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P ~ J c o31,
~ . 2-18 (1995)



Walter K. Dodds, Dolly A. Gudder

Division of Biology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506

Dieter Mollenhauer
Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, AuBenstelle Lochmiihle, D-63599 Biebergemund-Bieber, Germany

ABSTRACT cyanobacterium, Nostoc may maintain soil fertility in

Nostoc is a genus offilamentous cyanobacteria that many terrestrial systems, including rice paddies
can form macroscopic or microscopic colonies and is com- (Rother and Whitton 1989). Its abilities to photo-
mon in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Much of the synthesize, fix atmospheric nitrogen, survive in ter-
success o f Nostoc i n terrestrial habitats is related to its restrial habitats, and disperse via hormogonia (mo-
ability to remain desiccatedfor months or years and fully tile trichomes) also have played roles in the formation
recover metabolic activity within hours to days after re- of symbioses. Nostoc-containing lichens can be the
hydration with liquid water. Nostoc can also withstand dominant primary producers in some landscapes
repeated cycles of freezing and thawing and, thus, is a n (Seaward 1988). The taxon may be ancient; fossils
important component of extreme terrestrial habitats in the formed in late Precambrian, shallow, marine sedi-
Arctic and Antarctic. The ability to j i x atmospheric N, ments are very similar to Nostoc (Weiguo 1987), and
can provide a n advantage in nitrogen-poor environments. fossils resembling filamentous cyanobacteria that
Nostoc also has the ability to screen damaging ultraviolet could be as old as 3.4 billion years have been de-
light in terrestrial and shallow benthic habitats. Thegenus scribed (Schopf 1993).
potentially could be important in paddy rice culture be- Nostoc is both useful and a nuisance to humans.
cause itfixes nitrogen that may later be released and used Some species are regionally popular edible delicacies
by plants; it also may play a role in soil formation and (e.g. Emralino and Rodulfo 1987). Nostoc can be a
may increase nitrogen input to natural aquatic and ter- nuisance on sport turfs (Baldwin and Whitton 1992),
restrial ecosystems. The abilities to survive in terrestrial can cause unpleasant odors in drinking water (Moh-
habitats and fix N , are important in symbiotic interactions ren and Jiittner 1983, Wnorowski 1992), and can
with fungi (lichens), liverworts, hornworts, mosses, ferns, foul buildings (Whitton 1987). Human pathogens
cycads, and the angiosperm Gunnera. Nostoc is some- (fungal and bacterial) are inhibited by phenolic ex-
what resistant to predation; this probably is related to tracts from Nostoc (de Can0 et al. 1990); it is possible
production of large amounts o f sheath material, synthesis that Nostoc someday may provide biotechnologists
o f microcystin-like toxins by some strains, and formation with unique medicinal compounds. Nostoc commune
ofcolonies that are too largefor many algivores to consume. has been shown to lower cholesterol in the serum
Some organisms can subsist on Nostoc, although it may of rats (Hori et al. 1994) and, thus, has the potential
not be a preferred food source. Lytic cyanophages also to become a “health food.”
infect Nostoc, but little is known about population control Given the extreme diversity of interspecific inter-
of Nostoc in its natural environment, Late Precambrian actions of the genus, its relationship to human af-
fossils resembling Nostoc have been described, and Nos- fairs, and its importance in such a wide variety of
toc possibly has been a n important component of many habitats, the publication of research on the ecology
terrestrial and aquatic communities since that time. of Nostoc found in many different types of journals
is not surprising. Extensive information on the his-
Key index words: desiccation; ecology; mutualism; nitro- tory of studies of Nostoc, with special reference to
gen fixation; Nostoc; reproduction; symbiosis; systematics the European literature, can be found in Mollen-
hauer (1985a, b, 1986a, b). Our review attempts to
The genus Nostoc Vaucher 1803 ex Bornet & Fla- synopsize the diverse literature as it relates to ecol-
hault 1888 is one of the most widespread photo- ogy with emphasis on physiological ecology, species
trophic taxa known. It is found in fresh waters, in interactions, and ecosystems.
terrestrial systems, on tropical soils, and in both north
and south polar zones (Vincent 1988).Arboreal spe- Systematics
cies have been recorded, and Nostoc can be cultured Nostoc is a cyanobacterium (cyanophyte). Molec-
using atmospheric particles as a source of inoculum ular, physiological, and morphological characteris-
(Singh 198I). As a heterocystous, nitrogen-fixing tics clearly indicate that it is prokaryotic, not a eu-

karyotic alga. However, the fact that Nostoc and other

cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) exhibit oxygenic
photosynthesis and contain chlorophyll has led to
traditional systematic treatment by phycological tax-
onomists. More modern approaches are based al-
most entirely upon characteristics of pure cultures
of cyanobacteria and, rather than a specific epithet,
a strain number commonly is used. This system con-
tinues to receive broader application (Castenholz
1992). However, Mollenhauer (1 988) noted that
Nostoc with different colony morphologies collected
in the field often will yield distinct cultures as well;
thus, all data based on the morphotype of field ma-
terial are not necessarily useless.
Nostoc is filamentous, forms trichomes that are en-
cased in a sheath, generally divides by binary fission
in one plane only, and does generally not exhibit
true branching (Castenholz 1989), but branching
can occur (Mollenhauer 1970). Heterocysts and ak-
inetes are formed, and reproduction occurs by short,
motile trichomes (hormogonia). Detailed descrip- FIG. 1. Nostocpruniformr, a 2.6-kg wet weight colony collected
tions of the different cell types and their relationship from Mare’s Egg Spring, Oregon. Results from growth experi-
ments indicate that the colony is between 9.4 and 14.3 years old
to Nostoc systematics can be found in Mollenhauer (Dodds and Castenholz 1987).
et al. (1994). T h e numerous trichomes often form
gelatinous aggregates or colonies, apparently of two
types. Some species of Nostoc form a mature colony usually are produced by Nostoc but not by Anabaena
of trichomes entirely within a firm surface pellicle, (Rippka et al. 1979, Castenholz 1989). However,
whereas others form looser colonies. Nostoc also may some strains of Nostoc (e.g. Nostoc MAC) are prone
be common in nature in the less obvious form of to losing the ability to form hormogonia in culture
single filaments (Mollenhauer 1986b), but little in- (J. Meeks, pers. commun.), and species of Anabaena
formation is available on this topic. can form hormogonia upon germination of akinetes
T h e smallest colonies can consist of several tri- (Braune 1980). Lack of hormogonia formation is
chomes, but spherical colonies of up to 2.6 kg wet probably not a definitive systematic characteristic.
weight have been described (Fig. l), and mat-like T h e basic characteristics of Nostoc are 1) well-de-
colonies have been found up to 60 x 30 cm in size veloped hormogonial phases in the life cycle, often
(Smith 1933). English names for species of the genus rather long; 2) terminal heterocysts developing from
include “mare’s eggs” and “shot stars” (Dodds, pers. terminal hormogonial cells after settling and ces-
observ.). sation of movement; and 3) akinetes developing by
Data from 16s ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequences differentiation of one vegetative cell midway be-
imply that Nostoc and other filamentous cyanobac- tween t w o heterocysts, followed by “centrifugal”
teria originated from the “Synechocystis” rRNA formation of additional akinetes. T h e latter is the
group; Synechococcus and the progenitors of chloro- main distinguishing difference from Anabaena (Ko-
plasts were derived earlier from the same group mirek and Anagnostidis 1989).
(Bonen et al. 1979). A mutant of Nostoc muscorum Preliminary data on a cyanobacterial myoglobin
Agardh exhibited true branching (Razdan and found in Nostoc commune (Potts et al. 1992) suggest
Dikshit 1983), and true branching was reported by that myoglobin may serve as a biochemical marker
Mollenhauer (1970), indicating an affinity t o to distinguish Nostoc species related t o N . commune
branching cyanobacteria. More recent analysis of from Anabaena and some Nostoc species less closely
16s rRNA sequences showed that Nostoc shares phy- related to N. commune (M. Potts, pers. commun.).
logenetic affinity with other heterocystous cyano- T h e genus Anabaena may contain some species that
bacteria and that its ability to form hormogonia arose should be reassigned to the genus Nostoc (Lachance
fairly early (Giovannoni et al. 1988, Wilmotte and 1981), including Anabaena azollae Strasb. (Meeks et
Golubic 199 1). al. 1988, Peters and Meeks 1989, Peters 1991, Vag-
T h e genus Nostoc is probably monophyletic, based noli et al. 1992).
on DNA-DNA hybridization experiments (La-
chance 198 1) and comparison of cultured materials Distribution
(Rippka et al. 1979), but is related closely to Ana- Nostoc is distributed widely. In terrestrial systems,
baena. Nostoc generally produces aggregated fila- the most common species reported are N . muscorum
ments, whereas Anabaena produces isolated fila- and N . commune Vaucher (e.g. Jurgensen and Davey
ments. Some studies have suggested that hormogonia 1968). Colonies have been found from the extreme-

