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Original article  105

Psychosocial characteristic of female victims of domestic

Khaled Abd El Moeza, Mona Elsyeda, Ismail Yousefb, Amany Waheed Eldeenc,
Wafa Ellithyb

Lecturer of Psychiatry, bProfessor of Psychiatry,

Professor of Community Medicine, Suez Canal
Domestic violence against women is prevalent in every country, cutting across boundaries of
University, Ismailia, Egypt
culture, class, education, income, ethnicity, and age. Domestic violence against women results
Correspondence to Khaled Abd El Moez, MD, in far-reaching physically and psychological consequences. Although the impact of physical
Lecturer of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine,
abuse may be more visible, psychological scarring is harder to define and report. Women
Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt
Tel: +00201060677901; fax: 0643398457 who remained in violent relationships were considered to have morbid characteristics, which
e-mail: included the need to be hurt and punished.
Received 1 March 2014
Accepted 1 April 2014 This work was carried out to determine the psychosocial characteristics of women exposed
to domestic violence.
Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry
Materials and methods
2014, 35(2):105–113
The current study is a cross-sectional controlled study. In this study, psychological
characteristics, using the Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory scale (MMPI) personality
inventory scale, of 44 women (who presented to the Emergency Unit of Suez Canal University
Hospital) complaining of physical abuse of domestic origin were evaluated after taking their
consent, and were compared with 22 women with no history of domestic violence.
The psychological assessment to 44 female victims of domestic violence according to the
MMPI personality inventory scale showed a significant difference between the study and the
control group in depressive traits, psychopath traits, and psychotic traits.
Our finding suggested that the study group showed more depressive, psychotic, and
psychopathic manifestations than the control group and more studies need to identify whether
this results were related to abuse or character logical traits in those women.

domestic violence, psychological traits, social characteristics

Egypt J Psychiatr 35(2):105–113

© 2014 Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry

to suffer throughout their adult lives, abused, raped,

and even murdered by intimate partners. Other crimes
Violence against women in the domestic sphere is
of violence against women include forced pregnancy,
usually perpetrated by men who are, or who have been,
abortion or sterilization, and harmful traditional
in positions of trust and intimacy and power such as
practices such as killings in the name of honor. Elderly
husbands, fathers, fathers-in-law, stepfathers, brothers,
women may also experience abuse [World Health
uncles, sons, or other relatives. Domestic violence is, Organization (WHO), 2004].
in most cases, violence perpetrated by men against
women. Women can also be violent, but accounts for a A review of studies from 35 countries indicated
small percentage of domestic violence [United Nation that between 10 and 52% of women reported being
Children Fund (UNICEF), 2000]. physically abused by an intimate partner at some point
in their lives, and between 10 and 30% reported that
Domestic violence against women is often a cycle of they had experienced sexual violence by an intimate
abuse that manifests itself in many forms through partner. Between 10 and 27% of women and girls
their lives. Even at the very beginning of her life, a girl reported having been sexually abused, either as children
may be the target of sex-selective abortion or female or as adults (WHO, 2007).
infanticide in a culture where a preference for sons is
prevalent. During childhood, violence against girls may Culture ideologies – both in industrialized and in
include enforced malnutrition, lack of access to medical developing countries – provide ‘legitimacy’ for violence
care and education, incest, female genital mutilation, against women under certain circumstances. Religious
early marriage, and forced prostitution. Some go on and historical traditions in the past have sanctioned
1110-1105 © 2014 Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry DOI: 10.4103/1110-1105.134197
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106  Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry

