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1. All except one of the following techniques may be used for effective classroom
management. Which one?
A. Setting limits on accepted and nonaccepted action in the classroom
B. Assigning extra work to students for misbehaving in class
C. Monitoring what is happening in the classroom
D. Removing a positive stimulus for inappropriate behavior

2. A sound advice for classroom managers is “Nip the problem in the bud.” What does this
A. Assume a reactive posture in classroom management.
B. Be proactive in management approach.
C. Reinforce positive behavior.
D. Treat minor disturbance calmly

3. Movement management is all but one of the following. Which one?

A. Pace of the lesson is modulated to keep student's attention.
B. Momentum of a lesson is consistent, monitored, and adjusted to prevent slow-downs and
C. Teacher answers the same question multiple times.
D. Happenings and disruptions are handled smoothly.

4. A teacher’s nonverbal coping skills in the classroom, like planned ignoring, signal
interference, proximity control, and touch interference have the following advantages except
one. Which one?
A. These produce the least disturbance in the classroom.
B. Other students can help the teacher discipline the problem student.
C. Off-task behavior is managed while the teaching-learning processes continues.
D. The likelihood of hostile confrontation is minimized because there is no public
5. What mistaken goal does a student aim for when he/she expresses defiance by teasing,
tempertanrums, and low-level hostile behavior to get the teacher to argue or fight with
A. Attention getting
B. Revenge seeking
C. Power seeking
D. Withdrawal

6. When Teacher Joanne manages time in the classroom, she does all except one of the
following. Which one?
A. Establish class routines.
B. Maintain lesson momentum and avoid interruptions.
C. Set many class rules with students to prevent misbehavior.
D. Use the “overlapping” technique

7. When does praise become INEFFECTIVE? When it _____________.

A. is given after the process is completed.
B. specifies the particulars of the accomplishment
C. attributes the student’s success to ability alone, or to factors such as luck or easy task.
D. makes the student appreciate his own task-related behavior and think about problem-

8. When curriculum content is fairly distributed in each area of discipline this means that the
curriculum is __________.
A. sequenced
B. integrated
C. balanced
D. continue

9. Which pair of the components of a lesson plan does NOT parallel curriculum
A. Behavioral objectives and Evaluation
B. Teaching Methods and Instruction
C. Subject matter and Content
D. Assessment and Evaluation
10. The K to 12 curriculum hinges on the following ideals except one. Which one?
A. Curriculum is contextualized and global.
B. Curriculum is subject matter-centered.
C. Curriculum is inquiry-based, reflective, and collaborative.
D. Curriculum aligns with the framework of the MTB-MLE.

11. Central to the design approach in UBD is the need to ______ that evoke in-depth
A. focus on alternative methods of assessing
B. use alternative methods of teaching
C. go against traditional testing.
D. design lessons and assessment.

12. What is referred to as Bruner’s structure for teaching that introduces the fundamental
structure of all subjects in the school years, and then revisits the subjects in more and more
complex forms over time?
A. Hidden curriculum
B. Sustaining expectations
C. Assessment
D. Spiral curriculum

13. The Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) of the K + 12 curriculum

is a ____ method since it starts from the known to unknown.
A. inductive
B. deductive
C. inductive first then deductive
D. deductive first then inductive

14. Why are there more illustrations in elementary books than in the upper levels?
A. Elementary pupils are slow in the reading process.
B. High school students are more mature and imaginative.
C. Elementary pupils are less imaginative yet, they need more exposure.
D. There is no need to motivate the elementary pupils all the time.
15. A big story breaks in your local newspaper. You want to use the headlines as an inquiry
device. You might begin by ______________.
A. explaining what you believe to be the underlying causes
B. asking the class to infer connotations and denotations from the headline
C. describing the background of the story as you know it
D. showing the headline and then asking for a volunteer to read the story to the class and
interpret the meaning

16. Which is a planning tool that helps the reader analyze the story so that the questions
during discussion will create a coherent framework for understanding text?
A. Story map
B. Semantic web
C. Graphic organizer
D. Tree outline

17. Which is an effective technique in teaching children in the emergent literacy stage?
A. Imposing the use of correct spelling when writing
B. Giving of isolated word drills and memorization of rules
C. Providing activities that let then enjoy
D. Having a print-rich classroom

18. If you use the Pygmalion effect to explain why children coming from depressed areas
cannot read, to which would you attribute the poor reading performance of this particular
group of children?
A. Poor expectations from depressed areas
B. Lack of motivation
C. Ineffective teaching methods
D. Lack of reading materials

19. Multiple intelligences can be used to explain children’s reading performance. Which
group tends to be good readers?
A. Linguistically intelligent group
B. Existentially intelligent group
C. Spatially intelligent group
D. Kinesthetically intelligent group
20. With which of the following is poor reading performance associated?
I. Use of rote memorization as reading strategy
II. Relatively low self-esteem
III. Deprived home environment

A. I, II and III
B. I and II
C. II and III

21. How can teachers encourage students to become readers?

A. By giving them plenty of reading materials
B. By exposing them to expensive and varied reading materials
C. By giving them reading materials within their level of interest
D. By giving them reading materials to supplement their knowledge in different subject areas

22. The benefit of reading aloud is that children learn___________.

A. New vocabulary in meaningful contexts
B. To value the presence of their friends as they read together
C. To make predictions by examining pictures and listening for clues
D. To use their imaginations to explore new ideas as they listen to stories being read.

23. What is the BEST move that teachers can do to encourage students to become good
A. Give them sufficient reading materials suitable to their interest and level of development.
B. Require them to read all the books about “How to Develop Your Reading Skills”.
C. Give them reading materials to supplement their knowledge of various subjects.
D. Ask them to buy the latest books released by popular authors.
24. John Dewey said, “An ounce of experience is better than a ton of theory.” To which does
this statement point?
A. The need theory
B. The need of experience
C. The primacy of experience
D. The primacy of theory

25. Learning is influenced by social interaction and interpersonal relations. What must a
teacher do?
A. Make students work collaboratively
B. Motivate student to reflect on how they learn.
C. Make students feel good about themselves
D. Give more independent study

26. Schools should look into every child's environmental systems in order to understand
more about the characteristics of each child, each learner. What are the important
responsibilities of teachers and schools?
I. Welcome and nurture families.
II. Value work done on behalf of children at all levels.
III. Replace relationships in the home.

A. I and III
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and II

27. Which VIOLATES this brain-based principle of teaching-learning: “Each child’s brain is
unique and vastly different from one another.”
A. Employing MI teaching approaches.
B. Giving ample opportunity for a pupil to explore even if the class creates “noise”
C. Making a left-handed pupil writes with his right hand as this is better
D. Allowing open dialogue among students
28. Social exposure to various cultures expands a child’s pool of knowledge. Which
statements go/es with this sentence?
I. The less experiences a child has, the more disciplined he/she becomes.
II. The more experiences a child has, the richer his/her world becomes.
III. The more selective parents in the exposure of their child, the more challenged the child

A. I only
B. I and II
C. II only
D. III only

29. Pilar processes information linearly. Her style is a specialty of which part of the brain:
A. Global
B. Both A and B
C. Analytic
D. None of the above

30. Which of the following characterize/s a constructivist approach?

I. Teacher makes meaning
II. Less teacher talk
III. With teachers facilitating, students create knowledge

A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I and III
D. I, II, and III

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