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Maryhill College

Basic Education Department

Lucena City


Learning Area General Biology 2

Quarter First
Week Five
Lesson Title Plant Nutrient Procurement and Processing
Learning Resources/Materials

A. Textbook: Exploring Life Through Science

B. ICT Integration: Activities in; pre-recorded video lesson, PPT, Video Clips
At the end of the lesson, the students shall have:
1. defined nutrient and cite the nutritional requirements of plants;
2. enumerated the structures or organs involved in nutrient procurement and processing in
3. appreciated the importance of nutrients in the energy processes of plants; and
4. drawn and observed a dicot and monocot roots in processing the nutrients.
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
● Demonstrate an understanding of plant and animal organ systems for nutrient
procurement and processing and their functions.

A. Getting Started
Kudos, you have reached the final week of meaningful learning!
The lesson this week will get you to discover the plant nutrient
procurement and processing.

1. What do you think are the important

activities for the maintenance of life?
2. What do you think are the kinds of nutrients that organisms obtain from food?

Proceed to the in-depth explanation about in plant nutrients.

B. Exploring the Lesson

Open and read the PPT presentation found in the folder of General Biology 2: Plant
Nutrient Procurement and Processing.

To determine how well you have learned, answer the given activities.

C. Assessing Learning
To assess your understanding about the Plant Nutrient Procurement and Processing
answer the following questions.
1. What is a nutrient?

2. How do plants benefit from symbiotic associations with bacteria? With fungi?

3. Enumerate nutritional adaptation by plants:

A. Symbiosis of plants and soil microbes

B. Symbiosis of plants and fungi

C. Parasitism

D. Predation
The concept which I learn from the discussion is

D. Enhancing Skills

It’s time to apply the knowledge you gained after completing the
different tasks. Below is an activity to further deepen your


1.Make a 1page science magazine(individual)

2.The content of the magazine must include the following:
 Animal Reproduction
 Plants Reproduction
 New advancement & discoveries in Human Reproduction and Development
 Trivia about the Plants and Animals in the procurement of nutrients.
3. You may choose one or more topics in your magazine. Include your name section and
references in the magazine.
4. The topics may be general or specific. It depends on your choice.
5. You can have your own format in making the magazine
6. After you make the 1 page magazine. Submit it to your group leader for compilation. (The
groupings are the same from your previous PT on Earth Science)
7.The group leader will be the one to submit the science magazine in the google classroom or
via messenger with the front page.

You will be graded based on the following criteria:

Completeness 10pts
Organization- 5pts
E. Reflection

The activities in this lesson made me realized that


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