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Jackie Kogen

MGE Journey
February 19, 2021


The first challenge Jackie faced took place a few days
ago. She applied for her first job. After waiting 5 days
she started to worry that the gym owners had forgotten
about her so she applied for a different job at her local
pool. She also double checked the emails she sent to her
gymnastics gym. She realized that she sent the email to
the wrong account and she was not happy about it. She
cleared things up with the gymnastics gym and they
wanted her to come in for an interview! Soon, she also
realized that she would have to pick between the two
jobs. Was she going to take the job at the pool that all of
her friends applied for, or is she going to pick the job at
her gymnastics gym that she dreamt about working at
ever since she was little.

Personally, I thought that this challenge wasn’t too much of a setback but I think that the choice will be kind of hard.
Everyone loves being with their friends during the summer. It’s a time when you can relax and you don’t have to
worry about school or really anything else and being with your friends helps you with that. On the other hand, you
also want to do something that you are interested in and feel passionate about. I can’t wait to see which one she will

Therefore, I think I can say that I trust whichever job choice Jackie will pick. I know that either way she will make
about the same amount of money and she will push herself to save some of it. I also know that either choice sounds
like a lot of fun and she shouldn’t feel guilt about not picking one of them.

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