. Before the 1800s, when William Young made different shoes for right and left feet,
shoes _____ on either foot.
(A) can wear (C) could be worn
(B) are wearing (D) worn

6. Seven months before the stock market crashed in 1929, President Hoover said that
the economy of the nation is secure.

7. In the Middle Ages, the word "masterpiece" referred to a work that _____ by a
journeyman in order to qualify as a master artisan.
(A) completed (C) was completed
(B) is completed (D) complete

8. Most archaeologists agree that humans are living in the area around Philadelphia
for about twelve thousand years.

111 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
9. Although we once thought that Saturn has only seven rings, we now know that it
has hundreds of rings extending for thousands of miles.

10. Before his death in 1943, in an effort to encourage less dependence on one crop by
the South, George Washington Carver _____ for developing hundreds of industrial
uses for peanuts and sweet potatoes.
(A) has responsibility (C) is responsible
(B) were responsibility (D) was responsible

11. The Greek historian Herodotus reported that one hundred thousand men _____
for twenty years to build the Great Pyramid at Gizeh.
(A) employ (C) are employed
(B) employed (D) were employed

12. In 1975, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, the average life
expectancy for people born during that year is 72.4 years.

13. Champlain founded a base at Port Royal in 1605, and builds a fort at Quebec three
years later.

14. According to the Congressional Record, almost one third of all new laws in 1991
are passed to celebrate some day, week, or month for a special interest group's
purposes, such as Music Week.

15. The first significant engagement of the American Revolution occurs

on June 17, 1775, and has been referred to as the Battle of Bunker Hill.

16. Evolutionary changes in the speech organs probably _____ the development of
language in humanoids.
(A) to contribute (C) contribution to
(B) contribute to (D) contributed to

17. Originally, the purpose of a sampler is to record complex stitches so that they could
be duplicated later.

112 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
18. Before he died, Armand Hammer _____ an extraordinarily diverse business empire,
including interests in oil, livestock, cattle, grain, and art.
(A) established (C) establishes
(B) establishing (D) establish

19. Many ancient cultures begin their spiritual life by worshipping the Sun.

20. People under thirty years old cannot remember when _____ without a computer
(A) they have to work (C) their working
(B) they had to work (D) working

113 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung

Dalam beberapa kalimat di dalam TOEFA (di bagian “structure”), anda diminta untuk
memilih dan menentukan sebuah kesalahan dalam susunan kalimat bahasa inggris.
Agreement adalah hubungan antara subjek dan kata krja (verb) atau antara pronoun dan
noun, atau antara pronoun dengan pronoun lainnya. Untuk menyesuaikan, subjek dan
kata kerja harus sama-sama singular atau sama-sama plural. Untuk menyesuaikan,
pronoun dan noun atau pronoun yang keduanya harus berbentuk singular atau keduanya
harus berbentuk plural dan keduanya harus berbentuk maskulin, berbentuk feminin atau
berbentuk netral (neuter). Pilihlah jawaban yang benar pada kalimat yang tidak lengkap.
Pilihlah kata atau prasa yang tidak tepat pada pilihan-pilihan yang digaris bawahi.

1. Both a term paper and a final exam is often required for a college class.

2. The popularity of soccer in the United States were increased significantly by

the playing of the World Cup in cities throughout the country in 1994.

3. How many musical notes of the 11,000 tones that the human ear can distinguish
_____ in the musical scale?
(A) it is (C) there are
(B) is it (D) are there

4. Not one in a hundred seeds develop into a healthy plant, even under laboratory

5. Nine of every ten people in the world _____ in the country in which they were
(A) living (C) lives
(B) they are living (D) live

6. Benjamin Franklin strongly objected to the eagle's being chosen as the national bird
because of their predatory nature.

7. In order to grow well, the Blue Spruce, like other pine trees, require a temperate

8. Few airports in the United States is as modern as that of Atlanta.


114 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
9. In the ocean, _____ more salt in the deeper water.
(A) is there (C) there is
(B) it may be (D) it is
10. Work on improving industrial disposal methods were begun in the early 1970s,
shortly after the Clean Air bill was passed by Congress.
11. The average temperature of rocks on the surface of the earth _____ 55 degrees F.
(A) be (C) is
(B) are (D) been
12. The officials of the Board of Elections asked that each voter present their
registration card and a valid Texas driver's license before receiving a ballot.
13. If one has a special medical condition such as diabetes, epilepsy, or allergy, it is
advisable that they carry some kind of identification in order to avoid being given
improper medication in an emergency.
14. A large percentage of federal employees are participating in an experimental four-
day work week aimed at curbing gasoline consumption and pollution, two of
the most urgent problems facing cities today.
15. A mature grove of Aspen trees often _____ that supports numerous trunks.
(A) have a single system of roots (C) make a single system from roots
(B) has a single root system (D) making a single roots system
16. One-cent coins issued in the United States since 1982 is 96 percent zinc.
17. According to a team of scientists, there are evidence that Mount Everest is still
18. The urinary system, including both the bladder and the kidneys, are contained in the
cavities of the trunk.
19. The smallest flying dinosaurs _____ of a robin.
(A) about the size (C) were about the size
(B) was about the size (D) have been about the size

