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|TSM | Ganjil 2020/2021|SM310/INC: PERILAKU ORG| Assigment (4) : Summary|

|Ravell Immanuel |201860140|

Personality  Machiavellianism The degree to which an
What Is Personality? individual is pragmatic, maintains emotional
Personality The sum of ways in which an distance, and believes that ends can justify means.
individual reacts to and interacts with others.  Narcissism The tendency to be arrogant, have a
Self-Report Surveys in which individuals evaluate grandiose sense of self-importance, require
themselves on a series of factors, such as “I worry excessive admiration, and possess a sense of
a lot about the future.” entitlement.
Observer-Ratings Surveys provide an  Psychopathy The tendency for a lack of con- cern
independent assessment of personality. for others and a lack of guilt or remorse when
Heredity refers to factors determined at actions cause harm.
conception; one’s biological, physiological, and
inherent psychological makeup. Other Personality Attributes Relevant to OB
Personality Traits Enduring characteristics that Core Self-Evaluation (CSE)
describe an individual’s behavior. Bottom-line conclusions individuals have about
Personality Frameworks their capabilities, competence, and worth as a
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) person.
A personality test that taps four characteris- tics Self-Monitoring
and classifies people into one of 16 personality A personality trait that measures an individual’s
types. ability to adjust his or her behavior to external,
The Big Five Personality Model situational factors.
A personality assessment model that describes five Proactive Personality
basic dimensions of personality. proactive personality People who identify
 Conscientiousness A personality dimension that opportunities, show initiative, take action, and
describes someone who is responsible, dependable, persevere until meaningful change occurs
persistent, and organized. Personality,Job Search, And Unemployment
 Emotional Stability A personality dimen- sion It appears that extraversion, conscientiousness, and
that characterizes someone as calm, self-confident, positive affectivity tend to have a substantial effect
and secure (positive) versus nervous, depressed, on becoming employed and coping with unemploy-
and insecure (negative). ment (with negative affectivity and hostility having
 Extraversion A personality dimension describing equivalent negative effects).
someone who is sociable, gregarious, and assertive. Personality and Situations
 Openness To Experience A personality dimension Situation Strength Theory
that characterizes someone in terms of imagination, A theory indicating that the way personality
sensitivity, and curiosity. translates into behavior depends on the strength of
 Agreeableness A personality dimension that the situation.
describes someone who is good natured, 1. Clarity - the degree to which cues about work
cooperative, and trusting. duties and responsibilities are available and clear.
The Dark Triad 2. Consistency - the extent to which cues regarding
Dark Triad A constellation of negative per- work duties and responsibilities are compatible
sonality traits consisting of Machiavellianism, with one another.
narcissism, and psychopathy. 3. Constraints - the extent to which individuals’
freedom to decide or act is limited by forces
outside their control.

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4. Consequences - the degree to which decisions or Cultural Values
actions have important implications for the Hofstede’s Framework
organization or its members, clients, supplies, and  Power Distance A national culture attribute that
so on. describes the extent to which a society accepts that
Trait Activation Theory power in institutions and organi- zations is
A theory that predicts that some situations, events, distributed unequally.
or interventions “activate” a trait  Individualism A national culture attribute that
Values describes the degree to which people prefer to act
Basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct as individuals rather than as members of groups.
or end-state of existence is personally or socially  Collectivism A national culture attribute that
preferable to an oppo- site or converse mode of describes a tight social framework in which people
conduct or end-state of existence. expect others in groups of which they are a part to
Value System A hierarchy based on a rank- ing of look after them and protect them.
an individual’s values in terms of their intensity.  Masculinity A national culture attribute that
The Importance and Organization of Values describes the extent to which the culture favors
While values can sometimes augment decision traditional masculine work roles of achievement,
making, at times they can cloud objectivity and power, and control. Societal values are
rationality. characterized by assertiveness and materialism.
Terminal versus Instrumental Values  Femininity A national culture attribute that
 Terminal Values Desirable end-states of indicates little differentiation between male and
existence; the goals a person would like to achieve female roles; a high rating indicates that women
during his or her lifetime. are treated as the equals of men in all aspects of the
 Instrumental Values Preferable modes of society.
behavior or means of achieving one’s terminal  Uncertainty Avoidance A national culture
values. attribute that describes the extent to which a
Generational Values society feels threatened by uncertain and
ambiguous situations and tries to avoid them.
 Long-Term Orientation A national culture
attribute that emphasizes the future, thrift, and
 Short-Term Orientation A national culture
attribute that emphasizes the present and accepts
The GLOBE Framework
Linking an Individual’s Personality and (GLOBE) research program is an ongoing cross-
Values to the Workplace cultural investigation of leadership and national
Person–Job Fit culture.
Personality–Job Fit Theory A theory that Comparison of Hofstede’s Framework and
identifies six personality types and pro- poses that the GLOBE Framework
the fit between personality type and occupational Specifically, both frameworks showed
environment determines satisfaction and turnover. organizational commitment tends to be lower in
Person–Organization Fit individualistic countries. Both frameworks have a
Person–Organization Fit A theory that people are great deal in common, and each has something to
attracted to and selected by orga- nizations that offer.
match their values, and leave when there is no

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