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1 VIIlcall Smilc3 Agaill page 7

2 Tubular TOII'er lor
Standard Oil page IJ
IJ Prize Bridgl's 01
1970 page 12

American Institute
of Steel Construction
101 Park Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10017

Tubular Tower for Standard Oil 3

O PP ICERS Vulcan Smiles Again 7
Edwin H. Webster, President Multistory Steel Apartment Buildings 10
Gilbert M. Dorland, First Vice President Prize Bridges of 1970 12
Van W. Coddington,
Second Vice President
Willia m R. Jackson, Treasurer
John K. Edmonds,
Leslie H. Gillette,
Assistant Executive Vice President During its 50th Anniversary Year, the American Institute
William W. Lanigan,
Secretary and General Counsel of Steel COllstmction will conduct the first T. R. Higgins Lec-
tU1'eship AIL'al'd in honor of Th eodol'e R. Higgins, fanner AISC
Director of Engineering and Reseanh.

In his more than 90 yea1'S with the Institut e, Dr. Higg ins has
contributed substantially to the advancement of the stl'uctural
Daniel Farb, Director of Publications
steel industry through innovative engineel'ing, technical papers,
Mary Anne Donohue, Editor
and p,·ofessionallectm·es.
The T. R. Higgins Lectureship Award will ,'ccognize the
author of the technical paper that is judged to be the most
Significant contribution to enginee"ing literature on fabricated
Atlanta, Georgia
Birmingham, Alabama
stmctural steel published within the period from July 1, 1968
Boston, Massachusetts to July 1, 1970. The Award, to be made annually, will consist
Chicago, Illinois of an engraved certificate and a $2,000 honom,·iwn. If the
Cleveland, Ohio
pape,' selected has more than one author, the senior aut hal'
Columbus, Ohio
Dallas. Texas listed will 1'eceive the Award, but the othel' authors will be
Denver, Colorado "ecognized by the 1'ecording of thei,' names.
Detroit, Michigan
Charlotte, North Carolina The 1971 winne,' will be announced on Feb,1W,'y 15, 1971.
Hartford, Connecticut The "ecipient will be expected to present an oral "eview of the
Houston, Texas
Los Angeles, California
p1'ize-winning paper at AISC's National Enginee"ing Confer-
Memphis, Tennessee ence in Cleveland and, upon invitation by AISC, at five other
Milwaukee, Wisconsin locations dU7ing the yea,'.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
New York, New York
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Omaha, Nebraska IN KANSAS
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
In the stol'Y ell titled "Build 'em and FOl'get 'em," page 19, 2nd
St. Louis, Missouri Q, 1970 MSC, we are advised that St, Joseph St"uctural Steel
San Francisco, California Company, St, Joseph, Mo., was the stl'uctural steel /abl'icator of
Seattle, Washington the six county b,-idges descl-ibed.
Syracuse, New York
Washington, District of Columbia
- r---.--------,--------,_------_,----~--,_--_r--_,--_,
The Standard Oil Company of Indiana
office building will usher in a new era
+- of high rise construction. It will be the
first steel shell tube building in the
Chicago area, emphasizing the "tube
• + within a tube concept" and the simple
prefabrication possible with this con-
• cept, proving that weight per square
foot is no longer an acceptable criterion
with which to judge the efficiency of
• + the structural design.
This building will be among the three
• r highest buildings in the world. The
magnitude of the project rates it as
one of the notable engineering accom-
plishments of our time in the field of
structural design and construction. It
is believed to be an "adva ncement in
the state of the art" as it greatly sim-
• plifies the now proven tube effect used
on Chicago's John Hancock Center,
New York's World Trade Center, and
+ - .. -- - ~.....
other smaller buildings. This innovation
did not require development of new
M L • _ _ _TNO'
l- " design or analysis techniques. The ap-
plicable theory was known, and com-
puter software for a rigorous analysis
was available. Existing shop fabrica-
•. , tion and field erection techniques are

..•..•- .
4 -r- applicable for construction.
The 89-story building is 1,136 ft above
+ ---+- grade and extends 68 ft below grade for
_v.#4. 11'0"" .
• i ..) ....r,.. .. a total height of 1,204, making it slightly

.cn 4_

:; .. _.
. - .,..---;:....

