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Are competitions healthy?

Introduction: -
- Competition is a part of life that cannot be avoided
- We will try our hardest at what we do to rise above everyone else
- Healthy competitions are encouraged
- Students compete with each other to strike for higher grades
- I partially agree that competitions are healthy

1st Body Paragraph: -

- Competitions are healthy because it makes us work harder to strike for
- Competing grades will force a student to work hard
- Not lazy to study
- Students will do well and rise to the top in their respective classes
- When student does well, he can get various scholarships
- Without realising, every student will be competing to get full

2nd Body Paragraph: -

- Competitions are healthy because it provides us feedbacks regarding our
strengths and weaknesses
- We can measure ourselves with others in a competition
- For example, in a music competition, I can see where I was weak and
needed improvements.
- I can focus on it which will definitely makes me better
- Hence, competition is healthy because it paves the way to know our
weaknesses and helps us in becoming a better person in life

3rd Body Paragraph: -

- Competitions are not healthy because it leads to unnecessary pressure.
- Students feel stressful, fear, anxiety and pressurised to succeed in
- This is because their main worry is that their examination results will
disappoint their parents
- Having pressure in academic fields will lead some students to give up in
extracurricular activities and focus solely on academic studies
- This action is wrong as “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”
- Thus, competitions can be unhealthy as it can lead to students giving up
hobbies and interests in life just to win that competition

Conclusion: -
- Competitions can be healthy and unhealthy
- It can help us to work harder and gives us feedbacks regarding our
- However, competition will lead to unnecessary pressure
- Hence, we must handle our stress correctly so that we are having a
healthy competition with the society
- Competitions play an important role in our life because it helps us to
move forward
- Without competition, one’s country will never develop and grow
- In short, competitions are healthy and we need to know the ways and
tactics to handle competitions’ stress.

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