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Davina Navatilova


*dialog cause and effect bullying*

Gio: Hey Adi, do you think that bullying is a crisis at school?

Adi: Yeah, I think so.

Gio: Do you see any causes of bullying?

Adi: I think education and parent take a huge role in it.

Gio: I agree, the school is the right place to fix this.

Adi: But if the bullying is happening in the school, it's very worst.

Gio: it's so hard to know the bullying happens at school.

Adi: Yup, it affects very bad to child psychology.

Gio: I think teachers and parents must give a lot of attention to it.

Adi: Definitely, they have to teach children to respect others more.

Gio: They must also be good examples.

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