...... L("O& , . " . +-


higher than the John Hancock Building.
Another difference, aside from the
basic design concept, is that the Stand-
ard Oil Building will be completely
t ""'I<N~~
office space. This makes the design
'_MU~:~;;~ _:M:a~

. ..t'~",.. ~....
t 0:-_."_,,
GN'~_~.nAN11t. ...... o,_vCW'
loads heavier and the total loads greater
than the John Hancock Building, which
is partly apartments.
The weight per SQuare foot in the
Standard Oil Building is 34 psf.
Structurally, the high rise building is
a lIolume of layers of floors cantilevered
vertically from a foundation. It is sub-
"'"',4---"________' - _ + --
• ject to lateral loads from wind, weather,
and possibly earthquakes; and it must
transmit to its foundation these lateral
loads, its own dead load, and all other
vertical loads superimposed upon its
'. • .. • • •
TOT . . . . . -..001
M M layers of floors by occupants and their
WEIGHT or STEEL "",-,,-,"'11 furnishings and equipment. To date,
most high rise structures are designed
Structural.ted weight v•. number o/.torin


'Oht .'1"

• as frames consisting of vertical col-

umns, usually arranged on a grid sys-
tem, and beams and girders spanning

between columns to support a mem-

brane forming each floor level. W.IIO

The frames resist lateral loads by

various combinations of girder-to -
column moment connections, vertical
trusses within the core of the structure,
and the various types of knee or portal
braces. The structure must be suffi-
ciently rigid so that its sidesway under
lateral loads is not sensed by occu- I..",o,w,,-.•• w,.. BENDING • • NDING • • MDINe
pants and its elastic distortion does t ... .. . , • .".. e...1

not tend to damage the exterior wall,

floor, or partition systems. The lateral TUBE CONCEPT
deflection of such a high rise structure
is a combination of cantilever bending,
due to shortening of leeward columns
and lengthening of windward columns,
plus a drift between each restraining
floor level causing an "S" curve in the
length of columns between each floor.
Generally in the lower stories, because ..,,,.

• of the rather stiff columns and girders,

most of the lateral deflection is due to
the cantilever effect, while in the upper
stories each phenomenon contributes
more equally to the total sway.
Ideally, in framed buildings, if brac-
ing systems could be designed to mini-
x - a.AceD P•• PO.Arao CANTILEV • •
mize or eliminate the floor-te-floor col- .aAM& SBaLL TO •• .aNDINQ
umn drift effect so that the tower would TO ••
bend essentially as a cantilever beam,
considerable savings in material for
Hiq h-rin buildings lateraldri/t

Study 'model 0/ Standard Oil Building .how. detaila of tube ,tructure

any predetermined, acceptable total
tower drift could be realized. If this
bracing system could also contribute to
the gravity load carrying capability of
the frame rather than just act as a
stiffener, then further economy of mate-
matic cutting and welding techniques; or rectangular plans, or even to free
and large sections will be shipped and forms, angular or curved .
erected quickly at the site using auto- Preliminary computations to test the
matic welding tools. Quality control and scheme have been made and a prob-
inspection will be relatively simple, be- able weight of 34 psf of tower floor
cause of the inherently smaller size area has been obtained . Details and

