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Ahmad Wildan Rizaq




Twenty-twenty slipped

Nothing good, nothing so good

The worst year truly

Fifty-fifty gripped

Half locked in half of a year

Disaster fully

Nights walk one-by-one

Whilst days run fast, really fast

Yet we still don't move

‘Bout full three-six-five

The same twenty-four-seven

End in three… two… one…


The haiku tells about the mournful condition of 2020 that hit the whole world in about a
year. The first stanza straightly names a label that 2020 may be the worst year ever. And the next
stanza tells that the year goes with absolutely no good news. Every day was always shocked by
bad news, such as floods in the beginning of the year, the Covid-19 Pandemic as the main
problem of 2020, natural disaster that hit several countries, such as wildfire in Australia in
February, volcano eruption in Philippines in March, a huge explosion in Beirut, Lebanon in
August, and wildfire in California, US in September, as well as several humanist issues, such as
racial conflict in the US that was emerged in the late of May to the mid-July and recently in
Indonesia, Omnibus Law conflict. Therefore, undoubtedly, the 2020 is the worst year.

The next two last stanzas claim that 2020 is not only bad because of its catastrophic
events, but the pandemic also exacerbates and limits everyone’s activity, creativity, and
productivity that make them saturated. Because of being stuck in the boredom and
unproductiveness, it precisely takes everyone’s mind off of 2020 which is ending soon. In fact,
not much or even no progresses of life have been achieved by everyone this year.

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