ly cold and dry habitats of Antarctic valleys (Potts become separate colonies (e.g. Dodds and Casten-
et al. 1987, Vincent 1988) and the Arctic, to hot holz 1987).
desert soils around the world (Johansen et al. 1983, Considerable research has been conducted on ak-
Budel and Wessels 1991, Arif 1992, Lange et al. inete formation, survival, and germination (see
1992, Johansen 1993). Nostoc microscopicum (Carmi- Whitton 1987 for discussion of akinete formation
chael) Harvey ex Bornet & Flahault has been found in cyanobacteria). In some species of Nostoc, all cells
at a horizontal distance of 25 m from the entrance in a trichome except heterocysts can form akinetes,
of a large sandstone cave (Budel et al. 1993). whereas in others, akinetes are never formed (no-
Seasonally inundated habitats (wetlands or estu- table in N . commune, an extremely desiccation-resis-
aries) are suitable to Nostoc, where it may succeed tant terrestrial species, Whitton 1987). Polyphos-
partially because of its ability to withstand desicca- phate bodies disappear prior to akinete formation
tion. Some summer meltwater streams in the Ant- in Nostoc linckia (Reddy 1983). This has been inter-
arctic are dominated by Nostoc spp. (Vincent and preted to suggest that phosphorus depletion may
Howard-Williams 1986, Vincent 1988). Estuaries play a role in akinete formation, but not all strains
have cyanobacterial mats that can include Nostoc of Nostoc sporulate with phosphorus deficiency. Ak-
(Maples 1982, Tracy and South 1989), although the inetes form from vegetative cells farthest from the
salinity at the microhabitat level in these cases is not heterocysts in some strains of Nostoc (Whitton 1987).
certain. Rice paddies, which are among the most This is interesting, because akinetes generally form
widespread types of tropical and subtropical wet- adjacent to heterocysts in the closely related Ana-
lands in the world, commonly feature Nostoc spp. baena. Inorganic nitrogen inhibits formation of ak-
when they are inundated (Stewart 1973). Nostoc com- inetes in an unidentified species of Nostoc (Ahluwalia
mune dominates the vegetation of shallow temporary and Kumar 1982). Combined with the observation
pools on limestone rocks from the tropics to polar that akinetes form away from heterocysts, this sug-
regions (Whitton and Sinclair 1975, Whitton 1992). gests that nitrogen deficiency within the trichome
In aquatic environments, Nostoc is associated pri- initiates akinete formation in Nostoc. Further re-
marily with the benthos but can form floating plank- search is required to establish this relationship.
tonic masses (e.g. Joshi et al. 1981). Nostoc parme- Akinetes remain viable when separated from the
lioides and N . verrocusum attach to the benthos and vegetative cells and may allow Nostoc to disperse aeri-
can be found over a wide geographic area in North ally (Bhagawan and Pande 1988). Akinetes respire
America (Sheath and Cole 1992) and the world. T h e at about one-fourth the rate of vegetative cells, can
geographic distribution of Nostoc prunijorme Agardh photosynthesize at about one-sixteenth the rate of
shows that this species is on all continents except vegetative cells, and incorporate SO,s+ into protein
Australia and Antarctica (Mollenhauer 1970). T h e and lipid, even before germination in Nostoc spon-
lack of N . prunijorme in Australia and Antarctica is giaeforme Agardh (cultured from the field) (Thiel
probably accurate. T h e distribution map shows the and Wolk 1983). T h e akinetes do not appear to be
greatest occurrence in western Europe, an area that able to germinate in a medium in which sporulation
coincidentally has a high concentration of univer- has occurred, and sporulation (akinete formation)
sities with a long tradition of scholarly activity by also is inhibited by compounds produced by the ak-
systematists. It is likely that distribution maps of inetes themselves. Thiel and Wolk (1982) hypoth-
other species also would show a correlation between esized that this inhibition may be beneficial, because
collection sites and research universities. Nostoc mus- germination can occur only when conditions for sur-
corum may occur in hot springs (Greenwood and Steen- vival improve (when the inhibitory chemicals are
bergen 1976), and N. prunijiome grows in water that diluted by fresh water) or only when akinetes are
is constantly 4" C (Dodds and Castenholz 1987). Nostoc sufficiently dispersed. Light activation of C-phyco-
has been reported in many lentic habitats including cyanin also may be prerequisite to akinete germi-
(but not limited to) the benthos of ultra-oligotrophic nation (Braune 1979).
lakes (Reuter et al. 1983), swimming pools (Adamson When akinetes germinate (from Nostoc that was
and Sommerfeld 1978), high-altitude Kenyan lakes originally cultured from cycad roots), cells rapidly
(e.g. D'hollander 1977), Antarctic lakes (Allnutt et al. synthesize DNA (Favali and Caiola 1986), and RNA
198 1, Vincent 1988), Antarctic streams(Vincent 1988), synthesis starts within 1 h (Caiola and Favali 1982).
and Icelandic lakes (Jbnsson 1987). Sutherland et al. (1 985) similarly showed that Nostoc
PCC 7524 starts DNA and RNA synthesis within 1
h after germination. In addition, protein synthesis
Reproduction began within 5 h, phycocyanin synthesis within 10
Nostoc is able to reproduce in several ways. 1) Sin- h, and chlorophyll synthesis and nitrogen fixation
gle cells of N . commune fragmented from filaments within 20 h. Nitrogen fixation in the light is rees-
can form new colonies. 2) Akinetes are resistant cells tablished only upon formation of heterocysts, which
that can disperse. 3) Hormogonia disperse and form occurs first at about 20 h in three-celled trichomes.
new colonies. 4) Large colonies can grow small at- If germination occurs in a nitrogen-free medium,
tached colonies (proliferations) that break off and heterocyst frequency can be as high as 35-40% in