20. In the 1920s, Art Deco, known for plastic and chrome-plated objects, were
very popular.

115 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Sentences-Introductory Verbal Modifiers

Dalam beberapa kalimat di dalam TOEFA (di bagian “structure”), anda diminta untuk
memilih dan menentukan sebuah kesalahan dalam introductory verbal modifiers dan
subjek yang dijelaskannya. Introductory verbal modifiers berbentuk –ing forms,
participles dan invinitives. Prasa yang menggunakan introductory verbal modifiers
muncul pada awal kalimat dan diikuti oleh koma (,). Subjek yang dijelaskan oleh
introductory verbal modifiers harus diikuti oleh koma. Jika subjeknya benar tapi tidak
diikuti oleh koma, arti kalimatnya akan berubah. Perubahan arti kalimat tersebut
seringkali menjadi tidak logis. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar pada kalimat yang tidak
lengkap. Pilihlah kata atau frasa yang tidak tepat pada pilihan-pilihan yang digaris bawahi.

1. After finishing Roots, the one-hundred-year history of an African-American family,

the Nobel Prize committee awarded author Alex Haley a special citation for literary
2. A competitive sport, gymnasts perform before officials who must use their
along with their knowledge of the rules to determine the relative skill of each
3. To remove stains from permanent press clothing, carefully soaking in cold water
before washing with a regular detergent.
4. An abstract painter and pioneer of Surrealism, _____ and symbolic images.
(A) Miro’s works are characterized by bright colors
(B) the works of Miro are characterized by bright colors
(C) Miro is famous for works characterized by bright colors
(D) bright colors characterize the works of Miro

5. Found in Tanzania by Mary Leakey, some archeologists estimated that the

three-million-year-old fossils were the oldest human remains to be discovered.
6. Originally having been buried in Spain, and later moved to Santo Domingo in the
Dominican Republic, Columbus's final resting place is in Andalucia, Spain.

116 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
7. The largest hotel on Earth, _____.
(A) the MGM Grand has 91 elevators and 5005 rooms
(B) there are 91 elevators and 5005 rooms in the MGM Grand
(C) 91 elevators and 5005 rooms are in the MGM Grand
(D) it is the MGM Grand that has 91 elevators and 5005 rooms

8. Written by Neil Simon, New York audiences received the new play enthusiastically
at the world premiere Saturday evening.

9. To prevent cavities, dental floss should be used daily after brushing one's teeth.

10. While researching the problem of violent crime, the Senate committee's discovery
that handguns were used to commit 64 percent of all murders in the United States.

11. One of the world's greatest rivers, _____.

(A) One third of North America is linked by the water of the Mississippi
(B) The Mississippi links one third of North America by water
(C) North America is linked by the Mississippi in one third of the water
(D) The water is linked in North America by one third of the Mississippi

12. After reviewing the curriculum, several significant changes were made by the faculty
in traditional business programs at Harvard University.

13. Having hit more home runs in one season than any other player in the history of
baseball, Mark McGwire's record is famous.

14. Banned in the U.S., the effect of fluorocarbons continues at a level that could
eventually damage the ozone layer, and bring about such serious results as high risk
of skin cancer and global climate changes.

15. While trying to build a tunnel through the Blue Ridge Mountains, _____.
(A) Coal was discovered by workmen at the construction site
(B) Workmen discovered coal at the construction site
(C) The construction site was where coal was discovered by workmen
(D) It was the construction site where workmen discovered coal

117 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
16. To avoid jet lag, many doctors recommend that their patients begin adjusting one
week before departure time by shifting one hour each day toward the new
time schedule.

17. Traditionally named for women, Bob was chosen as the first male name for
a hurricane.

18. Published by Penguin Press almost eighty years ago, _____ offered to the public.
(A) Ernest Hemingway wrote A Farewell to Arms as the first paperback book
(B) A Farewell to Arms was the first paperback book by Ernest Hemingway that it
(C) Ernest Hemingway's book A Farewell to Arms was the first paperback book
(D) it was A Farewell to Arms that was the first paperback by Ernest Hemingway

19. Born in 1892, _____ while he wrote the poems and plays that made him famous.
(A) the Library of Congress is where Archibald MacLeish worked as a librarian
(B) Archibald MacLeish worked as a librarian at the Library of Congress
(C) a librarian at the Library of Congress, Archibald MacLeish worked
(D) at the Library of Congress, Archibald MacLeish worked as a librarian

20. Founded in 1919, students and teachers who are interested in spending several
months abroad may benefit from educational programs administered by the
Institute for International Education.

