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Class 7 Science::

Nutrition in Plants::

1. Conduction of inorganic materials in plants occur mainly through minerals absorbed by roots
move to leaf through (Xylem)
2. Grana and Stroma are present in ----- pigments. (Chloroplast)
3. Organism that live and derive food from others are called------- (Parasite)

Why water is required for photosynthesis?

Ans. Water is the main constituent of photosynthesis and with CO2 in the presence of sunlight and
chlorophyll gives glucose and oxygen.
CO2+H2O--------------- Glucose + oxygen.

Nutrition in Animals::

1. Mechanism in which amoeba takes in O2 and gives out CO2 is called----- (Diffusion).
2. Which Enzyme changes the inactive pancreatic secretion trypsinogen into trypsin
3. Siphoning is the mode of feeding alone in which type of animal (Butterfly)
4. Why do we get instant energy from glucose?
Ans. Glucose is the simplest form of carbohydrates which can be broken down easily to give
energy. So, glucose is called instant energizer.

Fiber to Fabric::
1. Scientific name of mulberry silk moth is (Bombyx Mori)
2. What is Reeling. (The process of obtaining silk fibre from cocoon is called reeling. It involves
unwinding of filaments from cocoon and collecting over a fast moving reel).
3. Function of hair. (Traps a lot of air and provides warmth to the body).


1. 10 degree Celsius is equal to (283 K)

2. If a uniform metal plate with a hole in it is heated then explain how the size of the hole gets
affected? (The size of the hole will increase, due to thermal expansion. When it is heated the
distance between any two molecules increases. Thus, the size of the hole increases.)
3. Water at 10 °C is in liquid form but iron at 10 °C is in solid form. What is the reason? (In
water the intermolecular force of attraction is less when compared to that in iron. So iron
required more amount of energy than water to convert from a solid state to a liquid state.
Thus, iron exists in solid state whereas water exists in liquid state at 10 °C)

Acid Bases and Salt::

1. What is the nature of solution when a litmus is dipped into a solution and it remains same.
2. Phenolphthalein is a synthetic indicator and its colours in acidic and basic solutions,
respectively are: (colourless and pink).
3. When water is added to a strong acid, it becomes dilute. Justify it. (False.
When water is added to a strong acid, the reaction will evolve heat which is
extremely dangerous. Hence, to dilute a strong acid, the acid should be slowly
added to the water followed by regular stirring).

Physical and Chemical Changes::

The reaction between carbon dioxide and lime water is as follows:

Carbon dioxide (CO2) + Lime water
[Ca(OH)2] Calcium Carbonate
(CaCO3) + Water (H2O)

1. ___________is a property by virtue of which a metal can be beaten into thin sheets without
breaking. (Malleability).

2. Name the two methods by which rusting of iron can be prevented. (By painting or greasing
and by galvanizing with chromium or zinc)

3. Write down the equation representing the process of rusting. (Iron(Fe) + oxygen (O2)->water
(H2O) + rust (iron oxide Fe2O3)

Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate::

1. A fish dies when taken out of water whereas a wall lizard will die if kept under water,
mention the term used to describe such abilities that allow fish and lizard to survive in their
respective habitats. (Adaptation).

2. To reduce loss of water in desert areas the leaves of cactus are modified i nto

3. A student studied an animal and made the following observations. (i) Strong claws

and broad hip girdles (ii) Spines to prevent grom slipping (iii) Ability to climb the
trees Which of the following title best suits the above animals? (Arborea l).

Winds, Storms and Cyclones::

1. A curtain is hanging at the entrance of a room. A long corridor runs at right angles to the
door, that is parallel to the curtain. If a strong wind blows along the corridor, the curtain will.
(get pushed outside the room).

2. You want to buy a house. Would you like to buy a house having windows but no ventilators?
Explain your answer. (We would not buy a house having windows but no ventilators, as
there will be no cross ventilation of air inside the room. Fresh cool Air entering the room
through window gets heated through human and other household activities like breathing,
cooking and become lighter, this warm air rises up inside the room. If there is no ventilator
near the roof, the warm air will have no passage to leave as the level of window is quite low
from the level of warm air. This will increase the room temperature as well as humidity
inside leading to human discomfort.).

3. Air moves faster between two places when the pressure difference between the place is:


1. When we add some dry soil to the water in a glass and stir it, bubbles are observed

from the soil. What causes these bubbles to raise. (When dry soil is added in the
water in a glass and stir it, bubbles appear. These bubbles are caused due to the air
present in between the soil particles.).

