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- Mathew Febin Charles

Following are the steps that need to be taken into consideration while buying a dress –

1. Decide the dress – Before deciding on anything else, decide what dress you want to
buy. There are multiple styles available in the market. So the most important thing is
to decide on what style are you intending to purchase.

2. Select the right platform – After deciding the style, you have to decide the platform
whether it’s online or offline i.e. going to the shop and buying the dress you need.
Going online will help in saving time as you don’t need to travel outside. Going
offline will help in trying the dress there itself and it will help us in knowing whether
it’s comfortable or not.

3. Decide the budget – Irrespective of whatever you buy, you always need to know
what is your budget or the price range. Knowing the price range will help us in
knowing how many styles are available in that range.

4. Deciding the size, colour and design – After deciding the budget you should know
what size, colour and design you need. Knowing this will give us more clarity of what
exactly we need.

5. Select the best choice – After deciding on the above points, buy the dress that fits as
per your satisfaction.

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