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PPE-309L Process

Engineering Computing
2020 Fall-5th Semester
Instructor: Ms. Komal Naveed
Email id:
Designation: Graduate assistant
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore
Conditional statements
Solution with MATLAB
 Create an M-file
 Save the file with the name of abs_num
 Write the following script
 %%%%prompt the user for a number and print its absolute
 num=input('please enter a number:');
Writing a script  %%%if the user entered the negative number, change it
to return the  if num > 0
 number=num
absolute value  end
of a number  if num < 0
 disp('ok,the number is negative, we will use the absolute
 number = abs(num)
 end
 To run the script abs_num, type abs_num in the
command window and press enter
 You will be asked to enter your number
Writing a script
to return the
absolute value
of a number

 Type ‘-4’. Matlab returns the absolute value ‘4’

 %%%%prompt the user for a number and print its sqrt
 num=input('please enter a number:');
 %%%if the user entered the positive number, find the square root
 if num > 0
Writing a script  number=sqrt(num);
to return the  end

absolute value 
%%%if the user entered the negative number, change it
if num < 0
of a number  number1 = abs(num)
 number = sqrt(number1);
 end
 disp('OK, we''ll use the absolute value')
 fprintf('the sqrt of %.1f is %.1f\n',num,number)
 Write an if statement that would print “No overtime for
Practice you” if the value of a variable hours is less than 40. “A
10% increment will be given to those who have worked
exercise- for 40-50 hours and 30% for those who have worked for
conditional 50 hours. Test the if statement for values of hours both
less than and greater than 40.
age=input(‘Please enter your age:');
if age < 15
disp('you are not eligible for driving license')
The if-else elseif age < 20
statements- disp('you may eligible for driving license after a trial')
example else
disp ('you are eligible for driving license')
 Write an if-else statement that would calculate the
Practice area of a circle only if the value of a variable radius is
exercise-if-else greater than zero. Use fprintf function to return the
value of area.
 In petroleum industries, it is common that the molecular weight of
an oil fraction is unknown and thus must be estimated by using a
correlation. A correlation that is widely used is developed by Riazi
and Daubert, which is also referred to as the API (American
Tutorial #1 Petroleum Institute) method. The correlation can be applied to
hydrocarbons with molecular weight ranging from 70-700, which is
Question#1 nearly equivalent to boiling point range of 300-850 K, and the API
gravity range of 14.4-93. This molecular weight (M) correlation is
given as a function of the average boiling point (Tb) and the
specific gravity at 60°F (SG) of the oil fraction of interest as
Where, Tb is in K and SG is related to the API gravity (API):

Tutorial #1
 Estimate the molecular weight of an oil fraction that has an
average boiling point of 344.7°C and an API gravity of 50.
 Plot a graph M vs.T (400 < Tb< 600 K) with API gravity = 20, 40,
and 60.
Part a)
 TB=344.7+273 %Boiling Temperature in kelvin

M-file  API=50; %%Given API values

 SG=141.5/(API+131.5)
 M=42.965*exp(2.097e-4*(TB)-(7.78712*SG)+(2.08476e-
Part (a) 3*(TB)*SG))*(TB^1.26007)*(SG^4.98308);
 fprintf('\n molecular weight of oil fraction:%.2f\n', M)
 Tb=400:600; %Boiling Temperature range in kelvin
 API=20:20:60 % Given API values
 SG=141.5./(API+131.5) %SG values for given APIo values
 %Molecular Weight Calculations
 M1=42.965*exp(2.097e-4.*(Tb)-7.78712.*SG(1)+2.08476e-
3.*(Tb.*SG(1))).*Tb.^1.26007.*SG(1)^4.98308; %Molecular Weight for SGo(1)in
 M2=42.965*exp(2.097e-4.*(Tb)-7.78712.*SG(2)+2.08476e-
3.*(Tb.*SG(2))).*Tb.^1.26007.*SG(2)^4.98308; %Molecular Weight for SGo(2)in
Part (b)  M3=42.965*exp(2.097e-4.*(Tb)-7.78712.*SG(3)+2.08476e-
3.*(Tb.*SG(3))).*Tb.^1.26007.*SG(3)^4.98308; %Molecular Weight for SGo(3)in
 plot(M1,Tb,'x--',M2,Tb,'o--',M3,Tb,'s:')
 title('Molecular weight VS Boiling Temperatures')
 xlabel('Molecular Weight (g/gmole)')
 ylabel('Boiling Temperatures (Kelvin)')
 legend('API=20','API=40','API=60')
Graph-Part (b)

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