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5/2/2021 Reading Practice 2 | Print - Quizizz


Reading Practice 2
20 Questions

1. Psychologist George Spilich at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland,

decided to nd out whether, as many smokers say, smoking helps them to

think and concentrate. He put non-smokers, active smokers and smokers

deprived of cigarettes through a series of tests. In the rst test, each subject sat

before a computer screen and pressed a key as soon as he or she recognized a

target letter. In this simple test, smokers, deprived smokers and non-smokers

performed equally well. The next test was more complex. Non-smokers were

faster, but under the stimulation of nicotine, active smokers were faster than

deprived smokers. In the third test of short-term memory, non-smokers made

the fewest errors, but deprived smokers committed fewer errors than active

smokers. In the fourth test, non-smokers were the best and deprived smokers

bested those who had smoked a cigarette just before testing. As the tests

became more complex, non-smokers performed better than smokers by wider

and wider margins.

It is pointed out in the passage that the purpose of George Spilich's

experiments is ----.

a) to test whether smoking has a positive b) to show how smoking damages

e ect on the mental capacity of people's mental capacity

c) to prove that smoking a ects people's d) to show that non-smokers are less
regular performance productive at work than smokers

e) to prove that nicotine helps people's

short term memory 1/11
5/2/2021 Reading Practice 2 | Print - Quizizz

2. Psychologist George Spilich at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland,

decided to nd out whether, as many smokers say, smoking helps them to

think and concentrate. He put non-smokers, active smokers and smokers

deprived of cigarettes through a series of tests. In the rst test, each subject sat
before a computer screen and pressed a key as soon as he or she recognized a

target letter. In this simple test, smokers, deprived smokers and non-smokers
performed equally well. The next test was more complex. Non-smokers were

faster, but under the stimulation of nicotine, active smokers were faster than
deprived smokers. In the third test of short-term memory, non-smokers made

the fewest errors, but deprived smokers committed fewer errors than active

smokers. In the fourth test, non-smokers were the best and deprived smokers
bested those who had smoked a cigarette just before testing. As the tests

became more complex, non-smokers performed better than smokers by wider

and wider margins.

We understand from the passage that ----.

a) active smokers in general performed b) active smokers responded more

better than deprived smokers quickly than the other subjects in all

c) the other subjects were not better d) deprived smokers gave the slowest
than nonsmokers in the simplest test responses to the various tasks

e) non-smokers committed more errors

than deprived smokers in most of the

3. Psychologist George Spilich at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland,

decided to nd out whether, as many smokers say, smoking helps them to

think and concentrate. He put non-smokers, active smokers and smokers

deprived of cigarettes through a series of tests. In the rst test, each subject sat

before a computer screen and pressed a key as soon as he or she recognized a

target letter. In this simple test, smokers, deprived smokers and non-smokers

performed equally well. The next test was more complex. Non-smokers were

faster, but under the stimulation of nicotine, active smokers were faster than

deprived smokers. In the third test of short-term memory, non-smokers made

the fewest errors, but deprived smokers committed fewer errors than active

smokers. In the fourth test, non-smokers were the best and deprived smokers

bested those who had smoked a cigarette just before testing. As the tests

became more complex, non-smokers performed better than smokers by wider

and wider margins.

George Spilich's experiment was conducted in such a way as to ----.

a) check the e ectiveness of nicotine on b) put the subjects through increasingly

nonsmokers complex tests

c) nish the tests as quickly as possible d) force the subjects to recall the words
they learned

e) compel the subjects to respond as fast

as possible 2/11
5/2/2021 Reading Practice 2 | Print - Quizizz

4. Modern scienti c and technological developments in the practice of medicine

and public health have drawn nursing into new and wider elds of activity, and

its functions have been expanded accordingly. Therefore, nursing is no longer

limited mainly to activities within the hospital, or to what is called curative

nursing. It has become also a community service in which preventive and

rehabilitative functions are a vital part of its program. The modern concept of

nursing considers the hospital, however central, as only one of many health

agencies in the community.