rial could be achieved. welds and thin plates compared to those approximate sizes of the various primary
The 100-story John Hancock Center on heavy column and girder work. members have been developed, working
in Chicago is perhaps the best example All vertical loads applied to the shell closely with the architects to assure
of a frame designed to perform under from floor systems will be carried di- the compatibility of the structure with
lateral load in a similar way to a canti- rectly to the foundations in a vertical both the architectural concept and the
lever beam. The "X" bracing in the line rather than to a girder or spandrel , proper integration of the mechanical
four sides of the perimeter frame causes and then to columns for transmission and electrical systems in the structure.
the entire tower to behave under lateral to the ground. The criteria for design is based on
load very much the same as a vertically Application of insulation, fireproofing, the following design specifications,
cantilevered hollow tube. In addition, and a skin over the shell will be con- Live Load . .... ....... .. . .. 80 psf
the inClined braces carry their fair siderably simpler and more economical, (with reductions per Chicago code)
share of gravity loads. The average as such application will be made on a
Dead Loads,
structural steel weight for this 100- continuous surface requiring no auxil-
Partitions ....... , . . . •.... 20 psf
story frame was about 29 psf. This is iary framing for support.
Metal Deck ..... .. .•..... 7
about the same average steel weight of This concept results in even further
Concrete Floor ... . ..•..... 38
conventional frames in the 30- to 50- steel weight reduction than the framed
Ceilings ........ . .. .. .... 7
story height range. A notable break- braced tube. Economies in fabrication,
Mech. & Elect. . . . . . . . . . . .. 6
through involves the development of a erection, fireproofing, insulation, and
Floor Beams ........... .. 15
real tube eliminating exterior framing skin cost are achieved.
Fireproofing . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2
members and substituting instead a The design requires a departure from
the overdone glass box solutions as the TOTAL ... . ..... . ... . ... . 95 psf

steel shell wall. Shells will be relatively
thin and fabricated from simple rolled system works best when stiffened win·
Wind load is being taken at 1.40
plates. The steel will be distributed con- dow openings are no more than 50 per-
times the Chicago Code require-
tinuously around the perimeter rather cent of the total perimeter, although
ments. This increase in wind loading
than having heavy columns, spandrels they may extend almost the full height
is the result of an in·depth study of
and braclOg members. Shells will be from floor to ceiling. While the circular
wind conditions in the Chicago area
mass produced in large floor-to-floor tube is an optimum structural shape,
and isotach maps. It also includes the
pieces 10 fabricating shops, using auto- the concept can also apply to square
drag coefficient, gust coefficient, and
corrections for height above ground. A

,, summary of this study is reported in

the proceedings of the Boston Society

-_ .. -. . __. ._.
\ r .•• ,. .......
~ of Civil Engineers, January, 1967, in
I the paper entitled, " Structural Descrip-
.......... .- .................
..... .

! W.T._

,• tion of the John Hancock Center-

Chicago", by the author.
At present, the foundation of the build-
ing is under construction, and steel erec-
............ ..... •
. ~ O" I!. '-O""."'
.. . .... T ... • ...... .. •
tion is scheduled for March, 1971.

-- ... "'....,.
- _- _
..... ...
....... ...... .
~. . .. Architec ts: (Joint Venture)
Edward Durell Stone & Associates and
The Perkins & Will Corporation
Chicago, III.
Stru ctural Engineers;
Tower: Engineering DIV., Wash ington, D.C.
Perkins & Will Corporation
Plaza: P/W Engmeers, Inc.
ChIcago, III.
.. ~ .. c ...... , General Contractor:
Turner Construction Company •
Chicago, III.
..... .- Fabric ator:
American Bridge Division-
United States Steel Corp.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Ext erior wall .cetion of thf"oretical tube structure


by R. J. Schaffhausen
AISC Regional Engineer
Birmingham, Al abama

Not long ago when I made the reo iron was produced. And, as iron did
mark, lIBirmingham is booming," a then, steel today plays a major role in
casual comment was heard, "What's so revitalizing the Birmingham scene.
great about that, it's only about ten
years behind." Undeniably true, but Universi ty Kicks Off Construction
being a Birminghamian of the early The University of Alabama provided
1950's vintage, I long ago became fond the impetus for the boom. Pla ns were
of the City and am now proud of its made to expand its medical center to
sudden thrust ahead, however belated . encompass over 60 city blocks at an
The construction surge is not only in expenditure of over $400,000,000. One
evidence throughout the area but helps of the larger buildings now under con·

account for the State of Alabama being struction in the complex is the Basic
listed fourth among states in heavy Science bui lding. Originally planned
construction contracts awarded during in reinforced concrete, the design was
the first quarter of 1970 (Engineering changed when more column free space
News·Record, April 16, 1970). was desired, resulting in larger floor
Steel production and fabrication have modules which required some beam
always played a major role in the lives spans of 52 ft. The building has a gross
of Birmingham citizens. The first blast area of 418,000 sq ft. Simple beam
furnace in the Birmingham area was and column design was used and steel
completed in 1863. Ten years later this was especia lIy advantageous where skew
infant industry was almost lost in the framing was necessary. The architect
panic of 1873, but through the efforts was Charles McCauley and Associates,
of a few faithful early settlers the fur· and the structural engineer was Strick·
nace survived and on February 28, land and Associates. They are both from
1876, using coke as fuel, the first coke Birmingham.

