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Flowchart and Activity Diagram


Name : Ardzyka Raka Ramadhan

Npm : 1910631030065

Class : 3G / S1 Accounting

Subject : Accounting Information System

Lecturer : Prof. Dr. Sri Mulyani Ak., CA.

Mr. Alam Mauludina

Task : Buat resume terkait dengan "Flowchart" dan "Activity Diagram" dengan lengkap.
Bahasa bebas bahasa Inggris ataupun bahasa Indonesia!
Answer :



Adelia (2011) states that a flowchart is a graphic depiction of the steps and sequence of
procedures of a program. Flowcharts help analysts and programmers to solve problems into
smaller segments and help in analyzing other alternatives in operation. Flowcharts usually make it
easier to solve a problem, especially problems that need to be studied and evaluated further.
Flowchart is a form of image / diagram which has a flow in one or two directions sequentially.
Flowcharts are used to represent and design programs. Therefore flowcharts must be able to
represent components in a programming language.
Jogiyanto (1990) states that a flowchart is a graphical depiction of the steps and sequence
of procedures of a program. Flowcharts help analysts and programmers to solve problems into
smaller segments and help in analyzing other alternatives in operation. Flowcharts usually make it
easier to solve a problem, especially problems that need to be studied and evaluated further.


Jogiyanto (1990) If an analyst or programmer is going to make a flowchart, there are a

number of pointers that must be considered, such as:
A. The flow chart is drawn from top to bottom and from left to right.
B. The activities described must be carefully defined and these definitions should work with
C. When activities start and end must be clearly defined.
D. Each step of the activity should be described using a description of the verb, eg
calculating sales tax.
E. Each step of the activity must be in the correct order.
F. The scope and range of activities described should be carefully tracked. The junctions
that represent the described activity need not be depicted on the same flow chart. The
connector symbol must be used and the branches placed on separate pages or removed
entirely if the branching is not related to the system.
G. Use standard flowchart symbols.
Kusrini and Kusniyo (2007) state that the types of flowcharts include:
1. System flowchart
The system flow chart is a chart that shows the overall work flow of the system, explains
the sequence of the procedures that are in the system and shows what is done in the system
2. Document Flowchart
A document flowchart or also known as a form flowchart or paperwork A document
flowchart is a flowchart that shows the flow of reports and forms including copies, using the same
symbols as the system flow chart
3. Schematic flowchart
Is a flowchart that is similar to a system flowchart, which describes the procedures in the
system. The difference is that schematic flowcharts in addition to using symbols, the system
flowcharts also use computer images and other equipment used. The function of using these
images is to facilitate communication to people who do not understand the flow chart symbols.
4. Program Flowchart (Porgram flowchart)
Is a chart that describes in detail the steps of the program process. It is made from a
derivation of the system flow chart.
Program flowcharts come in 2 forms:
a) Logic Flowchart; used to describe each step in a computer program in a logical manner,
prepared by a systems analyst
b) Detailed computer flow chart
5. Process Flow Chart
It is a flowchart that is widely used in industrial engineering. It is useful for systems
analysts to describe processes in a procedure. It can also show the distance of one activity to
another and the time required by an activity
System flowchart is a chart that shows the workflow or what is being done in the system
as a whole and explains the order of the procedures in the system. In other words, this flowchart
is a graphic description of the sequence of combined procedures that make up a system.
Jogiyanto (1990) states that a System Flowchart consists of data flowing through the system and
processes that transform that data. Data and processes in the system flowchart can be described
online (connected directly to a computer) or offline (not directly connected to a computer, for
example a typewriter, cash register or calculator).
A program flowchart is a chart that describes the logical sequence of a problem-solving
procedureThere are two types of program flowcharts, namely a program logic flowchart and a
detailed computer program flowchart. A program logic flowchart is used to logically describe
each step in a computer program. The program logic flowchart is prepared by the systems analyst.
A document flowchart or also called a form flowchart or paperwork flowchart is a
flowchart that shows the flow of reports and forms including copies. This document flowchart
uses the same symbols used in the system flowchart.
A schematic flowchart is a flowchart that is similar to a system flowchart, which is to
describe the procedures in the system. The difference is, schematic flowcharts in addition to using
system flow chart symbols, also use computer images and other equipment used. The purpose of
using these images is to facilitate communication with people who do not understand the flow
chart symbols. The use of these pictures is easy to understand, but difficult and takes a long time
to draw them.
Process Flowcharts are industrial engineering depiction techniques that break down and analyze
the next steps in a procedure or system.Usefulness of Flowcharts
Paperwork flowcharts trace the flow of data written through the system. Paperwork flowcharts are
often referred to as Document Flowcharts.
Its main use is to trace the flow of form and system reports from one part to another both how the
form flow and reports are processed, recorded and stored.
 To ensure that each program created has its own flow dynamically. This means that a
program will later be able to work properly, and function optimally, because it already
has its own pattern or flow, so it is impossible to experience malfunctions that interfere
with a process that is ongoing in the application.
 To universalize a program design. With a flowchart, a program or application design will
become a universal design. No matter what programming language it is made using, the
program design will be understood by everyone who sees it, even those who are not
 To describe and also explain the processes that will occur in each session in a program or
application. One continuation of the universality function of a program design is the
description of each process. Yes, this flowchart or flowchart will help developers as well
as programmers in explaining what processes a program will have to do when it is run.
This process will be explained in detail through a flowchart.
 As a guide in compiling and developing a program or application. Flowchart is a
guideline in compiling and developing a program or application itself.

Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)

Is a method or method for designing a system which is oriented to the data flow that
moves in a system later. In making information systems, DFD is often used. DFD is made by
analysts to create a good system. Where this DFD will be given to programmers to do the coding
process. Where the programmers do a coding in accordance with the DFD made by the previous
analysts. The tools used in the manufacture of DFD (Data Flow Diagrams) are EasyCase, Power
Designer 6. Another way to design a system is to use UML (Unified Manual Language).
Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) SYMBOL
Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) LEVEL
1. Context Diagram
Depicts a large circle that can represent all processes contained in a system. Is the highest
level in DFD and is usually numbered 0 (zero). All external entities are shown in the
context diagram with the main data flows to and from the system. This diagram contains
absolutely no data storage and looks simple to create.

2. Zero chart (level-1 diagram)

Is a large circle that represents the small circles in it. Is a solution from the Context
diagram to the Zero diagram. in this diagram contains data storage.

3. Detailed diagrams
Is a diagram that describes what processes are in the Zero diagram.

Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) FUNCTION

 Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) are modeling tools that allow system professionals to
describe the system as a network of functional processes that are linked to one another by
data flows, either manually or computerized.
 DFD is a modeling tool that is often used, especially when the system functions are a
more important and complex part of the data manipulated by the system. In other words,
DFD is a modeling tool that emphasizes only on system functions.
 DFD is a system design tool that is oriented to data flow with the concept of
decomposition. It can be used to describe analysis and system design that is easily
communicated by system professionals to users and program makers.
Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) GUIDELINES
1. Understand the system. Develop this understanding by observing organization data flows,
observing and interviewing those who use and process the data or having them complete a
questionnaire; by reading a narrative description of the system; or by walking through system
2. Ignore certain aspects of the system. A DFD is a diagramof the origins, flow, transformation,
storage, and destinations of data. Only very important error paths are included; unimportant error
paths are ignored.Determining how the system starts and stops is notshown.
3. Determine system boundaries. Determine what to include and exclude. Include all relevant data
elements, because excluded items will not be considered during system development.
4. Develop a context diagram. A context diagram depicts system boundaries. In the diagram's
center is a circle with the name of the system. Outside entities the system interacts with directly
are in boxes on either side, connected by data flows depicting the data passed between them.
DFDs in successively more detail depict data flows inside the system.
5. Identify data flows. Identify all data flows (significant movement of data) entering or leaving
the system, including where the data originate and its final destination. All data flows come from
and go to a transformation process, a data store (file), or a source or destination. Data flows can
move in two directions, shown as a line with arrows on both ends (see G in Figure 3-3).
6. Group data flows. A data flow can consist of one ormore pieces of datum. Data elements that
always flow together should be grouped together and shown as one data flow until they are
separated. If the data do not always flow together, show them as separate data flows.
7. Identify transformation processes. Place a circle wherever work is required to transform one
data flow into another. All transformation processes shouldhave one or more incoming and
outgoing data flows.
8. Group transformation processes. Transformation processes that are logically related or occur at
the same time and place should be grouped together. Don't combine unrelated items into a single
transformation process. If data are not processed together, or are sometimes processed differently,
separate them.

9. Identify all files or data stores. Identify each temporary or permanent data repository, and
identify each data flow into and out of it.

10. Identify all data sources and destinations. Include them on the DFD.

11. Name all DFD elements. Except for data flows into or out of data stores (the data store name
is usually sufficient to identify the data flow), data elements should be given unique and
descriptive names representingwhat is known about them. Data namingflows first forces you to
concentrate on the all-important data flows, rather than on the processes orstores. Processes and
data stores typically take their names from the data inflows or outflows. Choose activeand
descriptive names, such as "update inventory"and "validate transaction," rather than "inputdata
"or" update process. " Process names should include action verbs such as update, edit,
prepare,reconcile, and record.

12. Subdivide the DFD. A cluttered DFD is hard to readand understand. If you have more than
five to seven processes on a page, decompose the context diagram into high-level processes.
Explode these high-levels processes into successively lower-level processes.

13. Give each process a sequential number. Giving each process a sequential number (lower to
higher) helps readers navigate among the DFD levels.
14. Refine the DFD. Work through data flows several times. Each subsequent pass helps refine
the diagram and identify the fine points. Organize the DFD to flow from top to bottom and from
left to right.

15. Prepare a final copy. Do not allow data flow lines to cross each other; if necessary, repeat a
data store or destination. Place the name of the DFD, the date prepared, and the preparer's name
on each page.

Jogiyanto. (1990). Analisis dan Desain Sistem Informasi: Pendekatan Terstruktur. Yogyakarta:
Andi Offset.
Adelia. (2011). Implementasi Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Pada Sistem Reservasi
Hotel Berbasis Website Dan Desktop. Jurnal Sistem Informasi, 6 (2), hlm. 113-126.
Kusrini dan Koniyo, A. (2007). Tuntunan Praktis Membangun Sistem Informasi dengan Visual
Basic dan Microsoft SQL Server. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset.
Munir, Fahmi Latief. 2016. Pengertian, Jenis – Jenis, Fungsi dan Contoh Flowchart. Retrieved
Perdana, M. R. (2016). Pengertian Flowchart dan Jenis-Jenisnya. Retrieved from
Marshall B Romney. Accounting Information System.(2015)
ADE PUSPITA S. (2013) Understanding Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) and examples of DFD
images. Retrivied

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