the chastizing and beating of wives. The physical question of why does she stay? The result was a picture
punishment of wives has been particularly sanctioned of masochistic and passive women who are to blame
under the notion of entitlement and ownership of completely for their situation (Bogard, 1988).
women. The concept of ownership, in turn, legitimizes
control over women’s sexuality. Women’s sexuality Criticisms have suggested that learned helplessness
is also tied to the concept of family honor in many cannot explain why so many women have been able
societies. Traditional norms in these societies allow the to get away from their violent partners. The concept
killing of ‘errant’ daughters, sisters, and wives suspected of learned helplessness also portrays women as
of defiling the honor of the family by indulging in passive rather than as active individuals seeking help.
forbidden sex, or marrying and divorcing without the The theory of learned helplessness also ignores the
consent of the family (UNICEF, 2000). multiple dimensions involved in the process of escape,
including, for example, the potential for greater
The prevailing belief has always been that only women violence if attempts to escape unsuccessful or violence
who “liked it and deserved it” were beaten. In a study against other family members especially her children,
of battered wives as recently as twenty years ago, it she may be emotional in love, hope to change and fear
was suggested that beatings are solicited by women to be alone, culture stigma, and /or has no residence.
who suffer from negative personality characteristics, (Gondolf, 1988).
including masochism. “Good wives” were taught that
the way to avoid assaults. She must examine their In contrast to the learned helplessness model,
behavior and attempt to modify it to please men: to Gondolf (1988) has developed a model suggesting
be less provocative, less aggressive, and less frigid. that women are active survivors who try to escape
There was no suggestion that provocation might occur violent relationships, but are often limited by the
from other than masochistic ones, that aggressiveness unavailability of resources. In other words, women
might be an attempt to avoid further assault, and that respond to abuse by attempting to seek help that
frigidity might be a very natural result of subjection does not exist rather than taking the blame as
to severe physical and psychological pain (Bogard, a victim; this model places blame on the social
1988). structure (Gondolf, 1988).
The burden of guilt for battering has fallen on women
and the violent behavior of men has been perpetuated.
The myth of the masochistic woman is a favorite of all Aim
who try to understand the battered woman. No matter This work was carried out to determine the psychosocial
how sympathetic people may be, they frequently characteristics of women exposed to domestic violence.
come to the conclusion that the reason an abused
woman remains in such a relationship is because she
is masochistic. Masochism in a woman is defined as
experiencing pleasure, often sexual pleasure, by being Materials and methods
beaten by the man she loves. Because this has been This is an analytic cross-sectional study that was carried
such a prevailing stereotype, many abused women out to study the psychosocial characteristics of women
begin to question whether they are indeed masochistic exposed to domestic violence.
(Bogard, 1988).

This myth is related to the masochism myth in that Inclusion criteria

it places the blame for the battering on a woman’s All female participants ranging in age from 16
negative personality characteristics. The survival to 60 years, able to write and read, and presented
behaviors of abused women have often earned them to the Emergency Unit of Suez Canal University
the misdiagnosis of ‘being crazy’. Unusual actions Hospital because of physical abuse of domestic
which may help them to survive in the battering origin were included in this study after obtaining
relationship have been taken out of context by closure their consent.
their problems from medical and mental health
workers. Several of the women were reported being
hospitalized for schizophrenia, paranoia, and severe Selection of the control group
depression (Walker, 1995). The control group was selected from among women who
were matched to the abused group for age, educational
The theory of learned helplessness in passive women level, marital status, occupation, and income, and had
quickly becomes entwined with the commonly asked apparently no history of domestic violence.
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Psychosocial characteristic of female El Moez et al.  107

Exclusion criteria
Patients and control women were eligible for the
Table 1 shows statistically nonsignificant differences
study on exclusion of certain medical problems
between the abused group and the control group in
(epilepsy, stroke, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and
age, residence, education, marital status, occupation,
chronic liver cirrhosis), head injuries, and history family size, and income. The mean age of the women
of psychotic disorder. Also, illiterate patients were was 30.9 ± 9.2 and 35.5 ± 4.1 years in the abused group
excluded because they would not be able to perform and the control group, respectively.
the psychological test.
Sporadic abuse was the most frequent (54%) (Table 2).
Sample size The most common causes of abuse were financial
The sample size included all female patients who (22.7%), followed by forced intercourse (15.9%)
fulfilled the inclusion criteria, presented during the (Table  2); 75% of women had not notified the
period of the study (from April to December 2006), authorities, whereas 25% of abused victims had
and agreed to participate in this study. physical sequels and 95% had psychological sequel
(Table 2).
In the study, psychological traits were evaluated using
the MMPI personality inventory scale for 44 women There was a statistically significant difference between
who had experienced domestic violence and were the abused group and the control group in depressive
compared with 22 women with no history of domestic traits, psychopath, paranoid, psychoasthenia, and
violence. psychotic traits (P < 0.00) (Table 3).

Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics of the studied groups

Variables N (%) P
Victims (n = 44) Control (n = 22)
Mean age ± SD (range) 30.9 ± 9.2 (18–51) 35.5 ± 4.1 (19–52) NS
Residence (urban/rural) (%) 30/14 (68.2/31.8) 18/4 (81.8/18.2) NS
Educational level
Basic education 8 (36.4) 8 (36.4) NS
Intermediate education 8 (36.4) 8 (36.4)
High education 6 (27.2) 6 (27.2)
Marital status
Married 29 (65.9) 18 (81.8) NS
Divorced 7 (15.9) 1 (4.5)
Single 8 (18.2) 3 (13.6)
House wife 11 (25.0) 2 (9.1) NS
Manual worker 9 (20.5) 5 (22.7)
Clerical 16 (36.4) 10 (45.5)
Free business 2 (4.5) 2 (9.1)
Student 6 (13.6) 3 (13.6)
Family members
3–5 28 (63.6) 7 (31.8) NS
6–8 16 (36.4) 15 (68.2)
Mean ± SD (range) 4.8±1.5 (3–8) 3.7 ± 2.4 (3–7) NS
Family percapita (LE/month)
<100 20 (45.5) 8 (36.4) NS
100 to <200 13 (29.5) 8 (36.4)
200 to <400 7 (15.9) 4 (18.1)
≥400 4 (9.1) 2 (9.1)
Mean ± SD (range) 112.8 ± 56.5 (30–250) 110.0 ± 60.3 (50–210) NS
Source of income
Husband 13 (29.5) 8 (36.4) NS
Wife 9 (20.5) 4 (18.2)
Husband and wife 13 (29.5) 6 (27.3)
Father 5 (11.4) 3 (13.6)
Brothers and/or father 4 (9.1) 1 (4.5)
NS, P > 0.05.
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108  Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry

Table 2 Details of abuse in the studied victims (n = 44) There was a nonstatistically significant difference
Details of abuse N (%) between the abused group and the control group
Frequency of abuse in hysterical, manic, and avoidant traits, and
Sometimes (sporadic) 24 (54.5)
hypochondriasis (P > 0.05) (Table 3).
Daily 11 (25.0)
Weekly 9 (20.5)
Cause of abuse
Financial (money) causes 10 (22.7)
Sexual causes (forced to have sexual 7 (15.9)
intercourse) Frequency of abuse
Objection of the clothes worn, going out, 5 (11.4) The present study shows that all abused women reported
and/or coming back late repetition of abuse. More than half of them were abused
Marital argument 5 (11.4) sporadically, a quarter were abused daily, and a fifth were
Forced to marriage or objection to marriage 4 (9.1) abused weekly. These results were in agreement with
of a loved one
another study carried out on a sample of 100 females
Jealousy 3 (6.8)
Quarrel with the husband’s family 3 (6.8)
between 14 and 65 years of age from Manshiet Nasser,
Hitting kids 2 (4.5) which indicated that all the women reported repetition of
Husband nervousness and/or drug abuse 2 (4.5) abuse, whereas 30% of the women questioned admitted
Wish to marry another woman or the presence 2 (4.5) to being subjected to domestic violence on a daily basis,
of another wife 34% on a weekly basis, 15% on a monthly basis, and
Insistence on divorce 1 (2.3) 21% occasionally (Committee on the Elimination of
Type of abuse
Discrimination against Women, 2001).
Physical and verbal 23 (52.3)
Physical, verbal, and sexual 10 (22.7)
Physical and sexual 5 (11.4) Causes of abusing
Physical, verbal, and control money 3 (6.8)
The present study shows that the commonest causes
Mixed 3 (6.8)
Notification of authorities 11 (25.0)
for abusing were financial causes (22.7%) following
Reasons for not notifying the authorities (n = 33)
by forcing wives to sexual intercourse (15.9%) then
For the benefit of the children (fear of losing 11 (33.4) marital argument (11%), disobedience (11%), forced
them/abuse) to married against her will (9.1%) then jealousy (6%).
Family’s honor 6 (18.2) Other included kids hitting (4.5%), drug abused of
Wish to continue 6 (18.2) husbands (4.5%) and presence other women (4.5%)
Fear of assailant (more abuse) 5 (15.1) lastly insist to divorce (2.3%).
Fear for assailant 5 (15.1)
Response of victims other than notification of
authorities (n = 44)
These results were different than Manshiet Nasser’s
Leave home 10 (22.7)
study where the main reason for domestic violence
Notify relatives 9 (20.5) (75%) of these women, was sexual (women are beaten,
Angry inside home 8 (18.2) raped or abused for refusing to have sex with their
Crying 6 (13.6) husbands) followed by financial causes (65%) then
Abuse causes physical sequels 21 (47.7) visiting family without husband permission (32%),
Abuse causes psychological sequels 42 (95.5) housework (25%), religion (8%), jealousy (6%) and
Consultation with a psychiatrist after abuse 21 (47.7) disobedience (5%) (Committee on the Elimination of
Discrimination against Women, 2001).