Building Trade. Towers will ha1}(' ~"t apartment unit •.

Birmingham.'s Municipal Airport 1vill be one 01 the mOBt -modern airports in the nation.

This initial kickoff by the University walls. Lower framing weight resulted in unit. Auxiliary facilities include a 400-
had a chain reaction effect. The First a savings in foundation costs. The seat restaurant. Completion is sched-
National Bank-Southern Natural Gas building is 390 ft high, has 723,000 sq uled in time for Birmingham's 1971-72
Building topped out its 30 stories on ft (gross) of floor space, will house Centennial Celebration. James Whitten
April I, 1970. Due for occupancy late 2,300 employees, and is expected to is the Associate Birmingham Architect.
this year, the simple steel framing sur- cost $20,000,000. Architects are Kahn Tucker Steel Division of U. S. Indus-
rounds a concrete center core. The build- and Jacobs of New York City and tries, Inc. is furnishing the steel for
ing's 570,000 gross sq ft of floor area Warren, Knight and Davis of Birming- the exhibition hall . Contract bids were
will be enclosed in a special curtain wall ham. Structural engineers are Weiskopf opened in May and work will begin soon
of reflective glass. Speed of erection and Pickworth of New York and Hudson on the music hall and theatre.
which will allow early occupancy was one and Associates of Birmingham. The
reason for selecting structural steel. Wel- Ingalls Iron Works Company of Birming- Other Projects
ton Beckett of Houston, in association ham fabricated the B,350 tons of struc- The residential-commercial field is
with Charles McCauley of Birmingham tural steel. not without its bright spots. The Build-
are the architects. The 2,700 tons of ing Trades Towers will add 242 living
stru ctural steel were fabricated by the Civic Center For Centennial units to Birmingham's apartment scene.
American Bridge Division of the United The Birmingham Civic Center is the Several types of construction were in-
States Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pa. result of an architectural competition vestigated before the eleven story
conducted according to rules set forth braced steel frame was chosen. Here
Steel Framing For Phone HQ by the American Institute of Architects. again foundation cost entered the pic-
Birmingham's largest project now Mr. George Qualls, AlA, of Philadelphia, ture. As light a structural system as
under construction is the Headquarters the winner of this international compe- possible was desirable to keep the cost
Building for the South Central Bell tition, has developed a plan which will of caissons down. A total of 520 tons of
Telephone Company. There were several make the Civic Center, when completed, structural steel were required with 175
reasons for using steel in its structural one of this country's great sights. The tons of open web steel joists. Charles
frame. An alternate scheme in concrete complex consists of an exhibit hall of McCauley and Associates is the archi-
would have resulted in either an addi- over 100,000 sq ft, and now under con- tect, and the structural design was by
tional row of columns or columns sev- struction, a 13,OOO-seat coliseum, an Robert H. Wallace of Birmingham.

eral times larger In area than the steel BOO-seat theatre, and a 3,OOO-seat Architect Warren, Knight and Davis
columns. Clear, unobstructed space of music hall, all fronting on an open help round out the construction picture
35 ft and 45 ft was desired from the piazza or square. Steel will be used as with plans for the new Greater Birming-
steel framed center core to perimeter the major structural framework for each ham Municipal Airport. Two hectagon


satellites will be connected to a main important link in 125 miles of inter-

semi-circular concourse by loading state highway which will tie the city
ramps. Each satellite and ramp will together by 1975. Ten steel framed
be able to load and unload passenger stories are being added to the liberty
traffic from ten planes. These, plus a National life Insurance Company Head-
new rectangular ramp and new air quarters Building and in the next two
freight facilities, along with continued years the medical center will see the
use of the existing buildings, will make addition of three specialty hospitals for
this one of the most modern and up-to- the treatment of diabetes, cancer and
date airports in the nation. Plans are heart ailments. Numerous other high
now complete and $13,000,000 of the rise residential and commercial build-
$26,000,000 program has already been ings are in various stages of planning.
approved by Birmingham voters. Satel- Vulcan sits atop Red Mountain over-
lites, ramps, and passenger concourse looking the Greater Birmingham area. A
all will be framed using structural steel. cast iron statue depicting the mythologi-
Hudson and Associates of Birmingham cal god of the forge or metal working,
are the structural engineers. some say they now see a smile on his
This by no means concludes the face. After all, what would make an iron
Birmingham picture. The Red Mountain man happier than looking down on a
Expressway, opened in April, is an young, energetic and growing steel city!

