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Interventions for Executive Functioning Challenges: Task Initiation

What is task initiation? Task initiation is the ability to start a task. It includes overcoming
procrastination and getting started on tasks even if you don’t want to do them. Obviously,
this is a critical life skill, since there are many chores and tasks we must complete even
when we don’t feel like doing them at the moment.

• Examples of Task Initiation •

 Starting an assignment in class right away after directions are given.

 Beginning a tough test or quiz, even if you aren’t 100% confident on the assignment.

• Possible Signs of Challenges with Task Initiation •

Learners who struggle with task initiation are frequently getting in trouble for not doing their
work. While at first glance this can appear as intentional avoidance behavior, kids and young
adults who struggle with task initiation really lack the skills to get themselves going. Again,
this can be extremely frustrating for learners, since they often want to do their work but just
don’t know how to start or get themselves in action. Being able to notice possible signs can
be helpful to target these students early on.

Possible signs of challenges with task initiation include:

 A student putting their head down when it is time to begin work independently.
 Someone who finds other things to do when it’s time to work, such as sharpening
pencil multiple times or getting a drink.
 A student who says, “I don’t know what to do,” even if directions were just given
 A learner who just doodles on their paper instead of completing the task.
 A child or young adult who is frustrated when trying to start their work.

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