Nostoc PCC 6720 (Skill and Smith 1987). Presum- cyanobacteria to withstand drying has been the sub-
ably, this frequency would decrease as trichomes ject of numerous investigations (see review by Whit-
increase in length by vegetative cell division. ton 1987). Although Nostoc can recover function
Extensive laboratory research has been conducted after drying, rehydration with liquid rather than
on the formation of hormogonia and the develop- atmospheric water (Lange et al. 1992) appears to be
ment cycle of Nostoc (Lazaroff 1973). Light control necessary.
is known to be important in their formation (Rob- T h e initial problem encountered as water evap-
inson and Miller 1970). T h e action spectrum for orates is osmoregulation. Nostoc muscorum 7 119 ac-
photoinduction of development from hormogonia cumulates sucrose in response to increased NaCl and
in dark-grown cells of Nostoc muscorum Agardh shows can grow in media containing up to 0.2 M NaCl
a peak at 650 nm. T h e action spectrum for photo- (Blumwald and Tel-Or 1982). This mechanism is
reversal of development peaks at about 500 nm (Laz- shared by widely divergent species of cyanobacteria,
aroff 1973). A midge larva (Cricotopus nostocicola)as- but some strains in the Anabaena/Nostoc group use
sociated with Nostoc parmelioides Kutzing also may different organic solutes to regulate osmotic pres-
initiate formation of hormogonia (Dodds and Marra sure (Stal and Reed 1987). Salt stress increases ab-
1989), as has been demonstrated for plant metab- scisic acid in Nostoc and other cyanobacteria. Abscisic
olites (Campbell and Meeks 1989). acid is important in desiccation tolerance of some
It is possible that hormogonia not only disperse higher plants, but its role in cyanobacteria is not
but also, through chemotactic or phototactic re- known (Hartung and Gimmler 1994).
sponses similar to those common in motile cyano- As drying occurs, nitrogenase activity is lost be-
bacteria (e.g. Castenholz 1982), move to locations fore the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) pool in Nos-
more favorable for colony growth. Nostoc in Ant- toc commune UTEX 584 (Potts et al. 1984), possibly
arctic moss beds moves into lighted portions of the because 0, can readily invade the drying cells and
bed by means of hormogonia (Vincent 1988). Some inactivate the nitrogenase. DNA is modified with
hormogonia, such as those of N. muscorum, not only drying as evidenced by an alteration in the staining
glide on solid substrates (Castenholz 1982) but also properties of the nuclear region with acridine or-
form gas vesicles (Armstrong et al. 1983, Castenholz ange (Mel’nikova 1985). When desiccation occurs in
1989). These vesicles probably allow species in the light, “nicks” in the DNA of N . commune UTEX
flooded soils to disperse more rapidly, although 584 are observed (Stulp and Potts 1987) that do not
studies have not shown this directly. T h e gas vesicles appear in the dark. After 24 h of drying, little change
are formed in response to lowered ionic concentra- occurs in messenger RNA (mRNA) pools, but after
tions, consistent with conditions that occur when 5 years of desiccation, pool sizes of a field-collected
soils are inundated with rain water (Armstrong et N. commune are considerably reduced (Jager and Potts
al. 1983). Gas vesicle formation in hormogonia is 1988). Unique proteins are synthesized by field-col-
the normal condition in Nostoc prunforme (Mollen- lected N . commune upon repeated desiccation, and
hauer 1970). presumably these proteins increase desiccation tol-
Fragmentation of colonies or budding also may erance (Scherer and Potts 1989). Changes in phos-
allow for reproduction. Nostoc cordubensis Prosperi pholipid fatty acid profiles accompany drying, with
can reproduce by forming small buds that become similar changes observed in N . commune colonies col-
new colonies, or if the parent colony ruptures, frag- lected from China, Germany, and Antarctica. Cel-
ments containing trichomes and mucilage can form lular organization of N. commune UTEX 584 is pre-
new colonies. Low light seems to initiate budding served at the ultrastructural level, as indicated by
(Prosperi 1989). Nostoc prunforme also forms nu- electron microscopy (Peat and Potts 1987) and im-
merous small buds in the field (Mollenhauer 1970, munogold labeling of nitrogenases (Peat et al. 1988).
Dodds and Castenholz 1987), and we have seen large Rehydration brings rapid recovery of metabolic
colonies break and deteriorate, leaving numerous function (Table 1). Although many of the studies
small colonies behind. used field material (as opposed to more reproducible
work using established laboratory cultures) and do
not carefully report controlled conditions of the
Physiological Ecology dried Nostoc (e.g. humidity of storage conditions),
Moisture. T h e ability of some strains of Nostoc to some general trends emerged. T h e first metabolic
withstand desiccation probably is crucial for success activities to recover are synthesis of ATP, glycogen,
in a variety of terrestrial habitats. This cyanobac- and mRNA. This recovery generally occurs in less
terium, and others, can survive desiccation (Whitton than 30 min. Positive net photosynthetic rates often
1987, Tomaselli and Giovannetti 1993), and phys- are measurable within an hour and increase over
iological activities such as photosynthesis and nitro- the 10-24 h following wetting. Nitrogenase activity
gen fixation resume fairly soon after rewetting. One recovers more slowly, with several hours of lag be-
case is known of a dried herbarium specimen grow- fore activity is measurable, and maximal rates are
ing when rehydrated after 107 years of desiccation reached in a day or more. T h e lag times increase as
(Cameron 1962). This ability of Nostoc and other the desiccation period increases (Fig. 2C). Repeated

1. Metabolic recovery of Nostocfollowing rehydration.

Strains/species, Dehydration
collection location length Response Rcfemnm

N . commune UTEX 584 24 h Messenger RNA pool does not change from predesic- JSger and Potts 1988
cation composition.
N . commune UTEX 584 days? Lipid synthesis within hours. Taranto et al. 1993
N . commune, field, Hunan, 5 years Low levels of in vitro translation associated with JPger and Potts 1988
China mRNA extracted from desiccated material.
N . commune, N . sphaericum, 1 year Twelve-hour time lag before significant nitrogenase Whitton et al. 1979
field, Aldabra Atoll, Indian activity, constant rate after 24 h, 80% water satura-
Ocean tion within 5 min (N.commune) or 1 h ( N . sphaeri-
N . commune, field, Tarn Moor, several days? Less than 3-h time lag before nitrogen fixation rates Whitton et al. 1979
England reach steady state, 10 h to reach 80% water satura-
N . commune UTEX 584 2 days Nitrogen activity after 4 h, constant rate after 8 h. Potts and Morrison 1986
ATP resynthesized in minutes.
N . commune, N . jlagellifrme, 2 years Rewetted within 10 rnin (N. commune) or 3-4 h (N.p a - Scherer et al. 1984
Nostoc sp., field, China gellijiorme, N o s h sp.). Respiration rates reach maxi-
mum by 20 min. Full recovery of photosynthesis in
500 min, some photosynthetic activity within 20 min
(N. commune) to 100 min (N. flagellijorme). Nitroge-
nase activity in N. commune measurable after 5 h, re-
covered to maximum in 4-5 days (see Fig. 2).
N . commune, N . jlagell forme, 2 months-5 Dry samples have low ATP, high ADP. Within 6 h, Scherer et al. 1986
field, China, Germany years adenine pools recover, with recovery rates in N . p a -
gellijorme similar in material dry for 6 months and 5
Nostoc commune, field, Hunan, 2 years Fe protein of nitrogenase (NifH) remains undegraded Peat et al. 1988
China and is immunolabeled in discrete areas 5 min after
cells are rewetted.
Nostoc commune, field Wuhan, < I year? Glycogen doubles within 4-6 h; most of carbohydrate Ernst et al. 1987
China present in dry samples postulated to be sheath mate-
Nostoc commune, field, Alberta, < 1 year? Detectable nitrogenase activity after 1 h, still increas- Coxson and Kershaw
Canada ing after 12 h. 1989