As we understand from the reading, today ----.

a) the only reason people go to hospitals b) most of the nursing practice now takes
is for nursing care place in people's homes

c) hospitals are not the only setting d) scienti c and technological

where people receive care or support developments can't improve the
quality of care that is delivered in

e) nursing care is not vital to the core

competency of hospitals any more

5. Modern scienti c and technological developments in the practice of medicine

and public health have drawn nursing into new and wider elds of activity, and

its functions have been expanded accordingly. Therefore, nursing is no longer

limited mainly to activities within the hospital, or to what is called curative

nursing. It has become also a community service in which preventive and

rehabilitative functions are a vital part of its program. The modern concept of

nursing considers the hospital, however central, as only one of many health
agencies in the community.

One can infer from the passage that ----.

a) nurses were treating more people in b) hospitals are the only places where
the patient's own home in the past nursing care is crucial

c) nurses don't see the hospital and clinic d) hospitals are still the most important
as important units in the community component of the healthcare sector
health program

e) nursing shortage has had signi cant

consequences during the past few
years 3/11
5/2/2021 Reading Practice 2 | Print - Quizizz

6. Modern scienti c and technological developments in the practice of medicine

and public health have drawn nursing into new and wider elds of activity, and
its functions have been expanded accordingly. Therefore, nursing is no longer

limited mainly to activities within the hospital, or to what is called curative

nursing. It has become also a community service in which preventive and

rehabilitative functions are a vital part of its program. The modern concept of
nursing considers the hospital, however central, as only one of many health
agencies in the community.

According to the passage, the nurse's function has been expanded

because of ----.

a) the nurse's activities in the hospital b) hospitals, which are the most common
work environments for nurses

c) the reluctance of nurses to work in the d) the necessity of working longer hours

e) the progress in science and technology

in related elds

7. Scratchy throats, stu y noses and body aches all spell misery, but being able to
tell if the cause is a cold or u may make a di erence in how long the u lasts.

That's because the prescription drugs available for the u need to be taken
soon after the illness sets in although the symptoms can be eased with over the
counter medications. As for colds, the sooner a person starts taking over-the-

counter remedy, the sooner relief will come. Cold symptoms such as stu y
nose, runny nose and scratchy throat typically develop gradually, and adults
and teens often do not get a fever. On the other hand, fever is one of the

characteristic features of the u for all ages. And in general, u symptoms

including fever and chills, sore throat and body aches come on suddenly and

are more severe than cold symptoms.

According to the passage, knowing the cause of scratchy throats, stu y
noses and body aches ----.

a) reduces the likelihood of catching cold b) sometimes doesn't help patients

lessen the severity of symptoms

c) encourages patients to buy over-the- d) will shorten the duration of the u

counter medications

e) prevents people from getting infected 4/11
5/2/2021 Reading Practice 2 | Print - Quizizz

8. Scratchy throats, stu y noses and body aches all spell misery, but being able to
tell if the cause is a cold or u may make a di erence in how long the u lasts.
That's because the prescription drugs available for the u need to be taken

soon after the illness sets in although the symptoms can be eased with over the
counter medications. As for colds, the sooner a person starts taking over-the-

counter remedy, the sooner relief will come. Cold symptoms such as stu y
nose, runny nose and scratchy throat typically develop gradually, and adults
and teens often do not get a fever. On the other hand, fever is one of the

characteristic features of the u for all ages. And in general, u symptoms

including fever and chills, sore throat and body aches come on suddenly and
are more severe than cold symptoms.

