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Chapter 4.

2: Reinforcement & Reinforcement toy until your son picks up his room, or withholding
Schedules payment until a job is complete are examples of this.
Basically, you want to remove or withhold something
The term reinforce means to strengthen, and is used of value in order to increase a certain response or
in psychology to refer to any stimuli which behavior.
strengthens or increases the probability of a specific
response. For example, if you want your dog to sit on Punishment (Positive Punishment)
command, you may give him a treat every time he sits What most people refer to punishment is typically
for you. The dog will eventually come to understand positive punishment. This is when something aversive
that sitting when told to will result in a treat. This is added in order to decrease a behavior. The most
treat is reinforcing because dogs like treats. common example of this is disciplining (e.g. berating)
a child for misbehaving. The reason we do this is
This is a simple description of a reinforcer (the treat), because the child begins to associate being punished
which increases the response (sitting). We all apply with the negative behavior. The punishment is not
reinforcers every day, most of the time without even liked and therefore to avoid it, he or she will stop
realizing we are doing it. You may tell your child "good behaving in that manner.
job" after he or she cleans their room; perhaps you
tell your partner how good he or she look when they Negative Punishment
dress up; or maybe you got a raise at work after doing When you remove something in order to decrease a
a great job on a project. All of these things increase behavior, this is called negative punishment. You are
the probability that the same response will be taking something away so that a response or
repeated. unwanted behavior is decreased. Putting a child in a
time-out until they can decrease their aggressive
There are four types of reinforcement: positive, behavior, for instance, is an example of a negative
negative, punishment, and extinction. We’ll discuss punishment. You're removing interactions with others
each of these and give examples. in order to decrease the unwanted behavior.

