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Test 1

I. Read the text and answer the questions choosing the right answer.
1. William Caxton is the first English printer. He was born in Kent in
2. 1422. His father was a farmer. William did not want to be a farmer
3. like his father. So his father sent him to London. He worked in an office
4. which is traded with other countries . William loved to read new books
5. that have been published in Europe.
6. When William Caxton was thirty , after the death of his master he started
7. his business in Belgium. In 1471, he left his business and began to
8. translate French into English . He became interested in the printing
9. and at last he learnt to print. William wanted to have his own press one
10. day, and he did.
11. He brought his printing-press to London . Printing was something new at
12. That time and the some people thought it was the work of the devil. Some of the
13. people wanted to break his press . Caxton printed his first book in 1477 . It
14. was the first book printed in English . The book was Caxton’s
15. translation of the has French “Tales of Troy”.
16. William Caxton printed about eighty books. He translated thirty-one
17. books from French. Caxton died in 1491

1. William Caxton was sent to London as

A) He wanted to work in an office
B) He refused to become a farmer
C) He was interested in trade
D) He didn’t like his father
2. The word printed in the line 13 means
a) Published
b) Drew
c) Painted
d) Translated
3. According to paragraph 2, lines 6-10 Caxton was eager
a) To start his own business
b) To leave for Belgium
c) To translate French books into English
d) To have his own press
4. “Tales of Troy” was
a) Translated from English into French
b) Thought to be the work of devil
c) Translated in 1477
d) Printed in 1477
5. Which word is NOT synonymous to about in line 16?
a) Near
b) Nearly
c) Almost
d) Approximately
II. Choose the right verb form.
Timur I, who(1) ---------in history as Tamerlane, was a conqueror of three continents. His
armies were prdered to drink no water which (2) --------------. It isn’t known why Tamerlane
(3)------------this order, but it still (4) --------------our life today.

1. a) has known b) is known c) was known d) knew

2. a) wasn’t boiled b) hasn’t boiled c) hasn’t been boiled d) didn’t boiled
3. a) gave b) had given c) has given d) is giving
4. a) is influencing b) is influenced c) influences d) influenced

While we (5) --------------------the walls, one of my sisters (6) --------- the door. Nobody
told her that we (7) --------- in the room. So, that day, instead of painting the walls, we (8)
--------- all morning cleaning the paint off the floor.

5. a) were painting b) are painting c) painted d)will paint

6. a) opens b) was opened c) opened d) was opening
7. a) are b) had been c) would be d) were
8. a) spent b) would spend c) had spent d) were spending

III. Choose the appropriate option.

1. “ Are you going hunting this year?”
“I don’t know. There are---------------deer in this area.”
a) So few b) too much c) so little d) only a lot of
2. “-----------do you think we shall need?”
“I suppose $100 will be enough.”
a) How much money c) How many money
b) How much of money d) How many moneys
3. “It’s getting too late”.
“You ------------- leave now.”
a) Had rather b) had better c) Have rather d) would better
4. “ She is very intelligent”.
“Yes, but her sister is-----------“.
a) Much more intelligent c) so more intelligent
b) Most intelligent d) much most intelligent
5. “What’s the matter with you?”
“I haven’t been feeling well---------.”
a)recently b) afterwards c)suddenly d) at last

6. “Where----------------you borrowed last week?”

“They are in the drawer.”

a) Is scissors b) are the scissors c) is some scissors d) are scissors

IV. Fill in the blanks with the word form that best fits space.
Ever since humans have inhabited the Earth, they have made use of (1)--------forms of
communication. (2)-----------, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of
oral speech. When there is a language barrier, (3)---------- is accomplished through sign language
in which motions stand for letters, words and ideas. Tourists, the deaf, and the mute have no
resort to this form of (4)----------. Many of these symbols of the whole words are very
picturesque and exact and can be used (5)--------------: spelling, however, cannot.

1. a) vary b) variety c) various d) variable

2. a) general b) generally c) generalize d) generate
3. a) communication b) communicate c) communicative d) communicator
4. a) express b) expressive c) expressively d) expression
5. a) international b) national c) internationally d) nationality

V. Which of the options provided is the best choice for reported speech?

1, The guide said: “Don’t touch anything here, children.”

a) The guide said the children not to touch anything there.

b) The guide told the children not to touch something there.
c) The guide warned the children not to touch anything there.
d) The guide ordered the children not to touch anything here.

2, “When the bell rang, I was still writing,” said Jane.

a) Jane said she was still writing when the bell rang.
b) Jane said she has still been writing when the bell rang.
c) Jane said she had still been writing when the bell had rung.
d) Jane told she was still writing when the bell rang.

