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huruf ul halqi pronouced without ghunna because noon is far away from alaq

2 leteter for huruf ul idgham

bunyan sinwan duniyaan

no ghunna with these 4 words

*Today's Tajwed lesson*

3rd rule of idgham the rule of iqlaab with tanween

-if letter baa occurs after al noon us sakina or al tanween
3 tanween we have
fatahtain kasra tain zammatain
if noon sakina occurs after tanween iqlaab(change) occurs
means it change to letter meem in this case ikhfa and ghunna
occurs. following is the example table of noon sakina before baa
you can make 2 word
dont close lips

why only changes into meem?

because the letter meem is similar to letter baa
because similar to makhraj
and speciall sifat is ghunna meem and noon are same in ghunna
or more siffat(characteristics)
noon sakina or tanween after baa we have iqlab
*ghunna is everytime 2count

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