Research has found positive reinforcement is the most

powerful of any of these. Adding a positive to increase
a response not only works better, but allows both
parties to focus on the positive aspects of the
situation. Punishment, when applied immediately
following the negative behavior can be effective, but
problems may result when it is not applied
consistently. Punishment can also invoke other
negative emotional responses, such as anger and
Positive Reinforcement resentment.
The examples above describe what is referred to as
positive reinforcement. Think of it as adding Reinforcement Schedules
something in order to increase a response. For Know that we understand the four types of
example, adding a treat will increase the response of reinforcement, we need to understand how and when
sitting; adding praise will increase the chances of your these are applied (Ferster & Skinner, 1957). For
child cleaning his or her room. The most common example, do we apply the positive reinforcement
types of positive reinforcement or praise and rewards, every time a child does something positive? Do we
and most of us have experienced this as both the giver punish a child every time he does something
and receiver. negative? To answer these questions, you need to
understand the schedules of reinforcement.
Negative Reinforcement
Think of negative reinforcement as taking something
away in order to increase a response. Taking away a
Applying one of the four types of reinforcement every
time the behavior occurs (getting a raise after every In this sense, the variable schedules are more
successful project or getting spanked after every powerful and result in more consistent behaviors. This
negative behavior) is called a Continuous Schedule. Its may not be as true for punishment since consistency
continuous because the application occurs after every in the application is so important, but for all other
project, behavior, etc. This is the best approach when types of reinforcement they tend to result in stronger
using punishment. Inconsistencies in the punishment responses.
of children often results in confusion and resentment.
A problem with this schedule is that we are not always Understanding the Antecedent Behavior
present when a behavior occurs or may not be able to Consequence Model
apply the punishment.
We all have behaviors we may want to change or alter
There are two types of continuous schedules: in our daily life; some people may use the
Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence model to
Fixed Ratio. A fixed ratio schedule refers to applying understand those behaviors. One great way to use
the reinforcement after a specific number of this tool is in therapy, a therapist or counselor can
behaviors. Spanking a child if you have to ask him help you understand the behaviors you want to
three times to clean his room is an example. The change and how this model can help you identify the
problem is that the child (or anyone for that matter) behaviors and actually make the changes. On top of
will begin to realize that he can get away with two that, the experience of therapy may empower you to
requests before he has to act. Therefore, the behavior make the right decisions for you and improve your
does not tend to change until right before the preset overall wellbeing.
The Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence (ABC) Model
Fixed Interval. Applying the reinforcer after a specific is a tool that can help people examine behaviors they
amount of time is referred to as a fixed interval want to change, the triggers behind those behaviors,
schedule. An example might be getting a raise every and the impact of those behaviors on negative or
year and not in between. A major problem with this maladaptive patterns. This article will take a closer
schedule is that people tend to improve their look at this model and discuss how you can apply it to
performance right before the time period expires so make changes in your own life.
as to "look good" when the review comes around.
It Is Never Too Late to Change
Variable Ratio. This refers to applying a reinforcer Regardless of circumstances, change is possible. Try
after a variable number of responses. Variable ratio not to feel discouraged that you haven’t yet reached a
schedules have been found to work best under many goal or made a desired change in your life. Frustration
circumstances and knowing an example will explain is a common feeling for anyone when they think
why. Imagine walking into a casino and heading for about what they haven’t achieved, but it does not
the slot machines. After the third coin you put in, you need to stop a person from moving forward and
get two back. Two more and you get three back. finding new ways to thrive. If you can recognize where
Another five coins and you receive two more back. you are and where you want to be, the ABC Model
How difficult is it to stop playing? can help you move toward your goal. By looking at
each component of the ABC Model, you will be better
Variable Interval. Reinforcing someone after a able to understand a behavior and make the
variable amount of time is the final schedule. If you necessary adjustments to change it.
have a boss who checks your work periodically, you
understand the power of this schedule. Because you
don’t know when the next ‘check-up’ might come, you
have to be working hard at all times in order to be
ready. Antecedent
The antecedent, which means “something that comes Why Use the ABC Model?
before,” can be anything that triggers the given Many people use the ABC Model because it's
behavior. Environments, social settings, and even relatively simple and can offer insight into behaviors
specific topics of conversation or word choices can that might otherwise be confusing. You can use it by
drive someone to initiate a behavior, perhaps even yourself to evaluate your behavior and attempt a
without realizing it. If you are attempting to trigger a change. It's also required for a functional assessment
positive outcome, you might manipulate the of behavior; in other words, it can assist professionals
antecedent/s in the situation to foster certain desired in creating a hypothesis for why a problematic
behaviors instead. However, if an antecedent is behavior is occurring and how to correct or change it.
unchangeable or unavoidable, like weather patterns
or required daily tasks, then a different approach may The ABC Model is also one of the simplest methods of
be needed. behavioral observation. It allows someone who is
making observations to record behaviors easily and
Behavior clearly in a manner that can be easily communicated
Behaviors can be classified as “positive,” to people who are not present. Furthermore, it offers
“problematic,” or “pivotal.“ Positive behaviors are insight into the individual's environment.
those that benefit the individual and those around
them. Problematic behaviors do the opposite— How to Collect ABC Data
causing problems that could range from
counterproductivity or distraction to physical danger. If you want to use the ABC Model for behavior
A pivotal behavior is one that contributes to a change, you first need to collect data, so you can
separate problematic behavior. For example, establish a pattern. To collect ABC data for yourself or