118 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Sentences-Parallel Structure

In some sentences in the Structure Section of the Paper-Based TOEFA, you will be
asked to identify errors in parallel structure. Parallel structure is the use of the same
grammatical structures for related ideas of equal importance. Related ideas of equal
importance often occur in the form of a list. Sometimes related ideas of equal
importance are connected by conjunctions, such as and, but, and or. Choose the correct
answer in the incomplete sentences. Choose the incorrect word or phrase in the
underlined choices.

1. Rock music is not only popular in the United States but also abroad.
2. To control quality and making decisions about production are among the many
responsibilities of an industrial engineer.
3. Most of the Cajun French who Jive in Louisiana can neither read _____ the French
variety that they speak fluently.
(A) nor they write (C) or writing
(B) nor write (D) neither write

4. The six main parts of a business letter are the address, the inside address, the
salutation, the body, the closing, and signing your name.
5. Microwaves are used for cooking, telecommunications, and _____.
(A) to diagnose medically (C) diagnosed medically
(B) medical diagnosing (D) medical diagnosis

6. To read literature and being introduced to a different culture are two excellent
reasons for studying a foreign language.
7. Ice skating and to go skiing are popular winter sports in the northern United States.
8. To treat minor diarrhea, drink plenty of liquids, especially tea, water, and carbonated
beverages, eat soup, yogurt, salty crackers, and bananas, and avoiding milk, butter,
eggs, and meat for twenty-four hours.

119 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
9. A vacuum will neither conduct heat nor _____.
(A) transmit sound waves (C) sound waves are transmitted
(B) transmitting sound waves (D) the transmission of sound waves

10. The Smithsonian Institute is famous because it contains such interesting exhibits as
the flag that was raised over Fort McHenry in 1812, the airplane that the Wright
brothers built for their first flight at Kitty Hawk, and there are the gowns worn by
every first lady since Martha Washington.

11. In order to become a law, a bill must be passed not only by the Senate but also
the House of Representatives.

12. The color of a star depends on the heat and _____.

(A) how much energy produced (C) production of the energy
(B) the energy it produces (D) producing energy

13. The cloverleaf is a common engineering design for expressways that permits traffic
between two intersecting highways to move more safely, efficiently, and with ease.

14. A new product should be judged not by the promises made in commercials and
advertisements, but also by the results demonstrated in actual use.

15. The artisans of the southwestern United States are famous for their beautiful art
work, especially handmade jewelry cast from silver, carved from stones, or _____
with beads and feathers.
(A) decoration (C) decorated
(B) decorating (D) decorate

16. Snakes stick out their tongues, move them around, and also they retract them
quickly to pick up odor molecules that aid in detecting direction.

17. Thought by some to be the first labor party, the Workingman's Party struggled not
only for better working conditions also for public schools for all children.

18. The cerebellum's main functions are the maintenance of posture and move the body.

120 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung

19. The Cabinet consists of secretaries of departments who report to the president, give
him advice, and _____ decisions.
(A) helping him making (C) help him making
(B) helping him make (D) help him make

20. Increasing involvement in agriculture by large corporations has resulted in what

is known as agribusiness-that is, agriculture with business techniques, including
heavy capitalization, specialization of production, and to control all stages of
the operation.

121 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung

Dalam beberapa kalimat di dalam TOEFA (di bagian “structure”), anda diminta untuk
memilih dan menentukan sebuah kesalahan dalam redundancy (berlebihan). Redundancy
adalah pengulangan kata dan prasa yang tidak perlu. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar pada
kalimat yang tidak lengkap. Pilihlah kata atau frasa yang tidak tepat pada pilihan-pilihan
yang digaris bawahi.

1. Some international students use a cassette recorder to make tapes of their classes
so that they can repeat the lectures again.

2. Blood plasma it is the transportation system for all of the widely separated organs in
the human body.

3. Whereas a gas expands _____ in all directions, a vapor remains somewhat more
(A) in a uniform manner (C) uniformly in manner
(B) uniformly (D) uniform

4. Appointed by the General Assembly for five years, the Secretary-General of the
United Nations must act in an impartial manner toward all members.

5. Humans who lived thousands of years ago, long before alphabets were devised, they
used pictures to record events and to communicate ideas.

