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An assignment sheet of seismic geophysics for 4th stage. College of Engineering, Dept.

of Petroleum
Engineering. Zaku University.
Total_____________________________________________ (50 MARKS).
1. What are the types of geophysical methods? Explain one type in detail.____(2 marks).
2. What are the applications of geophysics? ___(2 marks).
3. Write the stages of producing and receiving the seismic waves. ___(2 marks).
4. What does mean by data acquisition? What are the tools of data acquisition? ____(2 marks).
5. What are the main tools for generating data by impulsive technique? ___(2 marks).
6. What is the major principle of geophone work? _____(2 marks).
7. Why do the seismic waves change their path when they penetrate the earth? ______(2 marks).
8. What happens when the seismic waves go through earth both;___(2 marks, each branch 1 mark).
a. Vertically (normally).
b. Obliquely (inclined).
9. Draw the following cases below according to Snell’s law of refraction (when incident angle is less than critical
angle), in case of; _____ (8 marks, each branch 2 marks).
a. Velocity of younger bed is a half of velocity of older bed below it.
b. Velocity of younger bed is a double of the velocity of older bed below it.
c. The two velocities have same value.
d. Igneous rocks locate beneath sandstone beds.
10. Answer with True or False then correct the false one. ______ (10 marks, each branch 2 marks).
a. The hard rocks have less seismic velocity than soft rocks.
b. A seismic line is a traverse contains some of geophones which are fixed firmly into the ground.
c. Geophone spread is a relative position of the shot point to the receivers.
d. The acoustic impedance Z is the result of the density of rock and the velocity of the same rock in the same
e. The anomaly is a normal measurement of subsurface object that appears on the profile-section as a straight line.
11. Give reasons for the following statements_____(10 marks, each branch 2 marks).
a. The older rocks have more seismic velocity than younger rocks.
b. The sandstone filled with water has more velocity than sandstone filled with oil.
c. The relationship between porosity and velocity in rocks is an inverse relationship.
d. The V1/V2 = sinϴ1 in Snell’s law.
e. In data acquisition, the recording system room is very important stage.
12. A wave travelled vertically from a shot point to the boundary between two beds. If you know that; Distance to
boundary (D1)= 210 m, and time arrival (T1)= 0.1s, the velocity of bed2 ( V2)= 3700 m/s, density of bed1
(P1)= 2300 kg/m3 and density of bed2 (P2)= 2600 kg / m3, find; ____(6 marks, each branch 2 marks).

a. The Refraction Coefficient R.

b. The Transmission Coefficient T.
c. Is it poorly, fairly, or highly reflected?

Good luck
Lecturer; Mr. Nizar Mohamad Rasheed

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