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6.1 The Structure of the Anatomical Term

Anatomical terms may be expressed by one, two or multiple words.

1. One word term is the noun in Nom. sing. or Nom plur.
1. articulatio - articulation, joint
2. thorax - chest
3. laminae – laminae
4. musculi - muscles
2. In two word terms the first word is a noun in Nom. sing. or plur. and the second
word is the adjective-attribute which agrees the noun in gender, case and number
(coordinated attribute) and we have also terms which consists of two nouns. The
first attribute-noun is in the Nom. sing. or Nom. plur. and the second noun is in
Gen. sing, or Gen. plur. (uncoordinated attribute)
1. lamina externa - external lamina
2. glandulae thyroideae - thyroid glands
3. articulatio genus – knee joint
4. columna vertebrarum – column of vertebrae
5. fossae dentis – tooth fossa
3. In multi-word terms the first noun is in Nom. sing. or Nom. plur. and the next
term is the genetiveattribute or adjectiveattribute.
1. sulcus sinus transversi - sulcus of the transverse sinus
2. vena faciei transversa - transverse facial vein
3. fossa cranii media - medial cranial fossa
4. meatus acusticus internus - internal acustic meatus
5. venae cerebrales mediae - medial veins of the cerebrum
In multi-word terms the first is that attribute, which denotes the organ, the
next attributes are the words, determining the size, location, colour, form, etc.
1. arteria gastrica dextra – right gastric artery
2. medulla ossium (Gen.plur.) flava – yellow bone marrow
3. meatus nasi medius - medial meatus of nose
4. foramen occipitale magnum – large occipital foramen
5. vena cordis parva – small vein of heart
Adjectives that express size and location of the noun are used for comparison of
1. incisura ischiadica major – major (greater) ischiadic incisure
2. incisura ischiadica minor - minor (smaller) ischiadic incisure
(major and minor in Latin are the formes Comparison of adjectives).
Sometimes the determiner directly follows the determinant expressed by the
noun, in such cases the term has an inseparable notion.
1. vena coronaria labii inferioris - coronar vein inferior labium
2. arteria profunda cerebri – profound artery of brain
3. arteria magna pollicis – large artery of thumb
4. musculus longissimus capitis – the longest muscle of head
5. musculus obliquus capitis inferior – inferior oblique muscle of head

I declination of the noun

1.ampulla, ae f – ampulla 11.junctura, ae f - juncture

2.ansa, ae f - ansa 12.nucha, ae f – nape, back of the
3.area, ae f – field, area 13.orbita, ae f – orbit
4.cauda, ae f – cauda , tail 14.papilla, ae f – papilla , nipple, teat
5.chorda, ae f - chorda 15.rima, ae f – rima, cleft, fissure
6.cisterna, ae f - cistern 16.tela, ae f - tissue
7.cochlea, ae f – cochlea 17.tuba, ae f - tube
8.corona, ae f - crown 18.vagina, ae f - vagina,sheath
9.flexura, ae f – flexure, bend 19.valvula, ae f - valve
10.insula, ae f - insula

Adjectives of the I-II declination

1.arytenoideus, a, um - arytenoid
2.coronarius, a, um - coronary
3.fibrosus, a, um - fibrous
4.magnus, a, um – great, large, big (macr-os Greek)
5.opticus, a, um - optic
6.parvus, a, um – small (micr-os Greek)
7.petrosus, a, um - petrous
8.planus, a, um - flat
9.rhomboideus, a, um - rhomboid
10.styloideus, a, um – styloid

6.2 Declinatio secunda

Second Declination

To the II declination belong nouns of masculine gender with the endings -us, -er,
and neuter gender with the endings -um and –on. They both take ending -i in
For example: radius, i m – radius
paediater, tri m – childrens doctor
vir, i m - man
tympanum, i n – tympanum
olecranon, i n - olecranon

endings of the II declination

gender m. n.
Nom. sing. -us, -er -um, -on
Gen. sing. -
Nom. plur. -i -a
Gen. plur. - um

Adjectives of the first group with the endings -us and -er are declined like the
nouns of the II declination with the same endings.