attending a party where alcohol is served could be a others, you'll need to record multiple instances of
pivotal behavior if it leads to problematic behaviors behavior over time. For each incident, write down
like drinking to excess or driving while intoxicated. what occurred leading up to the behavior (the
antecedent) and what happened right after it (the
Consequence consequence). Then write down specific details
The term “consequence” often carries a negative regarding the behavior.
connotation, but consequences—or alternately,
outcomes—can be positive or negative. Positive Be sure to collect the data more than once; it's
behaviors often result in positive consequences, while important to be diligent and write down ABC
problematic behaviors can result in negative information whenever the behavior occurs. This will
consequences. As the third component of the ABC not only strengthen your notes, but it will also aid you
Model, the consequence is essential because it later in analyzing whether a behavior plan is effective.
impacts a person’s decision making in continuing or
ceasing to engage in a behavior. Are you a visual person? You can create an
Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence chart by drawing
The consequence is particularly impactive for children, a table with four columns. Each time the behavior
and it is often inadvertently misused. For instance, if a occurs, you'll fill out a new row and date each entry.
child is engaging in a problematic behavior, such as This will make it easier to compare each event. Here is
whining or throwing a tantrum, a parent might try to a sample ABC Chart:
pacify them by offering a toy or a treat. This action is
intended to stop a problematic behavior, but it
actually reinforces it—the child may learn that if they
misbehave in a certain way or for a long enough
period, their parent will give them what they want.
For this and many other reasons, it is important for
everyone to understand the impact of consequences.
When Have I Collected Enough Data? desire to participate (altered antecedent). In addition,
This is a tough question because it depends entirely ample positive feedback after a student responds to a
on the situation. In general, you'll want to continue question (altered consequence) may instill a desire to
collecting data until you're confident that you participate more often.
understand the function or functions keeping the
behavior alive. Sometimes, it will be clear after 3-5 In adulthood, the same concepts apply. Many adults
sessions if the situation is relatively simple and the struggle with physical inactivity and poor diet, but few
hypothesis is straightforward. However, you'll need to people realize that antecedents and consequences are
make observations in different settings over long affecting their choices. An existing antecedent may
periods of time to understand more complex include keeping unhealthy snacks in the house or not
behavior. allowing enough time to exercise. However, altering
the antecedent by replacing unhealthy snacks with
What Happens If I Still Cannot Understand the healthier options or designating times for physical
Behavior? activity in a schedule may encourage a person to
While the ABC Model can offer insight into a wide engage in those positive behaviors. A person can also
range of behaviors, sometimes a behavior is too adjust consequences by working out with friends or a
complicated to assess on your own. In this case, find a trainer to provide positive feedback after a session.
professional in your area who has a background in
applied behavior analysis or positive behavior The ABC Model for Positive Behavior
support. If you're bringing in an expert, it doesn't Some people only use the ABC Model for problematic
mean you've collected data for nothing. Often, an behaviors and miss out on the benefits of triggering
expert may be able to analyze the ABC charts you've and prolonging positive behaviors. Antecedents like
created and identify a pattern. At the very least, it will positive or welcoming environments can be very
offer a helpful background. helpful, especially when followed by consequences
like verbal praise or rewards. This combination instills
Disadvantages of the ABC Model a desire to repeat positive actions and behaviors.
One disadvantage of the ABC Model is that it takes
time and patience; recording single instances of the Additional Tips to Help You Change Harmful
behavior will only begin to yield results after multiple Behaviors
entries. Occasionally, patterns in antecedents and Changing how you think or act can be difficult,
consequences will be unclear or could lead you to especially if you've been engaging in certain behaviors
draw an incorrect conclusion. Furthermore, the ABC for years or don't feel the urgency to make a change.
Model data is only correlational, meaning that it's not Wherever you are in your growth process, here are
possible to confirm what is causing a behavior. some additional tips to help you while you build new
Functional analysis by a mental health professional habits:
may be able to determine more information.
Understand That Change Will Take Time
Common ABC Samples People who want to change their lives often think that
it will happen immediately. They become discouraged
Much of the behavior that parents and professionals when they slip back into old habits, so they give up on
choose to analyze revolves around how children personal development entirely. Know that change is a
perform in school. Within a classroom, small changes slow process, and it will require your intent and
to antecedents and consequences can change a willpower. Don't give up if you make a mistake or
student's behavior entirely. If a child is struggling to backslide. Instead, stay focused on your end goal and
participate in a class, teachers and parents can reset.
implement slight alterations to make a big difference.
Provide Yourself with Consequences That Will Drive
For example, if a teacher reminds students to raise You Forward
their hand to answer a question, this can spark a
Motivation is one of the key factors that drives
change. If you have no reason to create new
behaviors, you will have no reason to follow through
with the changes. On the other hand, if you have
powerful consequences, either positive or negative,
you're significantly more likely to change behaviors as
needed. Provide yourself with clear negative
consequences as well as positive rewards to
encourage change.

Know That Behavioral Change Is Possible

Many people believe that they can't change things
that make them dissatisfied or unhappy. However,
there is research that proves change is possible. If you
apply the right practices, maintain the right mindset,
and seek out the right support, you can change. Don't
let preemptive feelings of defeat or fears of failure
hold you back.

Consider Counseling for Additional Support

Struggling to change problematic behaviors is a
common issue that many people face. If you or a
loved one want to make a change in problematic
behaviors, or if you want to foster positive behaviors,
you may want to seek the assistance of a mental
health professional.

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