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Concerning personal description in the “Mabooster” business project

Name : Ardzyka Raka Ramadhan 

Npm : 1910631030065 
Class : 3G / S1 Accounting
Group : 2
Lecturer : Mrs.Nana Diana

Job Description

My job in this group is divided into 3 parts, First is Production, Second is Design, and Third
is Marketing. I will explain each of the tasks that I have worked on in this assignment and group or
describe what I have contributed to this team one by one
The idea of selling dry chocolate puffs was conveyed by me, sweet snacks are more suitable
when combined with coffee for just snacks or consumption. This pastry product is not produced
directly by me but I buy it directly from the snack center so I get a much cheaper price.
This production packaging is made from mica and cardboard so that it is more aesthetically
pleasing and good, so it is in demand by all groups too, especially pastries can last for 3 months
according to data on the internet so this product is safe when stored in the packaging until it reaches
the buyer.
In products, design is an important thing considering that my team chooses a food and
beverages business. I act as a design maker for selling menu pamphlets, packaging stickers, thank
you cards, product photo design templates on Instagram, information about product benefits, and of
course the company logo
In choosing the color design, I chose a combination of dark and light brown as the base color,
seeing that the products we sell are coffee drinks and chocolate-flavored snacks. And an iconic
mascot with a combination of inspiration from coffee beans and chocolate made to resemble a
cartoon character to make it look more friendly and adorable. So that buyers can know the products
we sell and the characteristics of our products. And the addition of our thank you cards is quite
elegant but looks cute to attract buyers to buy our products again.
After conceptualizing the product and designing the product, I am in charge of marketing the
product so that it is purchased by customers. In my opinion, the use of social media in a pandemic
era is the most effective and efficient way. Because it does not require a lot of money, is easy to use,
and can be accessed by anyone at any time.
My marketing target is young people who like sweet snacks and coffee consumers. I market
our products through the Instagram and Whatsapp media that I made before, with this media I can
reach consumers more easily because I can share every post through other social media. like the
wahtsapp and story groups, not only through Instagram, later we will also make pamphlets that we
can distribute through the WhatsApp group which is accompanied by broadcasts so that it can be
better known by non Instagram users. Then if this business is successful in the market and is in great
demand by consumers and not I can accommodate it again by only going through social media. I
plan to market the product with a website so that it can be controlled easily and serve consumers with
better service.
With instant delivery services like Go-jek and Grab, I can market products very easily and
without worrying about expiration dates. I was only able to market this product only in Bogor and
Karawang domiciles because this product was only made according to group members. but it does
not rule out if later I succeed in marketing this product well, my group can open a reseller to market
the product widely and can be obtained anywhere.

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