Pattern of the declination with the endings –us and -er

sing. plur.
Nom. lobus medius lobi medii
Gen. lobi medii loborum mediorum

sing. plur.
Nom. paediat -er paediatr-i
Gen. paediatr-i paediatr-orum

The majority of nouns and adjectives with the ending –er lose the -e from the root.
For example: cancer, cri m – tumour, cancer phthisiater, tri m - phthisiatrist
aeger, gri m- ill, sick magister, tri m - teacher ager, agri m - ground liber, bri m
– book sinister, tra, trum – left niger, gra, grum – black

Nouns and adjectives with the ending –um are declined according to the II
declination and have the same endings in all cases.

Pattern of the II declination with the ending -um

sing. plur.
Nom. membrum liberum membra libera
Gen. membri liberi membrorum liberorum
sing. plur.
Nom. ganglion cardiacum ganglia cardiaca
Gen. ganglii cardiaci gangliorum cardiacorum

Adjectives of the first group I-II declination (masculine and neuter genders) have
the same case endings as the nouns of the second declination (masculine and neuter
genders), but the adjectives of the second group III declination obviously, have
different case endings from the nouns of the second declination (masculine and
neuter genders).
For example:
sing. plur.
Nom. musculus lumbalis musculi lumbales
Gen. musculi lumbalis musculorum

sing. plur.
Nom. ostium orale ostia oralia
Gen. ostii oralis ostiorum oralium

The nouns of the II declination
1.bronchus, i m – bronchus, branch of trachea
2.bulbus, i m - bulb
3.cubitus, i m – cubitus, cubit, elbow
4.esophаgus, i m – esophagus (Greek)
5.digitus, i m – finger, digit (dactylus, i m Greek)
6.humerus, i m – humerus, arm bone
7.lobus, i m - lobe
8.lumbus, i m – loin
9.medicus, i m – doctor, medic (jater, jatr-os Greek.)
10.morbus, i m – disease, illness (nos-os Greek)
11.nodus, i m – knot, nodus (ganglion, i n Greek)
12.nucleus, i m – nucleus (caryon, i n Greek)
13.radius, i m – radius
14.talus, i m – talus, ankle-bone
15.tarsus, i m - tarsus
15.truncus, i m – trunk
16.uterus, i m – uterus, womb (hystera Greek)
17.ventriculus, i m - ventricle
Exceptions of grammatical gender
1.alvus, i f - abdomen
2.atomus, i f – single unit, indivivible
3.bolus, i f – bolus, large dose of medicament
4.crystallus, i f – crystal
5.diameter, tri f - diameter
6.humus, i f - ground
7.methodus, i f – method
8.periodus,i f – period,lenghth of time
1.virus, i n – virus, poison
2.vulgus, i n - people

The nouns of the II declination

1.antebrachium, i n – forearm
2.atrium, i n – atrium, front of heart
3.duodenum, i n – duodenum
4.filum, i n - thread
5.manubrium, i n - manubrium
6.omentum, i n – omental tissue
7.ostium, i n – ostium, meatus, entrance/entry
8.ovum, i n – ovum,ovary
9.palatum, i n – palate
10.peritoneum, i n - peritoneum (Greek)
11.rectum, i n – rectum
12.segmentum, i n - segment
13.spatium, i n - space
14.trigonum, i n – triangle
15.tympanum, i n - tympanic
16.vestibulum, i n – vestibule

Greek nouns with the ending -on


1.arthron, i n - joint 7.olecrаnon, i n – olecrаnon

2.blephаron, i n - eyelid 8.orgаnon (um), i n - organ
3.colon, i n – colon, large intestine 9.osteon, i n - bone
4.encephаlon, i n - brain 10.pharmаcon, i n - medicine
5.enteron, i n – intestine 11.pneumon, i n - lung
6.neuron, i n – nerve 12.skeleton, i n - skeleton
Adjectives of the I-II declination

