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The call of nature

Are we protecting the thing that is protecting us ?i say no . Can’t you see?the nature is taking its
vengeance now since the beginning of time , the nature has been nurturing mankind . But what did we
do? We abused our power as stewards . For you is protecting nature important ? Ofc yes because
Mother Nature helps our lives and provides our daily needs of food , and water from nature . Okay
everyone if you wanted to get out in this world full of toxics and be better just listen . First is global
warming . The cause of extinction . Especially to those people who throw their garbage everywhere
without thinking and so that their aware .

Global warming is happening over and over but no one thinks about it . The temperature increases
and kills many living things, this also happens because of electrical pollution. It affects heat so animals
start dying because they don’t adopt to the environment, plants and we humans also. Our mother
nature is destroying because people want to improve economy and other things . People create systems
and machines that make bacteria’s that devastate nature .

All of us is slowly destroying planet, and that make changes in nature ,but animals are not adopted
to the changes so they die . Extinction happens because of all humans , so to avoid extinction we must
take advantage. This is a particular animal or plant species occurs when there are no more individuals of
that species alive everywhere in the world or died out. This may happen naturally, perhaps due to a
change in the climate , other condition or human activity such as over hunting or through habitat

Saving our earth and it’s environment is highly important as it provide our needs to sustain life , it
gives food and water to all living things to its is our responsibility to take care of it . There are many
things you can do to help and protect the earth like plant trees cause it provides food and oxygen,they
help save energy also gives clean air and help climate change . Say no to plastics , save natural resources,
reduce pollution,follow R’s or reduce,reuse ,recycle . Also educate so you can help others understand
the importance and value of our natural resources.

If we take care earth ,nothing will be damage and many people,animals,plants could live better .
Global warming and extinction will not happen when we worry about earth and take care the of it .
Anything will be contaminated and we will not die soon and suffer any bad disease . We will have the
best home ever and will be beautiful. Nature help us a lot in things we need like water and food but by
destroying nature all that things will disappear and we could die or stave . God gave us a task to take a
good care of nature and in return, nature will provide us with our needs thus the relationship between
nature and mankind should be beneficial in both ways . The nature gave us animals to have helpers like
on the farm , and as friends like dogs and cats . But , humans is hunting animals and kill for illegal profit .
All the things we use for our living are the assets of nature which we should not spoil and damage. We
should not destroy the originality of the nature and should not imbalance ecosystem cycle. Our nature
provides us beautiful environment to live and enjoy so it is our responsibility to keep it clean and away
from damages .The nature is slowly destroying so may we take this as a reminder to heed the call of
nature before its too late .

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