6. If one does not pick up the dry cleaning within thirty days, the management is not
obligated to return it back.

7. That witches cause disaster and misfortunes _____ among the colonists in Salem,
(A) it was widely believed (C) was believed in a wide way
(B) was widely believed (D) they widely believed

122 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
8. The southern part of the United States has ideal conditions for raising cotton
because the climate is sufficiently warm enough to allow a six-month growing period.

9. People who are competitive in nature are more likely to suffer from the effects of
stress on their health.

10. International law is made up of the rules and customs that they deal with the
relationships between different nations and the citizens of different nations.

11. Found in and near the Mohave Desert, _____ has a limited habitat.
(A) is the Joshua tree that it (C) the Joshua tree
(B) it is the Joshua tree (D) the Joshua tree it

12. Traditionally, the South has been mostly Democrat _____, while the North has
been divided between Democrats and Republicans.
(A) in the politics (C) politics-wise
(B) politically (D) in a political way

13. It was Isadora Duncan who was responsible for many of the new innovations that
have made modem dance different from classical ballet.

14. Little House on the Prairie, a successful television program, was adapted from a series
of books by a young pioneer woman whose life was similar to that of the character
called by name Laura.
15. In recent years great advances forward have been made in the field of
genetic research.

16. Today the United States is one of the few countries in the Western Hemisphere that
it has laws providing for the death penalty.

123 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
17. According to recent geological research, the climate of the states along the Canadian
border is changing with rapidity.

18. Digital clocks, however precise, _____ because the earth's rotation changes slightly
over the year.
(A) they cannot be perfectly accurate (C) not perfectly accurate
(B) cannot be perfectly accurate (D) not be perfectly accurate

19. Natural gas often occurs _____ petroleum in the minute pores of rocks such as
sandstone and limestone.
(A) both together (C) with
(B) both together (D) both with

20. World hunger it is one of the most urgent problems that we face today.

124 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Sentences- Word Choice

Dalam beberapa kalimat di dalam TOEFA (di bagian “structure”), anda diminta untuk
memilih dan menentukan sebuah kesalahan dalam pemilihan kata (word choice). Word
choice adalah pemilihan kata yang mengungkapkan arti yang pasti dalam sebuah ide.
Kadang, menjadi hal penting membuat pilihan antara kata-kata yang terlihat sangat sama
tapi memiliki arti yang sangat berbeda. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar pada kalimat yang
tidak lengkap. Pilihlah kata atau prasa yang tidak tepat pada pilihan-pilihan yang digaris

1. According to the Pythagorean theorem, the sum of the squares of the two sides
of a triangle is equal as the square of the hypotenuse.

2. The flag over the White House is risen at dawn every day by a color guard from the
United States armed forces.

3. Commercials on the educational television network are generally shorter comparing

those on other networks.

4. The Pilgrims _____ seven thousand dollars at 43 percent interest to make their
journey in 1620.
(A) lent (C) to lend
(B) borrowing (D) borrowed

5. The Food and Drug Administration does not declare a drug a carcinogen until it has
been proven conclusively that the effects in rats can be generalized for human

6. In some states, the law allows drivers to turn right at a red light, but in other states,
the law does not leave them do it.

7. The effective of a project on the general population is difficult to measure unless a

statistician is employed to tabulate the variables.

8. When a person is arrested, the cops must let him make one telephone call.

125 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
9. Although blood _____ in urine and stool samples, it cannot always be detected
without the aid of a microscope.
(A) lets residue (C) residues
(B) leaves residue (D) making residue

10. The audible range of frequencies for human beings _____ between 20 and
(A) lies (C) lying
(B) lays (D) laying

11. If the owner of a bar suspicions that someone's identification is not valid, he can
refuse to serve the order.

12. The condition of menkind has been improved by recent technological advances.

13. _____ mammals, once weaned, do not routinely drink milk.

(A) As a whole, (C) Wholly,
(B) As whole, (D) On a whole,

14. The classify of plants begins with those having the simplest structure, and
progresses to include the most highly organized forms in four divisions called phylums.

15. With the develop of a cheap process for desalination, 97 percent of the Earth's
water will become available for freshwater purposes.