Table 3 Mean MMPI scores of the studied groups The difference between two studies may due to
Variables Mean ± SD P difference in time as in our study financial causes was
Victims Control the first cause then refuse sexual relationship while
(n = 22) (n = 44) the reverse is true in other study as more financial
Hypochondriasis 60.9 ± 9.1 59 ± 2.4 NS difficulties present nowadays in most Egyptian families
Depressive 82.3 ± 11.3 58 ± 3.2 <0.0001**
to obtain basic life needs comparing with their financial
Hysterical 60.8 ± 10.1 59 ± 2.8 NS
difficulty since 7 years ago.
Psychopathic 67.6 ± 9.6 56 ± 4.7 <0.0001**
Male to female 50.6 ± 9.2 51 ± 1.9 NS
These results different from that of Tayseer et al; (2003)
Paranoia 64.6 ± 8.9 48 ± 6.8 <0.0001**
Psychoasthenia 69.4 ± 9.1 50 ± 4.3 <0.0001**
who studied domestic violence against women among
Psychotic 63.3 ± 3.9 50 ± 5.8 <0.0001** rural families in Suez Governorate which revealed
Manic 60.1 ± 5.8 59 ± 5.2 NS the commonest causes of violence against women was
Avoidant 59.1 ± 7.0 58 ± 7.6 NS disobedience followed by outside home problems,
NS, P > 0.05; Significant, P < 0.05; **Highly significant, P < 0.00. refusing female intercourse, and finally the presence of
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Psychosocial characteristic of female El Moez et al.  109