Simple dul/ramm.g lor

The Fir.t National Bank.
Southern Natural Ga. Building

South. Central Bell, now Imder con.tructiol't, hal realized savino. in .pace a.nd co.t. btl .electing .teeL


The following i8 an address presented to the Eastern Institute 0/ Structural Steel FabricatorB, New York, N. Y., on MaTch 5, 1970.

by Ira Hooper, Consultant

Seelye Stevenson Value & Knecht

Rising field labor costs and new fire ning 25 ft. The floor is a 2'/2-in. con- Plann ing Flexibil ity
protective assemblies compel us to take crete slab with mesh cast on permanent The steel frame floor bay covers 550
a fresh look at steel apartment build- metal forms welded to the joists. The sq It compared to about 300 sq It
ings. Multistory stee l frames can now ceiling is gypsum wallboard screwed to for a flat plate building. The reduction
be less expensive than concrete flat lurring channels tied to joist boltom in the number of columns opens the
plate structures by as much as one chords. An allowance has been included building interior to more flexible room

dollar per sq ft in the New York area. for extra construction depth compa red layout by the architect.
Cast-in-place concrete construction to concrete flat plate and fo r steel col-
needs a much higher proportion of umn fire protection. Garages
field labor than structural steel. Con-
Steel, incl. joists Steel shows marked advantages for
sequently, it has been hit harder by
(9 Ibs @ $0.30) $2.70/sq It basement garages. Even where garages
the recent runaway increases in field
Floor deck, complete 1.00 are not required by law, they offer altrac-
labor costs. By July 1971, the current
Ceiling, wallboard 0.50 tive income lor the investment needed
contract for concrete and cement work-
to build them. In New York, parking
ers calls for a wage increase 01 33 per- $4.20
space will rent fo r up to $100 per
cent over the present rate. Allowance for extra
month for each car. These rents are
To add to steel's advantages, an construction depth
quite profitable for space that is not
open·web joist floor with a gypsum wall- and steel column
fire protection 0.40 air conditioned, has little architectural
board ceiling has received a fire-rating
finish and needs mi nimum mainte·
of 3 hours from the New York City $4.60/sq It nance. However, concrete flat·p late
Building Department. The ceiling is
Composite design can reduce the buildings require a load-Iransfer system
screwed to furring channels tied to
cost for additional savings compared to at grade, usually framed in heavy steel,
the boltoms of joists that support a
concrete flat plate. The recently devel- to widen the spaces between columns
2¥2-in. concrete slab. Maximum archi-
to allow passage of automobiles. By
tectural flexibility and economy result oped K-Composite System has been
approved by the New York City Building contrast, steel building frames use
from choosing the beam depth as 2 in.
Department and makes composite action longer spans in the superstructure and
less than the joist depth to allow flat
practical for both beams and joists. do not need the expensive transfer
ceilings without beam·drops.
Cost savings for the building frame de- system; the steel columns can extend
Costs down through the garage levels without
scribed above will be at least $0.50 per
sq It, or $4.10 net per sq It. offsets. Cost savings can be more than
The following cost breakdown shows
$0.25 per sq It for the entire building.
how a 20·story steel superstructure Many benefits other than direct struc-
system can be built for about $4.60 tural cost savings per square foot result
per sq It; concrete flat plate super- from using the steel frame just de· Mechan ical Trade s

structures cost between $5 and $6 per scribed. Dead load reductions for diffi· Concrete flat plates must be shored
sq ft. The frame is braced and simply cult foundations are well understood, at close spacing for several days until
connected with 12·in. beams spanning but several less obvious advantages slab forms are removed, after which
22 It and 14·in. open·web joists span- need consideration. reshores must be placed. The reshores


