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Do you have these qualities? www.frenglish.


4 Customer representative weakness: debilidad

However, these are not the only important attributes.

Is acareer as a Representatives also need to be knowledgeable

about their customers and their company.

Call Center Representatives should be enthusiastic about

providing help and advice. They must be honest
and polite at the same time.
Representative Good representatives have a sense of humor.

right tor vouil However, they also remain professional at all times.
Representatives must be responsible by honoring
promises to customers.

Get ready!
0 Before you read the passage, talk about
these questions.
1 What characteristic helps representatives
inform customers about the company?
2 How can representatives make customers feel
at ease?

f) Read the brochure. Then, choose the
correct answers.
1 What is the main idea of the brochure?
A how representatives should interact with
Q Read the sentences and choose the
B various types of call center customers correct words or phrases.
C characteristics required to be a call center
... . 1 Arnold's professional/friendly demeanor
made it easy for him to talk to others.
D different jobs for representatives with
different qualities 2 it's important that representatives remain
enthusiastic/professional, even when making
2 What quality describes someone who keeps jokes with customers.
promises to customers? 3 A good representative remains polite/patient,
A friendly C polite even when a customer takes a long time to
B patient D responsible describe a problem.
4 Martha was always honest/enthusiastic with
3 According to the brochure, what should customers about prices and service contracts.
representatives be knowledgeable about?
5 Representatives should be enthusiastic/
A their company and customers polite about the services they are providing
B other representatives' schedules for their customers.
C the types of phones used in call centers 6 An employee who always shows up to work
D the locations of other call canters on time is responsible/knowledgeable.

0 Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word or Speaking

phrase best fits each blank.
0 With a partner, act out the
1 polite I knowledgeable roles below based on Task 7.
A Representatives should be about the prices Then, switch roles.
and services their company offers.
~s .
B Saying "thank you" is a way of being _ _ _ __
'le Have you considered ... ?
1y. 2 sensible I sense of humor I try to be .. .
ut A Having a can help representatives make a
st I think you .. .
B Someone who is practical and capable is _ _ _ __ ...
)r. Student A: You are a job
~s . counselor. Talk to Student B
lg 0 " Listen and read the brochure again. How should about:
call center representatives act when providing
• jobs in call centers
customers with help and advice?
• attributes of a call center
Listening • his or her qualities
@ " Listen to a conversation between a job counselor
and a job seeker. Mark the following statements as
Student B: You are a job seeker.
true (T) or false (F).
Talk to Student A about jobs as
_ The woman has some experience in call centers. a call center representative.
2 _ The man does not think a representative should make jokes.
3 _ The woman will consider becoming a representative.
f) \1 Listen again and complete the conversation. 0 Use the brochure and the
conversation from Task 8 to
ob Counselor: I have your career assessment results here, complete the employee
Mrs. Kelly. Have you considered working evaluation form.
1 before?
Job Seeker: No. Do you think I'm qualified for that?
~ob Counselor: Well, I think you have the right personality for Employee
2 _ _____
Job Seeker: I think I could do that. I try to be 3 _ __
Evaluation Form
-~b Counselor: Then I think you should consider it. Andrew is always very _ __
1g Job Seeker: I'm not sure. I like to make a lot of jokes
4 _ __ ___ when dealing with customers. His
t, _ob Counselor: Actually, I think a 5 is a customers seem to be happy with
good quality in a representative.
the service they receive. Andrew is
Job Seeker: Well, 1'116 ___ _ _ _ _ __
also very about the
company's policies. We also

appreciate his at the

office. He is always _ __


Get ready!
0 Before you read the passage, talk about
these questions.
1 What helps to solve difficult issues?
2 What skills are important when on the phone?

f) Read the resume. Then, choose the
correct answers.
1 What is true of the applicant's speaking skills?
A the applicant knows multiple languages
B the applicant can type 60 words per minute
C the applicant is trained in conflict resolution
D the applicant is computer literate

2 Which of the following is NOT a skill that the

applicant describes?
A listening abilities
B conflict resolution
C ability to train coworkers
D basic computer literacy

3 Why is the applicant good at problem-solving?

A because she adapts quickly
B because she listens carefully
C because she uses software
D because she is capable of multitasking
Darcy Todaro
6273 Ogle Avenue Vocabulary
Objective: A managerial position at a call center. f) Match the words or phrases (1-7) with the .
Experience: definitions (A-G).
Sales Representative
_adapt 5 _literacy
Intelligent Solutions Communications
2 _ call control 6 _ multitasking
Duties: I was responsible for speaking with
customers. 3 _ conversation 7 _speaking
Skills: 4 _listening
• I can hold a conversation in English or ' Spanish.
• I am good at problem-so lving beca se I adapt to A the ability to read or understand something
new situations quickly. B the skill of working on multiple projects at once
• I am capable of multita sking a: analing many C to change according to the demands of a
projects at once.
• I type 60 words per "":e
• I am trained in co nf li ct resolu ion. is lets me D the exchange of words between two people
maintain call co ntrol a: e... : ~e: E the vocal expression of feelings and ideas
• I have strong list ening : · 5 ~e- ea: r1g with both F the skill of hearing and understanding what
customers and e~: ~ ;;.e5
another person says
• I am computer litera e - e... -= ograms.
G the ability to manage the flow of a phone call

0 Read the sentences and choose the Speaking

correct words or phrases.
0 With a partner, act out the roles below
1 An employee must type/adapt quickly when based on Task 7. Then, switch roles.
working on a computer.
2 Call control/Conflict resolution is an
3? important skill for managers who must deal I'm a little worried about ...
with employee complaints. /liked ...
3 Creative multitasking/problem-solving skills We still ...
are required for representatives who must deal
with unique complaints.
Student A: You are a hiring manager. Talk to
:;, , Student B about: ..
0 " Listen and read the resume again.
• the qualifications of a candidate
· What are some of the applicant's skills?
Jte • what skills candidates need
ion • whether you are ready to make a decision
~ \1 Listen to a conversation between two Student 8: You are a hiring manager. Talk to
hiring managers. Mark the following
Student A about the qualifications of candidates.
statements as true (T) or false (F).

_ The man thinks the last cand idate is well

qualified for the job. Writing
2 _ The woman is worried about the
candidate's typing skills.
0 Use the resume and the conversation
from Task 8 to complete the resume.
3 _ The managers are finished conducting

0 " Listen again and complete the


••anager 1: I think the last woman 1 _ _

_ _ is a good candidate. ~ 3940 Sullivan Street
••anager 2: Maybe. I'm just a little worried that she
e I doesn't type 2 _ _ __ . Work Experience:
anager 1: Yeah, but I think her 3 _ _ _ _ is Sales Representative
good. Corporate Calling Incorporated
•an ager 2: That's true. There's 4 _ _ _ _
that she's the most experienced
person we talked to. • I type 70 words per minute.
• I have excellent _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _
1anager 1: I liked her ideas 5 _ _ __
_ _ too. • I am trained in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _
ce I ·.~an ager 2: Yeah. lt would be nice to have someone
like that 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ .
an ager 1: We still have a few more candidates
to interview, though.

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