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Health Education Plan Unit

Student’s name : Dewi Febrianti, Fauzi Alwi Yannor, Rina Rupida Tirta
SRN : 011009 D3 KI
Tittle : Hypertension disease
Sub tittle : Treatment for hypertension
Goal :

a. General Instructional Goal

After gived health promotion Mr.M’s family can be know about hypertension include
prevent and treatment.
b. Spesific Instructional Goal
After gived health promotion Mr.M’s family can :
1. Explain about definition of hypertension
2. Explain about kind of hypertension
3. Explain about caused of hypertension
4. Explain about sign and symptom of hypertension
5. Explain about treatment and diet

Methode : Speech, Question and answer.

Equipment : Leaflet
Topic : Treatment for hypertension

Educational Process :

Stage/time Educator’s activities Family’s activities Media

1 2 3 4
Introduction 1.Giving greetings 1. Replaying greeting
(5 menit) 2. Explain the goal 2. Attention
3.Make a contract of time 3. Attention
to use presentation
4. Explain about
Presentation hypertention : 4. Attention Leaflet
(10 menit) -Definition of
-Kind of hypertention
-Caused of hypertention
-Sign and symptom of
-treatment and diet

5. Give change to ask for 5.Asking


Closing 6. Make a conclude about 6. Attention and makes a

(5 menit) presentation notes

7. Greeting 7.Replaying greeting

Evaluation :
1. Evaluation strategy
a. Technique
Oral test
b. Discussion

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