16. People with exceptionally high intelligence quotients may not be the best employees
since they _____ unless the job is constantly changing.
(A) become bored of work (C) become bored with their work
(B) are becoming boring in work (D) work becoming bored

17. An understand of calculus is essential to the study of engineering.


18. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow not only wrote poems and stories but also presided
the modem language department at Harvard University for more than eighteen
years. C D

126 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
19. In cold weather, growers place wind machines _____ the groves to keep the air
circulating and to warm up the citrus crops.
(A) near to (C) next to
(B) near of (D) nearly

20. Almost all life depends to chemical reactions with oxygen to produce energy.

127 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Sentences-Comprehensive Structures

Dalam beberapa kalimat di dalam TOEFA (di bagian “structure”), item-item

diorganisasikan dalam dua bagian, kalimat completion () dan kalimat correction (). Tes
ini termasuk pilihan komprehensif dalam struktur. Latihan ini merupahan contoh dari
format Paper-Based TOEFA. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar pada kalimat yang tidak
lengkap. Pilihlah kata atau prasa yang tidak tepat pada pilihan-pilihan yang digaris

Part 1
1. In simple animals, _____ reflex movement or involuntary response to stimuli.
(A) behavior mostly (C) most behavior is
(B) most is behavior (D) the most behavior

2. Although the weather in Martha’s Vineyard isn’t _____ to have a year-round tourist
season, it has become a favorite summer resort.
(A) goodly enough (C) good as enough
(B) good enough (D) enough good

3. According to the wave theory, _____ population of the Americas may have been
the result of a number of separate migrations.
(A) the (C) that
(B) their (D) whose

4. It is presumed that rules governing the sharing of food influenced _____ that the
earliest cultures evolved.
(A) that the way (C) the way
(B) is the way (D) which way

5. Calculus, _____ elegant and economical symbolic system, can reduce complex
problems to simple terms.
(A) it is an (C) an
(B) that an (D) is an

6. Canada does not require that U.S. citizens obtain passports to enter the country, and
(A) Mexico does neither (C) neither Mexico does
(B) Mexico doesn’t either (D) either does Mexico

7. The poet _____ just beginning to be recognized as an important influence at the

time of his death.
(A) being Walt Whitman (C) Walt Whitman
(B) who was Walt Whitman (D) Walt Whitman was

128 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
8. _____ the formation of the Sun, the planets, and other stars began with the
condensation of an interstellar cloud.
(A) It accepted that (C) It is accepted that
(B) Accepted that (D) That is accepted

9. As a general rule, the standard of living _____ by the average output of each person
in society.
(A) is fixed (C) has fixed
(B) fixed (D) fixes

10. The Consumer Price Index lists _____.

(A) how much costs every car (C) how much every car costs
(B) how much does every car cost (D) how much are every car cost

11. The Ford Theater where Lincoln was shot _____.

(A) must restore (C) must have been restored
(B) must be restoring (D) must restored

12. Fast-food restaurants have become popular because many working people want
(A) to eat quickly and cheaply (C) eat quickly and cheaply
(B) eating quickly and cheaply (D) the eat quickly and cheaply

13. After seeing the movie Centennial, _____

(A) the book was read by many people
(B) the book made many people want to read it
(C) many people wanted to read the book
(D) the rearing of the book interested many people

14. _____, Carl Sandburg is also well-known for his multivolume biography of Lincoln.
(A) An eminent American poet (C) An eminent American poet who
(B) He is an eminent American poet (D) Despite an eminent American

15. The examiner made us _____ our identification in order to be admitted to the test
(A) showing (C) showed
(B) show (D) to show

129 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Part 2
16. A swarm of locusts is responsible the consumption of enough plant material to feed
a million and a half people.

17. Oyster farming has been practice in most parts of the world for many years.

18. Those of us who smoke should have their lungs x-rayed regularly.

19. After the team of geologists had drawn diagrams in their notebooks and wrote
explanations of the formations which they had observed, they returned to their
campsite to compare notes.

20. If Robert Kennedy would have lived a little longer, he probably would have won
the election.

21. It was Shirley Temple Black which represented her country in the United Nations
and later became an ambassador.

22. The prices at chain stores are as reasonable, if not more reasonable, as those at
discount stores.

23. It is extremely important for an engineer to know to use a computer.


24. Historically there has been only two major factions in the Republican Party-the
liberals and the conservatives.

25. Whitman wrote Leaves of Grass as a tribute to the Civil War soldiers who had laid on
the battlefields and whom he had seen while serving as an army nurse.

26. One of the first and ultimately the most important purposeful of a reservoir is
to control flooding.

130 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
27. The Chinese were the first and large ethnic group to work on the construction of
transcontinental railroad system.

28. The range of plant life on a mountainside is a results of differences in temperature

and precipitation at varying altitudes.

29. Even a professional psychologist may have difficulty talking calm and logically
about his own problems.

30. The more the relative humidity reading rises, the worst the heat affects us.

31. Because correlations are not causes, statistical data which are extremely easy
to misuse.

32. Lectures for the week of March 22-26 will include the following: The Causes of the
Civil War, The Economy of the South, Battle Strategies, and The Assassinate

33. Despite of many attempts to introduce a universal language, notably Esperanto and
Idiom Neutral, the effort has met with very little success.