According to the passage, to combat the u e ectively, ----.

a) the virus which causes the disease has b) patients should only use over-the-
to be identi ed counter medications

c) one should take the necessary d) there is no reason to see a doctor

medications upon catching the disease

e) people should try some alternative


9. Scratchy throats, stu y noses and body aches all spell misery, but being able to

tell if the cause is a cold or u may make a di erence in how long the u lasts.
That's because the prescription drugs available for the u need to be taken

soon after the illness sets in although the symptoms can be eased with over the
counter medications. As for colds, the sooner a person starts taking over-the-
counter remedy, the sooner relief will come. Cold symptoms such as stu y

nose, runny nose and scratchy throat typically develop gradually, and adults
and teens often do not get a fever. On the other hand, fever is one of the
characteristic features of the u for all ages. And in general, u symptoms

including fever and chills, sore throat and body aches come on suddenly and
are more severe than cold symptoms.

It is pointed out in the reading that ----.

a) fever is the most important feature of b) u symptoms are not as severe as cold
a cold symptoms

c) the u can be prevented by the u d) one doesn't need to take any medicine
vaccine if he has a cold or the u

e) over-the-counter drugs can be taken to

ease the misery caused by a cold or
the u 5/11
5/2/2021 Reading Practice 2 | Print - Quizizz

10. The most dangerous animals on the North American continent, by a margin of
1000 to one, are not bears, mountain lions or wolves but poisonous snakes.
Attacks occur far more frequently than most people suspect; 6500 to 7000

humans are bitten by venomous snakes in the United States each year.
Fortunately, the death rate from snakebite is low, largely because of
widespread knowledge about snakes and the fact that in most cases treatment

is prompt. Yet for the victims, even though they survive, the ordeal is a dreadful
experience sometimes resulting weeks or months of illness, permanent

crippling, the loss of a hand or foot, or other lasting handicaps.

The North American continent ----.

a) has the most dangerous animal in the b) su ers much from wolves than bears

c) cannot bear mountain lions and d) is usually subject to poisonous snake

wolves attacks

e) can guess the time of attacks of snakes

11. The most dangerous animals on the North American continent, by a margin of

1000 to one, are not bears, mountain lions or wolves but poisonous snakes.
Attacks occur far more frequently than most people suspect; 6500 to 7000

humans are bitten by venomous snakes in the United States each year.

Fortunately, the death rate from snakebite is low, largely because of

widespread knowledge about snakes and the fact that in most cases treatment

is prompt. Yet for the victims, even though they survive, the ordeal is a dreadful

experience sometimes resulting weeks or months of illness, permanent

crippling, the loss of a hand or foot, or other lasting handicaps.

The death rate from snakebite ----.

a) is quite high despite the well-informed b) cannot be estimated by citizens in

people America

c) created much more problems due to d) deterred people not to go out during
lack of knowledge the day

e) is considered to be small regarding the

number of bites 6/11
5/2/2021 Reading Practice 2 | Print - Quizizz

12. The most dangerous animals on the North American continent, by a margin of

1000 to one, are not bears, mountain lions or wolves but poisonous snakes.

Attacks occur far more frequently than most people suspect; 6500 to 7000
humans are bitten by venomous snakes in the United States each year.

Fortunately, the death rate from snakebite is low, largely because of

widespread knowledge about snakes and the fact that in most cases treatment
is prompt. Yet for the victims, even though they survive, the ordeal is a dreadful

experience sometimes resulting weeks or months of illness, permanent

crippling, the loss of a hand or foot, or other lasting handicaps.According to

the passage, snakebite ----.

a) doesn't need immediate treatment b) usually causes death

c) is a sort of danger for people d) has only about 6500 victims

e) only creates illness

13. Panda is the name for two nocturnal Asian mammals: the red panda and the
giant panda. The red panda, also known as lesser panda and cat bear, is found

at high elevations in the Himalayas. It resembles a raccoon but has a longer

body and tail and a more rounded head. Its thick fur is rust color to deep

chestnut, with black on the under parts, limbs, and ears. The red panda spends
much of its time in trees but feeds on the ground, eating primarily bamboo

leaves but also fruit and roots. The giant panda super cially resembles a bear.