2. Why clay soil is used for planting rice? For planting paddy (rice), clayey soil that is rich in

organic matter and have a good water retaining capacity is ideal.

3. Suppose certain sample takes 120 min for 960 mL water to percolate into the soil.

Calculate the rate of percolation of water. (Given, amount of water = 960 mL

Time taken to percolate =120 min
The rate of percolation will be

Percolation rate = 8 mL/min)

Respiration in Organisms::

1. Our nostrils has hair and mucous. What is the need to have them in our nasal cavity?

(Our nostrils possess hairs and mucous lining. These help in preventing dirt, dust and
germs from entering our respiratory system.).

2. Give the composition of inhaled and exhaled air. (Inhaled air contains 21% o2 and 0.04%

co2. Exhaled air contains approx 16.4% o2 and 4.4% co2).

3. Name the organism which breathes through its skin. (Earthworm).

Transportation in animals and plants::

1. Veins have valves which allow blood to flow only in one direction. Arteries do not
have valves. Yet the blood flows in one direction only. Can you explain why? (Veins
have valves to prevent blood from flowing backwards and pooling, whereas arteries
pump blood at very high pressures, which naturally prevents back flow).

2. What is the relation between the rate of heartbeat and pulse rate? If a pulse rate of
an athlete Is 96/min, what will be the number of his heartbeat at the same time? (The
rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the heart is called heartbeat.
Whereas, the rhythmical throbbing of the arteries as the blood is pushed forward
through them is called pulse. It can be felt in the wrist, temples, etc.
Pulse rate is the number of heartbeats per minutes. The number of heartbeat is equal
to the number of pulse per minute.
Therefore, if a pulse rate of an athlete is 96/min then the number of his heartbeat at
the same time will also be 96/min).

3. Paheli says her mother puts ladyfinger and other vegetables in water if they are
somewhat dry. She wants to know how water enters into them.( By soaking the
vegetables in water, the skin of the vegetables becomes moist and water starts
moving from one cell to another until the vegetables are fresh again.).

Reproduction in Plants::
1. Flowers are colourful and fragrant. Give reason supporting the statement. (Flowers

are so colourful because they absorb and reflect light energy. Fragrance results from
production of volatile chemicals which evaporate.).

2. If a goat eats away all the leaves of a small plant, the small plant still survive, how? (the small

plant survived on the food stored in the stem and roots. It might have undergone gaseous
exchange through lenticels on stem.).

3. The cell which results after fusion of the gametes is called (Zygote).

Motion and Time::

1. If you did not have a clock, how would you decide what time of the day is? (We can

decide time of the day without clock by seeing shadow formed by the sun, e.g. at
noon, shadow formed by the sun is shorter than at evening.).

2. A simple pendulum undergoes 10 oscillations in 5 seconds. The time period of the

pendulum is? (1/2s).

3. Name the axis that represents dependent variable. (y-axis represents the dependent


Electric Current and its Effects::

1. Can we use an electromagnet separating plastic bags from a garbage heap? Explain. (An
electromagnet cannot be used for separating plastic bags from a garbage heap as it attracts
only iron pieces and will not attract plastic bags.).

2. The strength of the magnetic field due to solenoid can be increased by? (Increasing the
number of turns in the solenoid).

3. Electric current is said to pass through a wire when? (Only electrons passes through it).


1. If the angle of incidence on a plane mirror is 30°. The angle between the reflected ray and
the plane mirror is ________.(60 degree).

2. Why cannot a mirror whose surface is rough produce a clear image? (The light that gets
reflected at a rough and uneven surface goes in different direction, due to irregular
reflection. This is the reason why a mirror whose surface is rough cannot produce clear
image. Any surface that is smooth can produce a clear image because of regular reflection
that takes place at its surfaces).

3. State the relation between radius of curvature and focal length of spherical mirrors.( Radius
of curvature = 2 X focal length.
R = 2f.).

Water: A Precious Resource::

1. The earth looks blue from space. Explain why? (The major surface area (71%) of the

earth is covered with water. This imparts blue colour to the earth.).

General questions:

1. What sensory function do the ears provide other than hearing? (Balance).

2. Is light a particle or a wave? I n an approximate way, light is both a particle and a

wave. But in an exact representation, light is neither a particle nor a wave, but is
something more complex.

3. The gas that is responsible for global warming is ? CO2

4. If ‘NSCAIR’ is coded as ‘RIACSN’, then the code for ‘CREATE’ will be? (ETAERC)

5. self-respect/come out of/something/has/our/self/that/and/is/that. (Something that has

come out of our self and that is self-respect).

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