34. As every other nation, the United States used to define its unit of currency, the
dollar, in terms of the gold standard.

35. It is necessary that one met with a judge before signing the final papers for a divorce.

36. Until recently, women were forbidden by law from owning property.

37. According to the graduate catalog, student housing is more cheaper than housing off

131 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
38. John Dewey thought that children will learn better through participating in
experiences rather than through listening to lectures.

39. In England as early as the twelfth century, young boys enjoyed to play football.

40. Some methods to prevent soil erosion are plowing parallel with the slopes of hills,
to plant trees on unproductive land, and rotating crops.

132 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Directions: Question 1 – 15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will
see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrase
that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the
question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have
chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

Time – 25 minutes
(Including the reading of the directions)

This section is designed to measure your ability to recognize language that is appropriate
for standard written English. There are two types of questions in this section, with
special directions for each type.

Look at the following examples:

Example 1
Sample Answer
A summary is neutral in tone and
demonstrates that you _____
the author’s key ideas. B
(A) have understood
(B) have understand C
(C) has understood
(D) has understand

The sentence should read, “A summary is neutral in tone and demonstrates that you have
understood the author’s key ideas.” Therefore, you should choose (A) have understood.

Example 2 Sample Answer

If you change your mind, you can _____ A
your early annotations and replace them
with new ones. B
(A) erased
(B) Erasing C
(C) to erase D
(D) Erase
The sentence should read, “If you change your mind, you can erase your early
annotations and replace them with new ones.” Therefore, you should choose (D) erase.

133 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
Now, begin work on the questions.
1. Economists _____ reports this week will show slowdowns in Malaysia’s industrial
output and Taiwanese exports.
(A) predict (C) predicting
(B) predicts (D) has predicted

2. Six out 10 have accessed the Internet recently, far _____ than the population as a
(A) high (C) highest
(B) higher (D) highness

3. The cheapest option for generating electricity, _____, is coal, which yields electricity
for about 4 cents per kWh.
(A) because (C) however
(B) so (D) then

4. _____ the pros and cons, we’ll try to work on schedule.

(A) in spite (C) despite
(B) despite of (D) if

5. The disaster in Japan delivered a message _____ we have to be more careful in

dealing with nuclear power.
(A) that (C) where
(B) who (D) when

6. If we put plant in the right place and apply the right technologies, it _____ safe.
(A) will (C) be
(B) will be (D) has be

7. The two fighters are sworn enemies and even _____ the bout ended they continued
taunting each other.
(A) which (C) when
(B) where (D) who

8. A report the same day from the Commerce Department may _____ that the trade
deficit has changed little in October.
(A) shows (C) to show
(B) showing (D) show

9. This hall-of-fame effect _____ well established in the recording industry.

(A) is (C) were
(B) are (D) be

134 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
10. Jann Wenner, publisher and co-founder of Rolling Stone magazine and co-founder
of the hall of fame, _____ that most artists put aside their differences when
inducted, even if it is just of a night.
(A) say (C) saying
(B) says (D) is said

11. Both people insisted on anonymity _____ they were not authorized to discuss the
subject publicly.
(A) so (C) however
(B) and (D) because

12. The accounting firm Ernst and Young, in a November report, said Telecom Italia
was slower than its peers in _____ money.
(A) collect (C) collecting
(B) collects (D) collected

13. Cable executives _____ conflicting attitudes about the set-top boxes.
(A) have (C) is
(B) has (D) was

14. Assignments calling of an analysis of a text vary widely, but they will usually ask you
_____ at how the text’s parts contribute to its central argument or purpose.
(A) to look (C) look
(B) to looking (D) looks

15. Our goal is _____ the best solution available for solving a problem without being
needlessly combative.
(A) to proposing (C) to proposed
(B) to propose (D) proposed to

135 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung

Directions: In questions 16 – 40 each sentence has four underlined words or phrases.

The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Identify the
one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be
correct. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the
space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

Look at the following examples Sample Answer

Example I A

These lions have lost some of their fear of humans B

because a ban on hunting. C
The sentence should read, “These lions have lost some of their
fear of humans because a ban on hunting.” Because it needs
a preposition that’s followed by a ban on hunting. Therefore,
you should choose (C).

Example II Sample Answer

There is three kinds of note taking: summarizing,
paraphrasing, and quoting. B
The sentence should read, “There are three kinds of note taking: D
Summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting.” Because it refers to
the three kinds of note taking which is plural form. Therefore,
you should choose (A).

Now Begin work in the questions.

16. The researchers found that a combination of gene manipulation and exercise led to
a 35% increases in the strength of rat’s leg muscles.