desiccation may increase desiccation tolerance sis has been documented at -1" C for N. commune
(Scherer and Zhong 1991). collected in the Antarctic (Becker 1982). One strain
The ability to metabolize rapidly after extended of N . muscorum may survive at 60 k 5" C in hot
desiccation periods is probably a necessity in terres- springs (Greenwood and Steenbergen 1976) (sur-
trial environments for an organism that has no way vival of Nostoc at such high temperatures has not
to access belowground reserves of moisture. The been confirmed by any other researchers; R. W.
ability to withstand desiccation is not an exclusive Castenholz, pers. commun.), whereas another strain
property of Nostoc (Whitton 1987). Other hetero- of the same species cultured grew at 45" C but died
cystous forms (Scytonoma, Fischerella) tolerate desic- at 48" C (Al-Mousawi and Whitton 1983).
cation as well as or better than Nostoc (Tomaselli and Nutrition. Some strains of Nostoc may be faculta-
Giovannetti 1993). The feature that may lead to so tively heterotrophic. About two-thirds of the 13 Nos-
much interest in Nostoc rehydration is the dramatic toc strains tested by Rippka et al. (1979) were able
rehydration of conspicuous macroscopic colonies in to grow on glucose, fructose, ribose, or sucrose.
terrestrial systems soon after rain. We should note Huang and Chow (1988) tested 18 strains of the
that not all species of Nostoc are desiccation-tolerant. genus for dark growth on sugars, combined nitro-
We have observed the degradation of colonies of gen, and yeast extract, and only five did not grow.
Nostoc prunifOrme that were rewetted following only The five that failed to grow in the dark also did not
a few days of atmospheric exposure. exhibit nitrogenase activity in the dark, even in the
Temperature. Species of Nostoc rapidly recover absence of combined nitrogen. Some organic com-
physiological abilities upon thawing, with nitroge- pounds (a-ketoglutarate, pyruvate, ribose, succi-
nase activity detected within 6 h after thawing at nate, acetate, sorbose, and formate) were shown to
25" C and 12 h at <20" C (DuBois and Kapustka inhibit chemoheterotrophic growth of Nostoc linckia
1983). The ability to withstand freezing may be Roth, but glucose, fructose, and sucrose supported
linked to desiccation survival because both involve growth (Mishra et al. 1985). When some strains of
osmotic stress and decreased availability of liquid Nostoc are grown in the dark on sugars, they form
water (Hawes et a]. 1992). Avoiding damage from aseriate packets (Lazaroff 1973).
ice crystal formation is also necessary. Photosynthe- Nostoc is able to use a variety of nitrogen sources
including inorganic nitrogen (NO,-, NO,-, and photosynthesis, or nitrogenase activity include bo-
NH4+), amino acids (established by Vaishampayan ron, which is required as a cofactor for growth and
1982 with non-nitrogen-fixing mutant strains of N . nitrogenase synthesis in Nostoc UAM 205 and other
muscorum) and N, gas. T h e ability to fix N, gas heterocystous cyanobacteria (Bonilla et al. 1990);
allows the genus to be successful in many environ- molybdenum as a cofactor for nitrogenase and ni-
ments low in combined nitrogen. trate reductase in N . muscorum (Vaishampayan 1983);
Several factors influence the rate of nitrogen fix- and vanadium, which allows nitrogen fixation by
ation. Temperature is important, with measurable Nostoc linckia in the absence of molybdenum but can-
fixation rates by terrestrial N . commune sustained at not substitute for molybdenum as a cofactor in NO,-
very low temperatures (Davey and Marchant 1983), reductase (Mishra and Kumar 1984). Certainly, many
and activity increasing with temperatures up to 35" other factors are also important.
C (Coxson and Kershaw 1983). Moisture also con- Inorganic carbon may limit productivity of Nostoc,
trols rates of N, fixation of N . commune in mixed especially in aquatic environments where rates of
grass prairie (Coxson and Kershaw 1983) and Nostoc diffusion are generally lower than in habitats with
sp. in tallgrass prairie (DuBois and Kapustka 1983). direct exposure to the atmosphere. Cyanobacteria
Increased day length (in Nostoc muscorum isolated can actively transport inorganic carbon up to 1000
from an estuary, Yunes et al. 1990) and lack of cloud times the external concentration (Pierce and Omata
cover (in Nostoc sp. from a California stream, Horne 1988, Badger and Price 1992). Nostoc calcicola has
1975) lead to increased rates of nitrogen fixation. been reported to utilize both carbonate and bicar-
Ammonium additions lower nitrogen fixation rates, bonate (Sarma and Garg 1985). Maberly (1992) sug-
but nitrate has little effect on N . muscorum 1453/12 gested that carbonate cannot be used by photosyn-
(Rodgers 1982). thetic organisms, even when it is the major form of
Michaelis Menten kinetic parameters for ammo- inorganic carbon available. However, Marcus et al.
nium uptake by Nostoc calcicola Brkbisson are V, = (1992) present evidence that cyanobacteria (Synecho-
41.0 nmol NH, protein-'.min-' and K, = 10 cystis) can utilize carbonate. Bicarbonate addition to
p M NH,+. This value for K, is 5-50 times higher lake periphyton communities can remove any limi-
than values for mixed phytoplankton assemblages tation by inorganic carbon and causes Nostoc to be
from N-deficient conditions (Dodds et al. 1991) and replaced with other taxa, implying that Nostoc can
is similar to values reported for planktonic cyano- be a good competitor for inorganic carbon (Fair-
bacteria from eutrophic lakes (Goldman and Horne child et al. 1989).
1983). Possibly, the species typical of oligotrophic Hydrological considerations. Some species of Nostoc
systems have a higher affinity for NH4+,or the abil- inhabit running waters and, thus, may be subject to
ity to fix atmospheric N, makes it unnecessary to high turbulence and flow. In aquatic habitats, Nostoc
compete for extremely low levels of dissolved in- is often functionally a benthic macrophyte, and data
organic nitrogen. However, loss of NH, by outward on how other macrophytes cope with flow (Raven
diffusion may be unavoidable in low N media or in 1992) are probably applicable. Flow can scour Nostoc
the atmosphere (Raven 1980, Kleiner 1985), and from the surface, and attachment to solid surfaces
uptake of NH,+ may be necessary to help offset this is beneficial in such situations (Dodds and Marra
loss even in cells actively fixing N,. It is tempting to 1989).
speculate that the sheath material surrounding Nos- T h e metabolism of Nostoc is influenced by flow
toc heterocysts retards the outward diffusion of NH, effects on the diffusion boundary. As water velocity
or NH4+,but hard evidence of this is lacking. increases, the thickness of the diffusion boundary
Phosphate-limited cells of Nostoc calcicola are less decreases (Fig. 3). This translates into lower O2ten-
able to compete for ammonium (Prasad and Kash- sions in the top 100 pm of the colony (Fig. 2), and
yap 1991). Addition of phosphorus (which also may the lowered 0, tensions allow for greater photosyn-
increase the ability to compete for ammonium) to thetic rates (Dodds 1989). Increased amounts of in-
natural stream assemblages can promote growth of coming inorganic carbon also may allow the pho-
Nostoc over some other periphyton species (Elwood tosynthetic rate to increase (Dodds 1989). In very
et al. 1981). slowly moving waters (several replacements per day),
Some forms of organic phosphorus can be used water replacement may still have a direct positive
by Nostoc. Nostoc commune UTEX 584 has phospho- effect on growth of N . prunqorme (Dodds and Cas-
monoesterase and phosphodiesterase but is unable tenholz 1988a).
to use phytic acid (Whitton et al. 1990). Nostoc sp. Photosynthesis and light. Nostoc, like other cyano-
can store phosphate in polyphosphate bodies (DuBois bacteria, contains phycobilins that can absorb a broad
et al. 1984) and presumably take advantage of tran- portion of the visible spectrum not used by green
sient pulses of excess phosphate. An unidentified algae, diatoms, and so forth (Cohen-Bazire and Bry-
species of Nostoc may have a high affinity for phos- ant 1982, Carr and Wyman 1986). Nostoc prunqorme
phate relative to that expressed by Selenastrum continues t o grow in low-light situations under ice
(Brown and Harris 1978). in the winter (Dodds and Castenholz 1987). A cave-
Other elements related to maintenance of growth, dwelling species (Nostoc microscopicum) has been de-

