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Second Semester | AY 2021 



Submitted by:
Manabat, Angelika Mae C.

Lalu, Michelle Joy Jerille E.
Magat, Camille Anne D.
Malate, Kimberly C.
Trinidad, Ann Alythea S.

Submitted to:
Ms. Maria Theresa F. Angeles
Second Semester | AY 2021 

A Moral Recovery Program: Building a People--Building a Nation 

by Patricia Licuanan 
The Filipinos may experience hardships in life thrown by trials and challenges cannot deny that

“Filipinos are not Filipinos for nothing.” ​We can rise again with a smile on our faces as the symbol of
we can because we stand as one.
An article written by Patricia Licuana entitled A Moral Recovery Program: Building a People --
Building a Nation is all about how the Filipino citizens surpassed the challenges during the EDSA
Revolution because of the great strengths of the people’s unity. Despite ousting the dictator, the citizens
expected a change to happen after the moment of glory. Sadly, people become passive; they have
weaknesses in their character where they neglected to feel the inspiration they had in the EDSA
Revolution. Lack of discipline, rigor, and colonial mentality enveloped their minds not to fulfill their
responsibility, purpose, and role and emphasize reforms and government forms. They’ve trusted the
positioned leaders to take all the action for change, but suddenly it was not happening because they also
forgot to do their duty as citizens of the Philippines. Hopefully, people would be wise enough about this
matter because it’s about one’s welfare being affected and the whole people and society. Exerting an
analysis, appreciation, and understanding of each person’s strengths and weaknesses is to achieve
change aspirations gradually eliminating the shortcomings and enhancing the stability would be a great
help for the first step of the action. Somebody will need to recover the economy, state of living, social
justice, and the need for democratic institutions for good.
It was admirable indeed that every Filipino possesses strengths and personality traits differently
from other countries. Their most superficial views and ways of thinking in coping with circumstances
would be why some Filipinos are successful in life. The care and love shown by them make a
commitment and attachment from one person to another. One of the best strengths of Filipino
characteristics is ​“​Pakikipagkapwa-tao.”​ People built the relationship as they are open to socializing
Second Semester | AY 2021 

with each other without hesitation of being left behind. Furthermore, empathizing with others is to feel
what they feel most, especially in these trying times where people need each other's arms to survive the
The sensitivity, trust, and sense of gratitude are significant in Filipino culture. It teaches us the
ideal relationship that will last longer. The concept of family-oriented that we know is what has been a
practice. And of course, we cannot forget the famous Filipino character that even the other country
aspires to is Filipino character’s hospitality. Without any reason to help and being generous all the time
is such an inspiration for all of us. Filipinos always see the joy and humor no matter what test of life it
goes through, still chooses to see the goodness in all things. It was the noble spirit of Filipinos that can
impact living; laughing at each other's problems is a coping mechanism and not to give up. Flexibility,
adaptability, and creativity are remarkable traits either at work or in different situations, and then they
can adjust quickly and just be unfazed. They are creative, hardworking, and resourceful. Dreams and
aspirations are one reason for their hard work, specifically in terms of the industry that involves
businesses and entrepreneurship—lastly, faith and religiosity deepen one’s personality and mindset.
Filipinos always have faith in God to give us hope in everything. A challenge in life occurs to giving up
but choosing not to because God will never leave. Optimism always predominated as we have deep faith
and tight relationships with Him. Whenever we say the words ​“​Bahala Na,” ​it feels like we lift
everything unto Him as we know that prayers are powerful and make us more confident.
Life isn’t perfect. We may have the ​weaknesses​ that they called that must be enhanced and
changed for the better. Don’t let your shortcomings affect your character. The extreme personalism of
Filipinos views harms the value and existence of one’s recognition. Which the interpretation of being
too judgemental results in nothing but a misunderstanding because of taking things personally. It is a
serious matter that needs to change in the behavior and attitude of Filipinos. We have no right to
criticize other people without valid reasons. Be aware of things and actions that have their limitations​.
We should not do anything to others that we don’t want to happen to us. The excessive and extreme
power caused by family orientation is not fair sometimes. Lack of discipline is a well-known
Second Semester | AY 2021 