Construction Speed
Multistory concreting can be per-
formed at the rate of a floor every four
days under ideal conditions and proper
planning. Such speed is not often
achieved, however, and it is generally
agreed that conventional steel con-
struction is faster than concrete. The
use of open-web joists and permanent
metal forms accelerates the rate of
steel construction. Up to two months
of construction time can be saved by
the 20-story steel building, compared
to concrete flat plate.
When it is necessary to get a rapid
start of construction, steel may require
a waIting period for shop drawings and
fabrtcation . The solution is to use con-
crete for the foundations and the base-
ment levels with a transition to a steel
superstructure at the ground floor level.

Sound Transmission
There seems to be a general sus-
picion that steel joist construction does
not provide sufficient sound control for
apartment buildings. Nothing could be
farther from the truth. Let me quote
from "Residential Noise Control" by
Michael J. Kodaras, acoustical consult-
ant, "The use of steel framing and
open-web steel joists in combination
with other materials is inherently a
can be spaced farther apart than the Holes cut through the 2¥2-in. slab after positive step towards better sound con-
original shores, but must remain in partitions are laid out can eliminate the trol in residential building construc-
place for at least 28 days. All of these possibility of wrong locations. tion." In this artIcle Mr. Kodaras gives
shores are impediments to the move- acoustic ratings for several floor assem-
ments of installers of the mechanical Cranes blies, based on authoritatIve tests, in-
trades. Furthermore, removing the Concrete buildings must be built cluding some in his own laboratories.
shores can overstress green concrete with mobile cranes or climbing cranes. Open-web steel joist floor assemblies
and improper reshoring can do even Climbing cranes are expensive to install with carpets are equal to or better than
more damage. Reshoring procedure is and operate slowly, so that they are carpeted concrete slabs for both impact
an art not well understood by all con- avoided for buildings under 35 stories. noise and air-borne sound.
tractors and carries an element of risk . Due to the occurrence of many recent
In Conclusion
Steel structures need no shoring. accidents, New York City has adopted
In concrete buildings, sleeves are new rules governing the use of mobile I have tried to give you a concise
placed in the floor forms to allow pas- cranes. Crane operators object to the statement of why I feel market condi-
sage of pipes and conduits buried in rules as being severe and unworkable. tions have swung decidedly In favor of
partitions. The sleeves are often put The profIts in crane operation are threat - steel construction for apartment build-
in the wrong location or dislodged dur- ened, whIch must result in hIgher prices ings. Although the cost f,gures I pre-
ing concreting operations, so that much for concrete buildings. sented are rough and the other topics

time must be spent for correction. This Steel buildings are usually erected have not been fully developed, the
means cutting through 6 or 8 in. of with derricks. Crane use can be mini- sense of the argument should be quite
concrete slab. In a steel building with mized so that cost increases will not clear. It will be worth your while to dig
open-web joists, no sleeves are needed. affect steel buildings. into the subject.


OF 1970

Mr. Baxter, chairman of the Jury of Awards for the

1970 Prize Bridge Competition,is President of the
ASCE and Water Commissioner of Phifadelphia.

by Samuel S. Baxter

I suppose that it is somewhat pre- even a woman (I will get crucified for the job of the judges in reviewing sev-
sumptuous for an engineer who has using the word "even") will add the eral hundred bridges would have been
devoted his principal time for the past viewpoint of the millions who must use overWhelming. But the balancing of

