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How to conquer the heart of a Filipina? How to win a woman’s heart?

Do you
know that courtships in the Philippines could last for years before a woman
accepts a man’s love?
Many says that courtship in the Philippines is a serious matter because it could even last for
years and you can never guarantee that the one you are courting accepts your love. Although some men
not even last for months and they have given up and some women accepts easily.

Other says that the more money you have, the more chances you have from a lady. But some
women ignores wealth, because what they are looking for is someone that they can rely on, someone
that can do things for them and someone that is strong enough to fight for them.

As a citizen of the Philippines, our cultural values and traditions are also running through our
veins. The traditional dating customs in the Philippines is described as indirect and more subdued
compared to the western customs. Mostly of the Filipinas still wants to undergo the courtship stage
where the guy will prove to her that his love is sincere and he’s worth it.

According to the quote that former President Ferdinand Marcos said “I don’t believe in
courtship, it’s just a waste of time. If I love the person, I’ll tell her right away. But for you, I’ll make it an
exception, just love me now and I’ll court you forever”. These quote has an underlying meaning that
made his wife love him very much, his words are straight to the point and also sincere.

Today, I am going to share some tips on how to conquer a Filipina’s heart: First is to be very
respectful because respect is very sensitive matter in the country that’s why saying “po” and “opo” is
important. Having a respectful approach to the lady you are courting is a plus points for you. Second is
being faithful because it is not only important in courting but also important in any aspects. Courtship is
the first step that why being faithful is important so that you can gain more trust from her. Last is to be
consistent. If you really are serious for her, then don’t go out with other women. Your eyes should
always be for her and be exclusive.

There are many tips that you should follow but these are the three best tips I can share. Having
these three tips can possibly be helpful for you to win a Filipina’s heart.

Courtship is one of the most challenging things a man is going to do that’s why we should take it
easy. We should think more and be responsible on what we started for we are men. Choosing this topic
is a little bit hard for me because I never ever tried courting someone that’s why it take me so much
courage to share what I can share. Thank you everyone and God bless.

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