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Fuel 79 (2000) 1277–1278
Letter to the Editor

“Measuring the temperature response of large wet coal Zhang [1], a 0.5 mm diameter thermocouple was used.
particles during heating” by C. A. Heidenreich and D. K. The smaller diameter thermocouple would decrease the
Zhang, Fuel 78 (1999) 991–994 rate of heat conduction along the thermocouple to 1/4 of
that in their experiments. Values of Dx were similar at 5
Dear Sir, and 4 mm, but comparison of DT values is more prob-
In the above communication, Heidenreich and Zhang lematic. The difference between bed temperature and initial
describe their measurements of the temperature of a thermo- coal particle centre temperature was approximately 5758C
couple junction located at the centre of a 10 mm wet, low- for their fluidized bed experiments but approximately 8108C
rank coal particle, while heating the particle. Using a for our fluidized bed experiments. For the wet coal particles
thermocouple with an outside diameter of 1 mm, they used by Heidenreich and Zhang, the large latent heat of
concluded that thermal conduction along the thermocouple vaporisation necessary to evaporate 1.1 g of moisture per
rod from the region outside the particle caused significant gram of dry coal maintained this value of DT throughout the
error in measurement of the particle’s centre temperature extensive drying period. However, the centre of the dry coal
from the thermocouple temperature. This conclusion about particle heats up during devolatilisation and the average
their own experiments is adequately justified by their results value of temperature difference for an 8–10 mm coal par-
presented. ticle is estimated at 6008C [2], of the same order as in their
However, Heidenreich and Zhang then conclude that “the wet coal experiments.
technique used by previous authors to obtain temperature The methods used to measure burning coal particle
data from devolatilising coal particles is unlikely to have temperatures in fluidized beds were critically analysed and
given a true representation of the actual particle temperature compared some 14 years ago, and the error produced by
response”. Their extrapolation of the same conclusion to conduction along the thermocouple was considered. The
previous work demonstrates a lack of critical analysis of most significant parameter affecting the magnitude of this
the differences between their experiments and our previous error is the diameter of the thermocouple, since the cross-
work [1]. sectional area available for conduction increases as the
The rate of heat transfer by conduction along the thermo- square of the thermocouple diameter. For the smaller
couple may be estimated from: 0.5 mm diameter thermocouple used in this earlier compar-
ative work, the magnitude of the error in heat transfer rate to
Q ˆ kA …1† the centre of the particle was estimated at less than 1% [3].
Dx Furthermore, recent detailed modelling of the external
Here k may be approximated by the thermal conductivity of and internal heat transfer within a devolatilising coal par-
the stainless steel metal sheath. This is insulated from the ticle showed excellent agreement not just with the tempera-
thermocouple wires by mineral insulation, through which ture response measured previously, but also with separately
the conduction heat transfer would be negligible by compar- measured devolatilisation times. This model incorporated
ison. A is the cross-sectional area of metal in the composite all of the important processes occurring within the particle,
construction of the thermocouple and may be expected to including devolatilisation reaction kinetics, mass transfer of
vary with the square of thermocouple diameter, assuming volatiles out through the pores and particle fragmentation,
similarity in the geometrical construction of different as well as the heat transfer [2].
diameter thermocouples. Dx is the conduction path length, The extrapolation of Heidenreich and Zhang’s conclusion
which is given by the radius of the coal particle. DT is the to earlier work is not justified. The earlier work used smaller
temperature difference along this conduction path length diameter thermocouples than the 1 mm diameter thermo-
and may be approximated by the temperature difference couple of Heidenreich and Zhang, specifically to minimise
between the fluidized bed surrounding the particle and the the error from conduction along the thermocouple. One
temperature at the centre of the particle, neglecting the resis- wonders why Heidenreich and Zhang did not utilise these
tance to heat transfer from the bed to the thermocouple results from prior work and use a smaller diameter thermo-
sheath where the thermocouple is outside the particle. couple themselves, rather than introducing the complexity
In our previous work referenced by Heidenreich and of a water-cooled probe?

0016-2361/00/$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0016-236 1(99)00264-1
1278 J.F. Stubington / Fuel 79 (2000) 1277–1278

J.F. Stubington
School of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry,
[1] Stubington JF. Sumaryono. Fuel 1984;63:1013–9.
[2] Stubington JF, Sasongko D. Fuel 1998;77:1021–5. University of New South Wales,
[3] Stubington JF. Chem Engng Res Des 1985;63(4):241–9. Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
E-mail address:

Received 26 October 1999

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