twenty years to water and pollution and look at our bridges. needs against resources, and an attempt
control work to act as a judge in a There is danger, however, in suggest- to compromise the viewpoints of groups
Prize Bridge Competition. In earlier ing that we must include aesthetic and of citizens, can lead to structures which
years, I had been involved in some social factors in designing and building do not satisfy every body.
small bridge work, including a well our bridges and other structures. Too I can allow myself to become an-
known bridge (which incidentally was much emphasis on this point gets us noyed at persons, including profes-
not built of steel). My more recent con- into the "when did you stop beating sionals, who criticize a structure built
tacts with bridges have been from the your wife" situation. There is ample today, or in the past, without giving
standpoint of an individual citizen, and emphasis that designers in the past full consideration to the restraints and
perhaps also from one who, in consider· have been fully aware of aesthetics and limitations which faced the designer. I
ing the merits of a bridge, has some social needs. There are beautiful struc- believe that the engineer or architect
knowledge of the problems which face tures which have been built in the should make his clients aware of
the bridge designer. earlier years of this century, and in factors of present and future needs,
In this day, when there is more many past centuries. Their beauty did beauty, safety, disruption of people,
emphasis than ever before on the aes- not come about by accident, but be- and many others. But when all of these
thetic and social factors involved in all cause all people involved, and especially are known, compromises generally have
phases of public works construction, the designers, wanted to build some- to be made in order that the project may
including bridges, it does seem desir- thing that had some beauty in addition go ahead. How to measure these limita-
able that non-bridge engineers should be to usefulness. tions, and how far we may go on any
part of the jury to select prize winners. Social needs have not been forgotten of them, is the somewhat lonely job of
Three of us who served on the jury this in the past, and nearly all bridges that the designer in conSUltation with his
year are directly concerned in our every- have been built came into being to client. These decisions produce a fertile
day work with the design and construc- meet the needs of the traveling public, crop of Monday morning quarterbacks.
tion of bridges, and two of us work in and of industry, commerce, and recrea- The general excellence of the many
fields which are only incidentally con- tion. Although in some cases people projects which were submitted in the
nected with bridge work. have been inconvenienced by the build- 1970 Prize Bridge Competition is an
It is possible that, in selecting judges ing of these bridges, a much larger seg- indication that engineers and related
for future competitions, AISC may in- ment of people has benefited. designers are giving full consideration

clude on the jury a citizen who is not Every structure which is built does to all factors, and are producing struc-
an engineer, and not an architect or a not have equal merit from the stand- tures which benefit mankind, and there-
planner. The view of the man in the point of design, aesthetics, social con- by are both physical and social addi-
street, hopefully an intelligent one, and siderations, and economics. If they did, tions to our society.


Arkansas Slate Hiahway 23 Bridae
OVer Arkansas River
Ozark, Arklnsas
On'lnar. Howard, Needles, rammen & Serlendo"
Ownlr. St.te of Ark,nsas
Gln'ra' Contractor: AI Johnson Construction Co.
St.,. fabricator: Nashville Bridie Company


EUKene A. Doran Memorial Bridee
(San Mateo Creek Bridae)
Five miles west of San Mateo, C.lifornla
allilnlr: California Division of HlahWIYI
Own.r: State of California
Clnera' Contractor: Den Caputo Co.
Stul Fabricator: KalSlr 5tH' Corporation


North Approaches-Fort Duquesne Bridae
Pittsbuflh, Pennsylvan,.
Du"ner: Richudson . Gordon and AssOCiates
A,chlt,clura' ConsuUlnt: Stotz, Hess and Maclachlan , Architects
Ownar: Commonwulth 01 Pennsyl .... nl.
G.n.rll Conlractor: John F. Casey Comp.ny
St,,1 Flbrlc.tors: PittsbUrlh· Des MOines Steel Comp.ny
American Bridle Di ... ision, U.S. Sleel


Nine Mile Creek Bridle
Bloominaton, Mlnnesotl
DUIlner: Howlrd, Needles, T.mmen & Beriendoff
Own.r: City of Bloom inllon
'enerll Contrlctor: Allied S tructurll StHI Company
St,,1 Flbrlcltor: The Millson Corporlt.on

Interstate 480-20th Street Exit Ramp •
Omaha, Nebrask.
Des'lnar: Neb ruka Department of Roads
Owner: State of Nebraska
General Contracto rs:
Foster-Smetana Co. and
Fiseher-Nixon-G,Hr, Inc.
Stul Fa bricator: Pittsbu rah·Des Moines Steel Com pany


Clinic Inn Pedestrian Bridee
Cleveland, Ohio
Des,cner: e arber and Hoffman, Inc .
Archltectura' Consultant:
Flynn, Dalton, vln OlJk & Partners
Genenll Contractor.
The Albert M. Hilley Company
Owner: Bolton SqUlr. Hotel Company
General Contrlctor: The Albert M . HI&le)' Company
St,el Flbnutor: Palerson-Leltch Company


