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Ed 508 Lesson Plan 2

Teacher Chadwick Luther

Date 2/11/21

Subject Social Studies/United States History/10th Grade

e level

Materials Nearpod Presentation, Notes on Standard 6, and Chromebook

Standards (State State(GA DOE)

and ISTE
SSUSH6 Analyze the challenges faced by the first five presidents and how
Standards for
they responded.
a. Examine the presidency of Washington, including the precedents he set.
b. Explain the presidency of John Adams including the Sedition Act and its
influence on the election of 1800.
c. Explore Jefferson’s expansion of presidential power including the
purchase and exploration of the Louisiana Territory.
d. Explain James Madison’s presidency in relation to the War of 1812 and
the war’s significance in the development of a national identity.
e. Explain James Monroe’s presidency in relation to the Monroe Doctrine.
1-Empowered Learner
a. articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging
technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process itself to
improve learning outcomes.
d. understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations,
demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current
technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging
3-Knowledge Constructor
a. plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and
other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
b. evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of
information, media, data or other resources.
4-Innovative Designer
b. select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that
considers design constraints and calculated risks

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Objectives Analyze the challenges faced by the first five presidents detailing how they
responded to both foreign and domestic issues.

Differentiation Students will be taking notes through a presentation method. The

Strategies (How method is Nearpod which will help those special needs students,
will the lesson because Nearpod allows for student paced instruction. This
address the differentiation will allow more time from slide to slide. The lesson will
various learning also differentiate naturally by providing various illustrations, media,
styles of the and other visuals for the more visual learner. It will require students
students and the to create hands-on assignments which will be more beneficial for the
needs of those kinesthetic learner.
with special

The 5 Es

E Description

Engagem Students will begin class by reviewing the First Unit which were standards 1-
ent 5. Students will review the standards by playing an individual game called
Quizizz. Quizizz is a platform that allows students to answer questions on
their own device and the faster they answer the questions the more points
they can receive. Each student will be playing on their own device and will
receive a code at the beginning of class. Students will join and take this
review quiz to start the class. The top three students who receive the most
points will be given bonus points added to the test they just took in class.


Engagem The Quizizz review is an assessment as it will require the students to answer
ent a serious of questions at different depths of knowledge.

Padlet: Students are going to collaborate by creating a Padlet that highlights and
illustrates three of the 10 Bill of Rights. Students are going to post a picture and
description three of the first ten amendments. Students will be required to make
three posts total. Collaboratively student will create a review over the First Ten
Amendments but will also review the issues that led to division between Federalists
and Anti-Federalist. This is a domestic issue that will be seen under the Presidency
of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson and will serve as a bridge to the next activity
of note taking.

Padlet Link:

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E Description

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E Description

Exploratio Students will be assessed based on completion of assignment. Their Padlet

n must include a description as well as an illustration to meet the required
Assessm criteria and they must make two posts total.

Students will be taking notes over SSUSH 5 by using a Nearpod. This
Nearpod is full of illustrations, media sources, and informal assessments that
are designed to engage all types of learners. The Nearpod also provides
differentiation for the special need’s learners because it is highlighted with
the most important topics. Lower-level learners are not required to take notes
on anything other than the highlighted material within the presentation. This
presentation will hit the main points of the content, while highlighting key
features of main themes of history. Students will receive a student paced
code that will allow them to go back and forth between slides if they need to
spend more time on a topic. This will also help differentiate the presentation
with lower-level learners.

Nearpod Link:

Explanati This is an informal assessment that will provoke students to respond to

on various inquiries throughout the presentation such as open response
Assessm questions, true false questions, and interactive polls. Students are also
ent graded on active note participation by turning in their notes the day of the

Elaborati Students are going to create a Presidential brochure that is persuading

on Americans to re-elect on of the 1st Five Presidents. This brochure is going to
be made on Google Documents, Microsoft Word, Google Slides, or Microsoft
PowerPoint. Students are going to choose a template that they feel will
creatively allow them to express why we should re-elect the President of their
choosing. Students must include the following information: Pictures, Political
Party, Year of Re-Election, Key Highlights of Presidency, Why Americans
Should Elect Him, and Stance on Foreign Affairs. The brochure should be
persuasive and creative. Students are going to use their Chromebooks to
create the brochure and will upload the assignment to Schoology.

Student Examples:

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E Description

Evaluatio Students will take a quiz at the end of the week over SSUSH 6. This quiz will
n be taken on schoology, which is a website used by Walton County School
systems as a digital teaching platform. Students’ presidential brochures will
also be graded based on the rubric below.

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E Description

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