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Name of the Webminar : “Knowing Risk About Risk Management”

MC : Justin Geraldo K
K.Pelaksana (the chief committee) : Fairuz Ramadhani A
Moderator : Salma Mawarni U
Pemateri (speaker)- 1 : Izdhihar Willa W
Pemateri (speaker)- 2 : Arya Sujiwakusuma
Pemateri (speaker)- 3 : Bernath Bronsted H
Penanya (questioner) -1 : Aldan Maulana
Penanya (questioner) – 2 : Yoel Marco B
Penanya (questioner) – 3 : Alif Putra Roy

Script :
#1 Video About Risk Management/Backsound

#2 Greeting from MC

MC : "Good Morning ladies and gentlemen, it's nice to meet you all,
thanks for all the participants for joining our “Knowing Risk About Risk Management” webinar. This
webinar wants to show you about risk management and why it's very important. Before we start our
webinar today, let me introduce myself, my name is Justin Geraldo, as a master of the ceremony this
morning. We are very lucky today because we have three excellent speakers Willa from The Society
of Actuaries of Indonesia, the first speaker we have Mrs Izdhihar Willa who is a Chairman of the
University Cooperation Commission, then we have Mr Arya Sujiwakusuma who is Vice Chairman of
the University Cooperation Commission, and the last we have Mr Bernath Bronsted who is Member
of the University Cooperation. Today, in this webinar I will be accompanied by Salma Mawarni who
is our moderator in this webinar, Hi Salma, Good morning.”

Moderator : "Hi Justin, good morning, hi everyone, I'm Salma Mawarni, who will
be a moderator in this webinar."

MC : "thank you Salma and also thanks to Mrs Fairuz as the chief
committee of this webinar who will give us some words before we move on to the next event. But
before that, if I say "Risk Management" please say "I can do it" Okay. Now we start, please unmute
your audio and answer together. One two three "Risk Management"."

Participant : "I can do it"

MC : "Yah it's less spirit, once more "Risk Management"."

Participant : "I can do it" (Loudly)

MC : Thank you very much. Now we back to agenda. For the chief
committee, time is yours"

Chief Committee : "Good Morning everyone, I am Fairuz Ramadhani, the chief

committee of this webinar, I want to say thank you for all of the participants whether it's students,
lecturers, practitioners, and others for joining today in this webinar, for your information, today's
event was held because of collaboration between OJK (The Financial Services Authority) Team and
The Society Of Actuaries of Indonesia. I want to express my gratitude for Mrs Izdhihar, Mr Arya, and
Mr Bermath as our speaker in this webinar. I hope this webinar will be going good until the end of
this webinar, I hope we will have the benefit and new knowledge about risk management. I
apologize to you all if there are many mistakes in this agenda. Thank you and enjoy it."

MC : "Thank you so much for Mrs Fairuz as the chief committee of this
webinar. Now we are starting the main agenda this morning. This agenda will turn over to Salma as
the moderator. Thank you."

Moderator : "Thank you Justin. Okay, just before we start, there is some
information about the rule that I want all of the participants to know. Here are the rule, all the
participants have to mute their mic until we allow you to unmute, all of the participants have to on
cam until webinar is done, then for those who want to ask a question, we will give a QnA session
after the speaker session is over, you can use the raise hand feature before you ask and then say
your name and your institution before saying your question, and lastly, at the end of the webinar,
we will have a photo session. Okay, in today’s webinar there will be three speaker session. First, we
will have our speaker who is Mrs Izdhihar, then the second who is Mr Arya, and the last is Mr
Bernath will be talking about risk management. Now we give a chance to the first speaker for the
presentation, time is yours."

Speaker-1 : "Thank you moderator and all of the participant in this webinar. I'm
very proud to attend in front of you all. Okay no we start the presentation. The topic of my
presentation is about the general things about risk management and the benefit of it. So, every
business and organization face the risk of unexpected, harmful events that can cost the company
money or cause it to permanently close, so risk management allows organizations to attempt and to
prepare for the unexpected by minimizing risks and extra costs before they happen. Risk
management is the process of identifying, assessing and controlling threats to an organization's
capital and earnings. These threats or risks could stem from a wide variety of sources, including
financial uncertainty, legal liabilities, strategic management errors, accidents and natural disasters.
Intelligent security threats and data-related risks, and the risk management strategies to alleviate
them, have become a top priority for digitized companies. That concludes, by implementing a risk
management plan and considering the various potential risks or events before they occur, an
organization can save money and protect their future. Okay, that's about my presentation. I hope all
of you understand what I say. Thank you.

