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Online classes-essay

Today almost everything is online. Shopping, banking and nowadays working

from home because it’s Corona time. Also at this time, students are forced to
have online classes so that we can learn from home. Online classes are very
beneficial to a lot of students all around the world because we can learn from
home. First of all by studying online, you choose your own learning
environment that works best for your needs. It can be your bedroom, your
kitchen or the cafe across the street. Then online classes give students the
opportunity to plan study time around the rest of their day, instead of the
other way around. Students can study and work at their convenience. Also it's
not always easy to focus in class, because sometimes you can be very tired, so
with online classes, it’s much easier to focus on what you’re doing. You can
wear headphones if your surroundings are noisy and also you can choose to
study at a time when you’re freshest. If you struggle to concentrate, online
classes might be the ideal solution. But also there are disadvantages about
online classes. A lot of students don’t have the required material but they are
forced to study online. Some students don’t have mobile phones or computer,
and some students have bad internet connection, but they must study online.
Also studying online can cause social Isolation because all of us are stuck at
our homes. Social isolation coupled with a lack of communication often leads
to several mental health issues such as heightened stress, anxiety, and
negative thoughts.

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