The body is chie y white, and the limbs are brownish black, with the dark color
extending up over the shoulder. The ears and eye patches are black. Giant

pandas live in restricted areas of the high mountain bamboo forests of central

China; their diet consists entirely of bamboo shoots. Rare in the wild, they
produce young poorly when they are not in their natural environment. Giant

pandas are protected by law in China.

It can be understood from the passage that ----.

a) all the nocturnal mammals in China b) the diets of the red panda and the
are called panda giant panda are not totally the same

c) there are no pandas in China for the d) the under parts, limbs, and ears of the
time being giant panda are all white

e) bamboo shoots are an important part

of the diets of the people living in
China 7/11
5/2/2021 Reading Practice 2 | Print - Quizizz

14. Panda is the name for two nocturnal Asian mammals: the red panda and the
giant panda. The red panda, also known as lesser panda and cat bear, is found

at high elevations in the Himalayas. It resembles a raccoon but has a longer

body and tail and a more rounded head. Its thick fur is rust color to deep
chestnut, with black on the under parts, limbs, and ears. The red panda spends

much of its time in trees but feeds on the ground, eating primarily bamboo

leaves but also fruit and roots. The giant panda super cially resembles a bear.

The body is chie y white, and the limbs are brownish black, with the dark color
extending up over the shoulder. The ears and eye patches are black. Giant

pandas live in restricted areas of the high mountain bamboo forests of central

China; their diet consists entirely of bamboo shoots. Rare in the wild, they
produce young poorly when they are not in their natural environment. Giant

pandas are protected by law in China.

It is clear from the passage that ----.

a) giant pandas do have breeding b) the red panda is also called raccoon in
problems in captivity the Himalayas

c) the giant panda never spends its time d) cat bear is a more dangerous animal
in trees than the red panda

e) bears and pandas can live together in

their natural environment

15. Panda is the name for two nocturnal Asian mammals: the red panda and the
giant panda. The red panda, also known as lesser panda and cat bear, is found

at high elevations in the Himalayas. It resembles a raccoon but has a longer

body and tail and a more rounded head. Its thick fur is rust color to deep
chestnut, with black on the under parts, limbs, and ears. The red panda spends

much of its time in trees but feeds on the ground, eating primarily bamboo

leaves but also fruit and roots. The giant panda super cially resembles a bear.
The body is chie y white, and the limbs are brownish black, with the dark color

extending up over the shoulder. The ears and eye patches are black. Giant

pandas live in restricted areas of the high mountain bamboo forests of central
China; their diet consists entirely of bamboo shoots. Rare in the wild, they

produce young poorly when they are not in their natural environment. Giant

pandas are protected by law in China.

It can be inferred from the passage that ----.

a) though they share a name, red and b) the number of the bamboo forests of
giant pandas are not alike in many China is decreasing

c) red pandas usually live on chestnuts d) it is surprising that the giant pandas
just like giant pandas are not in danger of becoming extinct

e) all the mammals at high elevations in

the Himalayas are nocturnal 8/11
5/2/2021 Reading Practice 2 | Print - Quizizz

16. Modern scienti c and technological developments in the practice of medicine

and public health have drawn nursing into new and wider elds of activity, and

its functions have been expanded accordingly. Therefore, nursing is no longer

limited mainly to activities within the hospital, or to what is called curative

nursing. It has become also a community service in which preventive and

rehabilitative functions are a vital part of its program. The modern concept of
nursing considers the hospital, however central, as only one of many health

agencies in the community.

"It has become also a community service in which preventive and rehabilitative
functions are a vital part of its program."