3, “Susan, where are you planning to go this summer?’ I asked.

a) I asked Susan where is she planning to go this summer.

b) I asked Susan where was she planning to go that summer.
c) I asked where Susan was planning to go that summer.
d) I asked Susan where she was planning to go that summer.
Test 2

I. Read the text and answer the questions choosing the right answer.
1. Can dogs see television? We often think they can. But animals do not see
2. as much as we do. They don’t see the many colours that we see, for they are
3. colour-blind.
4. You can see a brown rabbit in a green field. Ypur dog cannot. All he sees
5. Is in grey. When the rabbit moves, your dog sees it as a moving grey thing
6. In a big grey world.
7. On television he sees moving grey shadows but cannot understand what
8. he sees, or what the shadows stand for. But your dog has a good sense of
9. smell and hearing, and he can tell by the smells from your body and the
10. sounds you make if you are happy or angry. When you get excited by the
11. pictures you see on TV your dog smells and hears this, and he too
12. may get excited. When this happens you may think it is the picture on
13. Tv which is making him excited but this is not really so.

1. According to paragraph 1, lines 1-3 animals

a) Are blind
b) Don’t see any colours
c) Don’t differentiate colours
d) Can see many colours
2. According to paragraph 2, lines 4-6 dogs
a) Can see the brown rabbit in grey
b) Can’t see the brown rabbit
c) Can’t see the rabbit in a green field
d) Can see the rabbit only when it moves
3. The word shadow in line 7 means
a) Something of dark shape
b) Something invisible
c) Something movable
d) Something that stands still
4. Which of the statements is true?
a) Your dog gets excited by the pictures he sees on TV.
b) Your dog gets excited by the sounds he hears on Tv.
c) Your dog can smell and hear the pictures on TV.
d) Your dog smells you are excited and he may get excited too.
5. The text is mainly about
a) The meaning of colours
b) The dog’s perception of colours
c) The pictures on TV
d) Rabbits
II. Choose the right verb form
I was on time for my dentisi’s appointment, but the dentist was still busy with patient, so
I (1)-------------- in the waiting room and read some of the old magazines lying there. While I
(2) ---------whether to leave and come back another day, I (3) ------------- a magazine article
about teeth.

1. a) was sat b) was sitting c) have sat d) sat

2. a) was wondering b) wondered c) was wondered d) have wondered
3. a) was noticed b) was noticing c) had noticed d) noticed

It was a hot afternoon in the April of 1857. Govind (4)----------- his father to grind and
mix the medicines that (5)-----------------so popular in Dehli at that time. Suddenly the door
opened and Champa, Govind’s sister, who (6) ----------------for three years, (7)-----------the

4. A) helped b) was helping c) is helping d)was

being helped
5. A)has been b) was being c)were d) was
6. A) was married b) had been married c) would be married d) is married
7. A) entered b) was entering c) has entered d) had
III. Choose the appropriate option.
1. “ Children are quite adaptable.”
“Yes. They get used to changes very-----------.”
a) Easier b) very much easy c) easily d) more easily
2. “Do you think everything will be OK?”
“If this plan is realized, the situation will change for---------------.”
a) The better b)the best c) the worst d) a better
3. “Do the drills help to master these structures?”
“Surely, they do, but they are-------------.”
a) Such boring b) so bored c) such a boring d) so boring
4. “When must I finish the translation?”
“--------------. It’s urgent.”
a) Sooner, better c) The sooner, the better
b) The sooner, the best d) The soonest, the best
5. “What do you think of my new dress?”
“ Well, it’s nice, but-----------------expensive.
a)quite b) so quite c) rather d) much rather

6. “What-----------?”
“He is a tall man with black hair and large brown eyes.”
a) does he look b) is he look c) does he look like d) is he like

7. “I see you have got a problem.”

“I hope you will be able to help--------.”
a) ourselves b) us c) yourself d) yourselves

IV. Fill in the blanks with the word form.

In an effort to produce the largest, and most (1)--------- ship afloat, the British built the
Titanic. It was so superior to anything else on the seas that it was called (2)-----------.So sure of
this were the owners that they could (3)--------- lifeboats for only 950 of its (4)------- 3.500
Many passengers were aboard the night it an iceberg, only two days at sea and more than
half way between England and the New York. Because the luxury liner was traveling so fast, the
ghostly looking iceberg was (5)-------------.