2 300
g 200

2 100
0.5 - I
' 0 E
a 0

mg 0 2 L-l

nl 1 - I
6 I
100 200 300 400

Incubation time (min)

C T r
mg 0 2 L 1
FIG.3. Profiles of 0, concentration measured with microelec-
trodes above (top panel) and below (bottom panel) the top surface
of a Nostoc pannelioides colony as a function of water velocity. The
1 tip diameter of the cathode type 0, microelectrode was 6 pm;
water velocity 1 mrn above the Nostoc colony was determined with
a thermistor probe (LaBarbera and Vogel 1976).

UV (Garcia-Pichel and Castenholz 1993). Nostoc (four

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1,J separate species tested) has scytonemin, with higher
Time (h) concentrations on the outer layers of the colony
FIG.2. Time course of rewetting of Nostoc commune collected
(Garcia-Pichel and Castenholz 1991). T h e one strain
in Hunan and Guanshi Provinces and stored dry for 2 years. Plots of Nostoc tested (Nostoc microscopicum) did not have
show A) water uptake, B) photosynthesis and respiration, and C) mycosporine-like amino acids (Garcia-Pichel and
acetylene reduction (nitrogen fixation). Curves in C show the Castenholz 1993), but Nostoc muscorum collected from
response of N . commune dried for 2 years and 2 days. Curves fit Toolik Lake, northern Alaska, may have mycospo-
by lowess. Data replotted from Scherer et al. (1984).
rine-like compounds (Vincent and Roy 1993). An
unidentified, water-soluble, UV protectant com-
scribed that can subsist 25 m from the cave mouth pound has been extracted from Nostoc commune col-
in very low light levels (Biidel et al. 1993). Nostoc in lected from the field (Scherer et al. 1988). UV re-
lichens may be extraordinarily shade-adapted (Green sponse may be quite important in habitats such as
et al. 1991). Ward (1985) suggested that interme- Antarctic streams, where Nostoc is a dominant pri-
diate light levels lead to maximum biomass of N . mary producer (Vincent and Quesada 1993).
parmelioides in the field. Given high extinction coefficients in the dense
Terrestrial and aquatic species in shallow waters thallus, a steep light gradient exists between the top
must be able to tolerate very high light levels and and the bottom of a Nostoc colony. Measurements
high ultraviolet light (UV) flux rates. T w o com- with fiberoptic light probes revealed that 90% of the
pounds that may be important to cyanobacteria in incoming light was absorbed within 100 Fm of the
this tolerance are the external sheath pigment scy- surface of a colony of Nostocparmelioides. These steep
tonemin (Garcia-Pichel et al. 1992) and the myco- light gradients lead to lower rates of photosynthesis
sporine-like amino acids (Vincent and Roy 1993). and lsNpincorporation at the decreased light levels
Both of these compounds work in concert to screen in the colony interior (Dodds 1989).