San Diego-Coronado 8ay Bridee
San Oieeo, California
Du.,ner: Division 01 Bay Toll CrossiniS, State of Cali f ornia

Architectural Consulta nt: Wm . Stephen Allen, FAIA, Anshen & Allen
Owner: Cali fornia TOll Bndie AuthOrity, Slate o f California
General Contracton: Superstructure : Murphy PaCl l lC Enterprises
Substruct ure : Gu y F. Atkinson Co.
Steel Fabri cator: MUrphy Pacific Corporation


Edgewood Road Bridge
Ced ar Ra pids, Iowa
Desllner: Ned L. Ashton
Owners : The Ci ty 0' Cedar Rapids and Linn County
General Contractor: Cramer Bros . Constr. Co.
Steel Fabricator: Plttsburgh·Des Moines Steel Co.


sacramento. River B.r.idge at Elkhorn •
North of Sacramento, Cail l ornl'
DUllner: Callforn,a DIVISion of Highways
Owner: Sl a te of California
General Contractor: C. K. Mosema n Construc tio n Co.
Steel Fabncator: Sa n Jose St eel Company , Inc .

U. S. 95 Over Salmon River
No rth 0' Rlillns, Id aho
ouI.ner: Idaho Depa rtment of H"hways
• Ownlr: Sta te o f Idaho
Gen.ra' Contrlctor: Sletten Construction Co.
Stll' Fabucator: S & A Fabricahna Camptlny


Calcasieu River Bridae
u. S. Rout. 171 near Lake Charles, Louisiana
DU llne, : Louisiana Department of Hiahways
Owner: Stale of Louisiana
General Contractor. F. Mdler and Sons Construction Company
Steel Fa bricator: Mosher Steel Company


Salmon River Bridge at Wooley Creek
Ne.r Somesbar, Callfornil
OlS' l",r: Clai r A Hill & Assoc;iates
Owner: U. S. Forest 5.,....ic.,.1 ContrlclOl: Leo Cavis

Steel Fabricator: Western 5tee' Company


Ramp A (State Route 41 Over State Route 11)
Goodlettsville, rennessee
Deslln l l: Tennessee Slate Hllhway Department
Owner: State of Tennessee
Genera' Contractor: Oman Construction Company
Steel Fabricator: Nashville Bndle Com~ny


Southern Branch Elizabeth River Bridae
Chesapeake. VHamia
OU Ianen Hayes. Seay. Matte,n & MaUern
Enll nee ,lRa Con . ulta nt : J . E. Greiner Company . Inc.
Owner. Commonwealth of Vlral",a
Gen eral Contrac tor. B F Diamond Construction Co .• Inc
Steel Fabricator,: B(lstol Steel & Iron Work • • Inc .
Nashville Brld,. Company
Olmstead Island Footbridges
Great Falls, Maryland

DUIlner. U. S. Dep.rtment of the Interior

Owner: U. S. Department of the Intenor
'ene,., Contr.ctor: SI .... in & Sh.fe" Inc.
Steel Fabricator: leckenby Company

Pedestrian Skyways
Minn •• polls, Mmnesot.
Dui,ners: The Cerny Associ.tes, Inc.
Meisch .nd Robertson
Owner.:, K.lman & Qu.iI, Inc.
Fanners & Mech.nics Savinis B.nk of Mlnn•• polls
Minnesota Feder.1 & lo.n Association
First N.llonal B.nk of Mlnneapol1s
'eneral Contractor: Nlluil.leck, Inc.
Steel F.brlc.tor. Crown Iron Works Company


West Co lieu .Pedestrian Brid2es J and 4
S.nt. Cruz, Callfornl.
DUI,n.,: W,ldm.n & MOffls. Consultinll: Enaineers
Arct"tecturJl Consultants: Thom.s O. Church
Ernest J. Kump
John E. W.s"aff
Owner: UniversIty of Cal,forn.a. Santa Cruz
Genaral Contractor: Murphy PacifiC Corporation
Stul Fabricator: Murphy PaCifiC Corporation


101 Park Avenue New York, New York 10017
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