1. a) luxury b) luxuriously c) luxurious d) luxuriant

2. a) sinkable b) unsinkable c) sinker d) sinking
3. a) provision b) providing c) provide d) provider
4. a) possibility b) possible c) possibly d) impossible
5. a) avoidable b) avoiding c) avoidance d) unavoidable

V. Which of the options provided is the best choice for reported speech?
1. “Why didn’t you join us yesterday?” he asked me.

a) He asked me why didn’t I join them yesterday.

b) He asked me why I hadn’t joined them yesterday.
c) He asked me why hadn’t I joined them the day before.
d) He asked me why I hadn’t joined them the day before.

2. The teacher said: “ Mary, Fetch a piece of chalk, please.”

a) The teacher said that Mary had to fetch a piece of chalk.
b) The teacher said Mary to fetch a piece of chalk.
c) The teacher asked Mary to fetch a piece of chalk.
d) The teacher asked to Mary to fetch a piece of chalk.

3. The professor said: “ the students worked hard last term.”

a) The professor said that the students had worked hard last term.
b) The professor said the students had worked hard the previous term.
c) The professor told that the students had worked hard last term.
d) The professor said that the students worked hard the previous term.

4. The doctor asked: “Did she take the medicine regularly?”

a) The doctor asked if she had taken the medicine regularly.
b) The doctor asked if she taken the medicine regularly.
c) The doctor asked if she took the medicine regularly.
d) The doctor asked did she take the medicine regularly.
Test 3

I. Read the text and answer the questions choosing the right answer.
1. William Hogarth whose name is one of the most brilliant in the history
2. of British painting, was born in 1697 in London. At an early age he showed
3. a talent for drawing. But painting was only for the very rich in those days. 
4. When William was a young boy he started working for a man from
5. whom he learnt the art of engraving. William engraved visiting cards for
6. him. But he also worked at illustrations for books. 
7. Later he began to study at the Art Academy of Sir James Thornhill and
8. helped him to paint some of his pictures. Soon he fell in love with
9. Thornhill's daughter, but the father did not allow her to marry him. So the
10. two lovers decided to run away. 
11. At the age of 30 Hogarth painted his first pictures in oil paint. He
12. became quite successful as a portrait painter. But his read success came
13. when he turned to subjects that ordinary people could understand and
14. like.
15. In his pictures Hogarth was "getting at" the rich of his day who were
16. living off the backs of the people. He hoped that by his pictures he was
17. helping to change the people for the better and make them less cruel.
18. Politicians were afraid of him because he sometimes put them into his pictures. 
1. According to paragraph 1, lines 1-3 William Hogarth
a) Was interested in history
b) Took up painting at an early age
c) Was the most talented painter in 1697
d) Was very rich
2. Hogarth learnt the art of engraving from
a) Sir James Thornhill
b) Thornhill’s daughter
c) A man who he worked for
d) A man who worked for him
3. Which of the statements is true?
a) Sir James Thornhill helped Hogarth to paint some of his pictures
b) At the age of 30 Hogarth painted his first picture
c) Hogarth painted portraits of ordinary people
d) Hogarth’s paintings were dear to ordinary people
4. Which of the words is synonymous to the word brilliant in line 1?
a) Bright
b) Intelligent
c) Talented
d) Extraordinary
5. According to Paragraph 5, lines 15-18, Hogarth
a) Appreciated the rich of his day
b) Criticized the rich of his day
c) Got money from the rich of his day
d) Changed the rich of his day

II . Choose the right verb form

Dear Linda, I’m sorry I (1) ------to you for so long, but I (2)--------very busy lately. All
last month I (30----------exams. Anyway, I (4)---------now, and I am waiting for my exam results.

1. a)don’t write b) haven’t written c) am not writing d) wasn’t writing

2. a) was being b) had been c) am d) have been
3. a) had been having b) was having c) had had d) have had
4. a)Haven’t done b) don’t do c) wasn’t doing d)am not doing

In the afternoon, straight out of school, Alma and Joan (5)--------to catch a bus for the town
centre and a few minutes later, smiling and out of breath, walked into the café where Ernest
(6)-------for them.

1. a) have run b) ran c) were running d) will run

2. a) was waiting b)waited c) would wait d)would be waiting

III..Choose the appropriate option

1. “What would you like to eat, Roger?”
“Nothing. I’ll just have-----------.”
a) A cup of coffee b) a little of coffe c) a coffee cup d) a little coffee
2. “I am not ready yet. Would you mind -------?”
a) Waiting b) being waited c) to wait d) to be waited
3. “---------- other cells in the body, nerve cells are not healed or replaced.”
a) Alike b) Unlikely c) Unlike d) Different
4. “______a beautiful day today.”
Let’s have a picnic.”
a) There is b) It is c) There are d) It was
5. “Did you enjoy your holiday?”
“Yes, it was------holiday I had ever had.”
a) The most enjoyable c)the most enjoyed
b) The least enjoyable d) more enjoyable
6. “What do you think of Jack’s----------novel?’
“It’s wonderful. He is quite talented.”
a) Last b) latest c) the last d) least