addict husbands. This difference between studies may partner violence was not reported. This can be
be because of differences in the setting as the sample explained by the WHO (2004), which reported that
in the Tayseer study included rural families; thus, the domestic violence is considered a family matter and
most common reason for abuse was disobedience, and women sometimes view a certain amount of physical
community norms allow punishment of women who abuse as justified under certain conditions. Cultural,
do not obey their husbands. ethnic, or religious backgrounds may influence a
woman’s response to abuse and her awareness of
viable options.
Types of abuse
The present study shows that there was more than
one type of abuse. Physical and verbal abuse was the Reasons for not notifying authorities
most common (52%), followed by physical, verbal, The current work highlights the main causes for
and sexual abuse (22.7%), physical and sexual abuse not reporting abuse to the authorities. Women did
(11.4%), physical and verbal abuse, and control not report violent incidents to the authority, which
over wives’ money (6.8%), and all forms of abuse represents a major problem in the community. The
(6.8%). These results are supported by Heise et al. most common cause of un-notification authorities
(1999), who found that physical violence in intimate benefit of kids (fear from take them or abuse them)
relationships is almost always accompanied by (33.4%) then family’s fame (18.2%), wish to continues
psychological abuse and, in one-third to half of the in marital relation (18.2%) then fear from assailants
cases, by sexual abuse. (more abuse) (15.1%) and keep for assailant (in love)
(15.1%). Another study carried out on a sample of 100
The UNICEF (2000) also reported that physical women from Manshiet Nasser showed that (87%) of
violence is usually accompanied by psychological abuse the women did not report violence to the police because
and in many cases by sexual assault. of embarrassment (65%), for the children’s sake (32%),
fear for their husbands, or fear of their husbands (19%)
A WHO (2004) multicountry study showed that (Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination
in the majority of the countries studied, there was a against Women, 2001).
considerable overlap between physical and sexual
violence by intimate partners. This was similar to the Gondolf ’s (1988) study, which
reported that fear of more abuse, emotional causes
(being in love, hope to change, and fear of being alone),
Notification of authorities
cultural stigma, fear for children (will take children,
In the present study, of 44 abused women, 75% did not better with both the parents), and economic reasons (no
notify authorities, whereas 25% notified authorities. place to stay and lack of economic resources) were the
most common causes for not reporting to authorities
The percentage of women who did not notify
and continuation in a violence relationship.
authorities is less than that in the Manshiet Nasser
study, which reported that 87% did not notify The widespread acceptability of circumstances where
authorities and only 13% went to the police (although wife beating is justified highlights the extent to which,
all of them subsequently withdrew the charges) in many countries, women appear to make distinctions
not really wanting to cause any harm to abusers in terms of the circumstances under which wife
(Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination beating may or may not be ‘acceptable’. In all countries,
against Women, 2001). considerably more women accept wife-beating in the
case of actual or suspected female infidelity, or for
This result in consistent with a WHO (2004)
‘disobeying’ a husband or a partner. Qualitative research
multicountry study that found that between 55 and
suggests that individuals make complex judgments
95% of women who had been physically abused by
about the acceptability of violence by considering who
their partners had never sought help from formal
does what to whom, and for what reason (Heise and
services or from individuals in a position of authority
Garcia-Moreno, 2002).
(e.g. village leaders). Women were more likely to have
sought help or left home if they had experienced severe
physical violence. Responses of victims other than notification of
Despite cultural differences, the percentage of women In the present study, the common responses of abused
who did not notify authorities in the present study women were temporarily leaving their homes (22.7%),
is not very different from that reported by Scottish followed by notifying relatives (20.5%), angry inside
Executive (2003), where nearly 60% of intimate home (18.2%), and crying (13.6%). These results
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110  Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry

differed from the Manshiet Nasser study, which showed A comparison between the mean scores of the abused
that most of the abused women suffered in silence group and the mean scores of the control group
(53%) and attempted suicide (9%), and only 6% of showed an increase in the scores of scale 6 (paranoid),
these women demanded a divorce. The other common scale 8 (schizophrenia), and scale 4 (psychopath),
responses to violence were calling their neighbors, consistent with the Patrici’s (1997) study, which
attempting to leave their homes at least once, and found a statistically significant difference between the
seeking help from family members (either their own mean scores of abused women and the mean scores
or their spouse’s) (Committee on the Elimination of of control women in the control group for paranoia,
Discrimination against Women, 2001). schizophrenia, and psychopathic traits.