Interactions with Other Organisms by endocytosis and form bladders that contain nu-
merous Nostoc trichomes. Studies have shown that
Heterotrophic bacteria and viruses. Nostoc has both some of the CO, assimilated by Nostoc is later incor-
positive and negative interactions with heterotro- porated into the fungi (Kluge et al. 1991) and that
phic bacteria. Antibiotic production has been re- Nostoc retains the ability to fix nitrogen as an en-
corded for N . muscorum LP23 (Bloor and England dosymbiont (Kluge et al. 1992).
199l), N . muscorum N' 791 (de Cano et al. 1986), and Extracts of N . muscorum inhibit growth of Sclero-
N . linckia CALU 892 (Gromov et al. 1991). Given tinia sclerotiorum (a plant pathogen), Rhizoctonia so-
that Nostoc certainly has coexisted and interacted lani, Candida albicans (a human pathogen), and Cun-
with bacteria over a significant portion of its evo- ninghamella blakesleana (de Mu16 et al. 1991). T h e
lutionary history, the fact that it has evolved mech- exact nature of the bioactive compounds is not
anisms to keep undesirable bacteria from growing known. T h e presence of the inhibitory compounds
near or within colonies is not surprising. Interac- implies that a selective pressure by fungi on Nostoc
tions between heterotrophic bacteria and cyanobac- has existed during a part of its evolutionary history
teria are not uncommon (Paerl 1982), and the effect and that such negative interactions (possibly com-
on cyanobacteria can range from inhibitory to stim- petition for nutrients or pathogenesis by fungi) are
ulatory. still important to the ecology of Nostoc.
Gantar (1986) conducted a study on the relation- Plants. Nostoc interacts symbiotically with a variety
ships between Nostoc sp. and heterotrophic bacteria of plants, and presumably such interaction is facil-
isolated from fish pond water. Sixty strains of het- itated by nitrogen fixation and the desiccation tol-
erotrophic bacteria were grown individually with erance that allows Nostoc to be dispersed between
Nostoc. Some species of bacteria accumulated around hosts. Plants do not need to rely on Nostoc for pho-
Nostoc trichomes, some were not affected, and other tosynthate. Researchers also have hypothesized that
species were inhibited near Nostoc. Stimulation oc- formation of hormogonia plays a role in establish-
curred most commonly in nitrogen-free medium, ment or maintenance of the functional symbiosis
implying that nitrogenous compounds leached from (Campbell and Meeks 1989, Peters 1991) and that
the Nostoc stimulated growth of the bacteria. In a chemotaxis may be important (Meeks 1990). Gantar
reciprocal experiment, Gantar (1985) tested for the et al. (1993) showed that wheat exudates promote
effects of the heterotrophic bacteria on Nostoc. He formation of hormogonia in Nostoc 259B and that
noted that gram-negative asporogenous bacteria and subsequent attachment to the host root surface may
coryneforms were more likely to stimulate Nostoc initially involve fimbriae and subsequent tight bind-
growth, whereas endospore-forming bacteria inhib- ing by the mucilaginous sheath. T h e variety of plants
ited it. In some cases, bacteria lysed Nostoc. T h e (Table 2) that associate with Nostoc establishes the
ability of heterotrophic bacteria to grow in the pres- genus as one with the most broad symbiotic com-
ence of Nostoc on media without organic nitrogen petence. These interactions are reviewed by Peters
was related to stimulation of growth; possibly, the (1991) and Rai (1990). Except for Gunnera (Berg-
bacteria secreted a compound that increased growth man et al. 1992), the cyanobacteria associated with
and production of ammonium by the Nostoc. plants are extracellular, but specialized morpholog-
Cyanophages have variable effects on the physi- ical modifications often occur that facilitate inter-
ological activity of Nostoc. T h e N-1 cyanophage de- action between the plant and the cyanobacterium
presses photosynthetic redox modulation, nitroge- (Peters et al. 1986). T h e heterocyst frequency usu-
nase activity, and respiration rates in N . muscorum ally is increased from 3-5% of the cells in material
(Amla et al. 1987, Kashyap and Singh 1989). Some cultured from the host to 30-50% when the Nostoc
cyanophages can infect both Anabaena and Nostoc is associated with the symbiont (Peters 1991). Such
(Bancroft and Smith 1988). No studies have been an increase in heterocyst frequency leads to fewer
published regarding the importance of infection in photosynthetic vegetative cells. In such cases, the
natural populations. plants must supply much of the photosynthate if the
Fungi. Certainly, the most obvious and important energetically expensive process of N4 fixation is to
interaction of Nostoc with fungi is in the formation continue (Steinberg and Meeks 1991).
of lichens. This association is common in many hab- Interactions between plants that are associated less
itats. T h e facts that Nostoc can withstand repeated intimately with Nostoc also are probably common.
drying, is photosynthetic, and is able to fix atmo- T h e plants growing in an area with a significant
spheric N, make it an ideal symbiont for fungi. Nu- amount of free-living Nostoc may benefit from fixed
merous reports discuss the ecology of lichens (see nitrogen leaked from the cyanobacterium, but little
Galun 1988a, b, c, Werner 1992b), so it will not be documentation exists of positive effects on the Nos-
covered here. toc. Direct experimental evidence for these less in-
Nostoc also forms an unusual endosymbiotic part- timate associations is scarce. For example, Nostoc of-
nership with the fungus Geosiphon pyrgorme (Mollen- ten is found growing close to mosses, but relative
hauer 1992, Werner 1992b). This association occurs nitrogen input directly to the mosses (Meeks 1990)
when the hyphae of G. pyrqorme incorporate Nostoc has not been quantified. Also, wheat growth rates

2. Plants reported to associate with Nostoc.


Plant Common name Comments Referenm

Porella navicularis, Anthoce- Liverworts, Contained in mucilaginous cavities within the gameo- Duckett et al. 1977, Dalton
ros, Blasia, Cavicularia, hornworts phytic thallus or in Porella in crevices and curled and Chatfield 1985, Meeks
and Phaeoceros margins of leaves. Nostoc fixes nitrogen actively and et al. 1985
transfers it to host.
Bryum, Ceratodon, Rhacomi- Mosses Nostoc calcicola and N. muscorum have been identified Broady 1979, Henriksson et
trium, and Calliergidium as associated epiphytically with mosses, where they al. 1987
actively fix nitrogen. An unidentified Nostoc sp.
grows endophytically in Rhacmitrium canescens.
Azolla Water ferns Symbiont may be Anabaena or Nostoc. Tomaselli et al. 1988, Peters
Ceratozamia, Dioun, and Za- Cycads Many species of cycads have Nostoc and other cyano- Lindblad et al. 1989, Osborne
mia bacterial species associated with corraloid roots. et al. 1991, Peters 1991,
Bergman et al. 1992
Gunnera Angiosperm (wa- All known Gunnera species support Nostoc as an endo- Bonnett and Silvester 198 1,
ter-milfoil) symbiont. Nostoc supplies fixed nitrogen to the host. Towata 1985a. b. Lindblad
et al. 1991, Bergman et al.
Lemna trisulca Angiosperm Nitrogen-fixing Nostoc and other genera of cyanobac- Duong and Tiedje 1985
(duckweed) teria associated with lower epidermis of leaves.
Triticum vulgare Angiosperm Nostoc can associate with root epidermis and may stim- Reynaud and Metting 1988,
(wheat) ulate crop production. Gantar et al. 1991a, b

have been observed to increased upon association trichomes and the toxins produced may make Nostoc
with Nostoc (Gantar et al. 1991a, b). a less preferred food source than other algae. Cla-
Animals. Nostoc produces a variety of toxins that dophora is preferred over Nostoc in some streams
affect animals, and such toxins could be evolutionary (Dudley and D’Antonio 1991). Colony size also may
responses to predation. Nostoc linckia (NT 69-43) allow Nostoc to escape predation by oligochaetes
produces a toxin that is acutely toxic to the proto- (Moore 1978), and this could be true for other po-
zoan Paramecium caudatum (Ransom et al. 1978). A tential grazers on Nostoc.
hepatotoxic microcystin with properties similar to Effects less direct than grazing also have been re-
hepatotoxins produced by other cyanobacteria has corded. Nostoc in streams may compete for space
been isolated from Nostoc sp. 152 (Sivonen et al. with larvae of the dipteran Blepharicera but provide
1990). Although such toxins are produced, some attachment space for the larvae of the midge Rheo-
species of Nostoc are consumed by humans (Emralino tunytarsus (Dudley et al. 1986).
and Rodulfo 1987). Perhaps some strains of species An interesting mutualistic interaction occurs
do not produce toxins in significant amounts. where larvae of the chironomid midge Cricotopus
Many species of animals graze upon Nostoc (Table nostocicola live inside colonies of N . parmelioides until
3). However, the dense mucilage associated with the pupation occurs. The mutualism was described first

3. Organisms reported to consume Nostoc.


Organism Comments Rcfcrcncn

Ciliata (Paramecium and Colpoda) Protozoa may stimulate Nostoc spp. nitrogen fixation, while Ghabbour et al. 1980
reducing chlorophyll a and carbon fixation by grazing
on the vegetative cells.
Amoeba (Mayorella sp.) Reproductivue rates varied in relation to diet of mixed cul- Laybourn-Parry et al. 1987
ture including Nostoc sp.
Calanoid copepods (Boeckella triarti- Survival was significantly better with diet of Nostoc sp. than Burns and Xu 1990a, b
culata, B. hamata, and B. dilatata) in the absence of food or when N. calticola was fed.
Ostracod (Cyprinotus carolinensis) Grazing on Nostoc sp. was a linear function of ostracod Grant et al. 1983
Snail Indoplanorbis exustus (De- Snails fed lettuce leaves and N. muscorum grew better and Jantataeme et al. 1983
shayes) produced more egg clusters than those fed lettuce leaves
Ephydridae (Scatella stagnalis Fall- Shore fly larvae utilize 17 species of algae, including N. Foote 1977, Zack and Foote
en, Setacera atrovirens Loew, and muscorum; some species were found on Nostoc. 1978
Setacera pacijica Cresson)
Chironomid midge larvae Cricoto- Midge eats N. parmelioides but may provide benefits to alga Brock 1960, Dodds and Marra
pus nostocicola as well. 1989
Culex Nostoc and other cyanobacteria were able to serve as food Theivendirarajah and Jeyaseelan
sources in pure culture for developing mosquito larvae. 1977
Silver carp Hypophthalmichthysmoli- Twenty-five percent of food spectrum was cyanobacteria Hochman 1985
trix Val. (Anabaena, Aphanisomenon, Microqstis, Nostoc).