Moderator : "Thank you very much to Mrs Izdhihar, Give applause to the
speaker. It was amazing and also that was a very important topic to know for me and you all. Okay,
ladies and gentlemen don't forget to write an important material and we will continue to our second
speaker. To Mr Arya, time is yours"

Speaker-2 : "Okay, thank you moderator. Good morning all. In this beautiful
meeting, I will show you all about Risk management approaches. Okay, let’s start it. I will explain the
main point of my topic today. There are several different strategies companies can take regarding
different types of risk. The first is Risk avoidance. While the complete elimination of all risk is rarely
possible, a risk avoidance strategy is designed to deflect as many threats as possible to avoid the
costly and disruptive consequences of a damaging event. Next is risk reduction. Companies are
sometimes able to reduce the amount of damage certain risks can have on company processes. This
is achieved by adjusting certain aspects of an overall project plan or company process, or by
reducing its scope. The third is risk-sharing. Sometimes, the consequences of risk are shared, or
distributed among several of the project's participants or business departments. The risk could also
be shared with a third party, such as a vendor or business partner. The last is risk retaining.
Sometimes, companies decide a risk is worth it from a business standpoint, and decide to keep the
risk and deal with any potential fallout. Companies will often retain a certain level of risk if a
project's anticipated profit is greater than the costs of its potential risk. That's about my explained
about this topic, I hope we will do it in the future. I'm sorry if I have many mistakes. Thanks for your

Moderator : "Give applause to Mr Arya. Thank you so much for your explaining.
I hope all of this participant can do it in the future. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we will be to the end
of this agenda. The last speaker will bring an important topic to you all. And don't forget for all
participant to write an important material from the expert. To Mr Bernarth, time is yours."

Speaker-3 : "Okay Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, In this meeting, I will
explain all of you about the limitations of risk management. While risk management can be an
extremely beneficial practise for organizations, its limitations should also be considered. Many risk
analysis techniques such as creating a model or simulation require gathering large amounts of data.
This extensive data collection can be expensive and is not guaranteed to be reliable. Furthermore,
the use of data in decision-making processes may have poor outcomes if simple indicators are used
to reflect the much more complex realities of the situation. Another limitation is the lack of
analytical expertise and time. Computer software programs have been developed to simulate events
that might have a negative impact on the company. While cost-effective, these complex programs
require trained personnel with comprehensive skills and knowledge to accurately understand the
generated results. Analyzing historical data to identify risks also requires highly trained personnel.
These individuals may not always be assigned to the project. Even if they are, there frequently is not
enough time to gather all their findings, thus resulting in conflicts."

Moderator : "Give applause to Mr Bernarth. Thank you so much for your

explanations. Okay ladies and gentlemen, now we are at the end of this agenda. Thank you for all of
the speakers, we will go to the QnA session and take some time for questions now. For all
participant, you can use the raise hand feature before you ask and then say your name and your
institution before saying your question. We open three-question start from now. Now I open the
QnA session, those who want to ask please raise hand. Okay, we have 3 questioners. Okay for the
first questioner, Mr Aldan, please say your name and your institution, time is yours!"

Questioner-1 : "Thank you moderator for the chance. I am Aldan from Brawijaya
University. I'm sorry before, I want to ask to Mrs Izdhihar, In the end, part of your topic says that a
risk management plan can save money and protect the future of the organization, what is your
reason for it? Thank you."

Speaker-1 : "Nice question Mr Aldan, the reason is that a robust risk

management plan will help a company establish procedures to avoid potential threats, minimize
their impact should they occur and cope with the results."

Moderator : "Is that answer your question, Mr Aldan?”

Questioner-1 : "Yes It's, but I have another question. Does risk management
create a safe and secure work environment for all staff and customers? and does it increase the
stability of business operations? Thank You."

Speaker-1 : "Yes It does, and it Increases the stability of business operations

too, while also decreasing legal liability."

Moderator : "Do you have any question again Mr Aldan?”

Questioner-1 : "Yes that's enough, thank you Mrs Izdhihar.”

Moderator : "Okay thank you, Mr Aldan, for your question. We continue to the
second question. To Mr Yoel don't forget to say your name and your institution before saying your
question. Time is yours."

