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Test 1 Review

Paul Balte’s 8 Perspectives

1. Lifelong: life time span

2. Multidimensional: categories in one area such as age, body, mind, emotion
3. Multidirectional: some skill increase, while other decrease
4. Plasticity: capacity for change
5. Multidisciplinary: different area of study
6. Contextual:
Age-graded: influences that are similar for individuals in a particular age group
History-graded: influences that are common to people of a particular
generation (cohort effect)
Non-normative life event: unusual occurrences that have a major impact on an
7. Growth, maintains, and regulation : physical skill decline in middle age
8. Bio-cultural co-constructivist : nature vs. nurture gene vs. environment

Erikson’s 8 stages:

1. Trust vs. mistrust( first year): trust in infants for caregiver

2. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt (1-3): assert their sense of independence
3. Initiative vs. guilt (3-5): face new challenges that require active purposeful behavior
4. Industry vs. inferiority (6-puberty): direct their energy for mastering knowledge skills
5. Identity vs. identity confusion (10-20): explore roles arrive at a positive path
6. Intimacy vs. isolation(20-30): forming intimate relationship
7. Generality vs. stagnation(40-50): helping the younger generation to develop
8. Integrity vs. despair (60-) : reflects on the past

Piaget’s 4 stages and criticism

1. Sensorimotor (1-2): understanding the world by coordinating sensory experience

with physical actions
2. Preoperational (2-7): represent the world with words and images, increased
symbolic thinking
3. Concrete operational (7-11): reason logically, classify objects into sets
4. Formal operational (11-):reason more abstract, idealistic, logical ways

Bandura’s social Cognitive Theory: interaction between biological, cognitive, and social
emotional process.

Self-efficacy: expectation can change outcome

Ethology: behavior is strongly influence by biology.

Konrad Lorenz: imprinting

John Bowlby: attachment of a caregiver over the first year has importance throughout
life span

Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory: focuses on five environmental systems:

Microsystem: family school,

Mesosystem: parents,

Exosystem: neigbors, friends of family,

Macrosystem: attitude and ideologies of the culture,

Chronosystem: patterning of environmental events and time.

Genotype: a person’s genetic heritage; actual genetic material

Phenotype: the way an individual’s genotype is expressed in observed and measurable


Canalization: a measure of the ability of a genotype to produce the same phenotype regardless
of variability of its environment

Reaction range: is basically how much you are influenced and affected by your environment,
how much you can be stretched by circumstances. (intelligent is somewhat genetic)

Dynamic range theory(system): infants assemble motor skills for perceiving and acting,
perception and action are coupled. (Thelan)

Ecological view of perception (Gibson): we directly perceive information that exists in the world
around us. The view that perception functions to bring organisms in contact with the
environment and to increase adaptation. (perception and contact)

Affordance: opportunities for interaction offered by objects that fit within our capabilities to
perform functional activities.

Conclusion of infant breast feeding: bottle feed is better than breast feed.

Issue of development

Nature vs. nurture: biogical vs. environment

Contiutiy vs. Discontinity: stage or smooth view

Stability vs. change: same or different later

Characteristic/ traits: inversion,extraversion

Early /later experience

Philosophical view of child development

Original sin: babies born essentially evil, society turn them to good

Tabula Rosa: (john lock) babies born neither good nor bad, environment determines.

Innate goodness: babies born innately good

Language development

Recognizing language sounds (Kuhl’s): about from birth to 6 months, they recognize
sound changes no matter what language

Babbling and other vocalization: crying, cooing, babbling

Gesture: (8-12 month) showing and pointing wave and nod

First worlds: ( 5 month) understand their first words earlier than they can say it

Two- word Utterance (18-24 month): telegraphic speech

Epigenetic view: emphasizes that development is the result of an ongoing, bidirectional

interchange between heredity and environment

The three trimesters of prenatal development:

First trimester (4 week- 12 week) : germinal and embryonic period, zygote-embryo-

fetus. Second trimester (16-24)+ third trimester(last 3 month): fetal period

Teratogen: any agent that causes a birth defect.

Caffeine, Alcohol, Nicotine, Cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana, heroin

Kangaroo care: skin to skin contact with caregiver, stabilize heart rate, temperature

Massage therapy: Tiffany research that low birth weight babies with 3 times a day 15 min
massage, weight gain occurs

Temperament: individual difference in behavioral styles, emotions, and characteristic ways of


Social referencing: “reading” emotional cues in others to help determine how to act in a
particular situation.

Attachment: a close emotional bond between two people.

Strange situation: an observational measure of infant attachment that requires the infant to
move through a series of introductions, separations, and reunions with the caregiver and an
adult stranger in prescribed order.

Securely attached babies: babies that use the caregiver as a secure base from which to explore
the environment

Insecure avoidant babies: babies that show insecurity by avoiding the caregiver

Secure and insecure attachment and care givers

Type B securely attached babies (most positive)

Type A insecure avoidant babies (avoid caregiver)

Type C insecure resistant babies (inconsistent with caregiver)

Type D insecure disorganized babies (neglect disoriented, confused)

Age trend and life satisfaction

Stone study: more happiness in 50s, sadness does not very with age

Yang study: at age of 88, old adults are happy; they have more time, better relationship more

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