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Ordena las siguientes oraciones, incluye el auxiliar will y traduzca.

1) I/do/this/later
I will do this later
Hare esto mas tarde

2) We/go/shopping
We will go to shopping
Nosotros iremos de compras

3) the sun/shine
The sun will shine
El sol brillara

Peter will call you
Peter te llamara

They will be there
Ellos estaran ahi.

Complete las oraciones y traduzca

1)It (rain/not) _______________ tomorrow

It rain won’t tomorrow
No llovera mañana

2) I promise I (be/not) _________________ late

I promise I will not be late
Te prometo que no llegare tarde

3) We (start/not)________ watch the film without you

We will not start watching the film without you
No empezaremos a ver la película sin ti.

4) The bus (wait/not) ___________ for us.

The bus will not wait for us
El bus no nos esperara

5) He (believe/not)___________ us
He will not believe us
No nos creerá

Construye de forma interrogativa y responde.

1) What/learn/they
What will learn they?
They will learn to write English

2) It/snow
It will snow?
No, It won’t Snow

3) When/you/get/home
When will you get home?
I will get home tomorrow

4) She/forgive/me
Will she forgive me?
Yes, she will forgive you

5) What/say/he
What will say he?
He says it will rise

Escribe 5 oraciones en ingles y español acerca de las actividades que

hiciste en pandemia.

I play Soccer
Yo juego futbol

I watch Netflix with my family

Veo Netflix con mi familia

I buy a new bike

Compre una bicicleta nueva

I go for the grandmother house

Yo fui a la casa de mi abuela
I sell my old bike
Vendi mi bicicleta vieja

Ordene las siguientes oraciones y traduzca
I have for five years known her
Hace cinco años que la conozco

Have you ever gone to Italy?
Alguna vez haz ido a Italia?

We have never eaten octopus
Nosotors nunca hemos comido pulpo

She has grown a lot this year
Ella ha crecido mucho este año

His train hasn’t arrived yet
Su tren aun no ha llegado

They have been married since 1997
Ellos han estado casados desde 1997

Car/? /long/how/had/your/have/you/have
Have how long you had your car?
Cuanto tiempo tienes tu coche?

We have gone to the cinema three times this month.
Hemos ido al cine tres veces este mes.

I still haven’t found my phone.
Todavía no he encontrado mi teléfono

Este Parrafo esta en presente y pasado, debe cambiarlo a presente

perfecto y traducirlo:

We live in a very nice area of Caracas called Colinas de Santa Monica. Our
house has a beautiful view of the city. The weather is usually warm, and we
wear spring clothes all year long. My dad works for the national petroleum
company. He is an engineer, and he travels a lot. My mom is an artist. She
has studio at home.

We have lived in a very nice area of Caracas called Colinas de Santa

Monica. Our house has a beautiful view of the city. The weather is usually
warm, and we have been wear spring clothes all year long. My dad has
worked for the national petroleum company. He is an engineer, and he has
traveled a lot. My mom is an artist. She has studio at home.

Hemos vivido en una zona muy bonita de Caracas llamada Colinas de

Santa Mónica. Nuestra casa tiene una hermosa vista de la ciudad. El clima
suele ser cálido y hemos estado usando ropa de primavera todo el año. Mi
papa ha trabajado para la compañía petrolera nacional. Es ingeniero y ha
viajado mucho. Mi mama es una artista. Tiene un estudio en casa.

Responde las siguientes preguntas personales.

1) What have you done in quarantine?

I have worked a lot

2) Have you talked with your classmate lately?

No, I have not talked to them

3) Have you ever gone fishing?

no I have not gone fishing

4) How many books have you read in the last nine month?
I have not read any book

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