1.accessorius, a, um - accessory
2.altus, a, um - tall
3.anatomicus, a, um - anatomical
4.asper, era, erum – rough
5.bonus, a, um – bonus, good
6.cardiacus, a, um – cardiac, of the heart
7.chirurgicus, a, um - surgical
8.cribrosus, a, um – cribrate, latticed
9.cutaneus, a, um – skin, cutaneous
10.deltoideus, a, um – deltoid, Greek delta shape
11.fuscus, a, um - dark
12.griseus, a, um - grey
13.hepaticus, a, um – hepatic
14.iliacus, a, um – iliacus
15.medicatus, a, um – medicinal, therapeutic
16.membranaceus, a, um - membranous
17.mucosus, a, um - mucosal
18.pharmaceuticus, a, um – pharmaceutical
19.quadratus, a, um – quadrant, quadratic square
20.rarus, a, um – rare
21.roseus, a, um – rose, pink
22.serosus, a, um – serous
23.trapezius, a, um - trapezium
24.trapezoideus, a, um – trapezoid, trapeziform

6.3 Participium perfecti passivi

Perfect Passive Participle

The Perfect Passive Participle is used in medical terminology. It is derived

from the verb and ends in -us (m), -a (f), -um (n).
The perfect passive participle is declined like a regular adjective ending in
-us, -a, -um. It is used in terminology as a coordinated attribute.

Anatomical terms

1.affixus, a, um - affixed 8.fixus, a, um – fixed

2.aggregatus, a, um – aggregated 9.obturatus,a, um – obturate
3.arcuatus,a,um- arcuate 10.occultus, a, um – occult
4.circumflexus, a, um – circumflex 11.perforatus, a, um – perforated
5.compactus, a, um - compact 12.transversus, a, um – transverse
6.compositus, a, um – composite 13.ustus – burned
7.cruciatus, a, um – cruciate

Clinical terms
1.acquisitus, a, um – acquisive 6.innatus, a, um – innate
2.complicatus, a, um – complicate 7.laceratus, a, um – lacerated
3.congenitus, a, um – congenital 8.laesus, a, um – hurt, injured 4.contusus, a, um –
contuse 9.morsus, a, um - morsus
5.incisus, a, um – incised 10.punctus, a, um - punctured


Write the correct endings of the attributes

1. corona dent is
2. venae medull. ae.
3. membrana tympan...i
4. rima palpebr...a
5. junctura fibros..a.
6. articulatio plan...
7. arteria profund..a. brachi...i
8. apex
9. arteria profund..a.
10. venae medull...
11. lamina
12. nervus tympan...
13. ligamentum
14. crista cost... ae

EXERCISE 6.2 Make up the Latin terms

1.white lamina ______________________________________
2.tooth papilla ______________________________________
3.mastoid mamilla ______________________________________
4.tooth cavity _______________________________________
6.internal ear ______________________________________
7.cochlear area ______________________________________
8.occipital line _______________________________________
9.gland of the stomach _________________________________
10.valve of the vein _________________________________
11.interosseous membrane ___________________________________
12.ampulla of the tube ______________________________________
13.right lymphatic duct __________________________________
14.deep yellow ligament __________________________________
15.middle meatus of the nose __________________________________
16.petrous part of the bone ____________________________
17.sulcus of the petrous sinus ____________________________
18.middle styloid process _____________________________
19.external acoustic aperture _____________________________
20.knee of the internal _____________________________
21.prominence of the concha _____________________________
22.left gastric artery _____________________________
23.deep artery of the brain _____________________________

EXERCISE 6.3 Translate into English

1.musculus arytenoideus obliquus ____________________________

2.musculus rectus capitis __
3.nervus membranae tympani ____________________________
4.nervus meatus acustici externi ____________________________
5.nervus pterygoideus externus ____________________________
6.arteria cavi tympani ____________________________
7.arcus ductus thoracici ____________________________
8.apex radicis dentis ____________________________
9.apex capitis fibulae ____________________________
10.sinus venarum cavarum ____________________________
11.meatus acusticus internus ____________________________