The word "It" in the text refer to ... .

a) nursing b) curative nursing

c) community service d) wider elds of activity

e) hospital

17. Panda is the name for two nocturnal Asian mammals: the red panda and the

giant panda. The red panda, also known as lesser panda and cat bear, is found

at high elevations in the Himalayas. It resembles a raccoon but has a longer

body and tail and a more rounded head. Its thick fur is rust color to deep

chestnut, with black on the under parts, limbs, and ears. The red panda spends

much of its time in trees but feeds on the ground, eating primarily bamboo

leaves but also fruit and roots. The giant panda super cially resembles a bear.
The body is chie y white, and the limbs are brownish black, with the dark color

extending up over the shoulder. The ears and eye patches are black. Giant

pandas live in restricted areas of the high mountain bamboo forests of central
China; their diet consists entirely of bamboo shoots. Rare in the wild, they

produce young poorly when they are not in their natural environment. Giant

pandas are protected by law in China.

"It resembles a raccoon but has a longer body and tail and a more rounded

head. "

The word resembles means ... .

a) looks like b) di ers from

c) contrasts d) alters

e) displaces 9/11
5/2/2021 Reading Practice 2 | Print - Quizizz

18. The Emperor Penguin is a penguin that lives in Antarctica. It is the tallest and
heaviest of all penguin species. Emperor Penguins are black and white like all

penguins but the sides of their neck are golden. Emperors live in the coldest

climate on earth. They breed at the beginning of the Antarctic winter (March
and April), on the ice all around the Antarctic continent. The shape of their body

helps them to survive. They have short wings that help them dive up to 900 feet

to catch larger sh. They can swim up to 12 miles per hour for a short time,
which lets them escape from their main enemy, the Leopard Seal. They can stay

warm because they have a thick layer of blubber. In addition, the layer of soft

feathers trap air that keeps the body heat in and cold air and water out.

It can be understood from the passage that the physical features of the
Emperor Penguins ----.

a) are quite similar to those of the b) should be examined more closely by

Leopard Seal the scientists

c) let them stay alive in one of the d) make them by far the strongest of the
harshest climatic conditions of the animals living in Antarctica

e) are believed not to have changed a lot

throughout time

19. The Emperor Penguin is a penguin that lives in Antarctica. It is the tallest and

heaviest of all penguin species. Emperor Penguins are black and white like all

penguins but the sides of their neck are golden. Emperors live in the coldest
climate on earth. They breed at the beginning of the Antarctic winter (March

and April), on the ice all around the Antarctic continent. The shape of their body

helps them to survive. They have short wings that help them dive up to 900 feet
to catch larger sh. They can swim up to 12 miles per hour for a short time,

which lets them escape from their main enemy, the Leopard Seal. They can stay

warm because they have a thick layer of blubber. In addition, the layer of soft

feathers trap air that keeps the body heat in and cold air and water out.
One can understand from the passage that Emperor Penguins ----.

a) spend most of their time swimming b) present certain di erences from other
under the water penguin species

c) are killed by humans due to their d) can hardly ever catch larger sh
spectacular feathers

e) are known to feed on the Leopard Seal 10/11
5/2/2021 Reading Practice 2 | Print - Quizizz

20. The Emperor Penguin is a penguin that lives in Antarctica. It is the tallest and

heaviest of all penguin species. Emperor Penguins are black and white like all

penguins but the sides of their neck are golden. Emperors live in the coldest
climate on earth. They breed at the beginning of the Antarctic winter (March

and April), on the ice all around the Antarctic continent. The shape of their body

helps them to survive. They have short wings that help them dive up to 900 feet
to catch larger sh. They can swim up to 12 miles per hour for a short time,

which lets them escape from their main enemy, the Leopard Seal. They can stay

warm because they have a thick layer of blubber. In addition, the layer of soft
feathers trap air that keeps the body heat in and cold air and water out.

It is emphasized in the passage that Emperor Penguins ---- as they have a

thick layer of blubber and a layer of soft feathers.

a) can swim long distances to catch prey b) are easy to see any time of the day

c) are not a ected negatively by the cold d) can stay out of the water for a long
weather time

e) are hunted frequently by people 11/11

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