The WHO (2004) multicountry study found that Davidson (1991) also found a significant difference
women who had been physically abused by their between the abused group and the control group in
partner were under circumstances ranging from not their study in terms of paranoia, schizophrenia, and
completing the housework adequately, refusal to have psychopathic traits.
sex, disobeying her husband, or being unfaithful.
The study also showed that between 19 and 51% of There was an increase in scores on scale 6 (paranoia).
them ever left home for at least one night. The study Paranoia is a disturbed thought process characterized
also found that when women who had not sought by excessive anxiety or fear, often to the point of
help from any of the services mentioned were asked irrationality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically
why this was the case, the most common responses includes persecutory beliefs of a perceived threat
were either that the women considered the violence (Wikipedia, 2006).
normal or not serious or because they feared the
consequences, either for their own safety, or that they From this point of view, the fearfulness and suspicion
would lose their children, or that they would bring of others might be viewed as a logical outcome of
shame to their families. In Ethiopia province, 53% abuse by one with whom an individual had an intimate
of these women reported that fear kept them from relationship. Intimate relationships are supposed to be
seeking help. Other reasons included beliefs about based on trust and abuse in an intimate relationship
the inadequacy of the likely response, in particular, would destroy that trust (Erickson, 2004).
that they would not be believed or that it would not
help (WHO, 2004). There was increase in the scores on scale 8 (schizophrenia).
This can be explained by understanding what scale 8
Rubenstein (1999) reported that abused women measures. It measures confusion in thought processes
tend to remain in abusive relationships for a number and feelings of being overwhelmed. It is not necessary
of reasons: women tend to be the peacekeepers in to be schizophrenic to receive an elevated score on
relationships (the ones responsible for making the scale 8. Abuse by an intimate partner could certainly
marriage work), adverse economic consequences, it is cause confusion in thought processes and feelings of
more dangerous to leave than to stay, prior threats by being overwhelmed (Erickson, 2004).
batterer to abscond with children, lost self-esteem and
lack psychological adaptation to separate from batterer. Increases in scores on scale 4 (psychopath) are more
difficult to interpret. As the text on MMPI indicates,
Psychological traits of studied groups according to
scale 4 was developed to measure the personality
MMPI characteristics of an amoral and asocial subgroup with
A comparison between the mean scores of the abused psychopathic personality disorders. If the evaluator
group and the mean scores of the control group showed does not examine more deeply the possible reasons
an increase in scores in scale 2 (depression), which is for an elevation on scale 4, he/she might infer that
similar to the result of Campbell (2002), who found the individual has serious character logical traits such
that intimate partner violence is associated with high as impulsiveness, poor interpersonal judgment, and
rates of depression. Coid et al. (2003) also supported reduced sense of responsibility and morals. They tend to
this finding; they reported a statistical association sacrifice long-term goals for short-term desires. Social
between domestic violence and depression. relations are typically shallow and strong loyalties are
rarely developed (Morrell and Rubin, 2001).
These results also in agreement with Golding (1999),
who found that the association between domestic Dukworth and Anderson (1995) viewed fighting as
violence and depression reflects a causal link. Campbell a cardinal feature of increase scores on scale 4. They
(1997) also reported that abused women were found suggested that the individual may be in conflict with
to have more depressive symptoms than other women. his or her parents, friends, spouse, society, or school and
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Psychosocial characteristic of female El Moez et al.  111

