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Understand the relationship between Culture

and Education
Clarify the concept and meaning of culture.
Explain the role of the school in preserving
and transmitting culture.
It is a collective term for socially transmitted behavior
In ordinary language culture means good manners and
good taste.
According to Taylor “Culture is a complex whole which
includes knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, custom
and any other capabilities and habits acquired by
as a member of society”.
According to Ellwood “Culture includes man’s entire
material civilization, tools, weapons, clothing,
machine, and even system of industry.”
Two types of Culture in every

1.Material Culture
2.Non- material culture
 Includes all those man made things and
objects which human society has created
for its physical welfare.
Clothes, utensils, TV, radio, various
 It includes those ideals, attitudes and
values which modify the behavior of an
Language, literature, art, music, religion,
customs and traditions.
Acquired Traits- Culture is sum total of acquired
traits. A new born baby acquires traits in the
process of growing up. These experiences
contribute to the formation of his personal
Distinct Entity- Different societies of the world,
have different cultural patterns establishing the
different identities of different nations.
Transmission- Cultural traits and patterns are
heritage and transmit it to the next generation.
Utility- Culture is good if it has utility to the
individual and to the society. If does not fulfill the
purpose then it decays and dies out in the long
Dynamism- Culture is not static but dynamic. It
changes and grows with the change of time.
Education as a part of culture has the twin functions of
conservation and modification or renewal of the culture.
Education is conceived as a systematic effort to maintain a
In technical sense Education is the process by which society,
through school, colleges, universities and other institutions,
deliberately transmit it culture heritage, its accumulated
knowledge, values, and skills from one generation to another.
Education is an instrument of cultural change.
Education can impact knowledge, training and
skills, as well as inculcate new ideas and attitudes
among the young. It is culture in which education
germinates and flowers.
The intimate relationship between culture and
education is evident from the fact that one of the
major aim of education is to impart to the child
cultural heritage and social heritage.
Adaptation to the Natural Environment- everywhere
man lives in a definite natural environment to which
they adapt themselves.

Adaptation to the social environment- Culture

includes customs, traditions, beliefs etc. All of these
the individual to adapt to his social environment.
Culture determines the patterns of social control,
through which the individual is subjected to remain
attached to that group.
Development of Personality- The behaviour is always
influenced by the culture of his/her group. The
behaviour of the individual is greatly influenced by the

Socialization as a process of acculturation- According

to Martin & Stendlar, “Culture refers to the total way of
life of a people that complex whole which includes
beliefs, knowledge, art, morals, law, customs and any
other capabilities and habits, acquired by man as a
member of society”.
Society and need for schooling- As the society has
become more complex and knowledge is piling up
the need for formal education and thus, society starts
schools to educate its members. The purpose is two
 Transmit Cultural heritage
 To improve the society
Transmission of Culture heritage- To perpetuate
present progress we should transmit the cultural
heritage. We should exploit the innate tendencies,
need and interest of the children for the purpose of
Role of the school- The school has to give up its ivory
tower isolation. It must be closely linked with the

School as a community in Miniature- School is a social

institution which has been established by the society for the
purpose for transmitting among its members, those ideas,
beliefs, attitudes and dispositions that will make them
members of the society. The school is to be looked at not as
a place where traditional knowledge in inculcated as
authoritative but as a place where experiments in life be
Curriculum- is prepared according to the culture of society.
The system of education tries to realize the cultural needs to
society through curriculum which conditions all educational
activities and programmes.

Methods of Teaching- Culture methods of teaching are

intimately connected. The previously teaching was teacher
centered where teacher used to give knowledge to the
Now it has become student centered. The teachers
the needs interest, aptitude, attitude, inclinations, behavior
before teaching. In this way, education is a method of
preparing child for the future for effective living.
Disciplines- The present cultural patterns of thinking and
living are directly linked to our concepts, of discipline where
the democratic values are accepted all over the world.

Textbooks- Curriculum is contained in the textbooks.

Textbooks are written according to the formulated or
determined curriculum. Only those textbooks are welcomed
which foster and promote cultural values and ide
Teachers- Each individual teacher is imbibed with the
cultural values and ideals of the society of which he/she
happens to be an integral member.

School- a School is a miniature of a society. The total

activities and programmes of a school are organized
according to the cultural ideas and values of the society
which establishes and organize the school.
Preservation of Culture- Every country has a distinct culture
of its own. It tries to preserve its culture and its
distinctiveness in its original form. Education is the only
means through which this task can be accomplished.
Education preserves the culture of a society.

Transmission of Culture- the process of preservation

includes the process of transmission from one generation to
Development of Culture- the function of education is to
bring the needed and desirable change in the cultural
and values for the progress and continued development of
the society without which social progress cannot take place.
Education accultures an individual modifies cultural
by research and deeper investigations into all areas of
 Continuity of Culture- culture is a life breadth of a
society. Without which a society is bound to decay.
Education upholds the continuity of culture through
its diverse activities and programmes. A society
establishes schools to preserve and transmit its
culture to the coming generations. Children should
motivated to learn more and more from cultural
interaction among various cultures.
 Development of Personality- Education aims at
developing the personality of a child. It employs
diverse cultural patterns of thinking, behavior and
cultural values so that children are physically,
mentally, morally, socially and intellectually develop
with the development of society to the maximum
 Removal of Cultural Lag- while material cultural
develop at a faster speed due to scientific and
technological inventions non material culture
consisting of ideas, values and norms lags behind
create a gulf between the two. Education is the only
means by these gaps can be bridged.
 Education should transmit the culture to the new generation and
transform the outlook of the young towards life in the light of
the past, in the context of cross- cultural influences and in the
light of the future requirements of the individual and the society,

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