12.vena transversa faciei ______________________________

13.vena mediana profunda ______________________________
14.canalis radicis dentis ______________________________
15.lamina arcus vertebrae ______________________________
16.ligamentum apicis dentis ______________________________
17.nervus pterygoideus internus ______________________________
18.arteria genus media ______________________________

Translate into English!!
1.linea aspera _____________________________
2.axis opticus _____________________________
3.ramus deltoideus _____________________________
4.spinae palatinae _____________________________
5.digitus medius _____________________________
6.nucleus ruber _____________________________
7.ventriculus dexter _____________________________
8.ramus externus _____________________________
9.trigonum fibrosum _____________________________
10.sulcus gluteus _____________________________
11.lobus quadratus _____________________________
12.nucleus cellulae _____________________________
13.ostium uteri _____________________________
14.fossa olecrani _____________________________
15.collum radii _____________________________
16.lobus cerebri _____________________________
17.ramus radii _____________________________
18.ostium aortae _____________________________
19.sulcus palati _______________________________
20.cancer ventriculi _______________________________
21.ganglion petrosum _______________________________
Translate the following terms into English in plur. form

1.ganglia thoracica ___________________________________

2.palata dura ___________________________________
3.labia externa ___________________________________
4.ligamenta transversa ___________________________________
5.organa oculi ___________________________________
6.cola sigmoidea ___________________________________
7.nervi transversi ___________________________________
8.anguli sterni ___________________________________
9.spatia interossea ___________________________________
10.sulci cerebri ___________________________________
11.musculi longi ___________________________________
12.capitula costae ___________________________________

Write the correct case endings and translate the terms into English

1.fundus ventricul... __________________________

2.musculi digit... __________________________
3.septum lingu... __________________________
4.facies asper... __________________________
5.ramus mastoide... __________________________
6.sulcus palatin... __________________________
7.organon intern... __________________________
8.ramus profund... __________________________
9.lobus dext... __________________________
10.ganglion lymphatic... __________________________
11.nervus palatin... __________________________
12.musculus cutane... __________________________
13.ostium vagin... __________________________
14.ligamentum lat... uter... ____________________________
15.organa ocul... accessori... ____________________________
16.musculus long... capit... ____________________________
17.ganglion lymphatic... glute... _________________________
18.ligamentum obliqu... ____________________________ 19.arteria
profund... brachi... ____________________________

EXERCISE 6.7 Make up the Latin terms

1.bulb of the eye _____________________________________

2.external axis of the bulb _____________________________________
3.membrane of the chest _____________________________________
4.fibrous membrane _____________________________________
5.radial ligament _____________________________________
6.cribrate lamina _____________________________________
7.wide ligament of the uterus_____________________________________
8.trapeziform line ___________________________________
9.triangle of the bladder ___________________________________
10.right bronchus ___________________________________
11.quadratic lobe ___________________________________
12.anatomical branches ___________________________________
13.ostium /entry of the the uterus_________________________________
14.branch of the esophagus _____________________________________
15.branches of the tympanic membrane ____________________________
16.surgical neck _____________________________________
17.branch of the neck _____________________________________
18.tympanic sinus _____________________________________ 19.brachial bones
of the little head _______________________________