characteristic that we have since we are influencing by the environment and what kind of family we
have until we grow up. Procrastination, laziness, and poor time management are the causes of a
lack of discipline. We must be aware that every action that we choose to commit obtains a result. It may
be good or bad.
Consequently, it connects with the ​“​palusot syndrome”​ that makes so much reason to do stuff
that sometimes we do in short segments that lead to fooling other people. Passivity and lack of initiative
mainly about not doing things voluntarily because no one commands or tells us to do such. We just
based our life and actions next on the people who lead us. Sometimes we lose opportunities because we
don’t know what is transpiring, wherein politicians are deceiving us. Being ignorant and not valuing
Filipino identity was possessed as a colonial mentality. We need to support the locals toward the
progress and productivity of the country. The​“kanya kanya syndrome”​ ​shows the act of selfishness.
The sense of cooperation is lost when people use this behavior. In such instances, lacking self-analysis
and reflection is not a good practice that we should always do. We should be sensitive and respectful.
Additionally, it's better to show things naturally rather than to pretend that we have so just to keep up
with others known as​ “maporma.”​ To prove something is not to impress but those who are express
truthfully with substance.
To better understand and determine the reasons behind all those characteristics. Filipino culture
and civilization’s roots will explain who influences them the most to have positive and negative
personality and traits that cause a massive impact on life. Many faces have been acted upon by the
people, probably based on foreign countries, politics, society, environment, family, peers, and
technology that they have and surrounded. The given goals and strategies would be a great help for a
change. The role of government for the common good is needed to lead and to fool its fellow
countrymen. It must be used accordingly and precisely to achieve the real objective of doing all of these
absolutely for change and development of oneself and society’s whole aspect.
Disclaimer: ​This summary is our interpretation of the given article, aside from the desired explanation and
elaboration for the list of 7 strengths and seven weaknesses of the Filipino character. We just provide
background knowledge regarding the whole topic of an article.
Second Semester | AY 2021 


1. Pakikipagkapwa-tao (regard for others)
It is one of the Filipino characteristics that are innate in personality and culture. Everyone's effort
for kindness and socialization in times of need is appreciated as everybody tries their best to help.
Dealing and considering other people as part of society makes sense of openness to valued each
other's existence. To feel the concern is to respect the diversity of experiences, emotions, beliefs,
and culture. An effective way for a person to fulfill an attachment is to show empathy,
hospitality, and generosity to achieve interpersonal relationships with fellow human beings.
Technology does exist and helps manage communication because it links every person to have a
connection, especially this time of the pandemic. Most people need our help to overcome these
challenges. It can be in the form of prayers, donations, or just a person to talk to. Luckily Filipino
people have this sense of belongingness to befriend other people.

2. Family Orientation
This Filipino character trait has been admired the most by other countries because of Filipino
consistency to love and protect their family despite the challenges or even misunderstandings that
they've been through still choose to fix what causes them a problem. Along with that, Filipinos
known for family-oriented became one's family source and foundation to give importance to
relationships. It inculcates manifestation to great happiness, sacrifices, and genuine love as each
other's support system, to lead-in one's welfare aspirations to achieve. Even if they are far from
each other, technology can help communicate to reach and feel their loved ones’ presence. To
keep the family, be mindful of the strength it can give because they are your treasure and
precious gift that you should be thankful for that cannot exchange for worldly things or even
money. It’s in Filipino’s blood to embrace the family orientation, which is their way to be loved
and united. Love for celebrations and shared achievements and helping each other makes the
family stay together and more vigorous.
Second Semester | AY 2021 

3. Joy and Humor

A human's happiness and humor develop emotional aspects to contribute to a persons'
well-being. With this trait, Filipinos prove that the medicine for coping up with life issues and
challenges is the joy and humor that a person can have to survive. You can see the contagious
smile on their faces and the explosive laughter as means of thriving, resisting, and choosing
positivity no matter how hard life is. It was indeed a great spirit among Filipinos not to give up
because everything will be alright as bravely as to choose goodness and happiness in all things.
Furthermore, even small things can make a Filipino smile. Science explains that humor in a
person's expression transpires happy hormones consisting of Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin,
and Endorphins; different reasons and experiences in social relationships cause laughter.

