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Created By Aston Parkin


History Of Paris
The oldest discovery of human occupation in Paris was
by hunter-gatherers dating around 9800 and 7500 BC!
During the Middle Ages Paris was the largest city in
Europe, an important religious and commercial centre,
and the birthplace of the Gothic style architecture.
In the 19th century, Napoleon 1st embellished the city
with monuments to military glory. It became the
European capital of fashion.

Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower and is
located on the Champ de Mars Paris, France. It
was named after the engineer Alexandre
Gustave Eiffel , whose company designed and
built the tower. It became both a global and
cultural icon of France and one of the most
recognisable structures in the world. The tower
is the tallest structure in Paris and the most
visited paid monument in the world. 6.98 million
people ascended it in 2011 alone!

Louvre Museum And Pyramid

The Louvre Pyramid is
a large, glass and
metal, structure
designed by a Chinese
architect. It is
surrounded by three
smaller pyramids in the
palace courtyard as this
one is at the entrance.
Did You Know?
Since the pyramid was completed in
1989 it has become a landmark of the city.

Arc De Triomphe
Arc De Triomphe is one of the most famous
monuments in Paris. It is located in the centre
of the Place Charles De Gaulle. The Arc De
Triomphe honours those who fought and died
for France in the French Revolutionary and the
Napoleonic wars. The arch has all the names
of French victories and generals on its inner
and outer surfaces. Not forgetting that the tomb
of the unknown soldier from WWI lies beneath


Thank you for watching my presentation

About Paris
And some of the
Famous Landmarks

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