17. When major league baseball rules call for solid-wood bats, the player whom uses
a corked bat enhances his hitting statistics at the expense of player who use
regulation equipment.

136 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
18. Better equipment, such as aerodynamic bicycles and fiberglass poles for pole
vaulting, has made it possible for athletes to record achievements unthinkable a
generation ago.

19. Some bioethicist argue that this next wave of performance enhancements is an
acceptable and unavoidable feature of competition.

20. There is a difference between the use of state-of-the art equipment and drugs or
the modification of the body itself.

21. Athletes who use medical technology to alter their bodies can by pass the hard
work of training by take on the powers of a machine.

22. If we let athletes after their bodies through biotechnology, we might as well
dispensing with the human element altogether.

23. In recent years, policymakers and medical experts have express alarm about the
growing problem of childhood obesity in the United States.

24. Obesity can be a devastating problem from both an individual or a societal


25. The widening scope of the obesity problem has promoted medical professionals
to rethinking gold conceptions of the disorder and its causes.

26. Two of the medications, fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine were withdrawn from
the market because severe side effects.

27. With close monitoring of patients taking the medication, many of the risks
can be reducing.

137 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
28. In each of the clinical trials, use of medication was accompanied by an expensive
regime of behavioral therapies, including counseling, nutritional education, fitness
advising, and monitor.

29. Scientific research clearly shows, however, that there or more workouts a week is
good for you.

30. It won’t surprised fitness freaks to learn that aerobic exercise does more than raise
the heart rate.

31. When we take a step back, however, it becomes clear that the stories are not quite
as difference from each other as they might first appear.

32. In fact, the most popular theme in fairy tales involves a person rise above his or her
low position in life.

33. Some architects today are more interested in design building to catch our attention
then to tell people what goes on inside.

34. To achieve this task, the CFO put Beth Comstock in charge of making GE and its
300,000 workers more creative and innovation.

35. Researchers want to get an accurate idea about what individuals have different ideas
about time and pace of life.

36. When we visit a place for the first time, we get a general idea of the place and
what is life like there.

37. Some people feel the need to trying to achieve a lot, while other people have the
tendency to set their goals lower and achieves less.

138 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
38. Social psychology is the study of the way people think, feels, and behave in social

39. Throughout the book these nuggets of advice on topics such as plagiarism, writing
arguments, and understand writing assignments help students meet college

40. It includes many helpful charts, exercises, and activities, advice for to work with
sources, and an annotated students essay.

139 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung

(Including the reading of the directions)

This section is designed to measure your ability to recognize language that is appropriate
for standard written English. There are two types of questions in this section, with
special directions for each type.

Directions: Questions 1 – 15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will
see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrase
that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the
question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have
chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

Look at the following examples: Sample Answer

Example I A

One of the two said that China would _____ B

(A) lend
(B) lends
(C) lent D
(D) lending

The sentence should read, “One of the two said that China would lend large sums to
Europe.” Therefore, you should choose (A) lend.

Example II Sample Answer

The Chinese government has mostly _____ A
(A) discourage
(B) discourages B
(C) to discourage C
(D) discouraged

The sentence should read, “The Chinese government has mostly discouraged this
speculation.” Therefore, you should choose (D) discouraged.

Now, begin work on the questions

140 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
1. Cable executives _____ conflicting attitudes about the step-top boxes.
(A) has (C) having
(B) have (D) to have

2. The _____ threat to America today is not terrorists or global warming, but the mass
genocide of Americans who die every year at the hands of the corrupt U.S. Food
and Drug administration (FDA).
(A) big (C) biggest
(B) bigger (D) most big

3. The Xbox _____ just one of many devices, including iPads and smartphones, on
which cable operators and channels are making their content accessible.
(A) is (C) have
(B) are (D) were

4. I worked for someone _____ did not support me.

(A) who (C) which
(B) whom (D) whose

5. _____ I was Ph.D. student at Harvard, I was asked to drop out of my Ph.D.
program and become a full-time staff member at Radcliffe.
(A) who (C) which
(B) where (D) when

6. Today, we’ll _____ about sleep problems, also called sleep disorders.
(A) talked (C) talk
(B) talking (D) talks

7. In October, the technology company moved into a _____ jewelry workshop I

Saffron Hill.
(A) converted (C) convert
(B) has converted (D) converts

8. It’s a natural progression for U.S. start-ups _____ to the U.K.

(A) moving (C) move
(B) to move (D) moves

9. A 2009 study demonstrated that after a short interaction with an _____ woman,
men experienced a decline in mental performance.
(A) attract (C) attractive
(B) attracting (D) attraction

141 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
10. Under the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Coleman (1939), any
proposed amendment which has been _____ the states for ratification may be
ratified by the states at any time.
(A) submit to (C) to submit
(B) submitting to (D) submitted to

