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Colegio Técnico Industrial

Guías Pedagógicas – 2021

Corazón de María

Me before you ( Yo antes de ti)

Date: 09/03/2021

Student’s name: Angie Parra Lopez

Introduction Well, this movie talks about Will Traynor being a successful and wealthy
man who had enjoyed his life to the fullest, either through his
demanding and successful work, the many adventures he experienced,
or through his equally successful girlfriend. However, as a result of a
motorcycle accident, he is permanently disabled.

Summary "Me Before You" is an adaptation of the novel of the same name
written by Jojo Moyes, and it turns out to be a faithful and solid

Will Traynor (Sam Clafin) is a wealthy and successful man who has
enjoyed his life, until he is involved in a motorcycle accident that leaves
him permanently disabled. A couple of years later, Louisa Clark (Emilia
Clarke), a 26-year-old girl with low ambitions who lives with her
parents, is fired from her job and is forced to find one immediately.
Luckily for Louisa she soon finds him, and she is caring for a disabled
man. Will's mother hires Emilia, hoping to bring joy back to her son's
life, who has changed her attitude since the accident. As the days go by
in this house, Louisa begins to realize the problems with her parents
and Will's suicide attempts. Will's mother finds out about this and
decides to grant him her wish but on the condition that they live 6 more
months. Louisa and Will's mother do everything they can to avoid Will's
decision and make these the best days of his life.

This film fits very well with his novel and maintains a romantic feel from
beginning to end. The plot unfolds like a roller coaster, where problems
come and go until it reaches its climax. One of the problems that the
film has is the use of characters that do not have great weight in the
plot and wanting to give them unnecessary importance.

The performances of the cast are not outstanding, but they are enough
to make the movie work.

"Me Before You" meets the expectations for the romance genre and is
shaping up to be a favorite in teen romance movies.

Colegio Técnico Industrial
Guías Pedagógicas – 2021
Corazón de María

Opinion Well my opinion about this film is that it is very beautiful, it leaves us a
great lesson, that despite how much you love that person you always
have to think about the best for that person, I touch a lot until I cry but
it is very beautiful I liked it too much


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