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Theme of Patriotism

National Day celebration

“Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! ” Each year we will hear the shouts of

independence echo from every nook and corner of the country on August 31 to mark

“Merdeka Day” or National Day. Every time I heard the shouting of “Merdeka”, I will

recall back the situation of Tunku Abdul Rahman announcing independence of Malaya

from British on August 31, 1957 at Stadium Merdeka. It was a memorable and

meaningful event for us as a citizen of Malaysia.

National day celebration is held throughout the country of Malaysia on the

occasion of Malaysian Independence Day. The 31st day of August witnesses a myriad

of parades, cultural performances and street shows. National Day Celebrations have

been held with grandeur for over 50 years, since 1957. Celebrations include parades

involving uniformed personnel, corporate players, school children, cultural dancers,

athletes and Malaysians from all walks of life.

The National Day Celebration of my school was a month long commemorative

event which drew great participation from the students and teachers. It was held

successfully last weekend. Activities held during the day were talks, marching band,

exhibitions, community works, singing of patriotic songs, competition drawing poster

base on theme of patriotic, and others.

The colourful and joyous one-hour parade marching past the road kicked off at

about 8am. The participants comprising of school band, students, and teachers. The
parade started with marching band echoing the drum beats of patriotic melody. The

spectators applauded when the group of students and teachers began to march past.

The students and teachers were dressed completely in “Baju Melayu”, “Baju

Kurung”,“Ceongsam”,”Sari” and “Dhoti”, the Malaysian national clothes. My school

wants us to wear like this because the theme of this national day is 1Malaysia. Besides,

through this way we can know more about the traditional costume of each race.

All students and teachers were assembled on the school field after the marching

session ended. The field was decorated beautifully with hanging the small national flag

around it. The assembly started with principal’s speech. Next, the head prefect raised

the national flag during the national anthem "Negaraku" was played. The students then

gave spirited renditions of patriotic songs such as "Jalur Gemilang", "Cemerlang,

Gemilang, Terbilang" and the Merdeka celebration theme song "1 Malaysia". After

singing the patriotic songs, our principle started the opening ceremony by hitting the


Later, the national day assembly was continued with many performances. There

were choir, cultural shows and other performances. The cultural shows were from many

races like Malay, Chinese, and Indian. The students were really fascinated by the

magnificent shows. The pupils gave good attention to the amazing singing and the eye-

catching traditional dances.

The shows continued by the rhythmic gymnastics presented by the well-trained

students. The purpose of this show is to give some patriotic spirit on celebrating the

National Day to the students. The music was played during the performance. The
picturesque performances look even more interesting and colourful when the gymnasts

rolled the ribbons and the hoops and tossed the balls to the others.

The time carried on creeping and it was 12 in the afternoon. Then, the principal

gave some speech of hope and wished that the celebration would be held again in the

next year and the forthcoming year. The teachers and the students departed the field,

symbolically ended the ceremony.

Name : Ting Sing Ning

I/C No : 910304-13-5186



When we received this assignment from our English Language Proficiency (ELP)

lecturer, Madam Rozita binti Rashid, we felt confused of the task requirements. We do

not know that what we really need to do in the assignment. We were worried about it.

However, our English Language Proficiency (ELP) lecturer was given many suggestion

and idea to us. And this was helping us a lot. We started to find and collect the materials

through the internet.

This time assignment got 2 tasks. First, we needed to find three articles on

expository, narrative and argumentative writing. Then, the next task was writing an

essay by our own base on the theme we get. The three articles that we found are

“Cousin’s Death”, “Should Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools?” and “Global Warming”.

After we found the articles from internet, we started to do the graphic organizer. I found

that form a graphic organizer is not easy. This is because we need to be creative to

design the shape of it so that people can understand the story easily. After complete the

graphic organizer, we started to do our essay. First thing we do before started to write

was finding the information about the theme we get. The theme we got was “Patriotism”.

After finding the material, we decided to write about “National Day Celebration”.

In the processing of this assignment, we learnt many things from this assignment

such as how to collect materials from internet, how to made graphic organizer base on
the material we find and how to write an essay with the theme “Patriotism”. We all feel

very happy because during the process of completing this assignment we didn’t have

quarrel happened in between us. This is because we all know that the important having

a good communicate between us and quarrels will bring infect to our friendship.

Besides, we faced a lot of problem when we were doing this assignment. During

we do this assignment we found that there were no related books in library. Fortunately,

there were some resources from internet. Besides, I realize that my English level drops

a lot because when I wanted to write the essay I found my brain was blank and the

English grammar I already forgot. Luckily, this assignment passed up after holiday so

that I can ask help from my father to check my essay.

Furthermore, the problem that we faced is we don’t have enough time to group

together doing this assignment. This is because we had a lot of assignment to do

besides ELP assignment. Through this problems, we learnt that the important to

distribute the time well.

Even though doing this assignment we faced a lot of problems, but we also learnt

a lot. Through doing this ELP assignment, I knew more about expository, narrative and

argumentative essay. I knew the format of these essays and knew how to write.

Lastly, we want to thanks to our parents because they give us support when we

do this assignment. Even though sometime we tired because we do the assignment till

late midnight, but we feel happy because we can complete the assignment on time.


Short Coursework



English Language Proficiency 1

(WAJ 3102)

NAME & IC NO. : 1. LIEW MIN TONG (910306-06-5206)

2. TING SING NING (910304-13-5186)


LECTURER’S NAME : Madam Rozita binti Rashid
DUE DATE : 28 March 2011

“I acknowledge here that all this work is the work of my own summary and quotation,
except that every single source that I have already described”.

Signature : …………………………………….
Author Name : LIEW MIN TONG
Date : 28 MARCH 2011

Signature : …………………………………….
Author Name : TING SING NING
Date : 28 MARCH 2011
Event Pages

Question paper 1

Essay( theme of “Patriotism”) 3

 “ National Day Celebration”
Graphic Organizer 6
 “Global Warming”
 “Cousin’s Death”
 “Should Cell Phones Be Allowed In Schools?”
Reflection 9

References 13

Appendices 14

Collaboration Form 15





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