11. The day-to-day enforcement and administration of federal laws _____ in the hands
of the various federal executive departments.
(A) is (C) be
(B) are (D) to be

12. The movement had faded _____ men have become busy gratifying their individual
(A) because (C) because of
(B) so (D) and

13. Japan-based Fujitsu _____ for a chunk of the cloud computing market both in
Indonesia and worldwide in the coming years, according to the company’s regional
(A) are vying (C) were vying
(B) is vying (D) have vying

14. The policy, according to Fujitsu’s ASEAN CEO, Lawrence Wee, _____ by the
growing demand for more sophisticated and efficient business solutions in terms of
communication and information technology.
(A) has triggered (C) has been triggered
(B) has been triggering (D) has trigger

15. The wall, _____ was under construction, collapsed onto nine houses on Sunday.
(A) who (C) when
(B) whom (D) which

142 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung

Directions: In questions 16 – 40, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases.
The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Identify the
one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be
correct. Then, on our answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space
that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

Look at the following examples!

Example I Sample Answer
Heavy downpours might cause the soil A
to sink and collapse the wall.

The sentence should read, “Heavy downpours might cause the soil to sink and collapse
the wall.” Because after modal might should be followed by verb 1i.e. might cause.
Therefore, you should choose (B).

Example II Sample Answer

The wall was constructing according to A
the required quality standards.

The sentence should read, ‘The wall was constructed according to the required quality
standards.” Because it past passive voice. Therefore, you should choose (A).

Now, begin work on the questions.

16. All prospective bidders whom are interested to participate in this tender process to
register with financial statement over the last two years.

17. Because the seat of government is in Washington, D.C., “Washington” is commonly

use metonymously to refer to the federal.


143 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
18. We will send 15 high school graduate to study in Germany next year.
19. The regency has allocate $221,300 from its regional budget for the program since
last year.
20. The executive branch consist of the President and those to whom the President’s
powers are delegated.
21. The program will be the main commitment where anyone of the party has trust
from all rectors as the forum’s chairman.
22. The most important part of the benefits acquired through sanitation intervention
are the health care savings.
23. I think part of reason we did the study was to point out startup costs, or the capital
cost of infrastructure, and heeds continued maintenance and implementation.
24. Learn to recognize different words as part of the same word family can help you
expand your vocabulary.
25. The Bill of Rights guarantees those individual rights that make up the more abstract
idea of freedom.
26. Because syllable stress is more important than the pronunciation of individual sound
in English, we will use this method for learn the pronunciation of new words.
27. The Alumni Association of the university ask graduates to make a contribution to
the scholarship fund.
28. To learn a word, you must work with it many times, both in the exercises included
in this book or on your own.
29. Ronald Reagan, president of the United States in the 1980s, is a consistent supporter
of the free-market economy.
30. In the Declaration of independence, the Founding Fathers stated their commitment
to a democratic form of government, their belief in the equality of all men, and the
notion that man have a right to pursue happiness.

144 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung
31. Congress makes the laws, but the executive branch is responsible for his
32. A democracy require the participation of the people in government, so the
constitution also gives the rules for electing congress and the president.
33. Judging from the quality of their presentations, both Ronald and Perry were great,
but Ronald was more firm in answering, and fearless either.
34. The allegations are that the President and the Vice President committed serious
violations against the state, include corruption and contravening their vows.
35. Russian police officers detaining an opposition activist during a protest against vote
rigging in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
36. Do you like to stay busy, or do you enjoying doing nothing sometimes?
37. For example, on 1990 in Japan, 15.5 days of vacation were given, but only 8.2 days
on average were taken.
38. When people was writing on clay tablets, they were using bone tools.

39. When the professor uses an unfamiliar word, the student stop taking notes and
look up the new word in a dictionary.
40. Over the centuries, wider communication has become possible between people in
many difference societies.

145 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung

Pyle, M. A., & Page, M. E. (1995). CLIFF TOEFL Preparation Guide. Michael A. Pyle and
Mary Ellen Muñoz.
Rogers, B. (2011). The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test PBT Edition. Boston: Heinel
Sharpe, P. J. (1995). Barron's TOEFL 7th Edition. Jakarta Barat: Bina Rupa Aksara.
Sharpe, P. J. (2007). Barron's Practice Exercises for the TOEFL 6th Edition. America.
Yusdi, M. (2012). Bank Soal dan Simulasi TOEFL. Tangerang: INSPIRITA.
Edhi, S. (2013). The King TOEFL: Tips dan Trik Plus Bank Soal. Wahyumedia.

146 Test of English for Academics (TOEFA) - Language Center UIN SGD Bandung

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