4. Flexibility, Adaptability, and Creativity

Filipinos are known to be with these impressive traits as they are, considering the different
situations planned or unplanned, still manage to be flexible, creative, and adaptive. The capacity
to adjust and be flexible is an important capability. We’re living in a modern world that changes
things from time to time because of technology’s evolution and the relatively unchanging
science. Being resourceful and creative may apply, especially when it comes to work and studies.
What makes a Filipino successful is its ability to adjust to the new environment, culture, and
society with dedication and perseverance. The eagerness to learn is to improvise things that make
every Filipino prominent in different aspects of life. And their creativity cannot deny Filipino
works admired by so many people.

5. Hard work and Industry

Every hard work pays off, so Filipinos are very responsible and diligent to work for later success.
Other countries tend to choose a Filipino over the other races because of the determination and
connoted trust in Filipino’s image. Family is one of the reasons why Filipino’s known to be
hardworking. The aspiration for a better life and future ahead is their uphold to strive hard
Second Semester | AY 2021 

enough even if they are suffering from tiredness and sadness but still choose to fight and make
the most out of it. The best example of this is the brave OFW that deserved to be honored and
respected. We should not humiliate them for anything because we don’t know the whole story for
their suffering yet sacrificing what they have done and the risk of being separated from their
family to give and afford their family’s needs and wants. Also, the contribution of every Filipino
in the industry for the country's economic growth and development.

6. Faith and Religiosity

Filipinos’ eternal love and faith in God give them the strength to continue their lives amidst all
the challenges. We may have different religions, customs, and beliefs that would never be the
reason to judge our relationships with Him. Our faith is the source of strength to have hope and
courage for not giving up on everything. The term ​“Bahala Na”​ could be anyone’s weakness if
he/she misused its purpose. In contrast, it became a strength because it empowers and boosts our
self-confidence to continue believing that we can because God is always with us. However,
having that mindset doesn’t mean that we don’t need to exert effort to achieve our desires. We
should always pray cause God hears our prayers, especially these trying times. As Filipinos, we
should be proud of our faith. No matter what happens where you can see them, religiosity must
have a mass for prayers using online and technology because prayers reconnect our mind and
soul to God.

7. Ability to survive
Every Filipino’s ability to survive represents their capabilities to cope up with everything that
causes them hardships. Not even poverty and life trials can stop them, considering that Filipinos
are hardworking and have the joy and humor to feel relieved to stand up and keep on going
despite all the hindrances and deprivation. The pain of the experiences is their motivation to see
situations as God’s way of keeping them more robust. Life lessons that would make them
knowledgeable and more dedicated to making their dreams come true. In other words, Filipinos
Second Semester | AY 2021 

can live and survive no matter how hard they go through since they are resourceful, talented, and


1. Extreme Personalism
In Filipino characteristics, Filipino’s extreme personalism perspective is being affected by
personal relationships as the result of relating one’s recognition to things and other people. It
neglects the value and worth of existence because emotional things greatly influence them,
interpretations coming from other people, and experiences that lose the sense of objectivity in
their personality, which should be balanced. The absence of separation from emotional factors to
objective things or tasks makes it even more complicated because of personal interpretations.
They take things personally while forgetting the fact that it affects one’s relationship. They tend
to prioritize their issues and criticisms than to start doing their work. Thus, the personalistic view
psychologically shows Filipinos’ difficulties in dealing with all forms of impersonal stimuli to
make the best decisions because they are not satisfied with minding their own business.