by Brock (1960), who noted that larvae of this spe- of years) gains elevation after release from the weight
cies of midge were found only inside colonies of N . of glaciers, the more recently exposed terrestrial
parmelioides. T h e interaction occurs over a wide- systems are very nitrogen-poor, whereas the older
spread geographical area, with both partners oc- inland soils are richer in nitrogen. Nitrogen fixation
curring in mountain streams in North America from by terrestrial and wetland Nostoc probably increases
boreal forests to California (Sheath and Cole 1992, the amount of nitrogen in the systems (Bliss et al.
R. Sheath, pers. commun.). Brock (1960) verified 1990, Chapin et al. 199 1). Similarly, in a freshwater
that the midge larvae were eating the colonies and habitat, when levels in a Polish reservoir were low-
suggested that they received protection from pre- ered, the exposed mud developed an algal com-
dation, but the benefit to the cyanobacterium was munity that shifted from species typical of periph-
less obvious. Photosynthetic rates of Nostoc colonies yton to soil algae, including Nostoc punctiforme
with the midge are higher than those of colonies Kiitzing, Nostoc edaphicum Kondrat., and N . commune
without (Ward et al. 1985), and this has been as- (Sieminiak 1984).
cribed to the fact that colonies with the midge ex- Ancient (900-700 Ma, late Precambrian) fossils
tend farther into the flow, promoting outward dif- similar to extant Nostoc colonies have been described
fusion of inhibitory 0, and inward diffusion of for shallow marine sediments (Weiguo 1987). We
limiting CO, (Dodds 1989). speculate that terrestrial analogs related to Nostoc
T h e larvae attach Nostoc onto rocks with silk, could have been some of the earliest terrestrial pho-
thereby increasing resistance to scouring (Dodds and tosynthetic organisms and important in formation
Marra 1989). T h e pupating midge larvae also may of soils.
induce formation of hormogonia and, thus, promote In streams, Nostoc may be considered a late suc-
a flush of new, uninhabited colonies for their off- cessional species that is affected little by grazing but
spring (Dodds and Marra 1989). It remains to be heavily by flow-related disturbance (Dudley and
seen how the young larvae enter the colonies, be- D’Antonio 1991). Some species can form extensive
cause the laying behavior of the adult females has basal crusts and, thus, compete well for space, but
not been studied. T h e interaction is probably not once scour starts removing the crusts, they are easily
an example of coevolution between the midge and washed away, and succession begins anew. Similarly,
the Nostoc; rather, the midge larva has evolved to Nostoc is dominant in Antarctic streams, and scour
take advantage of the Nostoc, and both members of disrupts succession (Vincent et al. 1993).
the mutualism have benefitted. Mutualisms have not Importance in ecosystems. Nitrogen fixation by Nostoc
been described often between stream organisms. could be of considerable importance from a sys-
tems/dynamic approach in systems where little oth-
Community- and Ecosystem-Level Interactions er input of “new” nitrogen occurs. Flooding rice
Succession. Terrestrial Nostoc and nitrogen-fixing paddies allows for establishment of free-living col-
cyanobacteria-containing lichens have several key onies of Nostoc and the water fern A d a , which con-
characteristics that may make them important as tains heterocystous Nostoc (or Anabaena, Meeks et al.
early successional species. Early successional habitats 1988, Peters and Meeks 1989). When the fields are
can be low in nitrogen and, thus, select for nitrogen- drained, the green compost may enrich the soil with
fixing forms. Also, early successional habitats usually nitrogen and increase rice yields. This may be re-
have high solar irradiance but are poor at retaining sponsible for centuries of successful rice cultivation
moisture. T h e ability of Nostoc to withstand desic- without external addition of manure or other fer-
cation and high light could allow it to do well in tilizers (Grist 1986), and such a strategy is used to
disturbed habitats. fertilize approximately 2 million hectares of land
In the Hawaiian Islands, volcanic activity creates (Werner 1992a). Critical studies on the importance
disturbed areas that have soil with little or no or- of cyanobacteria in rice culture are still needed
ganic C or N content. In this system, Nostoc occurs (Whitton 1987).
only in mid- to late succession, but Stereocaulon vul- Nostoc associated with mosses can provide 2-58%
cani, a nitrogen-fixing lichen that contains Nostoc, of the nitrogen input to northern tundra, and Nostoc
occurs on the most recently and heavily affected nitrogen fixation in Antarctic moss turfs supplies
areas (Carson and Brown 1978). In the newly formed 4 2 4 4 % ; much of the remaining nitrogen is con-
volcanic ashes of Heimaey, Iceland, Nostoc was an tributed by precipitation or penguin excretion
early successional inhabitant, commonly associated (Christie 1987). Cyanophilous lichens may provide
with mosses (e.g. Englund 1978). In this environ- the bulk of the fixed nitrogen in some ecosystems.
ment, N. muscorum may prepare the soil for colo- In the old-growth Douglas fir forests in the Pacific
nization by other plants. Lichens containing Nostoc Northwest of North America, Lobaria provides much
also may be important in soil formation in other of the incoming nitrogen each year (Seaward 1988).
habitats (Jones 1988). Lichens also may contribute significant portions of
It has been postulated that Nostoc is important in fixed nitrogen in desert crusts and the Stereocaulon
soil formation in sea-margin tundra communities in heaths of the far north (Seaward 1988).
the far north. As the land very slowly (over thousands Nitrogen fixation by the benthic N . pruniforme

TABLE 4. Nitrogenfixation rats in assemblages containing mostly Nostoc (in Method, A = acetylene reduction, N = direct measurement with 15N2
or calibration of acetylene reduction with "N). Acetylene reduction values were corrected to moles of N e d in cases where 'W was not used, by the
relationship 3 moles of acetylene reduced to 1 mole of Nzfixed (Hardy et al. 1968). Rates (area) are reported in pmol N.m-2,h-1. calculated from
annual estimates when possible. Rates (biomass) are reported in nmol Nsrng-'. h-l. +Converted assuming 1% chlorophyll a, 6% N by weight.

