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Creed, Code, Conduct, Cult

In religion, there are four “C’s” : Creed which is the “explanation of life”, Code the “law”, Conduct the
“behavior and ethics”, and Cult the “actions relating the believer to the transcendent”.

4c’s in 5 major religions


Creed: The 12 articles of Faith

Code: 10 commandments

Conduct: The Bible – especially the Gospel

Cult: The Sacraments


Creed: The Shahada

Code: The Shaira

Conduct: Ethics towards Allah and to Others

Cult: The Five Pillars of Islam


Creed: Shma

Code: Halakha

Conduct: The Torah and the Talmud

Cult: The Shabbat


Creed: The Purushartas

Code: Five Yamas

Conduct: achieve dharma

Cult: 16 Sanskar, Yoga


Creed: The 4 Noble Truths

Code: The 5 Precepts

Conduct: The Enlightened Perspective of the Buddha

Cult: Meditation, Puja

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