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Dariel C. De Venecia

BS CRIM 1E – 1



On August 19, 1939 a Code of Citizenship and Ethics was promulgated by President Quezon
through Executive Order No. 217. It remains in force to this day. In 1940 a small book was published by
the Committee that drafted the Code, explaining the meaning of each item in the Code, and providing
examples that teachers could use in teaching it. Here are the contents of that book. A Code of Ethics
designed to formulate a way of life for a free people must perforce be didactic rather than legislative. It
must be based on an appeal to reason and the conscience and not on any threat of punishment, for the
sense of right and the force of tradition often far outweigh the most exacting legal sanctions. It is also
evident that such a code must draw on the history and culture of the people for whose benefit it is
promulgated. This “Code of Ethics” is not to foster exaggerated nationalism, or to glorify narrow and
blind patriotism. Its object is higher, purer, nobler. It is to strengthen the moral fiber of our youth; to
keep alive in the hearts of our citizens the value of ethical principles; and to proclaim the truth that
moral discipline is the only sure road to national greatness.

Dariel C. De Venecia

BS CRIM 1E – 1



Improvised explosive device (IED) is defined here as an explosive device that is placed or
fabricated in an improvised manner; incorporates destructive, lethal, noxious, pyrotechnic, or incendiary
chemicals; and is designed to destroy, incapacitate, harass, or distract. IEDs may incorporate military
stores, but they are normally devised from nonmilitary components. They are as varied as “command-
detonated” pipe bombs, “booby-trapped” military ordnance, and car bombs. They always contain
explosive materials, detonators, and triggering mechanisms; they are often cased and may use shrapnel.
The term improvised may apply either to the construction of the device or to its use by irregular forces.
Thus, a mine produced for regular forces may be considered an IED if it is used by irregular forces, but
an unmodified mine placed by regular forces is not considered an IED. Explosive devices designed to
disperse chemical, biological, or radiological material are generally not classified as IEDs and were not
considered for this study. Throughout history, and with varying effectiveness, groups have resorted to
the use of IEDs to advance a particular cause or wear down an adversary. IEDs are used by terrorists to
strike soft targets and by insurgents as weapons against a stronger enemy. They can be made at
relatively low cost, are relatively easy to construct and emplace, and can achieve both strategic and
tactical results.

Dariel C. De Venecia

BS CRIM 1E – 1



The AFP Core Values is the profession of arms, noble calling, demands from its members not
only specialized knowledge and skill but also a distinct lifestyle governed by commonly held belief-
system containing non-negotiable enduring core values of honor, loyalty, valor duty and solidarity. The
AFP core philosophy focuses on values that are the basis of the soldiers’ daily existence. It is the
foundation of all his acts and deeds. These are the ties that bind. With the country moving forward in
nation building, these values have shown their enduring quality and have provided the soldier with time-
tested tools for the future.

Dariel C. De Venecia

BS CRIM 1E – 1



The AFP is responsible for upholding the sovereignty, supporting the Constitution, and
defending the territory of the Republic of the Philippines against all enemies foreign and domestic;
advancing the national aims, interest and policies; and planning the organization, maintenance,
development, and deployment of its regular and citizen armed force for National Security. The Chief of
Staff, AFP (CSAFP), under the authority and direction of the Secretary of National Defense (SND) and the
President, is responsible for the execution of National Defense Programs and armed forces missions;
and prescribe the organization, powers, duties, and functions of the various AFP staffs, services and
offices in accordance with the policies of the SND. The functions of AFP is to secure the sovereignty of
the state and the integrity of the national territory, protect the country from foreign aggression and
internal subversion, to advance the national aims and interest, to perform such duties as the President
may direct and the vision of AFP is an armed force that is fully mission effective, right sized, credibly-
equipped, versatile and highly responsive to the technological, doctrinal and sociological changes. The
Organization of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is composed the three major services, namely
the Philippine Navy (PN), Philippine Army (PA) and the Philippine Air Force (PAF). The organization is
loosely based on the structure of the United States military, which it was patterned after during the
Commonwealth era.

Dariel C. De Venecia

BS CRIM 1E – 1



Understanding Basic Life Support (BLS) courses and, more than that, practicing these techniques
is by far the most challenging task confronting firs aid. Either by theoretical classes, practical training or
virtual e–education, we feel that basic life support techniques must be acquired as soon as possible in
medical school, because their core meaning is that of saving a life, the main reason why all students
chose the medical profession. Taking everything into consideration we believe that the adequate
education in first aid and basic life support should be considered as an essential aspect of the medical
universities’ curriculum. Being students, we feel that this might improve both the state–of–mind aspects
of the medical students, their eagerness to learn, their passion for the medical art and also their clinical
skills. As stated, implementing such a strategy might be also useful during clinical stages, as all parts
implicated in the clinical act should be trained to handle basic life support emergencies, even for a
second, since that second has been very well proven its importance.