MCth- Rate
Species Habitat od Rate(area) (biomass) Comments References
Nostoc commune Sarcpa Lake, Northwest A 5.91 k 2.90 - Fixation in wet soils along the Karagatzides et al. 1985
and other sp. Territories shore bv Nostoc associated
with mosses; summer rates,
N. commune Vestfold Hills, Antarc- A 1.87-9.93 - Rates controlled by tempera- Davey and Marchant
tica ture and moisture; 2-h mid- 1983
day incubations, summer
N. muscorum Signy and South Orkney A 0.75-3.14 - Minimum from dry moss turf, Christie 1987
Islands, Antarctica maximum from wet moss
carpet. Calculated from lab-
oratory incubations, extrap
olated using weather data to
surface conditons.
Nostoc spp. Ellesmere Island, Alex- A 0.53-0.85 7.6 Nostoc spp. were considered Henry and Svoboda
andra Fiord and Sver- the major Np-fixingagents 1986
drup Pass in the studied sites. Yearly
rates based on 36-h incuba-
tions throughout the sum-
N. commune Stipa-Bouteloa grassland, A 0.96-7.42 0.97 Rapid response of nitrogenase Coxson and Kershaw
southern Alberta activity to both small precip 1983
itation events and dewfall
hydration periods. Mean
rates for favorable summer
periods, diurnal incubations
N. commune, N . p a - Aldabra Atoll, Indian A 31 3-3972 1.54* Light rates for Nostoc colonies. Whitton et al. 1979
gellijorme (Berk. Ocean Marked variation in CIH,
& Curtis) Born production throughout the
& Flah. day, peaks in early after-
N. sphaericum noon, light rates about 4 x
Vaucher dark rates. Midday incuba-
tions, variety of seasons.
N. commune Eniwetok Atoll, South A 230-408 0.94' Assume 10-h days, no season- Mague and Holme-
Pacific ality. Hansen 1975
N. punchiforma French West Indies, A 344 7.3' Used 1 mole C4H4:4.2 of N, Sheridan 1991
mangrove community assume 12 h/day activity for
250 days.
N. prunifonne Mare's Egg Spring, N 15.9 0.87 Monthly measurements over Dodds and Castenholz
Klamath County, Ore- the year, 24 h acetylene re- 1988b
gon duction incubations, rate
corrected with lSN4incorpa-
Nostoc sp. Rocky Creek, California A 0.24-2.07 1.2 Minimum in shaded area, Home 1975,Horne
maximum in sunny area. Es- and Carmiggelt 1975
timates with seasonal data,
short diurnal measurements
of rates, maximum rates in
day, but detectable fixation
during night.

provides 3.4% of the total nitrogen input in an oli- of nitrogen fixation by assemblages containing
gotrophic cold water pond (Mare's Egg Spring, Or- mainly Nostoc (Table 4). References that compare
egon). This may be relatively more important to the rates are available for Arctic and alpine systems
biological community than nitrogen from other (Henry and Svoboda 1986, Christie 1987) and other
sources. Much of the combined nitrogen in the spring aquatic and terrestrial systems (Horne and Carmig-
water flows rapidly through the system, and much gelt 1975, Whitton et al. 1979). Often, the acetylene
of the biological activity is centered on the benthos reduction method is used and not calibrated with
that is covered by Nostoc colonies (Dodds and Cas- ISN, uptake. The rate of nitrogen fixation can be
tenholz 1988b). estimated from rates of acetylene reduction using a
Numerous measurementshave been made on rates conversion factor of 3 moles of ethylene produced

for every 1 mole of N, fixed (Hardy et al. 1968),but muscorum, which is a rapidly growing “laboratory
this ratio may vary widely between systems. Even a weed” and may not be representative of other mem-
ratio of 4:1 to account for H, production is suspect, bers of the genus; 6)more complete studies on the
because the relative amount of H2 production may importance of nitrogen fixation to ecosystem-level
show diurnal variation (Turner and Gibson 1980). nitrogen budgets; 7)more complete documentation
For the purposes of this paper, a ratio of 3:l was of the vital roles in succession and soil development
used to convert estimates. in terrestrial polar environments; and 8) more in-
In general, total annual amounts of nitrogen fixed formation on the use of Nostoc in sustainable agri-
in temperate terrestrial systems exceed those in more cultural practices, in addition to the current use in
polar systems, almost certainly because of the length rice production.
of time that temperature and light are at levels ad-
equate for active nitrogen fixation. Studies that do We thank R. W. Castenholz, J. C. Meeks, M. Potts, J. A. Raven,
not consider the dark time and/or winter rates con- W. F. Vincent, B. A. Whitton, and an anonymous reviewer for
sistently report higher rates of nitrogen fixation than helpful comments, T. Barkley for translating, and E. S. Barkley
for editing. W.K.D. thanks R. W. Castenholz for the introduction
those that sample throughout the year or extrapo- to Nostoc in particular and microbial ecology in general. This is
late to account for periods of low or no activity contribution no. 94-559-5 from the Kansas Agricultural Experi-
(Table 4).Rates for temperate aquatic systems are ment Station.
consistent with those for temperate terrestrial sys-
tems. T h e only tropical data reported give high rates Adamson, R. P. & Sommerfeld, M. R. 1978. Survey of swimming
of nitrogenase activity (Mague and Holme-Hansen pool algae of the Phoenix, Arizona, metropolitan area. J.
1975, Whitton et al. 1979, Sheridan 1991);how- Phycol. 1 4 ~ 19-21.
Ahluwalia, A. S. & Kumar, H. D. 1982. Pattern of akinete dif-
ever, when rates of N2 fixation are normalized to ferentiation in the blue-green alga Nostoc sp. Beitr. Biol. Pflanz.
biomass, the trend of high rates in tropical systems 57~459-67.
is not evident (Table 3). Allnutt, F. C. T., Parker, B. C., Seaburg, K. G. & Simmons, G.
M., Jr. 1981. In situ nitrogen (C,H,) fixation in lakes of
Conclusions and Recommendationsfor southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Hydrobiol. Bull. 15:99-
Future Research 109.
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Nostoc is one of the most complex cyanobacteria, vironmental factors on algae in rice-field soil from the Iraqi
featuring colonial and multicellular growth forms marshes. Arab GulfJ. Sci. Res. 1:237-53.
and specialized cells for nitrogen fixation and dis- Amla, D. V., Rowell, P. & Stewart, W. D. P. 1987. Metabolic
changes associated with cyanophate N-1 infection of the cy-
persal. These adaptations, among others, probably anobacterium Nostoc muscorum. Arch. Microbiol. 14832 1-7.
make it one of the most broadly successful cyano- Arif, I. A. 1992. Algae from the saline soils of Al-Shiggah in Al-
bacterial genera. Adaptations such as nitrogen fix- Qaseem, Saudi Arabia. J . Arid Environ. 22:333-8.
ation, akinete and hormogonia production, desic- Armstrong, R. E., Hayes, P. K. & Walsby, A. E. 1983. Gas vacuole
formation in hormogonia of Nostoc muscorum. J. Gen. Micro-
cation and freezing resistance, UV tolerance, and biol. 128:263-70.
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cyanobacteria. Rather, the combination of these at- mechanism in cyanobacteria and microalgae. Physwl. Plant.
tributes leads to its success. This success is evidenced 84:606-15.
by the variety of habitats with Nostoc, the large num- Baldwin, N. A. & Whitton, B. A. 1992. Cyanobacteria and eu-
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it participates, and its importance in succession and Bancroft, I. B. & Smith, R. J. 1988. The isolation of genomic
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fluctuations and are able to withstand changes in of cyanobacteria. New Phytol. 110:233-9.
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chemistry, temperature, and moisture. However, crispa and Nostoc commune at low temperatures. Polar Biol. 1:
Nostoc prunijorme colonies have been shown to dom- 99-104.
inate and reach impressive biomass in very constant Bergman, B., Johansson, C. & Sijderback, E. 1992. Tansley re-
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