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Development of a new human
Starts when man and woman
Make love and become one
Through the happiness they began
And have a daughter and son
Life begins nine months before birth
To have a new baby in this Earth
Prenatal period has three division
Ovum, embryo, fetus section

Prenatal, prenatal period is the time before birth
Girls or women, you should be careful in this period
It is the process by which a baby
Develops inside the mother’s tummy

Prenatal, prenatal period is the time before birth

Girls or women, you should be careful in this period
Raymond: Prenatal Period is the period before birth. It extends roughly over 9
calendar months or about 38 weeks to complete. During this time, a single
cell becomes a full-term baby. Moreover, this period is divided to different
categories of development.

Angilene: The period of the ovum, or the germinal period, the period of the embryo
and the period of the fetus. Each of these period or stages is important for
reaching the ultimate goal of a healthy baby.

Airish: First, the period of the ovum---extends from the moment of conception to
the end of the second week. During this time, the individual retains an
egglike organization.

Glenda: Next is the period of the embryo---extends from the end of the second
week to the of the second month or six weeks in duration. This is a time of
rapid change and by the end of this period, the embryo represents a
miniature individual in his development.

Jasmin: Lastly, the period of the fetus---extends from the end of the second month
to birth. It is characterized by the growth and development of the parts of
the body established in the second period.

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