Dariel C. De Venecia

BS CRIM 1E – 1



As we know the world is now living on its cyber age where we mostly utilize of computer that
makes our communications and other work easier, faster and efficient. Attackers and hackers are doing
a much better job in coordinating than us. Compare to the underworld, we often lack behind in our
coordination effort. Awareness is needed when Artificial Intelligence cannot replace Human Intelligence
yet. Advancement in artificial intelligence and machine learning opens up opportunities to manage
cybersecurity via machine in the future. Security companies ought to rethink their portfolio strategy.
Security companies today may be getting security all wrong. Products today often compete against
features and amount of data. Security is not a one-time event, but risks need to be managed
continuously. We shall not expect to solve security one day. The value of awareness goes beyond
educating users about the threats and risks in cyberspace. We shall remain optimistic and confident to
face the future of cybersecurity. Our aspiration and ability will help guide us to build a secure
cyberspace. I encourage you to check out the events at The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA),
where many events are broadcasted over the Internet. Bottom line is to get involved- “the more you
know, the better”.

Dariel C. De Venecia

BS CRIM 1E – 1



First, I would like to thank each and every one of the commanders for their service to our Army
and nation and for leading our outstanding Soldiers and families these past years. Job well done! The
Army is synonymous with sharp-dressed Soldiers carrying out precision drill movements and inspiring
ceremonies. Drill and ceremonies play a major role in every Soldier’s military experience. The primary
importance of drill is to prepare troops for combat by rapidly carrying out orders. Ceremonies go hand-
in-hand with drill. During a ceremony, troops align in various formations and carry out commands with
uniform precision. Army ceremonies instill honor, promote camaraderie and preserve tradition among
Soldiers. Prompt obedience to every command is the first thing every new recruit must learn. As I watch
the change of commands, one thing that stays constant is our drill and ceremony, from the position of
attention to the hand salute, parade rest to the posting of the colors and honor to our nation. There is
only one standard drill and ceremony field manual: FM 3-21.5. Everything has a beginning and a
purpose. The ceremonies and activities that take place within them have a long history, and if you read
the history, you will understand why we do what we do and when we do it and that only minor changes
have been made through the years. From the individual drill to the brigade drill, if conducted properly,
unity and discipline within the unit becomes obvious. Armies throughout history have always practiced
some form of drill. Drill movements were designed to mimic tactical maneuvers on the battlefield. By
assembling troops into larger formations, commanders could rapidly move their units from one place to
another as the situation dictated.

Dariel C. De Venecia

BS CRIM 1E – 1



Followership is the actions of someone in a subordinate role. … Specifically, followers play

important individual, relational, and collective roles in organizational failures and successes. One of the
most important components of leadership is the leader. A leader is responsible for his or her followers
and the overall goal of the group or organization. Leaders are the people held accountable or everything
that happens, good or bad. On the other hand, the second major component of leadership is the
followers. Without followers, a leader would be worthless. Followers make up the backbone of a leader
because they are the masses that get goals accomplished. A leader is just one person, but the number of
followers is countless. In order to be an effective follower, there are a countless number of
characteristics that allow a follower to be the best they can be. Five of these characteristics include a
positive attitude, communication skills, being part of the process, being open to new ideas, and

“Followers must take direction but they have an underlying obligation to the enterprise to do so
only when the direction is ethical and proper. The key is having the judgement to know the difference
between a directive that your leader gives on how to proceed that you do not agree with and a directive
that is truly wrong.”

Dariel C. De Venecia

BS CRIM 1E – 1



The Marine Corps’ philosophy of warfighting is based on an approach to war called maneuver
warfare. In several previous classes the tactical tenets and the Principles of War and their applicability to
war at any level were discussed. This class will focus on ground combat offensive operation
fundamentals, specifically at the squad level, which, when applied in concert with basic maneuver
warfare concepts, enable us to fight intelligently in any environment. This lesson fundamentals of
infantry operation will give you a framework of how to make sound tactical decisions and begin to
understand the tactical decision making process at the squad level.

Dariel C. De Venecia

BS CRIM 1E – 1



Infantry operation have a activities that they’re doing every day and all the members they’re a
hard trainings. The nine activities are: “orders” , “patrol”, “attack”, “ambush”, “defend”, “vehicle check
point”, “observation post”, “tactical movement” and “occupy harbor”. These have been characterized in
terms of the phases of the action, skills and tools used, and physiological and psychological
consequences and demands. Additionally, a procedure has been developed, based on likely events, to
propose possible measures of effectiveness (single aspects of the activity) and measures of outcome (a
combination of single aspects, including positive, negative and value adding aspects). A series of five
personal factors has been proposed to complement these combat activities: “waiting”, “sleep”,
“eating/drinking”, “rest” and “personal hygiene”. The combat activities demand competency in core
areas, and these were derived from a consideration of the common skills needed to carry out the
activities. Six core skills were identified: “communication”, “navigation”, “surveillance”, “engagement”,
“movement” and “protection”. Enhanced competence in these areas, through the insertion of
technology or changes to procedure will lead to increased capability to perform the combat activities,
and would be manifest in the analytical measures. To some extent the personal factors can also be
counted as core skills since they may also increase the effectiveness of combat activities and are the
subject of investigation for possible technology insertion.

