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 Must declare variables before use
 Variable declaration:
 int a; - integer variable
 long b; - long integer variable
 short c; - short integer (16 bit)
 float d; - floating point
 double e; - double precision float
 char f; - character type

 Many other types (more next lecture. . . )

Value limits

Min Max
short int -32768 32767
unsigned short 0 65,535
int -2,147,483,648 2,147,483,647
unsigned int 0 4,294,967,295
long (32bit) -2,147,483,648 2,147,483,647
unsigned long (32) 0 4,294,967,295
long (64bit) −9,223,372,036,854,775,808 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
unsigned long (64) 0 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
float ±3.4028234e±38(8 decimal digit)
double ±1.7976931348623158e±308 (16 decimal digit)
Definitions (1/2)
 The datatype of an object in memory determines the
set of values it can have and what operations that can
be performed on it.
 C is a weakly typed language. It allows implicit
conversions as well as forced (potentially dangerous)
 specify how an object can be manipulated(e.g.,, numeric
vs. string operations).
 operators can be unary(e.g., - -,++),binary (e.g.,+,-
,*,/),ternary (?:)
Definition (2/2)
 An expression in a programming language is a
combination of values, variables, operators, and
 A variable is as named link/reference to a value stored
in the system’s memory or an expression that can be
 Consider: int x=0,y=0; y=x+2;

 x, y are variables

 y = x + 2 is an expression

 + is an operator.
Names of variables (and questions)
Naming rules:
 Variable names can contain letters, digits and _ (underscore)

 Variable names must start with letters.

 Keywords (e.g., for, while etc.) cannot be used as variable

 Variable names are case sensitive. int x; int X declares
two different variables.
Questions (with answer next slide):
 int money$owed (correct/ wrong?)

 int total_count (correct/ wrong?)

 int score2 (correct/ wrong?)

 int 2ndscore (correct/ wrong?)

 int long (correct/ wrong?)

Names of variables (and answers)
Naming rules:
 Variable names can contain letters, digits and _Variable
names should start with letters.
 Keywords (e.g., for, while etc.) cannot be used as variable
 Variable names are case sensitive. int x; int X declares
two different variables.
Questions (answer here) :
 int money$owed; (incorrect: cannot contain $)

 int total_count (correct)

 int score2 (correct)

 int 2ndscore (incorrect: must start with a letter)

 int long (incorrect: cannot use keyword)

Notes on Name of Variables (1/2)
 Variable name should convey what it represents
 Variable name must be descriptive enough
 Uppercase and lowercase characters are different
in C language
 A1 ≠ a1
 Variable length is up to 31 characters
 Try to use obvious names for clarity
 Long names are good, but very long name can be
difficult to type
 Use underscore ‘_’ to represent space
Notes on Name of Variables (2/2)
 Use numbers if necessary to represent variable
 Many people use variable i, j, k, l, m, n
for counters (will be discussed later in for – loop,
while – loop, etc)
 Example:
 int panjang_rumah, tinggi_ruang;
 float volume_kubus_1, volume_kubus_2;
 int matrix_pertama[10][10];
 char student_name[50];
 char
Data types and sizes

C has a small family of datatypes

 Numeric (int, long, short, float, double)

 Character (char)

 User defined (struct, union)

Numeric data types
Depending on the precision and range required, you
can use one of the following datatypes.
Numeric data types
signed unsigned
short short int x;short y; unsigned short x;unsigned short int y;
default int x; unsigned int x;
long long x; unsigned long x;
float float x; N/A
double double x; N/A
char char x; signed char x; unsigned char x;

The unsigned variables have no negative counterpart

The unsigned version has roughly double the range of its
signed counterparts.
Signed and unsigned characters differ only when used in
arithmetic expressions.
More on variables
 The individual sizes are machine/compiler dependent.
 However, the following is guaranteed:
sizeof(char)<sizeof(short)<=sizeof(int)<=sizeof(long) and
 "NUXI" problem: For numeric data types that span multiple
bytes, the order of arrangement of the individual bytes is
important. Depending on the device architecture, we have
"big endian" and "little endian" formats
 Big-little-endian will be discussed later
Meaning of data types (1/2)

