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Version: 01/2021

Terms and Conditions for Participation in the Career Program

1. Preamble
These Terms and Conditions supplement the Lyconet Marketing Agreement for Independent Lyconet Marketers
(Lyconet Marketing Agreement) in the version applicable to the Lyconet Marketer (Marketer) at the moment in which
he accepts the present Terms and Conditions, by defining the rights and obligations of the Marketer with regards
to the participation in the Career Program. The definitions in the Lyconet Marketing Agreement apply to these Terms
and Conditions for Participation.

This Career Program offers the Marketer an additional, optional opportunity to reach the Career Levels specified in
the Lyconet Earnings Plan. If the Marketer confirms a Career Level both through this Career Program as well as
according to the Lyconet Earnings Plan, he will receive the corresponding earnings either through the Lyconet
Earnings Plan OR according to this Career Program. In any case, the more advantageous of the two options will
automatically be selected (see section 3.1.).

The provisions of the Lyconet Marketing Agreement, the accompanying Lyconet Earnings Plan and, in case of
acceptance, the General Business Terms and Conditions for myWorld Members remain valid unless other
provisions are set out in these Terms and Conditions for Participation. The implementation of this Career Program
falls to Lyconet.

2. Functionality
As soon as the Marketer's Organization generates Shopping Points (SP) by making a purchase from the Benefit
Program, these will be counted for the Marketer’s Career Program. Furthermore, the Marketer receives SP counted
for this Career Program for designated products or services outside the Benefit Program that he or the Marketers
in his Organization have purchased or ordered.

In order to reach a Career Level through this Career Program, the Marketer and his Organization must generate
the required number of SP to qualify for the corresponding Career Level in one Production Month and again to
confirm it in the following Production Month.

2.1. Qualifying for a Career Level

If a Marketer has generated the number of SP required for a certain Career Level within a Production Month (taking
the 50% calculation basis into account), this Career Level is considered qualified.

The required number of SP for the respective Career Level can be found in the table below.

Required amount of SP per Career Level

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of
5,000 10,000 25,000 60,000 150,000 400,000 1,000,000 2,500,000

2.2. Confirming and securing a Career Level

If the Marketer generates the number of SP required for the Career Level again in the following Production Month
(taking the 50% calculation basis into account), this Career Level is considered confirmed.

If a Marketer confirms a Career Level, it is subsequently secured for the next 6 Production Months. Should the
Marketer fail to confirm the Career Level again within these 6 Production Months, the Career Level below is secured
for a further 6 Production Months.

2.3. 50% Calculation Basis
To qualify, confirm and secure a Career Level, a maximum of 50% of the required SP are counted per direct Line.
100% of the Marketer's personal SP and the SP from his customers are counted.

3. Remuneration from this Career Program*

3.1. General
The Marketer can receive the following earnings when reaching a Career Level:

• Career Bonus
• Career Commission

The Career Level achieved by the Marketer forms the calculation basis for the Career Commission as well as for
the Career Bonus.

If a Marketer confirms a Career Level within a Production Month both through this Career Program and in
accordance with the Lyconet Earnings Plan, only one of the two Career Levels will be evaluated and serves as the
basis for calculating the earnings. If the confirmed Career Levels differ from one another, the higher Career Level
will be evaluated and used as the basis for calculating the earnings.


A Marketer has confirmed Career Level 3 according to the Lyconet Earnings Plan and Career Level 2
through this Career Program in one Production Month. The Marketer will thus receive the earnings for
Career Level 3 and will not be entitled to receive the earnings for Career Level 2.

If a Marketer confirms a Career Level in accordance with the Lyconet Earnings Plan and simultaneously qualifies
for a higher Career Level through this Career Program but does not confirm this higher Career Level, the lower,
confirmed Career Level will be evaluated and used as the basis for calculating the earnings. However, the Marketer
does have the opportunity to confirm the higher Career Level in the following Production Month.


In the Production Month of November, a Marketer has confirmed Career Level 2 in accordance with the
Lyconet Earnings Plan and at the same time has qualified for Career Level 3 through this Career Program.
The Marketer will thus receive the earnings for Career Level 2 for the Production Month of November and
is not entitled to the earnings for Career Level 3. Should the Marketer generate enough SP for this Career
Program to confirm Career Level 3 in the Production Month of December, he will receive the earnings for
Career Level 3 for the Production Month of December.

3.2. Career Bonus

For every Production Month in which the Marketer confirms a Career Level, he is entitled to a Career Bonus for the
corresponding Career Level. The value of the Career Bonus can be found in the table below.

Career Bonus for each Career Level

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Bonus 200 500 1,200 3,000 8,000 20,000 50,000

The Marketer must meet the requirements stipulated in the Lyconet Earnings Plan to receive earnings from this Career

3.3. Career Commission

For every Production Month in which the Marketer confirms or secures a Career Level, he is entitled to a Career
Commission for the corresponding Career Level. The calculation for this is based on all SP within the Marketer's
Organization as well as the SP from his personal purchases and/or orders. The value of the Career Commission
per SP can be found in the table below.

Career Commission per Career Level

Career Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0.0250 0.0325 0.0375 0.0425 0.0475 0.0525 0.0575 0.0625
per SP

SP from the purchases and/or orders made by the Marketer, the Marketer's Customers, and all Marketers within
his Organization without a Career Level, as well as their Customers, are multiplied by the full factor applicable for
the Career Level confirmed or secured by the Marketer (Career Commission multiplied by the number of SP).

SP from the purchases and/or orders of the Marketers from a direct Line, who have reached a Career Level
(confirmed or fixed), as well as from their Organization are multiplied by a reduced factor (difference between two
Career Levels). The factor of the lower Career Level is subtracted from the factor of the higher Career Level.

A Marketer has confirmed Career Level 6. One of his recommended Marketers has confirmed Career Level 4 in the
same Production Month. The SP from this direct Line will only be remunerated to the Marketer with Career Level 6
in the amount of 0.01 EUR per SP. These EUR 0.01 are the difference between the Career Commission for the
Career Level 6 which he has reached and the Career Commission for the Career Level 4 of his Marketer.

4. Right of withdrawal

The granting of the participation in the Career Program is a gratuitous act by Lyconet and may therefore be
withdrawn. Lyconet reserves the right to change the requirements for participation in the Career Program, or to
withdraw this additional benefit in the future at any time and without stating a reason.

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