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Subak, An irrigation and agriculture organization at the

farmers' level

( With a Bendung Cangi )

Hasnah Yunita


Distribution of water between Subak from upstream to downstream with the final disposal to
the sea until it the Tanah Lot. The source of water in the Cangi Weir comes from a river or
river bed, while the irrigation area is only for the Subak. Irrigation water from mountain to the
4th irrigation area to irrigate 8 subak and then into the sea. the water channel starts from the
tunnel to the primary channel and then the secondary channel to the tertiary channel in the rice
field. Cangi's obstacle is the lack of water, especially during the long dry season.

Keywords : Irrigation, Irrigate, Subak, Agriculture


Weir named Cangi weir is it in the village of Kawung, Mengwi. Total area covered by Cangi
dam is 872 hectares which irrigates 8 subaks, Subak Lepuk, Pacung Babakan, South Cangi /
pupu dalam, etc. Organization at the farmers' level can live and deveiop, among others, when
there is an awareness of the serious need of its members to achieve by group activities and also
there cxist aids and services from the government policies to create a good climate in
developing this organization. The role of the government in relation to subak can be : (1) a
direct aid in the from of fipance or matcrial aid in irrigation structure rehabilitation or to build
the dam itself, supervising agriculture, (2) coordination inter subak and between subak and the
government, and (3) using subak for a successful goverment programs, the agricultural
extension and the tax collection. It seems here that Subak has a very close relationsbip with the
local government agencies, especially the irrigation and the agricultural agencies. In the
increasing food production program through the bimas, the goveroment officials in Bali tcnd
to use the subak than otber institutions, The role of the irrigation section of the public work
(PU) are important too in the irrigation constructioD, the technical assistant to subak, and
techoical training. Io the Kabupaten level there is a Board of irrigation (Panitia Pengairan),
leaded by Bupati ( the chief of kabupaten ), with members of Sedahan Agung, the head of
Agricultural Service, the head of irrigation sectio of public work, the bead of agrarian office,
the head of Community Development Service and the head of the police. The jobs of this board
are : to facilitate the coordination in using water, in cropping pattern, security and maintaining
irrigation structures and the netstream flow canats, and to facilitate the coordipation among
government agencies, that the Gubernur be able to aid with policies and finance from the
development budget allocation.

Materials and Methods

This research was conducted for 1 day on 29 November 2019 in Cangi weir, Kawung Village,
Mengwi, Bali, Indonesia. The author uses a direct observation system to the field so that the
data obtained is accurate and facts. conducted by open discussion techniques or direct
interviews with administrators from Cangi weir. the tools used are voice recorders (handphone)
and writing instruments.

Result and Discussion

Subak is one of the social groupings those exist in Balinese commuaity. The Hindu rcligion
that is widely adopted by most people of Bali to be a traditioo in the Balinese peoplc. The
Balinese villages area socio - economic and territotial uoit based on traditional custom and
holly religious ceremonies. From tbe 73,375 hectares of sawah in Bali, most (71,600 ha) are
irrigated with the itrigation system arranged by farmers. A small unit of an irrigation area
originated from a single water canal is managed by a traditional organization of subak that also
deals with agricultare, socio-economic aspect and religious ceremonies. The subak has cxisted
since centuries ago. It might be founded because of tbe same need and the will to solve the
problems together in a group activities based on mutual belp and agreements. Members of a
subak are pcople rclated to sawah, although there are some differences among them, every
member has his own right and duties . So far activities are ruoning very well, also in making
the government program to be successful. The close relationship with the local government
agencies and the support services have made all the successful story of subak.
It seems here that subak is a very successful orgaoization at the farmer level based on several

1. the conciousness on the same need of irrigation water

2. the serious need of group activities in achieving their goal ; that roots in Balinese
tradition to soive the problem by them selves.
3. the alliance that is always maintained by the holly religious ceremonies.
4. the foundation that to be a guidance in the form of the awig - awig contains the rule
stroogly rooted in the Balinese community.
5. the aids and the support services from the government policies to facilitate the
development of subak.

In fact a subak is a bottom-up organization, that the members and the Ieaders know very well
why they joint in it, pay fees and what can be expected. So the strongly rooted subak is a very
beneficial for development efforts. With some aids at the key points those seriously needed,
this existing organization can be improved and made more useful toward tbe development as a

Conclussion and sugestions

The author concludes from the results of this observation that the subak irrigation system in
Mengwi is going well and arranged in such a way, with an even distribution of water each
season, especially the dry season. lack of water discharge becomes its own constraints that
interfere with planting. The author suggests for farmers not to be lazy to work even though the
average older farmer is more, millennial farmers must be able to develop agriculture to be
advanced and superior from the perspective of all communities.


Teken, 1.B. Subak, Organisasi Pengairan Pedesaan di Bali. Institute Pertanian Bogor &
Universitas Udayana Denpasar 1973.

Observasi only personaly. 2019.

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