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Sequence of Tenses

The tense of a verb in the subordinate clause changes in accordance with the tense of the verb in the main clause.
The basic rules are as follows:
Rule 1
If the verb in the principal clause is in the present or the future tense, the verb in the subordinate clause may be in any tense,
depending upon the sense to be expressed.
He says that he is fine.He says that he was fine.He says that he will be fine.He will say that he is fine.He will say that he was fine.
He will say that he will be fine.
Rule 2
If the tense in the principal clause is in the past tense, the tense in the subordinate clause will be in the corresponding past
He said that he would come.He told me that he had been ill.I knew that he would not pass.We noticed that the fan had stopped.
There are, nevertheless, a few exceptions to this rule.
A past tense in the main clause may be followed by a present tense in the subordinate clause when the subordinate clause
expresses some universal truth.
Copernicus proved that the earth moves round the sun.The teacher told us that honesty is the best policy.He told me that the
Hindus burn their dead.
A subordinate clause expressing place, reason or comparison may be in any tense, according to the sense to be expressed.
He didn’t get the job because his English isn’t good.A fishing village once existed where now lies the city of Mumbai.
If the subordinate clause is an adjective clause, it may be in any tense as is required by the sense.
Yesterday I met a man who sells balloons.Yesterday I met a man who sold me a balloon.
Rule 3
Note that when the subordinate clause is introduced by the conjunction of purpose that, the following rules are observed.
We use may in the subordinate clause when the main clause is in the present tense. We use might in the subordinate clause when
the main clause is in the past tense.
I study that I may pass.I will study that I may pass.I studied that I might pass.We eat that we may live.He ate that he might not die.
Rule 4
If the principal clause is in the future tense, we do not use future tense in subordinating clauses beginning with when, until, before,
after etc.
I will call you when dinner is ready. (NOT I will call you when dinner will be ready.)I shall wait until you return. (NOT I shall wait until
you will return.)
Rule 5
Expressions such as as if, if only, it is time and wish that are usually followed by past tenses.
I wish I was a bit taller.It is time we started working.He talks as if he knew everything.

Concordanta timpurilor in limba engleza

Este acordul obligatoriu al timpului verbului din subordonata cu timpul verbului din regenta sa. In limba engleza timpul verbului
din subordonata trebuie sa se subordoneze timpului verbului din regenta. Cu alte cuvinte timpurile verbelor din regente dicteaza
folosirea anumitor timpuri in subordonatele lor.
Exista in acest sens trei reguli de cunoscut si aplicat.
Regula I: Daca in regenta verbul este la  Present Tense sau Present Perfect Tense in subordonata se poate folosi orice timp:
           REGENTA                                         SUBORDONATA
Verbul este la prezent                                Verbul poate fi la orice timp (cerut de sens)
(Present Tense Simple, Present Tense
 Continuous, Present Perfect Simple,
Present Perfect Continuous )                              
We all know that = Noi toti stim ca             ... he had gone = el mersese
                                                                    ... he went = el a mers
                                                                    ... he will go= el va merge
Regula II: Daca in regenta verbul este la trecut in subordonata el trebuie sa fie la unul din cele trei timpuri trecute ale limbii
engleze: The Past Perfect, The Past Tense, The Future in the Past.
           REGENTA                                         SUBORDONATA
 Verbul este la trecut                                   Orice alt timp „past"
(Past Tense Simple, Past Tense                                       
Continuous, Past Perfect Simple,
Past Perfect Continuous)                                                                       
a) Past Tense – actiune simultana – Past Tense
He said =  El a spus        ... he was ill = ca este bolnav 
b) Past Tense – actiune anterioara – Past Perfect
He said =  El a spus      ...    he had returned home a week before
                                      = ca se intorsese acasa cu o saptamâna inainte
Atentie: Daca intr-o fraza exista doua propozitii secundara cu actiunea anterioara celei din principala, se poate folosi Past
Perfect in mod repetat.
   Ex. She said she had forgotten where she had put her glasses.     (Ea a spus ca uitase unde si-a pus ochelarii.)  
c) Past Tense–actiunea posterioar –Future-in-the-Past
He said =  El a spus        ... he would leave the next day = ca va pleca a doua
zi                                                                                              . Atentie: Daca intr-o fraza exista doua propozitii secundare cu
actiune posterioara celei din principala, dintre care una este temporala sau conditionala. Future-in-the-Past se poate folosi numai
o singura data, dupa care (in temporala sau conditionala) se intrebuinteaza Past Tense (pentru simultaneitate) sau Past Perfect
(pentru anterioritate).
He said =  El a spus    ... he would buy a car if he had money = ca va cumpara o masina daca va avea bani   
Regula III: Daca verbul din regenta este la viitor in subordonatele conditionale si temporale, el trebuie sa fie la Present Tense sau
Present Perfect Tense, iar daca subordonata este completiva directa verbul va fi la viitor.
           REGENTA                                         SUBORDONATA
 Verbul este la viitor                               Teoretic se poate folosi orice timp cerut
                                                                 de sens, cu exceptia propozitii temporale
                                                                 sau  conditionale, care nu pot include
                                                                 un verb la viitor.
  Situatiile cel mai des intâlnite sunt urmatoarele:
a) Future – actiune simultana – Present  
 I will read this book = Voi citi aceasta carte      when I have time =când voi avea timpb)Future – actiune anterioara – Present
I will go to England = Voi merge in Anglia          after I have received a visa= dupa ce voi obtine viza 
c) verbul va fi la orice timp in subordonata completiva directa
I shall see what = Eu voi vedea ce              I shall do. =  voi face.
Nota: In limba engleza contemporana, se poate observa uneori o oarecare tendinta de a nu se respecta concordanta timpurilor
atunci când verbul din propozitia principala este la trecut. Se poate intâlni, de exemplu, o formulare de tipul: „He said he loves
me". Este posibil ca ceea ce apare acum ca tendinta, cu timpul, sa ajunga regula. Pentru moment insa, sfatuim pe vorbitorii
români de limba engleza sa respecte regulile de concordanta a timpurilor asa cum sunt prezentate mai sus.
EXCEPTII   (deci cazuri cand nu se aplica regulile de concordanta a timpurilor)
1. Cand in subordonata se exprima un adevar stiintific /general.Everybody knew that gold is a metal. = Toata lumea stia ca
aurul este metal.I told you that silver is gray. = Ti-am spus ca argintul este gri.  
2. Cand subordonata este:
a) cauzalaHe will not go to school because he didn't learn his lessons. =  El nu va merge la scoala pentru ca nu si-a invatat lectiile.
We shall go on the trip because they gave us the money. =  Vom merge in excursie pentru ca ei ne-au dat  banii.
b) atributivaYou will see the man who wrote that book. =  Il vei vedea pe omul care a scris cartea aceea.I saw the girl who will
play the piano. = Am vazut fata care va canta la pian.
c) comparativ modalaTomorrow I shall work more than I worked yesterday. =  Maine voi munci mai mult decat am muncit ieri.

