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Nursing 200: Critical Thinking for the Registered Nurse (Winter 2021)

Week 6: Pre-Class Assignment

*Pre-class assignments are expected to be completed and uploaded to CAMS

prior to class. * As always, be prepared to discuss your homework in class.

This week we are beginning the study of thinking skills and strategies in the "interpret" step of
Tanner's clinical reasoning model of:
1. Notice
2. Interpret
3. Respond
4. Reflect

In the Interpret step your goal is to:

 Process the information you "noticed" -- data collected related to the patient and the
healthcare environment.
 Analyze that data to come to a clear, accurate understanding of the situation.
 Based on your understanding of the situation, determine how you will respond -- the third
step of the clinical reasoning model.
*Interpreting the data correctly is critical if you are to provide quality nursing care as you
plan interventions.

Thinking Skill:
Clustering Related Information

Clustering related information refers to grouping together information with a common

theme. This is the process used when determining patient issues, problems, or concerns
(concepts) that require action by the nurse. Related signs and symptoms are clustered together
to form the basis for problem identification.

Describe in your own words what this thinking skill means:

Once I discover the current diagnosis and the possible concerns I would report back to the DR
and let them know what I have observed and if medication was ordered, I will inform the DR of
the adverse effect of the medication. Check pain levels and Lab results.

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Nursing 200: Critical Thinking for the Registered Nurse (Winter 2021)
Week 6: Pre-Class Assignment

Give at least one example of how you will use this thinking skill in an everyday life
Interpreting is useful in the everyday life because as a nurse we may notice clubbing of the
finger to be a late sign of respiratory issue or distress. I then will suggest to the person/patient to
seek medical from the signs of clubbing of the fingers.

Give at least one example of how you will use this thinking skill in the role of an RN.
I will utilize the skill by working closely with the doctor on lab results, adverse effect, any new or
sudden changes in the LOC. I will collaborate on onset CNS issues or even communicating on
diagnostic test.

*In the example you provided, explain how "clustering related information" helped you
analyze the data in your example (RN role) to arrive at a clear, accurate understanding of
the situation.
It helped on coming to a clinical decision on what to be done. You will be to use your nursing
judgement on the next patients if the signs are seen again the same ED.

Thinking Skill:
Recognizing Inconsistencies

The beginning point of problem solving is assessment. Throughout the assessment, both
subjective and objective data are collected. In reviewing all this data, nurses are cognizant of
any inconsistencies that may indicate additional problems that may not be readily apparent.

Describe in your own words what this thinking skill means.

Recognizing inconsistency could cause a nurse to assume that the patient is not really
experiencing the subjective pain they say they are experiencing. It is very crucial not to use
assumption but evidence-based practice.

Give at least one example of how you will use this thinking skill in your everyday life

Patient is talking on the phone his pain level is 10/10. I will then start assessing the patient with
PQRST mnemonics.

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Nursing 200: Critical Thinking for the Registered Nurse (Winter 2021)
Week 6: Pre-Class Assignment

Give at least one example of how you will use this thinking skill in the RN role.

*In the example you provided, explain how "recognizing inconsistencies" helped you
analyze the data in your example (RN role) to arrive at a clear, accurate understanding of
the situation.
By recognizing the inconsistencies, I was able to determine that the patient was dependent on
the medication that was being prescribed. I then was able to determine that and educate on the
importance of how often medication should be described and gave substance abuse help.

Thinking Skill:

Checking Accuracy and Reliability

Nurses must make judgments about the accuracy and reliability of information.
Decisions about what nursing actions to take are based on this information. Problems can
develop or even harm can come to a patient if care is based on information that is not accurate
and reliable. If something doesn't seem quite right, the nurse must take action to determine if
the information is accurate.

Describe in your own words what this thinking skill means.

That means that re-checking your work after abnormal results or diagnostic is accuracy and
reliability. Going to recheck a patient for lab results after administering medication is accurate
and liable.

Give at least one example of how you will use this thinking skill in an everyday life

Patient complains of pain in their hand and they are holding it, you assess it and find out that it
may be broken, this will be checking accuracy and liability.

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Nursing 200: Critical Thinking for the Registered Nurse (Winter 2021)
Week 6: Pre-Class Assignment

Give at least one example of how you will use this thinking skill in the RN role.

If an UAP takes blood pressure and says its 190/94 and you must give a diuretic or blood
pressure medication but when the nurse goes to the room and manually check the vital signs
and they are normal 107/68 with the pulse of 56. This will be an example of checking for
accuracy and liability.

*In the example you provided, explain how "checking accuracy and reliability" helped
you analyze the data in your example (RN role) to arrive at a clear, accurate
understanding of the situation.

Being accurate has no room for error. If you double check your work, documentations, doctor’s
order, dosage in all accurate and reliable information.

In Giddens 3rd ed, Concept 3: Read the case study (pg. 28) and explain how you would use
these thinking skills (Clustering Related Information, Recognizing Inconsistencies, and
Checking Accuracy and Reliability in this case with Marge and her life challenges and family
dynamics. Use at least one paragraph (three sentences or more) per thinking skill, to explain the
situation using the thinking skills.
Clustering Related Information (3 sentences or more are required)

The mother stated that the father is frustrated with the daughter Monica and sparks her because
she is wetting the bed. I will then cluster up more related information about how often this
happened. I will report abuse against the father.

Recognizing Inconsistencies (3 sentences or more are required)

The inconsistences with the stories are who is keeping the kids when you are at work? Marge
never confirmed with Monica that her father had sparked her either. She went off of what a two-
year-old said and the physician assessing the child.

Checking Accuracy and Reliability (3 sentences or more are require

The nurse never checked the child buttocks for reliable information of what the mum is saying.
The child and the mum should have been assessed by the nurse. Reliable information should
have come from the child.

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Nursing 200: Critical Thinking for the Registered Nurse (Winter 2021)
Week 6: Pre-Class Assignment

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