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My favourite hobby is drawing pictures.

I started drawing from my first grade

when I saw my cousin’s drawings. They are really so beautiful and details. Two
years ago, my father took me to one of the Art Exhibition. The arts were really
awesome. I can forget everything in this world when I’m looking at their arts. I
usually draw pencil drawings, cartoons and sometimes draw 3D drawings. I have
a respected artist. His name is U Ngwe Gaing. He was born in 1901. His paintings were very vivid, details
and beautiful. One of his pictures that I like best is flowers with Burmese Hintha. I think he is the best
artist in that time. I draw pictures of nature and cartoons when I was young. But now I am pretty much
grown up and I love drawing a picture of things, people and animals using only black and white colours. I
want to keep continue my hobby. I think drawing picture is the best hobby for rest. And it is really
details art too. For me, drawing seem like a friend. It never feels me alone. I can spend my free time
doing it. Drawing pictures is my best hobby ever.

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