Finnish Education System Lesson Plan (ESL): Upper-Intermediate

Lesson Plan on Education (ESL): Warm-Up

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin

1.What does this quotation mean? Do you think it’s true?

2. Who was your favorite teacher when you were in school? What did you like about him or her?
3. Which teacher did you dislike? Why?
4. Why do people go to school? Make a list of ideas with a partner.

Reading: The Finnish Education System

The education system in Finland is one of the best in the world. Here are some reasons why:


– Being a schoolteacher is one of the most prestigious professions in Finland.

– A three-year undergraduate degree plus a two-year Master’s degree are required to become a teacher.

The Teaching Method

– Children start receiving education at the age of seven, when they reach intellectual maturity.

– In the first 2 years, students attend school for 4-5 hours a day and get little homework.

– Until the sixth grade, children usually have the same teacher for most subjects.

– A number grading system is not used until the 5th grade, so there is little competition between students.
– Schools don't give homework until students are teenagers. Learning is done in the classroom.

– The relationship with the teacher is very close; each class is limited to 20 students.

– Students spend time exploring, creating and experimenting, rather than learning by heart.

– Teachers take care of students who fall behind. Extra attention is also given to students who soar ahead.


– Each school has curriculum autonomy; individual teachers have classroom autonomy.

– Teachers and students are involved in educational planning.

– Finland has very few private schools.

Education Culture

– In Finland, 80% of families visit a library on the weekends.

– Parents generally believe they, rather than the school, are accountable for the education of their kids.

– Finns value discipline and effort as part of the Lutheran culture.

Education Policy
– In 2009, Finland spent 6.8% of its GDP on education.

– Compulsory education is free. This includes classroom material and school transport.

Follow-up & Comprehension Questions

1.How many hours do students attend school in their first two years?
2. What do students do in the classroom?
3. True or False: Finland is famous for its private schools.
4. What do parents believe about education in Finland?
5. True or False: Finnish students don't have to pay for textbooks.
6. What information about the Finnish education system surprised you?
7.How is the Finnish system different from the system in your country?

Vocabulary Matching

Match the words with their meaning as used in the lesson plan.
1)     prestigious a)     freedom from external control or influence
2)     maturity (n)
b)     the stage of complete development
3)     by heart
(idiom) c)     required by law or a rule

4)     soar (v) d)     responsible

5)     autonomy (n) e)     the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of
6)     accountable
(adj) f)      from memory

7)     discipline (n) g)     respected; distinguished

8)     compulsory h)     fly or rise high in the air


Debate: Should University Be Free?

Some countries, such as Finland, believe that education should be free. In Finland, even university is free. In many countries,
however, this is not the case.
Student You think education at public universities should be free. Think of reasons to support this idea. You will speak first. W
A: please tell him/her your opinion.
Student You don’t think education at public universities should be free. Think of reasons to support this opinion.

Studen You are a parent. Your son is not doing well in school. (Think of some problems) Today you will meet his teacher. Tel
t A: your son is having. You are very worried about him.
Studen You are a teacher. Today you have to meet the parent of one of your students. Talk with him/her about his/her child. 
t B:

If you were invited to give a presentation to a group of young students, what would you tell them? Prepare a short 2-5 minute
presentation. Try to give them some helpful ideas about life.

Discussion Questions

1.Are teachers paid well in your home country?

2. Should teachers give homework?
3. Do you think competition is good or bad for students?
4. Is the purpose of school to help students get a job?

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