IV. Fill in the blanks with the best choice.

The Great Pyramid of Giza, a monument of wisdom and prophecy, was built as a tomb for
Pharaoh Cheops in 2720 B.C. Despite its antiquity, (10-------- aspects of its (2)-----------make it
one of the (3)---------- great (4)---------- of the world. The four sides of the pyramid are aligned
almost exactly on true north, south, east, and west – an incredible engineering feat. The ancient
Egyptians were sun worshippers and great astronomers, so computations for the Great Pyramid
were based on (5)---------- observations.
1. a) certainty b) certainly c) certain d) certify
2. a) construction b) cinstruct c) constructive d) constructor
3. a) truth b) truly c) true d) truthful
4. a) wonderer b) wonderful c) wondrous d) wonders
5. a) astronomy b) astronomer c) astronomically d) astronomical

V. Which of the options provided is the best choice for reported speech?
1. Mike said: “ My friend will help me with his car”.
a) Mike said his friend will help him with his car.
b) Mike told his friend will help him with his car.
c) Mike said his friend would help him with his car.
d) Mike told his friend would help him with his car.
2. He said, “ Where is Jill going?”
a) He asked where Jill going.
b) He asked where Jill went.
c) He asked where Jill was going.
d) He asked where is Jill going.
3. The doctor asked, “How do you feel’?
a) The doctor asked how did I feel.
b) The doctor asked how I felt.
c) The doctore asked how I had felt.
d) The doctor asked how do I feel.
Test 4 (10 grade)

1. Put the verb in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive.
1. It’s much better (stay) at home than to go out in the rain.
2. It isn’t good for you (eat) so many sweets.
3. I’m very sorry for (be) late.
4. I’m for (do) nothing till he arrives.
5. He is fond of (get up) early every day.
6. He expects you (go) with him.
7. Do you remember (post) the letter? Are you sure you’ve posted it?
8. Do you feel like (go) to the cinema?

2. Insert the prepositions.

1. She doesn’t feel ... working on the computer.
2. She complains ... bullying.
3. He concentrates ... learning physics.
4. I am interested ... visiting the museum.
5. He is clever ... skateboarding.
6. The girl is crazy ... playing tennis.
7. I’m worried ... making mistakes.

3. Choose the correct word.

On his way (1)... school Tom met Huckleberry Finn. As always, Huckleberry Finn’s
clothes were old and dirty. All the mothers of (2) ... town hated him because all their children
admired him and wished to be like him. He could go anywhere he liked. He didn’t have to go to
(3) He could go fi shing or swimming when and where he wanted. He never had to
wash or put (4) ...clean clothes.

1. a. at b. on c. in d. to
2. a. - b. an c. the d. a
3. a. The b. - c. an d.a
4. a. up b. out c. in d. on

4. Rewrite the sentences, leaving out unnecessary pronouns and making other
necessary changes:
1. The prizes they were given to the boys.
2. The girl she said nothing.
3. The teacher gave us an exercise to do it.
4. He went home and he got his book.
5. The book which it is on the table is mine.
6. Students who are good at their lessons they get good marks.
7. She gave us a football to play with it.
8. The people, having seen the game, they went away.
9. The scorpion it has a sting in its tail.
5, Correct the following sentences, giving reasons for your corrections:
1. Her advices were very wise.
2. You was the fi rst to do it.
3. The class wasn’t able to agree.
4. I’ve many works to do this morning.
5. The thunders and lightnings frightened the little girl.
6. The poors say that riches does not make a man happy.
7. She waited at the terminal for her luggages.
8. You should go and have your hairs cut, they’re too long.
9. I’m waiting for more informations about this matter.

6, Which of the options is the best choice for the reported speech?
1. Nelly asked, “Do you want to wait for Helen,” Jack?
a. Nelly asked to Jack if he wanted to wait for Helen.
b. Nelly asked Jack if he wanted to wait for Helen.
c. Nelly asked to Jack to wait for Helen.
d. Nelly asked Jack if did he want to wait for Helen.
2. The head to the employee, “Sign the document.”
a. The head told to the employee to sign the document.
b. The head asked to the employee to sign the document.
c. The head ordered to the employee to sign the document.
d. The head told the employee to sign the document.
3. “I know everything about the castle, Aunt,” said Bob.
a. Bob told his aunt that he knew everything about the castle.
b. Bob said to his aunt that he knew everything about the castle.
c. Bob told to his aunt that he knew everything about the castle.
d. Bob told his aunt that he had know everything about the castle.

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