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Coverage of Licensure Examination

for Teachers: Social Science

25% or more or less 37 items
in the test out of 150
Social Science – 25%
1. Philippine Government, New Constitution
with Human Rights – 3%
2. Philippine History – 4%
3. Basic Economics, Taxation, Agrarian Reform – 3%
4. Society, Culture withy Family Planning – 2%
5. Rizal and Other Heroes – 2%
6. Philosophy of Man – 2%
7. Arts – 2%
8. General Psychology – 2%
9. Information and Communication Technology – 5%
1. Philippine Government, New
Constitution with Human Rights – 3%
• Demonstrate understanding of the various
forms of government from the barangay to
the present system – 1%
• Explain the nature and provisions of the
present Constitution, its advantages and
disadvantages to others in the past and its
function as fundamental law of the state – 2%
2. Philippine History – 4%
• Trace the history of the Philippines from pre-
colonial to contemporary periods – 2%
• Draw the implications of the historical
evolution of the Philippines to its present
socio-political condition – 2%
3. Basic Economics, Taxation, Agrarian
Reform – 3%
• Manifest understanding of the Philippine
economic condition with respect to taxation
and land reform as well as to the growth of its
Gross National Product – 2%
• Apply the fundamental economic principles to
the current economic condition of the
Philippines – 1%
4. Society, Culture with Family
Planning – 2%
• Apply basic concepts, theories and
perspectives which relate to society, culture
and family planning in life – 1%
• Recognize cultural elements that are distinctly
Filipino – 1%
5. Rizal and Other Heroes – 2%
• Analyze how Rizal’s life and works have
contributed to the country’s development
– 1%
• Evaluate the contribution of other Philippine
heroes and heroines to the development of
the country – 1%
6. Philosophy of Man – 2%
• Analyze the nature of the Filipino, the Filipino
society and emerging Filipino philosophy – 1%
• Manifest a critical and analytical attitude
toward specific issues and problems in daily
life – 1%
7. Arts – 2%
• Demonstrate understanding of the totality of
human experience by formulating a human
perspective that integrates all areas of
knowledge – 1%
• Manifest appreciation of art as a result of an
integrative and holistic view of life – 1%
8. General Psychology – 2%
• Apply the basic concepts and theories of
human behavior – 2%
9. Information and Communication
Technology – 5%
• Manifest mastery of fundamental concepts,
principles and operations of information and
communication technology (ICT) – 3%
• Identify varied and appropriate use of
technology – 1%
• Analyze the effect/impact of ICT on the
environment – 1%
Some of the Questions in Social
Science that Appeared in the
September 29, 2013 LET
1. Who was considered as the
architect of Egyptian pyramids
A. Thutmose II
B. Kaleb
C. Imhotep
D. Karnak
2. Which band played the “Lupang
Hinirang” on June 12, 1898?
A. Kawit, Cavite Band
B. San Francisco de Malabon Band
C. Imus Band
D. Cavite Marching Band
3. Which Spanish Governor General
had the program on Tabaco Monopoly
in 1782?
A. Jose Basco
B. Narciso Claveria
C. Gaspar dela Torre
D. Eulogio Despujol
4. Who advocated the process of
Filipinization in the Philippines during
the American colonial period?
A. William Howard Taft
B. Francis Burton Harrison
C. Frank Murphy
D. Dwight Davis
5. It is considered to be the place
where the first civilization flourished
A. Africa
B. Europe
C. Middle East
D. Latin America
6. Social Studies is a component of
which subject in high school?
A. English
B. Science
C. Filipino
7. What was the pseudonym of Andres
A. Laong Laan
B. Agapito Bagumbayan
C. Dimasalang
D. Plaridel
8. It is considered to be the most
famous social networking site
A. Google
B. Yahoo
C. Facebook
D. Multiply
9. SONA stands for
A. State of the Nation Address
B. State of the National Assembly
C. Speech of Noynoy Aquino
D. Status of the Nation Address
10. Who ordered the use of Spanish
surnames among Filipinos during the
Spanish Period?
A. Jose Basco
B. Narciso Claveria
C. Gaspar dela Torre
D. Eulogio Despujol
11. This hurricane caused a huge
devastation in New Orleans in the
United States of America. Which
hurricane was this?

A. Sandy
B. Irene
C. Katrina
D. Rita
12. What does the Writ of Habeas
Data signify?
Answer: Access to information
13. What is the term for a Spanish-
born Spaniard or mainland Spaniard
who resided in the New World or the
Spanish colonies like the Philippines?
Answer: Peninsulares
14. What is the name of the first labor
federation in the country?
Answer: Union Obrero Democratica, with
Isabelo de los Reyes as president
15. Where did Apolinario dela Cruz or
Hermano Pule establish the Cofradia
de San José (Confraternity of St.
Answer: Tayabas, now Quezon Province, where
dela Cruz was born
16. The first leader of the
secularization movement was
Answer: Pedro Peláez

But, if the question is “Who was the mestizo

priest who led the secularization movement in
the Philippines?”

The Answer would be Father Jose Burgos,

especially if the choices do not include Father
Pedro Peláez
17. It is the term used when two
houses of Congress are fused in one
body or chamber.
Answer: Unicameralism

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