Dariel C. De Venecia

BS CRIM 1E – 1



Traditions are inherited principles, standards and practices that serve as the established guides
for an individual or group. Traditions are accumulated experiences and deeds passed on from
generation to generation both in memory and reality. Customs are accepted practices realized through
continued usage that take the force and effect of a Common Law. Military customs on the whole refer to
the accepted traditions that form part of the military practice, rules and standards of operation.
Customs in the military branches stipulate how the military personnel are supposed to conduct
themselves in different situation. These established traditions have been proven as appropriate and
point out correct courses of actions to all serving within the armed forces; including the army, navy and
the air-force. Military customs have been defined as acts involving courtesy and discipline when dealing
with other people, including the army personnel and civilians.

Dariel C. De Venecia

BS CRIM 1E – 1



The beginnings of the Filipino land forces dates back before the Spanish and American colonial
period. In that time, clans and barangays from different regions form their own armed groups primarily
composed of hunters and land fighters. They served as defenders of the tribes or as warriors sent on
strike missions against other barangays. On occasions, some clan forces would form alliances to attack
more powerful opponents. Conventional weaponry during the pre‐colonial era includes Kris and
Kampilan, Blowguns, and Lantaka. War-fare instruments of the Filipino forces continued to develop over

Dariel C. De Venecia

BS CRIM 1E – 1



According to Aristotle, "The rule of law is better than that of any individual”, suggesting
every member of society, even a ruler, must abide by and follow the law. The rule of law is a set of
values or principles that are the cornerstone of our legal system. These principles are known or readily
discoverable and therefore do not change without notice; are reasonably clear; apply prospectively, not
retroactively; and enforced through public trials based upon rational procedural rules before arbiters
independent of the state and all others. The purpose of the rule of law is to remove both the reality of
injustice and the sense of injustice, thus preventing individuals from taking the law into their own hands
as would occur under natural law or anarchy. The rule of law advocates that no one, not even Kings,
politicians, government officials etc. Are above the law.

Dariel C. De Venecia

BS CRIM 1E – 1



My personal values reflect who I am, and my top five personal values are family, service,
personal enrichment, wisdom, and integrity. These values are the main values I believe in, but I have
many more values as well. I value honesty, kindness, and dependability, and I believe these values are
noble. Personal values are the essences of who we are as people and human beings. It is important to
understand and recognize your own personal values. Family is something that I value strongly. Values
are developed in several ways, and my personal values have been developed through my upbringing,
living situations, education, and work experiences. All of these factors have led to my personal values
being what they are today. The development of personal values happens differently in many people, but
my personal values started developing through my upbringing. Personal values will change as people
change, and there is criteria that I utilize for revising my values. Revising values is not always easy, and it
is based on a combination of things. The priority levels of values change on a constant basis to suit the
situations at hand. Prioritizing and considering positive and negative impacts of values are the criteria I
use to revise my values on a day-to-day basis.

Dariel C. De Venecia

BS CRIM 1E – 1



Hygiene is embedded in a wide and complex set of social values and sentiments. What we call
hygiene is linked with concerns about privacy and intimacy, neatness, social prestige, convenience,
respect and being civilized. Unhygienic, in contrast, refers to poverty, shame, disgust and invaded
intimacy. I came to realize that cleanliness is the pre-eminent metaphor to express positive
appreciation. Clean = beautiful = attractive = good = civilized = respectable. Sanitation is important for
all, helping to maintain health and increase life-spans. However, it is especially important for children.
Around the world, over 800 children under age five die every day from preventable diarrhea-related
diseases caused by lack of access to water, sanitation and hygiene. In addition, diarrhea causes children
to lose their appetites, which can lead to malnourishment. Limited access to sanitation has become such
a worldwide problem that 1 in every 4 children suffer from stunted growth. This leads to “irreversible
physical and cognitive damage.”

Dariel C. De Venecia


Reaction Paper for ROTC


Executive Order No.217 even if we do not know it, it is also called the Code of Citizenship and
Ethics by Manuel L. Quezon, it is one of the most well-known rules that define the morals and ethics of
Filipino students even in their young age when they reached the schools, but it is now forgotten by the
new generation. The challenge for all of us, students and future educators is to rediscover and uphold
the school the foundation of being a true and responsible Filipino. To give it a glimpse, the Code of
Citizenship and Ethics follows. The Manuel L. Quezon Code of Citizenship and Ethics is a great reminder
of our good efforts but also a good companion for the national rebuilding of our own Filipino identity. It
is therefore very important that at a very young age we know who we are and what we must have as a
Filipino to encourage a good behavior that will be sown in the next generation. It is a great challenge to
all of us in how we show our followers the code of ethics that should shape our identity, but also to
encourage and witness how it will be accepted, familiar and familiar in this new millennium, it will
create noble and responsible Filipino citizens to have their perfect depth rooted in the ranks of
principles and inherent in our Filipinos.

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