Questioner-2 : "Thank you, moderator. I am Yoel Marco from Bandung Institute of

Technology. I'm sorry before, I want to ask Mr Bernarth, In your presentation about limitations of
risk management, is there another limitation of risk management that was very important in the
future? Thank you."

Speaker-3 : "Good questions, in limitation of risk management there are so

many limitations that were I explained before. But the important one is the first a false sense of
stability. Value-at-risk measures focus on the past instead of the future. Second the illusion of
control. Risk models can give organizations the false belief that they can quantify and regulate every
potential risk. Third failure to see the big picture. It's difficult to see and understand the complete
picture of cumulative risk. Last is risk management is immature. An organization's risk management
policies are underdeveloped and lack the history to make accurate evaluations."

Moderator : "Okay, Is that answer your question, Mr Yoel?”

Questioner-2 : "Yes that's enough, thank you Mr Bernarth.”

Moderator : "Okay thank you, Mr Yoel, for your question. We continue to the
last question. To Mr Alif don't forget to say your name and your institution before saying your
question. For another participant who has any question can ask to the social media of the speaker.
Okay for last question time is yours."

Questioner-3 : "Thank you a moderator for a chance. I am Alif Putra Roy from the
University of Indonesia. I'm sorry before, I want to ask Mr Arya. In the material of your topic, I want
to ask about the plan step that combines to make up the overall risk management process? Thank

Speaker-2 : "This is a good question thank you, I haven't explained it yet. Okay,
all risk management plans follow the same steps that combine to make up the overall risk
management process, the main point is established context, risk identification, risk analysis, risk
assessment and evaluation, risk mitigation, risk monitoring and the last is communicate and

Moderator : "Okay, Is that answer your question, Mr. Alif.”

Questioner-3 : "Yes that's enough, thank you, Mr Arya.”

Moderator : "Okay thank you for Mr Alif, It looks like we've covered all of the
three questions. For Speaker, is there anything else you wanted to cover before a wrap-up?

Speaker - 1 : "No, I think we're good for now! Thank you, everyone. It was a
pleasure being with you today."

Moderator : "Okay, the main agenda of this meeting have been done. Thank
you for all of the participant and especially for our speaker. We can conclude that Risk management
is the process of identifying, evaluating and controlling threats to the organization's capital and
earnings. Risk management enables every company or organization to try to prepare for unexpected
events before risks and additional costs are minimized. These threats or risks may come from
multiple sources, including financial uncertainty, legal liability, strategic management errors,
accidents and natural disasters. I as a moderator in this meeting say a thousand thanks to you all
because of your presence in this webinar. I'm sorry if I have many mistakes. Now I give back this
meeting to the master of ceremony. Thank you"

MC : "Great! Thank you Salma, now as we close to the end of the

webinar, we will hear some word from the chief committee of this webinar."

The Chief Committee: "Thank you Justin First, I want to say thank you to all of the committees who
have made this webinar success, and on behalf of the committee thank you for all of the speakers
for the cooperation today, I hope we can work together again in the future. Lastly on behalf of the
committee thank you so much for all of the participants for attending today's webinar."

MC : "Thank you, Mrs Fairuz, the chief committee of this webinar, and
thank you everyone for attending today’s webinar, "Knowing More About Risk Management". If you
have any questions, please contact our social media. Once you leave today’s webinar, you will
receive a survey on the presentation through your email, and we would appreciate if you would
complete that and provide your feedback. You will also receive a follow-up email within 24-48 hours
with a link to view a recording of today’s webinar. and your e-certificate for attending today's
webinar. We appreciate you being here.

MC : "For the speaker and moderator allowed to leave the forum. Okay,
before we end this webinar let's take a photo together. Please do your freestyle. Are you ready?
Three two one action, (Photo) again (Photo) and the last (Photo). Thank you so much, I like your

Before we close our webinar today. I want to know your spirit again If I say "Risk Management" don't
forget to answer okay."

MC : "Risk Management"

Participant (questioner 1,2,3) : "I can do it"

MC : "Nice, please give your applause, I'm as master of ceremony say

thanks to you all and please apologize if I have many mistakes. On behalf of The Financial Services
Authority team and moderator thank you for joining us today, and have a great rest of your day!
Thanks again for joining us today and we will see you next time."

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