2. Extreme Family-Centeredness
Family in a person’s well-being is essential in shaping one’s personality with the motivation and
guidance that it can give to build a person holistically. Still, an excessive concern of the Family
became less effective because of the control and traditional way of being with them. A great
support system is when you have a family to give anyone strength in everything they do. In
contrast, it became a weakness when you cannot even do whatever you want because they have
the power to dictate and control you instead of helping you or, at worst, a detriment that will
affect a human person’s will. It’s like owning a personal life to be influential in others’ eyes and
having the vision of leading others within your family and fellow citizens as what happened in
Second Semester | AY 2021 

politics. There is a chronic political dynasty that affects the common good, disregarding national

3. Lack of Discipline
Somebody can see a lack of discipline among Filipinos in most of the things that we do; just
simple rules and regulations that we cannot follow need to consider as lack of discipline, which
seems to have in Filipino character. It’s challenging for them to obey constraints, restrictions and
implement laws and protocols that cause many dilemmas in society and citizens of the country.
Laziness, procrastination, no manners, impatience, and many more are some of the behaviors and
attitudes repeated by Filipinos that reflect their personality or what kind of person they are. And
just to defend themselves, they’ve tried to make a ​“palusot”​ to convince a person, which is
unreasonable. If you are responsible enough, you can control and discipline yourself to know
what is right to do. The Philippines is a beautiful country rich in beautiful nature and atmosphere,
but the people are not disciplined enough to take care of the environment. They throw garbage
everywhere, cutting the trees and many other things; only then can we see the lack of discipline
in themselves and as citizens that they truly embrace.

4. Passivity and Lack of Initiative

The word​ “pagkukusa” or initiative​ is often forgotten and ignored by Filipinos. It is as if we
would only do if we are being commanded by other people and rewarded for something that
associates a person’s obedience. Thus, our actions depend on the person we look up to, such as
the government. We let them rule and lead our nation without any participation. In other words,
Filipinos are passive and dependent. They did not allow themselves to contribute to
nation-building. After all, they are afraid of criticisms and afraid of influential people. In
contrast, Filipinos are no voice and useless because they did not do anything to push through
what they want. More opportunities are being neglected and taken over by other people.
Second Semester | AY 2021 

5. Colonial Mentality
It's sad to be a Filipino knowing that your countrymen have little love and appreciation for their
own country. Filipinos neglected to patronize our nation. Maybe one reason for this is the
emergence of technology in every people’s life. Instead of loving what they have, they choose
what they see on social media and other countries' ways of living. ​Filipinos are known for always
being on-trend. They like fashionable outfits, shoes, jewelry pieces, and many more, but it is
sometimes not justifiable anymore. Being a Filipino living in the Philippines, we are all
responsible for supporting the local brands we have. Instead of buying some products that are not
officially made inside the country, we must prioritize those considered our own. We should not
let colonial mentality take place.

6. Kanya-Kanya Syndrome
Some Filipinos aren’t happy with all the achievements of other people. They just think and focus
on their own sake, not thinking about the people around them. Sometimes, being competitive is
no good, especially when you also consider your colleagues, friends, and family as your
competitors. Practice being appreciative whenever there’s someone ahead of you. We should not
be selfish but rather help each other.

7. Lack of Self-Analysis and Self-Reflection

We face many challenges across the road we take. There are some instances in our lives where
we lack seriousness in some situations that need proper analysis. We often do not give
importance to the time that should be spent reflecting on ourselves. Taking things both seriously
and critically would help to prevent problems which always make worsts because of lack of
self-analysis and reflection. We have seen disrespectful memes and jokes online about other
people where they should not be. We are not in the right position to criticize and judge others just
because a lot of people thrown their opinions. Used technology appropriately so we could not
live in a toxic society.
Second Semester | AY 2021 

Participation and Contributions of Group members

Leader: ​Angelika Mae C. Manabat
- Summarize the Article of Moral Recovery Program
- Combined and fixed the ideas from the group members
- Did the PowerPoint presentation

Michelle Joy Jerille E. Lalu
Camille Anne D. Magat
Kimberly C. Malate
Ann Alythea S. Trinidad

- Very satisfying ideas for strength and weaknesses of a Filipino Character
- Finalize the list of 7 strengths and weaknesses
- Provide recommendations
- Did research for more information
- Suggest a simple yet effective Powerpoint presentation

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