Translate the Latin terms into English

1.sulcus sinus sigmoidei ___________________________

2.medulla ossium rubra ___________________________
3.apex pulmonis dextri ___________________________
4.sinus trunci pulmonis ___________________________
5.nodi lymphatici ___________________________
6.nuclei corporis trapezoidei ___________________________
7.plica venae cavae sinistrae ___________________________
8.ganglion tympani ___________________________
9.vena cutanea brachii ___________________________
10.vena cava media cerebri ___________________________
11.septum nasi osseum ___________________________
12.arteria coronaria hepatica ___________________________
13.lobi glandulae thyroideae ___________________________
14.articulatio capitis costae ___________________________
15.ostium internum tubae ___________________________
16.sutura palatina mediana ___________________________
17.musculus transversus nuchae ___________________________
18.lobus dexter glandulae thyroideae____________________________
19.organa oculi accessoria ____________________________
20.ramus membranae tympani ____________________________ EXERCISE
Translate into English
1.auris interna __________________________________
2.os sacrum __________________________________
3.pulmo dexter __________________________________
4.canalis opticus __________________________________
5.dens sanus __________________________________
6.os latum __________________________________
7.corpus sanum __________________________________
8.canalis pterygoideus __________________________________
9.apex partis petrosae __________________________________
10.axis opticus __________________________________
11.foramen magnum __________________________________
12.articulatio fibrosa __________________________________
13.foramen caecum linguae _____________________________________
14.meatus interosseus ____________________________________
15.processus accessorius ____________________________________
16.superficies cutanea ____________________________________
17.genu dextrum ____________________________________
18.corpus trapezoideum ____________________________________
19.ductus lymphaticus dexter ___________________________________
20.facies lata ____________________________________
21.ductus thoracicus dexter ____________________________________
22.arcus venosus palmaris profundus _____________________________
23.ductus nervi petrosi ____________________________________
24.superficies aspera ____________________________________
25.manus dextra ____________________________________
26.plexus venosus ____________________________________
27.tunica mucosa ____________________________________
Translate into English and put the terms in Gen. sing. and Nom. plur.

translation Gen.sing Nom. plur.

1.nervus accessorius ___________________________________________
2.ampulla membranacea________________________________________
3.ganglion petrosum __________________________________________
4.area cribrosa __________________________________________
5.trigonum fibrosum __________________________________________
6.venula recta __________________________________________
7.colon sigmoideum __________________________________________
8.crista iliaca __________________________________________
9.sulcus gluteus __________________________________________
10.vertebra coccygea __________________________________________
11.bulbus duodeni __________________________________________
12.cisterna cerebri __________________________________________
13.trigonum vesicae __________________________________________
14.lamina cranii __________________________________________
15.dorsum nasi __________________________________________
16.cavum tympani __________________________________________
17.capsula bulbi __________________________________________
18.nucleus substantiae__________________________________________
19.ampulla tubae __________________________________________
20.junctura fibrosa __________________________________________
21.diameter obliqua __________________________________________
22.digitus medius __________________________________________
23.chorda tympani __________________________________________
24.cavum conchae __________________________________________
Translate the anatomical terms into English

1.substantia perforata __________________________________

2.spina occulta __________________________________
3.ligamentum transversum __________________________________
4.punctum fixum __________________________________
5.fibra arcuata __________________________________
_ affixa __________________________________
7.articulatio composita __________________________________
8.lamina affixa!! ! __________________________________
9.linea cruciata __________________________________
10.lamina perforata __________________________________
11.nodulus aggregatus __________________________________
12.arteria circumflexa __________________________________

EXERCISE 6.12 Translate the terms

into English
1.noduli lymphatici aggregati ___________________________________
2.vitium cordis congenitum ___________________________________ 3.arteria
circumflexa scapulae ___________________________________
4.ramus circumflexus aortae ___________________________________ !
5.fibrae arcuatae internae ___________________________________


Fill in the blanks with the correct endings and translate the Latin terms affix... hepatic... __________________________________

2.noduli lymphatic... aggregat... ________________________________
3.caput nucle... caudat... ___________________________________
4.foramen caec... medull... oblongat... ____________________________
5.lobus caudat... hepatic... ___________________________________
6.arteria circumflex... humer... __________________________________
7.corona radiat... cerebr... ___________________________________
8.fibrae arcuat... extern... ___________________________________
9.corpus striat... ___________________________________
10.eminentia cruciat... ___________________________________
11.fascia obturat... ___________________________________

EXERCISE 6.14 Translate the terms into Latin

1. burned ulna (arm) _____________________________________

2. perforated branch (rib) _____________________________________
3. composite articulation (plur.)___________________________________
4. complicate illness (plur.) _____________________________________
5. compact substance (plur.) _____________________________________
6. circumflex artery (branch) _____________________________________
innate (congenital) illness (plur.) ________________________________

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