Datatype example meaning

int i=3; integer

long l=3; long integer

integer unsigned long ul= 3UL; unsigned long
int i=0xA; hexadecimal

int i=012; octal number

float pi=3.14159 float

floating point float pi=3.141F float

double pi=3.1415926535897932384L double

Meaning of data types (2/2)

Datatype example meaning

’A’ ’\x41’ ’\0101’ character specified in hex
specified in octal
string "hello world" "hello""world" string literal same as "hello world"

enum BOOL {NO,YES} NO=0,YES=1 G=2,B=3

Enum COLOR {R=1,G,B,Y=10}
Variable declaration
 The general format for a declaration is type
variable-name [=value].Examples:
char x; /∗ uninitialized ∗/
char x=’A’;/∗ initialized to ’A’∗/
char x=’A’,y=’B’;
/∗multiple variables initialized ∗/
char x=y=’Z’;
/∗multiple initializations ∗/
Questions (forget)
int x=0x17;int y=12; /*is x>y?*/
short int s=0xFFFF12; /*correct?*/
char c=.1;unsigned char uc=.1; /*correct?*/
puts("hel"+"lo");puts("hel""lo");/*which is
enum sz{S=0,L=3,XL}; /*what is the value of XL?*/
enum sz{S=0,L=.3,XL}; /*what is the value of
Arithmetic operators (1/2)

operator meaning examples

x=3+2; /∗constants∗/
+ addition y+z; /∗variables∗/
x+y+2; /∗both∗/
3−2; /∗constants∗/
- subtraction int x=y−z; /∗variables∗/
y−2−z; /∗both∗/
int x=3∗2; /∗constants∗/
* multiplication int x=y∗z; /∗variables∗/
x∗y∗2; /∗both∗/
Arithmetic operators (2/2)

operator meaning examples

float x=3/2; /∗produces x=1 (int /) ∗/
float x=3.0/2 /∗produces x=1.5 (float /) ∗/
/ division
int x=3.0/2; /∗produces x=1 (int

modulus int x=3%2; /∗produces x=1∗/

% (remainder) int y=7;int x=y%4; /∗produces 3∗/
int y=7;int x=y%10; /∗produces 7∗/
Relational operator
operator meaning examples
3>2; /∗evaluates to 1 ∗/
> greater than
2.99>3 /∗evaluates to 0 ∗/
greater than or 3>=3; /∗evaluates to 1 ∗/
equal to 2.99>=3 /∗evaluates to 0 ∗/
3<3; /∗evaluates to 0 ∗/
< lesser than
’A’<’B’/∗evaluates to 1∗/
lesser than or equal 3<=3; /∗evaluates to 1 ∗/
to 3.99<3 /∗evaluates to 0 ∗/
== equal to 3==3; /∗evaluates to 1 ∗/
not equal to ’A’==’a’/∗evaluates to 0 ∗/
Logical operator
operator meaning examples
((9/3)==3) && (2∗3==6); /∗evaluates to 1∗/
&& AND
(’A’==’a’) && (3==3) /∗evaluates to 0 ∗/
2==3 || ’A’==’A’; /∗evaluates to 1 ∗/
|| OR
2.99>=3 || 0 /∗evaluates to 0 ∗/
!(3==3); /∗evaluates to 0 ∗/
!(2.99>=3) /∗evaluates to 1 ∗/
Increment and decrement (Postfix)
 Increment and decrement are common arithmetic
operation. C provides two short cuts for the same.
 Postfix
 x++ is a short cut for x=x+1
 x -- is a short cut for x=x - 1
 y=x++ is a short cut for y=x;x=x+1.
x is evaluated before it is incremented.
 y=x−− is a short cut for y=x;x=x−1.
x is evaluated before it is decremented.
Increment and decrement (Prefix)
 Increment and decrement are common arithmetic
operation. C provides two short cuts for the same.
 Prefix:
 ++x is a short cut for x=x+1
 --x is a short cut for x=x-1
 y=++x is a short cut for x=x+1;y=x;.
x is evaluated after it is incremented.
 y=--x is a short cut for x=x-1;y=x;.
x is evaluated after it is decremented.
Bitwise operator
operator meaning examples
0x77 & 0x3; /∗evaluates to 0x3 ∗/ 0x77
& 0x0; /∗evaluates to 0 ∗/
0x700 | 0x33; /∗evaluates to 0x733 ∗/
| OR
0x070 | 0 /∗evaluates to 0x070 ∗/
0x770 ^ 0x773; /∗evaluates to 0x3 ∗/
0x33 ^ 0x33; /∗evaluates to 0 ∗/
0x01<<4; /∗evaluates to 0x10 ∗/
« left shift
1<<2; /∗evaluates to 4 ∗/
0x010>>4; /∗evaluates to 0x01 ∗/
» right shift
4>>1 /∗evaluates to 2 ∗/
Assignment operator
 Another common expression type found while
programming in C is of the type var = var (op) expr
 C provides compact assignment operators that can be
used instead.
x+=1; /∗is the same as x=x+1∗/
x−=1; /∗is the same as x=x−1∗/
x∗=10; /∗is the same as x=x∗10 ∗/
x/=2; /∗ is the same as x=x/2 ∗/
x%=2; /∗is the same as x=x%2 ∗/
Precedence and order of evaluation
 ++,- -,(cast),sizeof have the highest priority
 *,/,% have higher priority than +,-
 ==,!= have higher priority than &&,||
 assignment operators have very low priority

