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Exercise 1

Match each sentence to a suitable interpretation (a or b).

1. My brother who lives in New York is a surgeon.

2. My brother, who lives in New York, is a surgeon.
a. I have only one brother.
b. I have another brother, who lives in London and works as an architect.

3. The factory workers, who had expressed their determination to go on strike, were
supported by all the major trade unions.
4. The factory workers who had expressed their determination to go on strike were
supported by all the major trade unions.
a. All the workers were supported by the trade unions.
b. Only those who had expressed their determination to go on strike were supported by the
trade unions.

5. The exhibits, which require restoration, will be removed from the main room.
6. The exhibits which require restoration will be removed from the main room.
a. All the exhibits require restoration.
b. Some of the exhibits require restoration.

7. The local castle which we visited yesterday was built in 1623.

8. The local castle, which we visited yesterday, was built in 1623.
a. There’s only one castle in the area.
b. There are several castles in the area.

9. I find it hard to part with my childhood toys, which are not appealing in any way to my
10. I find it hard to part with my childhood toys which are not appealing in any way to my
a. None of my childhood toys is appealing to my grandchildren.
b. Some of my childhood toys are appealing to my grandchildren.

 Keys on page 3!
Exercise 2

Rewrite the below sentences, using an appropriate relative pronoun, so that you
express the two ideas in one sentence.

1. Adam has two brothers. Both of them are engineers.

2. Brad has very nice neighbours. I’m on good terms with all of them.
3. My mother invited many relatives to my birthday. Only a few of them showed up.
4. There are scores of books in our school library. I'm quite interested in two of them.
5. Yesterday, my friend and I caught a lot of fish. The biggest of them was 20 pounds.
6. I met with many beautiful girls at the party last night. The most beautiful of them was Nora.
7. An array of topics were discussed in the meeting. None of them piqued my interest.

 Keys on page 3!
Exercise 1 – Keys

1b / 2a
3a / 4b
5a / 6b
7b / 8a
9a / 10b

Exercise 2 – Keys

1. Adam has two brothers, both of whom are engineers.

2. Brad has very nice neighbours, all of whom I’m on good terms with.
3. My mother invited many relatives to my birthday, only a few of whom showed up.
4. There are scores of books in our school library, two of which I'm quite interested in.
5. Yesterday, my friend and I caught a lot of fish, the biggest of which was 20 pounds.
6. I met with many beautiful girls at the party last night, the most beautiful of whom was
7. An array of topics were discussed in the meeting, none of which piqued my interest.

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