that it is essential to examine the context in which the scales 4, 6, and 8 for group one. The formerly abused
individual is being assessed. Another important issue women had lower increases in the scores than the
in terms of an increase in the scores on scales 4, 6, and currently abused women. In other words, the formerly
8 is whether this elevation character logical or reactive. abused women appeared to be recovering from the
effects of abuse. Rosewater pointed to the MMPI
Abused women, however, on the basis of the scores of a battered women might lead to a mental
results of the MMPI, appear to have various health evaluator to misdiagnosis the women as severely
psychopathologies, including but not limited to mentally ill even psychotic or psychopath while they
paranoia, histrionic personality, psychopathic traits, were actually suffering from the effect of abuse, their
and even schizophrenia. The evaluator may conclude elevation of scale 4 consider as angry, their elevation
that the women’s apparent psychopathology is a of scale 6 consider fear and their elevation of scale 8
personality disorder and therefore character logical measure confusion. Rosewater believed the condition
(a ‘trait’). Personality disorders are viewed by many of abused women could be most accurately described
psychologists as highly treatment resistant and as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
therefore curable (Rosewater, 1988).
What used to be called ‘battered woman syndrome’ is
Lundy and Jay (2002) shows that an ‘alternative now more often known as PTSD (Erickson, 2004).
conceptualization’ is that a woman’s psychological
presentation is a reaction to the abuse she has suffered Some experts suggest, however, that the effects of
(a reactive ‘state’). If the increase in scores on MMPI interpersonal violence (rape and abuse of children
of abused women is reactive, one would expect that and intimate partners) are perhaps broader than
their MMPIs before abuse would be relatively ‘normal’, the diagnostic criteria of PTSD and lead to a more
their MMPIs during the abusive relationship would be serious form of PTSD than traumas that are not
increased, and that their MMPIs would decrease after interpersonal in nature. This more serious form of
the abuse ended. In addition, it might be expected that PTSD is sometimes called ‘complex’ PTSD or disorder
the severity of the abuse suffered by the woman or the of extreme stress not otherwise specified (DESNOS)
length of time she was abused might correlate with (Luxenberg, 2001).
increases in the scores of MMPI.
A crucial factor in terms of PTSD is that it is now
As yet, no such longitudinal study has been reported. understood that any previously healthy individual
Therefore, we do not know with any degree of certainty exposed to a trauma can develop PTSD (DSM-IV-R).
whether abused women, before they suffered abuse,
were ‘normal’ or showed certain psychological problems Another important study compared abused women
(and, if so, what the problems are). However, research diagnosed with PTSD with abused women who did
on MMPI scores of abused women strongly suggests not fulfill the criteria for PTSD. The study found that,
that they are usually ‘normal’ before abuse (Erickson, first, many of the non-PTSD participants reported
2004). symptoms indicative of PTSD, but were not diagnosed
with PTSD because they failed to fulfill all the criteria
An important study in this field compared the MMPI for PTSD. Second, the non-PTSD participants had
scores of 12 currently abused women, 12 formerly scores on MMPI elevation that were above the cut-off
abused women, and 12 never abused women. It was point on scales 4 and 6. They also had increased scores
found that the increases in MMPI on scales 2, 4, and 8 on scales 7 and 8 that approached the cut-off point. The
were lower for formerly abused women (similar to the MMPI scores of the PTSD participants were higher
control group) than for currently abused women. It was than those of the non-PTSD participants. Although
found that the scores decreased when the women were there was no statistically significant difference
no longer being abused, indicating that the increase in between the PTSD group and the non-PTSD group,
scores on MMPI clinical scale 2, 4, 6, and 8 could be it is noteworthy that 10% of the participants in the
considered a reaction to the abusive relationship than PTSD group reported ‘extreme and permanent
as character logical (Dolores, 1986). injuries’, whereas only 3% of participants in the non-
PTSD group reported such injuries. This study lends
Rosewater (1988) also administered the MMPI to support to the reactive state theory. By definition,
three groups. Group one included 50 women in a PTSD is a sequel (post) of trauma. The fact that
currently abusive relationship, group two included 29 such an overwhelming percentage of abused women
women from an intervention program, and group three are diagnosed with PTSD indicates that they have
included 27 women who had never been abused as suffered severe trauma. The trauma that they reported
a control group. They found an increase in scores on is domestic violence. Also, the PTSD group exposed
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112  Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry

to more severe trauma showed higher increases in the This problem should also be tackled through health
scores on MMPI scales (Morrell and Rubin, 2004). education programs including targeting of religious
men, and through mass media and human right
Clinical interpretation of a profile of a survivor of organizations to increase awareness of the problems
domestic violence should recognize that, on average, of domestic violence and its impact on the family and
they will have significant levels of emotional turmoil, society.
major difficulties in trusting others, suspiciousness,
and paranoia. This level of stress is not unreasonable
because many survivors of domestic violence live with
their perpetrators everyday or at least have contact with Acknowledgements
them periodically. This continuing interaction with the Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
perpetrators leads to constant emotional turmoil, fear,
paranoia, and distrust (Lundy and Jay, 2002).
Although the current study attempted to identify Bogard M. Feminist prospective on wife abuse: An Introduction in: L.K.
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