 Use () generously to avoid ambiguities or side effects

associated with precedence of operators.
y=x∗3+2 /∗same as y=(x∗3)+2∗/
x!=0 && y==0 /∗same as (x!=0) && (y==0)∗/
d= c>=’0’&& c<=’9’/∗same as d=(c>=’0’) &&
Tracing program (1/2)
 Tracing a program is part of debugging
 Debugging is very important to find errors in
programs (will elaborate bugs in early computation)
 When program is written there can be errors:
1. Syntax error (known directly from compiler)
2. Datatype error (sometimes known during program run)
3. Pointer error (sometimes unknown until work with large
4. Logic error (known when the result is not correct) sometimes
this is called bug
 Most difficult to find is (4) and easiest is (1)
Tracing program (2/2)
 To find logic error, we have to trace the program
 Printing results is one method of finding error
 Tracing the conditions is another part of finding
 Many times printing the right variables can be
tricky, because printing all variables is not the
 Too many data
 Iteration is to many

 Forcing the condition is another way of finding error

Example program
 Look at the following example program
 Copy and try it yourself
 Turn in the program
 Example program:
 size-of-datatypes.c
 operator-1.c
 operator-2.c
Program exercise
 Write a program properly with enough documentation
 Initialize i, j, k as integer
 Initialize a, b, c as float
 Put value of i=3, j=4
 Put value of a=2.0, b=1.0, c=-6.0
 Write remainder of k=i%j, k=i÷j, k=i×j, k=i+j, k=i-j
 Write c=a÷b, c=a×b, c=a+b, c=a-b
 Write c=a÷j, c=a×i, k=j+b, k=i-b
 Extra: write b=√b Butuh: #include <math.h>
Butuh: gcc program1.c. –lm –o program1
ax 2 + bx + c = 0
− b ± b − 4ac2
x1, 2 =
 Design your first program 2a
 Write a program to calculate the root of a quadratic
equation (RUMUS ABC)
 Initialize variable a, b, c, d, x1, x2 as floating point
 Put value of a=2.0, b=1.0, c=-6.0
 Calculate the value of the square-root (b2-4ac)=d
 Calculate the first root (x1 = -(b+d)/2a)
 Calculate the first root (x2 = -(b-d)/2a)
 Display the value of x1 and x2
 Check with several values of a, b, and c and test if program is
working properly
 Write enough description/ comment of the program
 Raise your hand when you finished

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